Bonfires blazed in the warm summer night. Sending sparks flying towards dark, star filled sky. Barbaric figures dancing wildly around the fires. The sound of crackling wood mixed to the wild shouts and deep sound of war-drums echoed in the camp. Joining this echoing, horrifying symphony. Sound of axes being grinded, swords being forged, armor being tempered. It had been mere days since the first vanguard of orcs had crossed the Dark Portal and founded this outpost in the marshlands of Black Morass. They had dubbed it "Shieldbash", for it was their first strike against this world and it's inhabitants. Soon this ripe, fertile land would quake under the might of the invading Horde. Their numbers grew every day with more and more clans passing trough the portal.

Their world was dying, and this world, this land would suit their people well. Working themselves into frenzied bloodrage and preparing for the glorious battles ahead. Legends such as Grommash of the Warsong clan, Kilrogg of the Bleeding Hollow's, Kargath of Shattered hand and Blackhand of the Blackrock numbered amongst their ranks. There would be no stopping them. Horde will wash over these lands as a tide of death and destruction, building their new world on top of the bones of any who would dare to oppose them. Little did they know of the manipulation and deceit they had fallen, well no more of that.

The humans, nearest inhabitants of these lands still slept peacefully. Unknowing of the threat that had arrived to their lands. Their armies were strong and well equipped, their cities were fortified and well defended but they had not seen true battle since Gnoll Wars. How will they fare against battle hardened Horde, who after having ravaged their own world had turned their eyes towards their lands and Kingdom. Will the Horde seize their dreams and claim this world as their own? Or will the human Kingdoms be able to unite against the other worldly threat? Only time will tell. The moment of Invasion was at hand!

Did I do good? My first ever RP starter in here! Being a fan of the franchise and having seen the warcraft movie myself recently, I thought why not to try ropleplaying something along the lines! It would help if you are familiar with the franchise, but no worries. I'd be happy to help you with any questions you might have. About the rp itself, set around the arrival of the Horde and beginning of first war, pitting humans against orcs. OC's are encouraged but if you'd fancy yourself playing canon character, feel free! Just notify me first. If you'd be interested to apply, here's character sheet basic.