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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Little Bill Unbannable

Member Seen 3 mos ago

C R ⊕ S S

Obviously, a tremendous WIP. Since we're all the GM, there isn't much to specify here but the setting and the plot, which we're all already familiar with; This is the story set in the Bronx in the early 80's, about a man reclaiming his vigilante identity to stop a crime wave, the young woman he trains to be his sidekick, and the gang leader who aims to be his foil. More info as this gets updated.

Here's what I have in mind to organize this properly while also allowing you guys as much creative input as possible: Use each of your first posts on this thread as placeholders for brackets of OOC info you'd like to be in charge of. For example, I'll be using this post you're reading as the Deadbeat OOC -- So far I plan on covering the general setting, the present gangs and their role, the antagonist, and the prospective roles of the supernatural implied in the narrative because why not. If you've got a knack for NPC's, ideas for themes, even a good playlist of inspo music or something, feel free to crack at it in yours. My advice is to write things at first as if they've already been written, presented as fact, and then we'll figure details out and clarify or change things through PMs or the OOC. From there, the rest of our OOC posts will be comments, questions, and general conversation. Y'know. OOC stuff.

I've gotta clean both of these up I went on some tangents but i'm too tired to edit
@Gowi @ayzrules
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Generally Cross is a character that doesn’t exist in New York City, so that’ll have to be discussed. I’ve put an unrevised and very rough version of his CS that I was initially working on for Create a Hero Season II but since this is a thing it might be more apt to throw a modified version here that I can tweak and play with while we get into the basics of the story and start publicly discussing what we want to do with this.
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