Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Arralina

Nickname, if applicable: Lina

Age: 83


Background: Lina, being one of the older witches in the Shade’s covenant acts namely as a leader amongst the group, her only fault being her curiously unapologetic nature. She grew up in the fold of the shade, one of the few offspring to be brought up directly by her father and given the ability to learn a few of his dark secrets.

Magical Element: Fire

Magical Abilities:
Lower-level: Conjuring the Flame - Lina is capable of calling fire forth from her palm with every little effort, the ball she's capable of creating can light the path before her as a large flashlight might be used to do and even hover above her for a short period of time. She is able to throw these balls of fire at an enemy and catch his clothing ablaze. Its about the size of a large grapefruit.

Medium: Ring of Fire - Lina can use more of her strength to create a ring of fire from her mouth, eyes and fingertips, the blaze surrounding those she chooses in a ring of fire that lasts for a sustained period of time. This is often used to trap her victims and put those she wishes in fear and peril.

High: Melted Hearts - Lina's touch is warm and welcoming, the fire from her heritage rocking through her veins, but be careful. Her fingers can move from warm to fiery hot as she slides them into your aorta and lets your heart beat for her. If kept there long enough she can whisper a spell that will warm you from within. Too bad it will leave you breathless and dead as well.

Weakness: PM’d this one.

Additional Info: Lina is not able to be completely submerged in water or she will lose her abilities for a few minutes which is seemingly enough to remove her as a threat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Acride

Nickname, if applicable: Old Man Death (Very few people get away with calling him this however)

Age: 88


Background: In his youth Acride had little care for life, and he had no heed for the consequences of over abusing his magical abilities. He would kill anyone that irritated him even in the slightest manner, which lead to numerous bodies piling up under his name. While the easily perceived consequence of his actions, the numerous Hunters that came for his head, were picked up quite quickly by Acride the other consequence hid itself until he was in his 40’s. Over the years as he continued to indulge in casting his magic at every available moment, his life force was steadily being eaten away. It wasn’t until he was 47 that the effects were noticeable. His hair began going gray, wrinkles creased his face, and his bones felt his strides a little more heavily. Despite this he still did not change his ways until he was in his early 60’s, and the effects could no longer be ignored. He started using his magic less and less, until for a time he stopped using them all together. He became a hermit, hiding away from the world to prevent himself from aging even further.

Eight years ago he reemerged, whispers in the darkest corners of his mind telling him that his services would be needed once again.

Magical Element: Death

Magical Ability:
Low Level- Fog of Wicked Breathe: A poisonous fog saturates the air within a 10 foot radius using Acride as it's focal point. It is a very slow acting poison and one must be breathing it in for several minutes before they are unconscious, and a few more before they are dead. In addition to this a stronger than light breeze will blow the poison away, effectively diffusing it.

Mid Level- Touch of Rotting Flesh: By making physical contact with an uncovered or very lightly covered piece of flesh Acride is able to make it begin to rot from the inside. If the section touched is removed, which may be an entire limp depending on how far it spread before they took action, it will be prevented from entering the rest of the body. Once it has reached the torso it is very difficult to stop.

High Level- The Cloth of the Reaper: The strongest magic ability Acride possess, it is the most dangerous to not only his enemies but himself as well. A dark robe appears floating behind him for several seconds, before it begins siphoning Death magic from Acride, creating a shadow body within the robe. After siphoning even more a scythe appears within it's grasp. The reaper will cut into enemies without hesitation, it's large scythe capable of cleaving an unarmored man in two. It has the ability to use Touch of Rotten Flesh, although much faster than Acride's. Besides the amount of time it takes for the Reaper to manifest, it completely drains Acride of his magic leaving him unable to use any of his other abilities. In addition to this it drains his life force the longer it is in existence, shortening his life with every casting. If left in existence for a long enough period, Acride will fall ill although what form this illness takes differs.

Weakness: PMed

Additional Info: While he is aged further than most Witches/Warlocks he is still capable of travel, he tires a more easily but he will not allow that to prevent the group from continuing on. He is immune to his Fog of Wicked Breathe, after years of subjecting himself to it to gain this immunity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ThePhantomM


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Magic Users CS
Name: Khelek Istar

Nickname, if applicable: Blizzard

Age: 47


Khelek Istar was born in a village on the frozen peak of the Great Mountain, where some of the first Witches and Warlocks reside. He never new his mother because of the village's tradition of forcing the children to fend for themselves at an extremely young age. Kkelek was fortunate enough to develop an affinity to the very element that killed many of the other children: ice. Before he had come of age, Khelek had used his powers to construct a home made entirely of ice. Instead of rejoining the village, he decided to remain in his icy abode. Though far from being a hermit, Khelek mostly kept to himself, causing him to be introverted and a bit of a lone wolf. Khelek fights almost entirely with weapons and projectiles made of ice.Though these weapons tend to brake after a few hits, they can be replaced with little effort.

Now that Khelek has sharpened his powers at the mountain, he wishes to use his abilities against any foolish hunters who would dare stand against the Shade's rule of this weak human world. Despite his loner nature, Khelek is willing to join with others to accomplish this task, as long as they don't slow him down.

Magical Element: Water/Ice

Magical Ability:
Cryokinesis: The ability to conjure and shape ice with his mind. Ice created with this ability is more durable than normal ice, but still not as strong as metal or stone. This ability can be used to create anything from a dagger to a house, taking more effort for larger objects. Creating a moderately sized structure would cause him to fall unconscious.
Cryophilia: Is completely immune to even the coldest temperatures. In fact, the colder the temperature, the easier it is for him to cast magic.
Cryoform: Temporarily transforms into ice or snow, allowing him to be blown by the wind or to be completely invisible in a snow drift or ice pillar. While transformed, he can not move of his own volition. If part of him is separated, it will be drawn to whatever location has the most of him upon returning to human form.

Weakness: PMed.

Additional Info: Khelek wears a set of ice plate-armor that he crafted himself. This armor is used both for protection and keeping his temperature cool.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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Nickname, if applicable:



Unlike most children of the Shade, Sable was raised solely by her mother. The two lived alone and often moved around in an effort to thwart eager hunters that sought the sort of attention that came with slaughtering a witch. As a young child however, Sable exhibited behavior that associated itself with neither fear nor caution. On the contrary, it had always seemed as though the young witch had enjoyed being hunted to some degree. At many of the closer calls during the course of their fugitive lifestyle, Sable's mother had always taken note of the small gleam in her child's eye every time it seemed as if pursuers were closing in. Of course, these notions were easily swept away for years as Sable grew into her own.

After becoming physically mature however, it could not be denied any longer.

Sable split from her mother upon reaching the age of sixteen with the intention of finding her father. By this point, she knew she was a child of the Shade and she felt that she was entitled to a meeting with her other blood half. She also knew of her magical ability which made her even more determined to find the thing she had been calling father. In truth, Sable was displeased with her supernatural affinity. It wasn't something to cackle about while watching poor victims keel over as much as it was a burden that had the potential of killing the witch herself. Years seemed to fly by as Sable slowly, and fruitlessly, searched for the Shade and even as the understanding of her abilities grew, so too did the fear that her demise would come about by her own hand.

Presently, Sable is still doing everything she can to find the Shade.

Magical Element:

Magical Ability:

Kiss of Death -[Low Level]- While Sable can actually kiss a person normally, the Kiss of Death is a magically infused lip-lock that infects the victim with an illness of some sort. The illness can differ depending on the person and their current health level, but the disease takes effect immediately. This is not a fatal magic though and the victim is always guaranteed to recover. The illness will last the length of any normal sickness and may even be recovered from quicker if the person has a strong immune system.

Burial of the Mind -[Mid Level]- The victim of this suffers a gruesome, slow, and agonizing death in what they would imagine to be the absolute worst way possible. Of course, this is also an illusion. Sable can initiate this illusion with a concentrated stare into her victim's eyes for a few seconds. While the victim suffers no real injury, the illusion is extensive enough that they are able to feel the actual pain and anguish and this usually causes the afflicted to act in an obscene manner in the eyes of those who are unaffected. The psychological damage suffered from this illusion can be extensive as it is designed to shatter mental sanity and "bury" the mind in its own grave.

The Witch's Bane -High Level- With a pulsing wave that originates from her own body, Sable is able to temporarily "kill" supernatural abilities. This causes those with powers to be rendered powerless for a short period of time. It even affects Sable herself while simultaneously shortening her lifespan with each use. Because of this, Sable has only done this once and it was only because she wasn't aware of the fact that she could even perform such a feat. Due to that one use however, Sable's lifespan was shortened and, as her mother confirmed, she will not be able to live past the age of 90. Of course, this ability does not affect normal humans so it leaves one to wonder if hunters would endorse the use of such an ability.

PMing Now
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Bael'Ka-Na'Har'Onna (Guardian Dragon- Ancient Wisdom)
Nickname: in human form, goes by the Name Joshua
Age: Centuries
Human Appearance:

Animal Appearance:

Home Country:
The Artic lands to the far north of Capernaum.
Bael'Ka-Na'Har'Onna was just a hatchling when the first nomadic tribes of humans came to Capernaum and once they began to settle the land, he watched as they began to spread like wildfire. Having watched the evolution of human civilization and coming to the conclusion that it seemed an inherent trait of humans to kill what they fear, it was finally decided the time had come for dragonkind decided it was best to migrate to the Articlands far to the north. It was after the great migration that he dicovered the vast caverans of ancient tomes, parchments and texts filled with the knowledge of the old races and that he came from a long line Dragons given guardianship of the icy library which is protected by magic and runes long since forgotten.

Magical Element:
Knowledge gained from a vast hidden library of ancient and forgotten scrolls.
also fond of drinking a secret mixture of herbal teas and gem dust kept in a pouch while in human form.

Magical Ability:
1.) Psionic Abilities
-The ability to manipulate the four elements with only the use of his mind.
-The ability to heal mentally and/or physically with only the use of the mind.

2.) Shapeshifting
-Being an Ancient Dragon he can shift to human form at will.

3.) Fire
- Is a dragon afterall........

Weakness: Weakness?, BAH !!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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Name: Vitralese

Nickname, if applicable: Vita (only to those close to her)



Background: Vita is her father’s favorite child, raised mostly by her mother under the Shade’s careful supervision until her mother’s death when Vita was 15. She is also the full sister of Lina and so feels close to the mean spirited woman. Vita is strong but mostly quiet, her glare itself holding enough to silence most, and tends to keep more to herself.

Magical Element: Spirit

Magical Ability:
Haunting Gaze: Vita has a powerful soul, drenched in evil of her father, and while she is quiet her gaze is hard to with stand. Average humans often scream and flee in terror while others of magic blood find her gaze uncomfortable and distracting.

Astral Projection: She can separate her spirit from her body, traveling astounding distances and moving silently to spy on or even interact with others. She can touch most non-magical items, paper, lamps etc and can be felt by humans but cannot speak to them directly. Only her father and siblings can understand what she tries to convey while in this form.

Raise the Dead: Vita has a powerful link to those spirits that still roam the world and can call on them to attack her enemies or defend her position. The onslaught is intense and powerful but completely drains her body of energy and can be used rarely because of this.

Weakness: PMed

Additional Info: Vita is able to communicate with her father relatively easily because of her spiritual link and powers and may pass of orders or advise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by littlefoot


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Name: Sylvia Hawthorne

Nickname, if applicable: N/A

Age: 31


Sylvia was raised from birth (as far as she knows) by an elderly woman in the middle of nowhere. The woman, who she called her mother, was a master of healing and potions, although she always assured people that she had no magical abilities. She was generally shunned due to rumours that she was a witch, but no one ever dared to try to prove it. Despite this, she recieved many visitors in the dead of the night who were looking desperately for a potion to cure their dying wives or an ointment to heal their rotting wounds. She was the only healer in the area; the fact that she was hated by everyone didn't stop them from calling her to birth their children or buying her potions. Sylvia, for as long as she could remember, had always helped her mother with potions and patients; gathering herbs, stirring pots, sometimes even assisting in operations and births. As she grew, she became more interested in the mysterious side of the potions; the process of making them, rather than just what went into them. She was convinced that her mother was a witch, no matter how she denied it. Through this curiosity, she began to discover her powers, teaching herself how to use them along the way. When she was seventeen, Sylvia's caretaker became very ill. Sylvia sat at her bedside for almost a month, and as she mixed potions and fed her warm broth, the woman would tell her stories. She told of her origins; of an evil spirit called the Shade, and her escape from him when she found that she was with child. She hadn't wanted her daughter to be raised under the cruelty of the Shade. So she had taken Sylvia far away, retired her magical abilities, and used her knowledge of healing and potions to make a living.
Eventually, despite Sylvia's efforts, her mother passed away. For a few days she was crippled with sadness; she barely moved, refusing to feed herself. When her tears had finally run dry, she built a pyre, covered her mother's body in herbs and flowers, and burned her in the dead of the night. As she watched the smoke drift away into the darkness, her body shaking with emotion, she felt the darkness fill her and she offered no resistance. It was comforting.
This is how she became a child of the Shade; a sorceress, against her mother's wishes. No one can hide from the Shade for long.

Magical Element: Love (I sort of expanded this to fit more emotions- let me know if that's not alright)

Magical Abilities:
Aphrodisiac: Pretty self-explanatory. She e allows her, to some extent, to bend people to her will; they want to make her happy, and she can convince weak-willed people to do almost anything she asks.

Emotional control: Allows her to make someone feel relaxed/happy, sad, angry, confused, disgusted, etc. if they look into her eyes.

Minion: A simple kiss grants her total control over the recipient; they are under a sort of trance, and she can bend them to her will without even speaking. However, so far she can hold this spell for less that half an hour, and it takes a lot out of her. She becomes fatigued, sometimes to the point where she completely blacks out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JurassicHole
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JurassicHole Definitely NOT the Mama.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Roark

Nickname: N/A

Age: 76

Appearance: Him (without the beard)

Background: Out of all his brothers and sisters, though he doesn't think of them as such, you wouldn't be wrong to think Roark was the odd one out. For as much as his siblings reveled in causing chaos and destruction wherever they went, Roark would rather be left alone and kept to his own devices. Not truly evil nor good, just like the element he is associated with, he is physically stronger than his siblings, honing it in the solitude of the mountains and forests of the realm. He is best described as “chaotic neutral” in that he doesn't seek out doing evil, but if provoked even in the slightest way, he will not hold back his power in the slightest.

This is the root of his main problem and the reason why he isolates himself so much. Due to the fact he is an offspring of the Shade, he is at his core evil and that evil essence is constantly nagging at him to lay waste to all those before him and assert his dominance. By honing his physical prowess to an incredible degree, he has staved it off for quite some time, but the moment he uses any magic the dark energy coursing through his veins begins to fill him with anger. If this anger isn't kept in check or stopped, he won't be able to control what he does, be it demolish an entire town or possibly try and kill one of his siblings. This wanton rage, though it may make him nearly unstoppable to most threats, is a catch 22 in that he goes through his magical reserves extremely quick. He has only ever released his 3rd ability once, destroying a small hamlet and slaying all those who tried to escape, the exertion and amount of magic used aged him by a good margin.

Now, the call has been put out for him to assist his siblings in a mission for their father and Roark makes his way there even though he would rather remain isolated. He knows he cannot defy the Shade and because of this he envies the mortals, even with how fragile their existence is.

“You mortals don't know how lucky you are to have a choice in your life. Even those that hunt my kind down, you have the choice to go back or go forward...I have no choice but to serve.”

Magical Element: Earth

Magical Ability:
1. Rock Hard - He becomes as hard as a rock (dem inuen-tho's), deflecting most forms of attack, but roots him wherever he activates it. Flip side of this ability is when his 3rd ability is burned, he is rooted in place, but this shell can easily be broken.

2. Heavy Handed – Boosts Roarks strength, making his armor and axe almost feel like nothing. The longer this ability is in effect, the angrier Roark gets, as well as decreases the duration of CotC and his magical reserves.

3. Coming of the Colossus – In form
The area around him begins to tremble, causing fissures to splinter around him. Once the shaking reaches it's peak, the earth erupts around him, and just as the dust and earth settles a new rumbling begins, as he becomes a 10ft tall stone golem. This form increases his anger by 10x, for no longer is he cool and collected, becoming a threat not only to those that stand before him, but to those who align themselves alongside him. The form only lasts a short time, completely draining
him of his magical and physical power. As the stone form crumbles around him, he is encased in rock wherever he collapsed, but this can be easily smashed open. He is not unconscious, but has absolutely no energy both magically and physically left at his disposal.

Weakness: His anger, which if kept unchecked will cause him to burn to much magic in his 2 or 3, leaving him defenseless.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Zara

Nickname, if applicable: Zee

Age: 50


Background: Zara was born in a small, quaint village that has long since fallen off the map. It's inhabitants were no strangers to magic as of them most were witches and warlocks themselves. She had always known she was of the Shade since her mother was a magic user before she passed away. Luckily, her mother had opened her eyes to her affinity of air, and taught her how to harness her power so that she would be able to survive almost any situation. Before her village was burned down by Hunters, she had taken a liking to botany, and was apprentice to an old witch with a potions shop. She never got far into that career, but was taught how to make basic potions and spot various herbs and their uses.

Since her village had burned down, she became somewhat of a drifter. She didn't really socialize much, and made no friends she could call by their first name. She is skeptical of non-magic users, and tries to avoid them at all cost, though that hasn't worked out so well.

Magical Element: Air

Magical Ability:
Level 2
Gale: A small to medium scale, burst of concentrated wind that can send anybody under 300 pounds toppling over. It usually only affects whoever her target is unless more people are in the same path. Zara will sometimes use this attack to launch herself into the air, or to glide places as she can control the strength of her wind.

Level 1
White thorn: Sharp, piercing air shoots out from her palms and drills into the skin of whoever her target is. It doesn't cause real physical damage, but it feels like you're being stabbed by daggers.

Level 3
Wind Chime: A skill used by channeling the air to create ear splitting sirens that have the ability to incapacitate anyone in her vicinity. The wind blows fast, and hard so it may knock you over if you don't ground yourself. While channeling this spell, she is able to use White Thorn and Gale. This attack is extremely draining, and has to be channeled. If her concentration is broken, the spell will stop.

Additional Info: During her travels, Zara picked up a flying squirrel and keeps it with her at all times. His name is Luke.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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One of the Shade's forms.

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