[hider=Hideception][hider=No really][hider=look at this awesome shit][hider=I want a Tardis][hider=and a sonic screwdriver][hider=plus a lightsaber][hider=lightsabers are cool...][hider=with bow ties][hider=anyone who has no bow tie needs one][hider=or they are no man][hider=EXTERMINATE ALL NON BOW TIE WEARERS!!!][hider=I am losing track of how many hiders I am using][hider=are you really still clicking these?][hider=really?][hider=STAWP!!!][hider=OW!!!][hider=That clicking hurts!][hider=no blue meth for you then...][hider=or monkey bombs...][hider=I like monkey bombs][hider=Did you know I used to be a woman?][hider=Not really, it would be interesting though][hider=You think?][hider=I think so][hider=I want my own swimming pool][hider=I wonder if these hiders will break the site...][hider=maybe][hider=if so, sorry Mahz][hider=I think you made it far enough here now...][hider=still clicking?][hider=really?][hider=You just will not stop will you?][hider=Fine... I will entertain you...][hider=Puppies have rained from the sky! Get yours today!][hider=Put only if you call... 0118 999 881 999 119 725... 3][hider=So call now!][hider=Did you call?][hider=yes?][hider=Good, have a fez]