--Christopher Wren

With conflicting ideologies and cultures, there's bound to be violence between civilizations in this roleplay. That's okay. What's not okay is the pursuance of showing how your nation is the best by subjugating all others (bonus points to your asshole meter if you specifically target smaller civilizations because it's 'easier'). This roleplay is about civilizations interacting in more than just a war-like fashion, and I expect to see this reflected in IC posts. With that said, just about anything goes here. Whatever it is your nation does, it does. While there will be specific events that occur, nations are not required to act in any certain way. Note thought that those civilizations that are more active will receive higher chances of positive random events occurring for them.
Random events will be enacted at the end of every week (Fridays) for every nation, and can vary vastly. Sometimes they will be on a small scale, others on a titanic scale. Though you control your nation, some of these events may necessitate that I control certain aspects of it. If you have an issue with a random event, PM me with decency, please. Other non-random events will appear that allow for all nations present to participate in, and will technically be more important towards the plot of the roleplay. Sticking with them to the end will reveal prizes.
All civilizations and their worlds will be mapped out using Universe Sandbox, a real-time 3D space simulator, with accurate distances and time functions built in. Bonus points to players who detail their worlds and the solar systems they reside in. It'll help me a lot.

Below is a basic skeleton for you to fill out with your nation's information, as well as the race(s) in it. You are free to add on anything else you wish, so long as you include at least what is asked for below.
Race(s) should include appearance and basic physiology. Racial traits should be a single positive and negative trait. Use common sense and careful consideration.
Civilization Tier is understood according to the following list:
Tier 1 Civilizations are not allowed unless given permission.
Nation Name:
Racial Traits:
Civilization Tier:

Looking for interest here before putting up an OOC, which -given how this is pretty much completed- will be swiftly applied. Feel free to begin making a nation if you wish.