Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

IC and OOC
The City of Karstberg…

One of the largest cities on the continent of Almara, Karstberg has a huge population. It lies in the warm southeast, where spring and summer are pleasant, and fall and winter are mild. Within, there lay many opportunities, drawing in people by the hundreds. Karstberg is renowned for its vast market district, which has sprung up around the Noble Quarter, a massive ring around the center of the city filled with shops of all kinds. Within that ring is the Noble Quarter itself, the section of the city for the wealthy and the noble. Only the very finest of homes lie in this district. It is here that visiting nobility and even royalty stay, as well. In the very center of the city lies Tessilay Tower, where the Lord Mayor Arlai Tessilay resides. The tower stretches to the skies, visible from almost everywhere in the city.

Outward from the market district, to the west, lays the Theater District. Popularly known as the ‘Dream District’, it is here that elaborate plays are preformed. While they aren’t cheap, the fee to see such plays is not out of the grasp of most citizens of Karstberg. The Dream District also holds the massive Carail Theater. Named for the famous playwright Farthing Carail, the biggest and most elaborate of plays are staged here. The Dream District is filled with the often-eccentric actors and playwrights, who make their homes there as well. To the east, opposite of the Dream District, lays the Guild Quarter. The Guild Quarter is, rather self-explanatorily, home to the various Guilds of Karstberg. Rumor has it that the fabled Thieves’ Guild… does not work out of this district at all, but most official guilds of the city inhabit this district. Neighboring the Guild Quarter is the Temple District, a vast district filled with religious temples and worshippers. It even posts the greatest Temple to Reon in Almara.

Northward, the city’s magic academy resides. Almagest’s Academy of Arcane Arts is a vast building, with a huge library and a massive number of teachers and students. It is equipped perfectly for the study and practice of magic. Some people come from other continents to learn magic at the Academy. To the south lies the Karstberg Port. Airships carrying goods across the country, even across oceans, and here the drop goods and passengers, or pick them up. Within the city also lies the Karstberg Museum, exhibiting artifacts from all across the world.

Surrounding all of this lays residential areas, scattered taverns and inns, shops, and a vast spiderweb of alleys and tunnels. Many of the tunnels lead below…

It’s a well-known fact that a vast network of catacombs occupies the space beneath Karstberg. It is very difficult to guard or monitor this place, and it has come to house various, often dangerous, creatures. Dealings of dubious legality often occur in the catacombs beneath Karstberg…

Surrounding Karstberg is a sturdy wall, built to defend the city from any possible attack. However, it is not the only wall. As the city grows, new walls are constructed, causing Karstberg to have rings of walls moving outwards from the center, expanding larger and larger as more are needed to protect it. The oldest has stood for years upon years, and has never shown one sign of faltering. Beyond is the fields and wilderness of the world outside, a place only for the adventurous to brave.

Welcome to Karstberg.

This is Karstberg, a mostly-freeform fantasy RP taking place in a city known as Karstberg! Here's some ground rules.

The GMs for this RP are Rin and myself.
The setting resembles the late 1700s/early 1800s, or comparable to the Enlightenment era, in technology level. There are some exceptions to this rule, including airships and some steampunk-esque technology. If you want to make some addition to this, it will require approval from either Rin or myself.
Standard fantasy fare, as far as races go, applies. However, you may also make original races. They, too, require GM approval.
The RP is mostly freeform, about all different things that happen in the city of Karstberg. There's no grand plot, just the adventures of all the different characters. While this means the tone may very a great deal, I would like to point out that the setting is generally fairly light and I would like to keep it that way.
The Thieves' Guild does not exist. Really. It is entirely fictitious. Stop trying to look for it because it doesn't exist. >.> <.<
Be sure to have fun!

Race Guidelines:
Standard Fantasy Races Apply!
Humans are humans. This is pretty straightforward.
Elves are longer-lived the humans, good with magic, very slender and fae, and fairly standard as far as fantasy elves go.
Dwarves are exactly the same as every dwarves ever.
Orcs, however, are more overly boisterous then anything. They’re a bit crude and violent, and because of this somewhat unpopular with the other races, though.
Most other races will be mostly like common descriptions of them.
However, players will be allowed to make their own OC races. These races can basically be anything that the player comes up with, with some exceptions. They can’t be “all chaotic evil”. This isn’t the kind of RP for a race of evil even if there can be conflicts.

Magic Guidelines:
No reality warping, instant death, mind control, or future sight. None of these are good for RP’s. Otherwise magic is freeform.

Guild/Religion Guidelines
Be sensible. Don't go with anything ridiculous, like a guild that couldn’t exist or a religion that worships the sacrifice of sapient beings in the middle of a huge city.

Profession: (If none, leave blank)
Brief Backstory:

Race Name:
Race Description:

Magic Name:
Magic Description:

Guild Name:
Guild Head:
Guild Description:

Religion Name:
Chief Deity:
Religion Description:
Creature Name:
Creature Appearance:
Creature Description:

Player Characters:
Emi Demmric
Tanya Palayen
Stephen "Spades" Donner
Jace Dragov
Alena Carthenwald
Ezel Pard
Lakan Ting
Aoika Mizuko
Ysabelle Hajna
Thane Cress
Captain Morgan
Sven Mirdryke
Karin Wallatz
Little Zee
Dalvorin Silvershield

Important NPC's:
Arlai Tessilay
The Not-Head of the Not-Thieves' Guild
Franziska von Ramstein
Grand Magus Morganite Angelwÿche


Summoning Magic
Innate Illusory Abilities
Spatial Distortion Magic
Golem Enchantment

The Alchemist's Guild
The Coven of Thornes
The Artisan's Guild
The Grey Council

The Church of Reon
Akitsushima Traditional Beliefs
The Church of Mayon
Temple of Avian

Kaiser Lizards

Race Name: Nem
Race Description: Nem are largely human in appearance. However, there are some important differences. All Nem have black hair, and their eyes are usually red or yellow. In addition, Nem never reach heights beyond 4'0, 3'5 to 3'7 being the average for an adult. They are usually slender, and all Nem are also very, very pale. Nem are best-suited for activity at night, having excellent night vision, but nothing keeps them from activity during they day aside from personal preference. Nem are rather physically fragile in comparison to other races. However, they are quite fast. Nem have a notoriously low alcohol tolerance, due to their small size.

Magic Name: Summoning Magic
Magic Description: Summoning Magic is not one of the easiest thaumaturgical practices. This is largely due to its nature, the piercing of the veil between realities to draw an entity from another dimension. Sibling to the plane of existence that Almara and the rest of the world lies in, this Realm of Summons is not entirely known to even those who specialize in summoning magic, as travel to it is nearly impossible. A being is drawn from this world and bound to the summoner until dismissed, though permanent bindings are possible with more advanced spells.

Guild Name: The Alchemist's Guild
Guild Head: Franziska von Ramstein
Guild Description: A guild formed by those who are ever so eager to pursue knowledge, the Alchemist's Guild experiments with a variety of unusual elements found throughout the world. Their goals are creation, transmutation, alteration, the ability to mold the elements that make up the world without the usage of magic. The Alchemist's Guild is housed in a large, dark building, with many pipes leading out of it to vent off smoke from experiments. In fact, it is often renovated due to damage from less stable experimentation.

Religion Name: The Church of Reon, also known as the Church of Lilies.
Chief Deity: The Sun Goddess Reon, depicted as a small girl with pale blonde hair, fair skin, and green eyes. Her symbol is the Fleur de Lis, as her favored flower is the Lily. Mayon, a Moon Goddess closely connected to Reon, also shares some devotion. Mayon has short, black hair, fair skin, and dark red eyes. She is also taller then Reon. However, the focus is on Reon.
Religion Description: Devotion to Reon is devotion to the Sun itself. A religion practiced mostly by women, the worship of Reon is practiced by prayers to the sun and an offering of a single fresh-cut lily every day. Temples to Reon are filled with depictions of the Sun Goddess(sometimes together with Mayon), and solstones(a glowing rock) cut into the shape of the sun mounted in the walls or hanging from the ceiling. They are also filled with lilies.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I don't think I need to say I'm interested, right? >.> <.<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I think that's a given, eh-heh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Interested, naturally.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Name: Emi Demmric
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Nem
Appearance: Black hair, red eyes, very pale skin, dark clothing. She is 3'1.
Profession: Emi is unashamedly a con artist.
Personality: Emi is cheerful, playful, and an utterly brilliant liar. She's also quite friendly, and rather unassuming in appearance. This lends her perfectly to being a con artist. She finds conning people unbelievably fun, though she limits herself to people who can afford it. Emi is a bit greedy when it comes to getting money, or items she can sell, but at the same time she's often extremely loose with the money she gets. She's also very willing to share it with people she knows(provided they know of her conning).
Equipment/Weapons: Emi carries a small knife with her at all times. In addition to this, she usually has a series of fake rings and the like.
Abilities: Brilliant lying, pickpocketing, and generally good stealth and infiltration skills.
Brief Backstory: Emi has no memory of her family, having been abandoned when she was very young. As she grew up, she began to train herself to be a thief and a con artist, and has perfected her skills more and more as she's grown older. At fourteen, she is excellent at deception and fully capable of convincing someone that a wholly fake ring is very real.

Name: Tanya Palayen
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Tanya! She is very light-skinned, with purple hair and eyes. Her clothing is red and white, and obviously she's out of her armor here. She is 4'9
Profession: Paladin of Reon
Personality: Tanya is a sarcastic and short-tempered individual. She has nothing but scathing comments for people she dislikes, or people she sees as stupid. Tanya is quick to be irritated and quick to respond to her irritation, sometimes violently. At least when it's violently it's not bad enough to result in any serious injury. She has a sarcastic response to many, many things. Tanya also dislikes that she is rather small, at least to some extent, and has feelings of jealousy towards those who are not so small. In spite of her temper and sarcastic attitude, Tanya firmly believes in protecting those who need it and upholding the law. She seeks to punish all those who do evil to the fullest extent(at least if they are deserving of such treatment). She also has a deep dislike for undead, given that much of her duty is to eliminate dangerous undead. However, she will not harm them unless they give her reason to(or if they're mindless monsters).
Equipment/Weapons: Tanya has a suit of heavy armor, blessed to be much lighter on her then it would appear so that she can move while wearing it in spite of her small frame. She carries two weapons, the Holy Broadsword Helios and the Divine Sledgehammer Goldion. Helios is enchanted to produce bright flames when unsheathed. which is most effective at tearing apart the undead(though fire is pretty effective against a lot of things). It also has a system built into the hilt that allows the blade to vibrate when a button is pressed, allowing it to cut better. Goldion is a heavy warhammer that glows with a divine light, though it lacks any other particular abilities.
Abilities: Tanya is a highly skilled fighter with two-handed weapons. As both of her weapons are two-handed, she may only use one at a time.
Brief Backstory: Tanya is a Paladin of the goddess Reon, sworn to combat evil in her name. Aside from that, she was educated at the "Reon Girls Academy", a religious school for girls created by the Church of Reon. She also underwent combat training under other paladins serving Reon.

Also one more bio coming but yeah, eh-heh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Very interested. Sounds wonderful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

For clarification, um, you can signup here. You don't need to wait for the OOC. ^^;

Um, just in case anyone reads and wonders.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The RC Master

The RC Master

Member Offline since relaunch

This is interesting! :3

I'll post my character tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GravityFlux


Member Offline since relaunch

I believe I'm interested.
I'll get out the magic-types encyclopedia
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I'm glad to see so much interest already, eh-heh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I'll try and post my CS tomorrow.
Thinking of playing either a merchant-poet-actor of the Dream District, cavalier, bard, or mage-something, idk. Will have to think about it.
Love the freedom of the setting and the kind of care-free attitude, I think it'll be great fun ^u^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yeah, as long as it fits the tone and isn't overpowered and doesn't contradict any prior information, it fits just fine, eh-heh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Religion Name: Akitsushima Traditional Beliefs

Chief Deity: Tsubasa

Religion Description: For the most part, this religion has never taken hold outside of Akitsushima--why would it have? It does, after all, revere the Imperial family as guardian deities, and intermediaries with the other gods--those of the harvest, the weather, and so on. Though the family as a whole make for divine mediums, it's the Empress herself who is considered to be the islands' guardian--and, thus, the one that would be most recognisable as a god in the outside world.

Magic Name: Innate Illusory Abilities

Magic Description: The province only of extremely long-lived foxes, this is the ability to craft illusions with no thaumaturgical knowledge or skill. Their comprehensiveness is only tied to their physical development--at the upper end, walking into an already established illusion is indistinguishable from reality (though it should be noted that it's a lot easier to see through or throw off an illusion you're there to witness being put into place).
As a natural skill rather than thaumaturgical school, it has a few facets that reach outside mere illusion. Changing back into their original shape is an illusion imposed upon themself, for one. Secondly, foxfire: whether it burns or not is based on willpower and realisation that the fire isn't truly there.
Other illusions can occasionally gain psychosomatic properties--but they all tend to deal with the ephemeral. Illusory lightning can hurt you; a fake sword is always harmless.

Name: Tsubasa

Age: Upwards of 2300 years.

Gender: Female

Race: Fox/Deity

Profession: Reigning Empress, Guardian Deity.

Personality: Tsubasa likes helping people: if someone's in trouble, it's all she can do to not help in any way that she can. This has put her in rather problematic situations in the past--the sort where you're causing a lot of risk to yourself, and no amount of luck is going to get you out of it. Due to being insulated from the direct troubles of the world for the past thousand years and not having been terribly social for much of her life before, she's also rather naive. Not helping is the fact that she is used to being treated like a goddess.

Equipment/Weapons: Fans. They don't do much, but they are bladed, so they make a good backup weapon.

Abilities: In addition to the innate abilities granted by her race, Tsubasa has those gained through her odd divinity. They are, however, almost completely useless outside of her homeland. She's a guardian deity--but she can only guard her worshippers and their homes, and even then not (directly) against each other. So, she can't actually protect a random guy from being mugged, even if she can cause a storm large enough to sink an entire fleet back home. It also provides her an unconscious protection in the form of downright uncanny luck: if someone, for instance, tried to shoot her, she'd duck the instant they fired to pick something up.
Oh, and she can hold a conversation with gods.

Brief Backstory: A long time ago, a fox was born--no different than any other vulpine female. This fox, however, defied the fate of so many of its fellows and survived. And kept surviving. In fact, it survived so long that an entire century had passed--and in the process, confirmed the truth of a later myth: a fox that lives more than a hundred years gains another tail and the ability to assume a more human form, making them indistinguishable from the more common beastkin.
This fox survived throughout the centuries, growing tail after tail, until, through a process of events she still doesn't understand, Tsubasa ended up more or less in charge of Akitsushima--some time after growing the last. At first, she was just a normal ruler, but, due to her abilities and interest in the divine, slowly a religion began to build itself around her--until, freaking her out considerably, it stuck.
Unable to dump her post entirely, Tsubasa has basically allowed feudal lords to do the ruling in her stead, only stepping in when things get entirely too violent. Her stabilising presence has caused Akitsushima's political landscape to remain more or less indistinguishable from where it was eight hundred years ago, no matter how the outside world changes.
Having not ever left her home country--or the one city for centuries--and with trade via airship becoming more common, the Empress stowed away on board one to get a good look around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

This sounds awesome! I am very interested and I will start working on a character if you dont mind XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I don't mind, eh-heh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Ibiza (nom de plume)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Ibiza has rich umber locks which extend nearly to his shoulders. Similarly chestnut eyes crown a somewhat angular face, with a prominent nose, pert lips, and tight jaw, all illuminated by a complexion of warm olive. Though somewhat crude, it has proven in the past to be an object of enchantment. He is slender, but not lanky, for he does not exceed six feet, and his shoulders are broad. He goes about in general clean shaven, though has been known to sport a pair of mustaches, well waxed, when it catches his fancy. Overall, he has been known to be called handsome, though not overly so, for upon opening his mouth an unfortunate gap in the teeth, not explicit yet still noticeable, manifests itself. One indulgence he will allow himself upon the occasion that he has coin in his purse is the procurement of very fine clothes, particularly in bold blues or elegant whites.

Profession: Ibiza is somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades, though he prides himself as being a writer, particularly of poetry and theater, and an actor. He resides in the Dream District, where he is in the employ of the Carail Company of Players. Though his acting is good, it is rare that he receives leading roles, for he is mostly passed over for the veterans (though he did play the role of Umberto's brother, Scipio, in Carail's lesser known tragedy Umberto's Last Sigh; and, a widely lauded performance as The Squire in Berevaigne's The Damsel of the Hyacinth). Rather, he spends his time at his writing desk, working on a number of inchoate "future opuses". In truth, though he's begun a great many pieces, he's never finished a single one, giving him the reputation of being somewhat of a failure in the writing circles.

Personality: Ibiza is bright, easygoing, warm, and rather talkative, though some have disdained of him for being prone to pretension. He is popular with the ladies for his wit and coquetry, but one could not say he is a womanizer, for his endeavors suffer untimely endings. "Besides," he would say, perhaps somewhat downcast, "my work is more important than any youthful dalliance."

Equipment/Weapons: Very little. Ibiza's forte has never been the martial arts, though his father, who had once been an infantryman, did show him some tricks with the blade when he still lived. Otherwise, Ibiza knows little of weaponry. He keeps a set of fine pistols which he has never fired locked away in his flat in the case of an emergency.

Abilities: Beyond what was mentioned above, very little. Perhaps some basic magical abilities.

Brief Backstory: Not much is known of Ibiza's history, beyond what he's related. He was born to a salt merchant who had been a soldier in his youth and the daughter of a provincial governor. They lived well, though not sumptuously. In his youth, he often traveled with his father on his many business ventures, passing many times through Karstberg. One of his father's many indulgences was in the theater, especially comic plays and bawdies, and thus often brought his young son along with him. Ibiza would later express his never-ending gratitude to his father for introducing him to the dramatic arts, which would become his life's chiefest passion. Later, his younger brother Guillermo would take the mantle of the family business, for Ibiza had little interest in pursuing it. What were ledgers and tables and figures and coin to him? His eyes were set upon a higher ideal. On his eighteenth birthday, his father passed on, which, as Ibiza would later wryly recollect, "Doured the whole occasion." After a suitable period of mourning, Ibiza, electing to set down his desired path, informed his mother that he would be leaving home to make his fortune. Following a tear-filled farewell and many promises of correspondence, Ibiza roamed much of Almara, intermittently employing himself in troupes of players, as a mage's scribe, or as a writer of love-letters (a period in his life which induces nausea in recollection). Eventually, however, in a lightning flash of insight, he remembered the pomp of the Carail Theater in Karstberg, and immediately set off for that city. He has remained there ever since, trying his best to make a living, and intoxicated with the bustle and the spirit of the city which he now calls home.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Here is my CS, let me know if something needs changing.
Name: Jace Dragov

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Dragon (looks like a normal human)


Profession: Mercenary – Sword for hire. A good fighter with not much else going for him.

Personality: Jace is as boisterous as his fighting style entails. He loves having fun and will run around and play at any chance he has. Despite his playfulness, he has a strong sense of business and believes that he will not do anything for someone unless he gets something out of it. As a result of being kicked out of his village when he was young, his sense of right and wrong lacks a little bit, leading him to occasionally doing things others consider to be wrong or bad but he usually never means bad by it. He is often mislead by his gullible-ness and utter inability to lie. Loves human company in every aspect that isn't work. He prefers to work alone.

Equipment/Weapons: He is skilled at using a sword and always keeps one with him, but he prefers to use his gauntlets, heavy metal gloves with small holes that let him use his powers.

Abilities: Decent ability with one handed weapons, but specializes in fighting with his hands. Fast runner, can climb well. His magic ability allows him to create fire from his hands and feet, which he uses to aid his hand to hand combat. His gauntlets are made with several small holes covering them, allowing the fire to come out as he attacks.

Brief Back-story: Jace remembers nothing before the time he was 5, including his real parents. All he remembers is stories he had heard of dragons becoming humans and walking among us. He is blissfully unaware that he is the product of one of these dragons becoming interested in a human women. As such, he has always had an affinity with fire, being able to use simple fire magic from when he was young. Not being interested in fine tuning his magic arts, he decided he would adapt a fighting style to suit them. It took him several years, but he perfected his own style he decided to call Fire-arts. After being banished from his village for accidentally burning down the local church at the age of 10, Jace started his journey around the world, hoping to get as far as he could. He soon realized that without money, he couldn't accomplish much. After begging for a while, he had the idea that he could try to use his magic to earn money. So after a long road of choices, Jace eventually would up becoming a mercenary and has been traveling the country on foot, completing any and every job someone is willing to pay him for. While journeying in the country side, he heard mention of a city called Karstberg and decided he would check it out.
Magic name: Fire-arts

Magic description: A combination of fire magic and martial arts. The user will coat parts of their body in fire as they hit an opponent, then releasing the energy to maximize the damage the hits can cause. The releases of energy are used in an attempt to knock the opponent off balance allowing big hits to be dealt. Holed armour is worn on the limbs as to allow fire to come out of them, while still having some impact behind the hits.
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