Name: Isyph Al-Delad
Age: Seventeen
Race: Uquii (Satyr)
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Starless Partners
An obvious Uquii, Isyph is possessed of a smaller frame than most humans (standing at around 5'2) and is, at a glance, a pale, lithe beauty that could (if given proper primping) make an Ewori vaguely jealous. Sporting the horns and ears that she inherited from her father, as well as the deep golden hue of his eyes; her form is otherwise human. Light lavender locks fall loosely about her pleasantly curved face, almost reaching down to her shoulders. While she doesn't go far out of her way to maintain her appearance, she tends to draw glances when traipsing about without her cowl.
Isyph tends to favor simple clothing; a simple linen shirt tucked tightly into loose brown breeches, bound by twin leather belts and simple traveling boots that seem to have once been somewhat pink in coloration. She does not carry a pack, as many adventurers do, but a satchel slung over her shoulder. A hooded cloak, in the same discolored state as her boots, hangs down just below her knees; she is rarely seen without it.
Personality: Easy-going and with a love for idle chatter, Isyph enjoys meeting new people and hearing tales from all around Aedrasil. Fairly intelligent, herself, she likes to think that she can banter with the best of them. A sunny disposition hides her otherwise uncouth tendencies. Opportunistic, she is always looking for a chance to pick a lock or a pocket; or, perhaps, swindle someone out of their hard earned gold with a trick or two. Despite her opportunistic nature, Isyph Al-Delad does have limits to what/who she will steal from; weighing risk against reward. (loyalty and trust also factor into these decisions)
Being a Satyr-born Uquii, she has a knack for revelry that can sometimes impress (or appall) those who do not know her. It is a trait she is well aware of and has led her to be cautious in taverns and places where intoxicants are readily available. She is also something of a performer, gifted with a fine, clear singing voice and a moderate understanding of the lute, flute and fiddle. Isyph does her best to enjoy all she can in life, trying to bring a smile to her own face and that of those around her; even if the expense is covered (wittingly or not) by another.
Class: Thief
•Large satchel, brown leather. (Several pockets inside and one large, central compartment)
•Spare travel boots, black leather.
•Dagger, mundane steel.
•Short sword, magic steel. (Lightning enchantment)
•Silver ring, mundane.
•Rope and grapnel.
•Thief tools. (lockpicks and such)
•Small pot, small pan, fork and knife.
•Flute, lute and fiddle. (Worn condition)
• Uquii Charm (Racial); Sometimes her appearance alone is not enough to sway a potential target into lowering their guard. Being an Uquii, Isyph can call upon her Fey lineage to invoke a small magical charm (twice per day) that will make her more appealing to the target. It does not work on everyone, and those with magic inclinations are more resilient.
• Uquii Physiology (Racial); Smaller and more nimble than a human, Isyph is not so strong as a human of her size; but has quicker reaction times and a higher level of dexterity. This also leaves her with something of a weaker constitution and a lower threshold for pain tolerance.
• Thieving (Class); Picking pockets, locks or moving undetected through an area. All these things are vital to a Thief. Isyph is fairly proficient at her art, but is no master.
• Blade Focus, Short (Class); Favoring smaller blades, due to her size, Isyph has become more proficient at striking lethal (or non-lethal, if she chooses) areas with short swords and daggers.
• Abscond (Personal); Isyph knows well when she is outmatched and will not hesitate to use her natural quickness to escape a situation. Capable of navigating tight spaces and disappearing in crowds, she will attempt to lose her attackers or pursuers with haste. While Absconding, Isyph has a higher chance to dodge melee blows; but exposes herself to ranged weaponry, in certain scenarios.
• Perform (Personal); As mentioned, the Uquii girl is possessed of a fair singing voice and a decent grasp of a few instruments. When pressed for thieving opportunities, or if the mood strikes her, she will sing, dance and play her instrument. This skill has no combative use, but has myriad other uses. The condition of her instruments, should she choose to use them, has an impact on how well her performance is received.
Biography: Born somewhere north of humble Silverbrook (a quaint little hamlet nestled at the far edge of the shadows cast by Gnara's Locks), Isyph was left by her mother to a couple of her close friends in the small city. Marrie, did not linger long after pawning off the small Uquii on Daln and Ebna Heiphs. The Heiphs were kind to the girl, and loving; treating her as though she were their own. Daln, her 'father' was a merchant of middling success and was perhaps responsible for spurring Isyph's love of stories and travel; having her around his shop as an apprentice once she reached the age of six. Her 'mother' Ebna doted on the girl extensively, always doing her best to ensure that Isyph did not want for company or love.
Despite her aberrant nature, she was not treated unkindly by the Silverbrook locals; indeed, she was accepted as a part of the community before she was even aware of her surroundings. While some had misgivings about Marrie's (a Silverbrook local, herself, at one time) choice in leaving her with the Heiphs, they did not speak ill of the truth, they rarely spoke of her at all. Daln was the only one who seemed willing to speak of Isyph's birth mother, though he would only do so with an air of reservation when sober. Ebna, inversely, would never speak of Marrie; as though the mention of her would draw Isyph away from her 'mother'. This fear was due, in part to Isyph's decision to be known as "Al-Delad", rather than adopting the Heiph's family name; once she was old enough to decide for herself. While Isyph held a deep love and respect for Ebna and Daln, she could not bring herself to accept their name, knowing that she had come from uncertain parentage.
It was not Marrie, nor her unknown father that spurred the Uquii girl from her home. Nor was it tragedy, bloodshed, or a run-in with local authorities. What drew Isyph from Silverbrook was simply boredom and a growing curiosity about the world outside. Having apprenticed for Daln (acquiring her own set of skills in the shadows, all the while; whether it be from hidden practice or a short demonstration from visiting merchants' guards) for nearly a decade, she felt herself ready to set out alone...just as her mother had done years before. While the Heiphs did not wish her to go, there was a stubbornness in the girl. A few short weeks after the idea had been brought forth, and a tearful departure, Isyph was heading south; toward Vaald...hoping to make it to the capital in time to see the Lunar Festival. Hoping to see countless wonders along the way. Hoping to make herself (and, in a distant way, though she knew they wouldn't approve of the things she would do, the Heiphs) proud...hoping to make a name for herself. To join a Guild and begin a life of adventure and riches.
Since her travels began, Isyph has learned that she has a lot to learn. While she has come to miss the familiarity of Silverbrook and her home (which is what she still considers it), the Uquii girl feels that Delad is a wonderful opportunity; just waiting for her to reach out and take it.
Age: Seventeen
Race: Uquii (Satyr)
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Starless Partners

An obvious Uquii, Isyph is possessed of a smaller frame than most humans (standing at around 5'2) and is, at a glance, a pale, lithe beauty that could (if given proper primping) make an Ewori vaguely jealous. Sporting the horns and ears that she inherited from her father, as well as the deep golden hue of his eyes; her form is otherwise human. Light lavender locks fall loosely about her pleasantly curved face, almost reaching down to her shoulders. While she doesn't go far out of her way to maintain her appearance, she tends to draw glances when traipsing about without her cowl.
Isyph tends to favor simple clothing; a simple linen shirt tucked tightly into loose brown breeches, bound by twin leather belts and simple traveling boots that seem to have once been somewhat pink in coloration. She does not carry a pack, as many adventurers do, but a satchel slung over her shoulder. A hooded cloak, in the same discolored state as her boots, hangs down just below her knees; she is rarely seen without it.
Personality: Easy-going and with a love for idle chatter, Isyph enjoys meeting new people and hearing tales from all around Aedrasil. Fairly intelligent, herself, she likes to think that she can banter with the best of them. A sunny disposition hides her otherwise uncouth tendencies. Opportunistic, she is always looking for a chance to pick a lock or a pocket; or, perhaps, swindle someone out of their hard earned gold with a trick or two. Despite her opportunistic nature, Isyph Al-Delad does have limits to what/who she will steal from; weighing risk against reward. (loyalty and trust also factor into these decisions)
Being a Satyr-born Uquii, she has a knack for revelry that can sometimes impress (or appall) those who do not know her. It is a trait she is well aware of and has led her to be cautious in taverns and places where intoxicants are readily available. She is also something of a performer, gifted with a fine, clear singing voice and a moderate understanding of the lute, flute and fiddle. Isyph does her best to enjoy all she can in life, trying to bring a smile to her own face and that of those around her; even if the expense is covered (wittingly or not) by another.
Class: Thief
•Large satchel, brown leather. (Several pockets inside and one large, central compartment)
•Spare travel boots, black leather.
•Dagger, mundane steel.
•Short sword, magic steel. (Lightning enchantment)
•Silver ring, mundane.
•Rope and grapnel.
•Thief tools. (lockpicks and such)
•Small pot, small pan, fork and knife.
•Flute, lute and fiddle. (Worn condition)
• Uquii Charm (Racial); Sometimes her appearance alone is not enough to sway a potential target into lowering their guard. Being an Uquii, Isyph can call upon her Fey lineage to invoke a small magical charm (twice per day) that will make her more appealing to the target. It does not work on everyone, and those with magic inclinations are more resilient.
• Uquii Physiology (Racial); Smaller and more nimble than a human, Isyph is not so strong as a human of her size; but has quicker reaction times and a higher level of dexterity. This also leaves her with something of a weaker constitution and a lower threshold for pain tolerance.
• Thieving (Class); Picking pockets, locks or moving undetected through an area. All these things are vital to a Thief. Isyph is fairly proficient at her art, but is no master.
• Blade Focus, Short (Class); Favoring smaller blades, due to her size, Isyph has become more proficient at striking lethal (or non-lethal, if she chooses) areas with short swords and daggers.
• Abscond (Personal); Isyph knows well when she is outmatched and will not hesitate to use her natural quickness to escape a situation. Capable of navigating tight spaces and disappearing in crowds, she will attempt to lose her attackers or pursuers with haste. While Absconding, Isyph has a higher chance to dodge melee blows; but exposes herself to ranged weaponry, in certain scenarios.
• Perform (Personal); As mentioned, the Uquii girl is possessed of a fair singing voice and a decent grasp of a few instruments. When pressed for thieving opportunities, or if the mood strikes her, she will sing, dance and play her instrument. This skill has no combative use, but has myriad other uses. The condition of her instruments, should she choose to use them, has an impact on how well her performance is received.
Biography: Born somewhere north of humble Silverbrook (a quaint little hamlet nestled at the far edge of the shadows cast by Gnara's Locks), Isyph was left by her mother to a couple of her close friends in the small city. Marrie, did not linger long after pawning off the small Uquii on Daln and Ebna Heiphs. The Heiphs were kind to the girl, and loving; treating her as though she were their own. Daln, her 'father' was a merchant of middling success and was perhaps responsible for spurring Isyph's love of stories and travel; having her around his shop as an apprentice once she reached the age of six. Her 'mother' Ebna doted on the girl extensively, always doing her best to ensure that Isyph did not want for company or love.
Despite her aberrant nature, she was not treated unkindly by the Silverbrook locals; indeed, she was accepted as a part of the community before she was even aware of her surroundings. While some had misgivings about Marrie's (a Silverbrook local, herself, at one time) choice in leaving her with the Heiphs, they did not speak ill of the truth, they rarely spoke of her at all. Daln was the only one who seemed willing to speak of Isyph's birth mother, though he would only do so with an air of reservation when sober. Ebna, inversely, would never speak of Marrie; as though the mention of her would draw Isyph away from her 'mother'. This fear was due, in part to Isyph's decision to be known as "Al-Delad", rather than adopting the Heiph's family name; once she was old enough to decide for herself. While Isyph held a deep love and respect for Ebna and Daln, she could not bring herself to accept their name, knowing that she had come from uncertain parentage.
It was not Marrie, nor her unknown father that spurred the Uquii girl from her home. Nor was it tragedy, bloodshed, or a run-in with local authorities. What drew Isyph from Silverbrook was simply boredom and a growing curiosity about the world outside. Having apprenticed for Daln (acquiring her own set of skills in the shadows, all the while; whether it be from hidden practice or a short demonstration from visiting merchants' guards) for nearly a decade, she felt herself ready to set out alone...just as her mother had done years before. While the Heiphs did not wish her to go, there was a stubbornness in the girl. A few short weeks after the idea had been brought forth, and a tearful departure, Isyph was heading south; toward Vaald...hoping to make it to the capital in time to see the Lunar Festival. Hoping to see countless wonders along the way. Hoping to make herself (and, in a distant way, though she knew they wouldn't approve of the things she would do, the Heiphs) proud...hoping to make a name for herself. To join a Guild and begin a life of adventure and riches.
Since her travels began, Isyph has learned that she has a lot to learn. While she has come to miss the familiarity of Silverbrook and her home (which is what she still considers it), the Uquii girl feels that Delad is a wonderful opportunity; just waiting for her to reach out and take it.
Name: Crosos Granz
Age: Forty nine
Race: Golem (Metalwork)
Gender: Genderless, but is male in form.
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Standing at 6'6, Crosos Granz is a sight to behold; whether he be walking the streets of Vaald or engaging wild beasts in the far reaches of Delad. While his armor and vestments (covering the frame of the Golem, himself, which is the humanoid form made steel) are almost always pristine, Granz himself is a battered and ragged thing. Missing an eye and several fingers, his near-skeletal visage covered in countless scratches and a few deep scars, his mouth two blunted plates bearing the semblance of teeth, twisted and slightly lopsided from years of would not be entirely surprising if the Golem inspired nightmares in children.
Personality: One would not usually expect a Golem to be the sardonic type, but Granz has a rather grim (though sometimes, to himself, humorous) outlook on things. Quick with a quip, Crosos enjoys verbal sparring as much as he does true battle. Being a Golem without a master, he is unrestricted in his actions; making him somewhat difficult to predict. He has a penchant for making people uncomfortable. Granz holds a high respect for the sanctity of mortal life, despite his cynical nature, and does his best to guard those who can not guard themselves.
Class: Knight
• Heavy plate armor and helm, mundane steel. (High quality)
• Longsword, magic steel. (Called Headsman, unbreakable)
• Shield, mundane wood and steel.
• Dagger, magic steel. (Called Scathe, causes Bleeding)
• Gold amulet, mundane. (A keepsake)
• Seven small iron bars.
Steel Form (Racial); Granz is particularly dense, given his composition and structure. As such, he is resistant (not immune, mind you) to most forms of conventional damage; and unable to swim. While his body does give him certain advantages in resilience and strength, he is somewhat slow in his movements (despite being a practiced combatant) and is fairly susceptible to the effects of magic.
While he does not rust, the Golem can not swim and has a small aversion to water. Climbing is nearly impossible, given his weight.
Ingest Material (Racial); Being a Golem, Crosos can not be healed by normal means. Instead, he must consume a material found within the earth (though he doesn't have to find it, himself; nor does it have to be in its original form). Different materials will provide different levels of healing...and not all wounds will close completely.
Battle Stance (Class); Knowing your weaknesses is the first step in overcoming them. While Granz has an advantage over most foes, in terms of reach and strength; he is far slower than those less encumbered. (and, naturally, the races of flesh) Preparing himself for battle, Granz will raise his shield and properly set his footing to allow him to become a bastion of steel amidst the battle. Provides higher defense against melee attacks at the cost of mobility.
Extensive Training (Class); Practically having been 'born' with Headsman in his hand, Crosos has learned to use the weapon as extension of himself; striking with precision and surprising fluidity when using the longsword. Most other weapons (aside from Scathe) feel extremely cumbersome to the Golem, and are far less efficient (in comparison) when he wields them.
Strike Me Down! (Personal); Casting his shield aside, Granz will attempt to incite an opponent into attacking him openly. This taunt does not work on foes who are intimidated by the Golem, or smart enough to realize that they are being baited into slaughter. If the taunt does not succeed, Crosos will simply laugh at his opponent and continue the battle without his shield.
So, It Has Come To This... (Personal); Overcharging his Core (the focus that holds his makeshift soul), Granz can gather all of the energy within his form and expel it in an outward crescent. The crescent originates from his chest, expanding as it goes (reaching up to fifty feet in front of him, with a breadth of about ten feet). This energy is magical in nature, and creates a visible distortion of heat in the air as it travels. The impact caused by So, It Has Come To This is extremely potent and can topple, if not outright slay, most unprepared foes. This Ability poses a danger to both the Golem and his foes; once the charge is released, Crosos will collapse and remain inert for six hours. There are ways to revive him, but they are few. Those with an obvious magical inclination can withstand the blast, suffering concussive force accompanied by a feeling of brief, but sweltering heat.
The release of the charge obliterates Granz's armor (around the area where the blast originates) and leaves a small hole in his chest; revealing his Core. Aside from the six hour recovery period, he often has to take time and consume metal or stone to revitalize himself.
Biography: Will explore in-character.
Age: Forty nine
Race: Golem (Metalwork)
Gender: Genderless, but is male in form.
Affiliation: Unaffiliated

Standing at 6'6, Crosos Granz is a sight to behold; whether he be walking the streets of Vaald or engaging wild beasts in the far reaches of Delad. While his armor and vestments (covering the frame of the Golem, himself, which is the humanoid form made steel) are almost always pristine, Granz himself is a battered and ragged thing. Missing an eye and several fingers, his near-skeletal visage covered in countless scratches and a few deep scars, his mouth two blunted plates bearing the semblance of teeth, twisted and slightly lopsided from years of would not be entirely surprising if the Golem inspired nightmares in children.
Personality: One would not usually expect a Golem to be the sardonic type, but Granz has a rather grim (though sometimes, to himself, humorous) outlook on things. Quick with a quip, Crosos enjoys verbal sparring as much as he does true battle. Being a Golem without a master, he is unrestricted in his actions; making him somewhat difficult to predict. He has a penchant for making people uncomfortable. Granz holds a high respect for the sanctity of mortal life, despite his cynical nature, and does his best to guard those who can not guard themselves.
Class: Knight
• Heavy plate armor and helm, mundane steel. (High quality)
• Longsword, magic steel. (Called Headsman, unbreakable)
• Shield, mundane wood and steel.
• Dagger, magic steel. (Called Scathe, causes Bleeding)
• Gold amulet, mundane. (A keepsake)
• Seven small iron bars.
Steel Form (Racial); Granz is particularly dense, given his composition and structure. As such, he is resistant (not immune, mind you) to most forms of conventional damage; and unable to swim. While his body does give him certain advantages in resilience and strength, he is somewhat slow in his movements (despite being a practiced combatant) and is fairly susceptible to the effects of magic.
While he does not rust, the Golem can not swim and has a small aversion to water. Climbing is nearly impossible, given his weight.
Ingest Material (Racial); Being a Golem, Crosos can not be healed by normal means. Instead, he must consume a material found within the earth (though he doesn't have to find it, himself; nor does it have to be in its original form). Different materials will provide different levels of healing...and not all wounds will close completely.
Battle Stance (Class); Knowing your weaknesses is the first step in overcoming them. While Granz has an advantage over most foes, in terms of reach and strength; he is far slower than those less encumbered. (and, naturally, the races of flesh) Preparing himself for battle, Granz will raise his shield and properly set his footing to allow him to become a bastion of steel amidst the battle. Provides higher defense against melee attacks at the cost of mobility.
Extensive Training (Class); Practically having been 'born' with Headsman in his hand, Crosos has learned to use the weapon as extension of himself; striking with precision and surprising fluidity when using the longsword. Most other weapons (aside from Scathe) feel extremely cumbersome to the Golem, and are far less efficient (in comparison) when he wields them.
Strike Me Down! (Personal); Casting his shield aside, Granz will attempt to incite an opponent into attacking him openly. This taunt does not work on foes who are intimidated by the Golem, or smart enough to realize that they are being baited into slaughter. If the taunt does not succeed, Crosos will simply laugh at his opponent and continue the battle without his shield.
So, It Has Come To This... (Personal); Overcharging his Core (the focus that holds his makeshift soul), Granz can gather all of the energy within his form and expel it in an outward crescent. The crescent originates from his chest, expanding as it goes (reaching up to fifty feet in front of him, with a breadth of about ten feet). This energy is magical in nature, and creates a visible distortion of heat in the air as it travels. The impact caused by So, It Has Come To This is extremely potent and can topple, if not outright slay, most unprepared foes. This Ability poses a danger to both the Golem and his foes; once the charge is released, Crosos will collapse and remain inert for six hours. There are ways to revive him, but they are few. Those with an obvious magical inclination can withstand the blast, suffering concussive force accompanied by a feeling of brief, but sweltering heat.
The release of the charge obliterates Granz's armor (around the area where the blast originates) and leaves a small hole in his chest; revealing his Core. Aside from the six hour recovery period, he often has to take time and consume metal or stone to revitalize himself.
Biography: Will explore in-character.
Name: "Wraith" or "Lucia"
Age: Uncertain. Presumably mid to late twenties.
Race: Llangeli (Deserter)
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Order of the Eclipse
Appearance: Wraith's holographic projection is one of simple blending, attempting to compile the traits of Aedrasilian humans into an amalgamation that would not draw attention without being so plain that she would stand out. Her hair is curly, of medium length, dark amber in coloration (not daring to be so bold as to make herself blonde) and well kept in the style of Deladish commoners (without oils or overzealous care). Her projection belies her age, making her appear younger; with a rounded face, green eyes (without being vibrant or entirely fetching, if anything...they sometimes have a dull, distant air to them), and a trace of plumpness to her thighs, waist and chest. The clothing she has chosen is fairly plain; a brown blouse and green skirt, accompanied by high black boots that only have a small amount of wear to them.
Without the holographic projection, Wraith only retains her height; the rest replaced by her form-fitting, customized E.P.E.S. She lacks the thickness of her hologram, being nearly flat about the chest and slim about her shoulders and limbs. While she lacks the protective plating of most E.P.E.S, having a more streamlined design; with thin layers of a highly durable plastic being fitted everywhere but her joints. Beneath the white plastic is another material, almost appearing cloth-like, albeit and patterned with heaxagonal imprints. Like most Llangeli, outside of their ships, her E.P.E.S is possessed of a helmet meant for filtering out potentially toxic atomspheric presences. Unlike others, however, she has no visor; her helmet being a featureless, streamlined (coming to a soft point at the back of the crown of her head) shell.
Personality: A former operative for the Llangeli Armada's Specialized Operations Division (where she first adopted her moniker), Wraith tends to view things in a cold and clinical way. Reserved and efficient, she sets about every task with an obsessive amount of care and caution; making her something of a perfectionist by nature. Distrustful and sometimes outright cold, she rarely puts forth effort to be friendly, choosing to converse in a distant, professional manner.
Despite this, she attempts to appear more cheery around Aedrasilian natives; giving herself fully to the act she has created. An apt communicator (given that she was involved with several of the initial acquisitions of native life and their subsequent torture, an act she has come to hold a great deal of guilt over) "Lucia" (as she has named her new persona) attempts to be outgoing and friendly, though she is a somewhat shy girl; given to bouts of flustered stuttering. Wraith, herself, despises this act...but accepts it as a necessity if she and the other deserters intend to survive in a world she views as strange, somewhat repulsive and terribly fascinating.
Llangeli Saboteur
Akin to the Armada's standard Pilot; a Saboteur is skilled in the arts of deception, interrogation, infiltration and the dismantling of an opponent's vital systems, be they physical or otherwise. Chosen for exceptional potential or performance by the Specialized Operations Division, after their Pilot training has been completed, subjected thereafter to a grueling procession of specialized training and conditioning. Often chosen for "delicate missions" that require excellence in the more destructive aspects of sabotage and subterfuge. A Saboteur receives a customized E.P.E.S and a similarly personalized Valravn Frame.
• Wraith's E.P.E.S; While all Llangeli require their Enviromental Protection Encapsulatory System to survive in foreign environments, Wraith's is a bit of a deviation from the norm. While most E.P.E.S provide protection and survivability in uncertain or hostile conditions, this particular suit is one of many utilized by the Llangeli Specialized Operations Division. More streamlined in design and possessed of an Obfuscation Array, it is better suited for stealth and light travel; allowing Wraith to project a field that allows her to blend into most environments without trouble. While still capable of energizing Llangeli devices, Wraith has to be cautious with her use of this feature; as she prefers to reserve the energy within her E.P.E.S for its unique capabilities.
• Microfabricator and Holo-emitter; A set of devices commonplace to the Llangeli, these machines are most valuable when in the hands of Scientists and Engineers (and ingenious civilians). They permit the disassembly and assembly of materials on a molecular level at relatively close range, allowing repairs, analysis and fabrication of simple substances on the go - provided they have the energy and the materials at hand. As well as communications and infomatic displays to be readily available. Most modern M&H are so small that these microcomputers resemble wristwatches. (quoted from @potatochipgolem)
• Pulse Knife; A tool of assassination used by the Llangeli, bearing the appearance of a simple, (for the Llangeli, anyway) translucent rectangle when inert. Upon activation the Pulse Knife will have a thin green vein running through its center and the 'blade' will begin vibrating at a high speed. When pressed to most materials (aside from a Llangeli E.P.E.S, which the knife will usually register as a friendly [unless otherwise flagged as hostile by the Saboteur]; causing a quick deactivation...and of course, the Llangeli wielding it) the Pulse Knife will sunder and flay with ease, turning the target into bloody ribbons as sonic vibrations course through them. Utilizing the Pulse Knife (in its active state) for extended periods of time will cause instability in the weapon. The Pulse Knife can not be wielded by those outside of an E.P.E.S without risking great harm, and it is usually registered to an individual Saboteur.
Llangeli Operative Training (Racial); Coupled with the education that most of the Llangeli receive, the Armada's training and further instruction for its operatives is extremely intense; subjecting the Operative to extreme of pain and high levels of stress for extended amounts of time, conditioning them in the case of their capture. Aside from the physical toughening of an Operative, the Special Operations Division made certain that their potential assassins and saboteurs were well versed in most forms of combat. As a Saboteur, Wraith has intimate knowledge of most forms of advanced machinery...and, particularly, how to disable, destroy or decimate them. Repairs, too, if she is pressed into it.
Disabling Touch (Equipment/Class); Through the E.P.E.S' systems, Wraith can output a fair amount of electric energy. Usually used for incapacitating an opponent, it can also be utilized in the destruction of sensitive machinery.
Pulse Knife Proficiency (Personal); Once her favorite tool for prying open vents or chewing up thick bits of console plating, Wraith has become very intimate in the use of the Pulse Knife, whether it be against flesh or the inanimate. This long-time relationship has allowed her to become familiar enough with the weapon to adjust its settings on the fly, allowing for more possibilities than simply shredding an opponent with a couple of good cuts.
Obfuscation Array (Equipment); With her modified E.P.E.S, Wraith can produce a field that refracts light; giving her a muted sort of invisibility. She can still be perceived through other senses, assuming she becomes careless enough to make a sound. Utilizing the Obfuscation Array too often can cause heavy drain on the E.P.E.S' internal systems.
Age: Uncertain. Presumably mid to late twenties.
Race: Llangeli (Deserter)
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Order of the Eclipse
Appearance: Wraith's holographic projection is one of simple blending, attempting to compile the traits of Aedrasilian humans into an amalgamation that would not draw attention without being so plain that she would stand out. Her hair is curly, of medium length, dark amber in coloration (not daring to be so bold as to make herself blonde) and well kept in the style of Deladish commoners (without oils or overzealous care). Her projection belies her age, making her appear younger; with a rounded face, green eyes (without being vibrant or entirely fetching, if anything...they sometimes have a dull, distant air to them), and a trace of plumpness to her thighs, waist and chest. The clothing she has chosen is fairly plain; a brown blouse and green skirt, accompanied by high black boots that only have a small amount of wear to them.
Without the holographic projection, Wraith only retains her height; the rest replaced by her form-fitting, customized E.P.E.S. She lacks the thickness of her hologram, being nearly flat about the chest and slim about her shoulders and limbs. While she lacks the protective plating of most E.P.E.S, having a more streamlined design; with thin layers of a highly durable plastic being fitted everywhere but her joints. Beneath the white plastic is another material, almost appearing cloth-like, albeit and patterned with heaxagonal imprints. Like most Llangeli, outside of their ships, her E.P.E.S is possessed of a helmet meant for filtering out potentially toxic atomspheric presences. Unlike others, however, she has no visor; her helmet being a featureless, streamlined (coming to a soft point at the back of the crown of her head) shell.
Personality: A former operative for the Llangeli Armada's Specialized Operations Division (where she first adopted her moniker), Wraith tends to view things in a cold and clinical way. Reserved and efficient, she sets about every task with an obsessive amount of care and caution; making her something of a perfectionist by nature. Distrustful and sometimes outright cold, she rarely puts forth effort to be friendly, choosing to converse in a distant, professional manner.
Despite this, she attempts to appear more cheery around Aedrasilian natives; giving herself fully to the act she has created. An apt communicator (given that she was involved with several of the initial acquisitions of native life and their subsequent torture, an act she has come to hold a great deal of guilt over) "Lucia" (as she has named her new persona) attempts to be outgoing and friendly, though she is a somewhat shy girl; given to bouts of flustered stuttering. Wraith, herself, despises this act...but accepts it as a necessity if she and the other deserters intend to survive in a world she views as strange, somewhat repulsive and terribly fascinating.
Llangeli Saboteur
Akin to the Armada's standard Pilot; a Saboteur is skilled in the arts of deception, interrogation, infiltration and the dismantling of an opponent's vital systems, be they physical or otherwise. Chosen for exceptional potential or performance by the Specialized Operations Division, after their Pilot training has been completed, subjected thereafter to a grueling procession of specialized training and conditioning. Often chosen for "delicate missions" that require excellence in the more destructive aspects of sabotage and subterfuge. A Saboteur receives a customized E.P.E.S and a similarly personalized Valravn Frame.
• Wraith's E.P.E.S; While all Llangeli require their Enviromental Protection Encapsulatory System to survive in foreign environments, Wraith's is a bit of a deviation from the norm. While most E.P.E.S provide protection and survivability in uncertain or hostile conditions, this particular suit is one of many utilized by the Llangeli Specialized Operations Division. More streamlined in design and possessed of an Obfuscation Array, it is better suited for stealth and light travel; allowing Wraith to project a field that allows her to blend into most environments without trouble. While still capable of energizing Llangeli devices, Wraith has to be cautious with her use of this feature; as she prefers to reserve the energy within her E.P.E.S for its unique capabilities.
• Microfabricator and Holo-emitter; A set of devices commonplace to the Llangeli, these machines are most valuable when in the hands of Scientists and Engineers (and ingenious civilians). They permit the disassembly and assembly of materials on a molecular level at relatively close range, allowing repairs, analysis and fabrication of simple substances on the go - provided they have the energy and the materials at hand. As well as communications and infomatic displays to be readily available. Most modern M&H are so small that these microcomputers resemble wristwatches. (quoted from @potatochipgolem)
• Pulse Knife; A tool of assassination used by the Llangeli, bearing the appearance of a simple, (for the Llangeli, anyway) translucent rectangle when inert. Upon activation the Pulse Knife will have a thin green vein running through its center and the 'blade' will begin vibrating at a high speed. When pressed to most materials (aside from a Llangeli E.P.E.S, which the knife will usually register as a friendly [unless otherwise flagged as hostile by the Saboteur]; causing a quick deactivation...and of course, the Llangeli wielding it) the Pulse Knife will sunder and flay with ease, turning the target into bloody ribbons as sonic vibrations course through them. Utilizing the Pulse Knife (in its active state) for extended periods of time will cause instability in the weapon. The Pulse Knife can not be wielded by those outside of an E.P.E.S without risking great harm, and it is usually registered to an individual Saboteur.
Llangeli Operative Training (Racial); Coupled with the education that most of the Llangeli receive, the Armada's training and further instruction for its operatives is extremely intense; subjecting the Operative to extreme of pain and high levels of stress for extended amounts of time, conditioning them in the case of their capture. Aside from the physical toughening of an Operative, the Special Operations Division made certain that their potential assassins and saboteurs were well versed in most forms of combat. As a Saboteur, Wraith has intimate knowledge of most forms of advanced machinery...and, particularly, how to disable, destroy or decimate them. Repairs, too, if she is pressed into it.
Disabling Touch (Equipment/Class); Through the E.P.E.S' systems, Wraith can output a fair amount of electric energy. Usually used for incapacitating an opponent, it can also be utilized in the destruction of sensitive machinery.
Pulse Knife Proficiency (Personal); Once her favorite tool for prying open vents or chewing up thick bits of console plating, Wraith has become very intimate in the use of the Pulse Knife, whether it be against flesh or the inanimate. This long-time relationship has allowed her to become familiar enough with the weapon to adjust its settings on the fly, allowing for more possibilities than simply shredding an opponent with a couple of good cuts.
Obfuscation Array (Equipment); With her modified E.P.E.S, Wraith can produce a field that refracts light; giving her a muted sort of invisibility. She can still be perceived through other senses, assuming she becomes careless enough to make a sound. Utilizing the Obfuscation Array too often can cause heavy drain on the E.P.E.S' internal systems.
Name: Tempa Ghaun
Age: ~120
Race: Iath- The Iath, while widespread, are non-indigenous to Tantas. Aside from a slight advantage in height and strength over average humans, they possess no particular inherent attributes; perhaps aside from a longevity that is something of a trademark to the race (living close to 300 years, in favorable conditions). The Iath are most easily known by their ears and tail, which are decidedly feline; as well as the yellowish coloration of their irises.
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Unaffiliated (current), Unsung (formerly)
Appearance: Despite her 'advancing age', Tempa is still a rather stunning image of a young Iathan warrior; something she takes great pride in. Standing a head taller than most of the people she has encountered since entering Deladish borders, and bearing a darker tone of skin than most native to Tantas, Tempa enjoys her ability to stand out. This mocha wrapping is covered in paler patches of scar tissue, prevalent about exposed arms and on the skin of her face. She keeps her black-and-orange hair cut short and choppy, often giving the Firebrand something of a sloppy or lackadaisical appearance at first glance. Her eyes, almond shaped and vibrant, often belie her true nature.
Tempa prefers the loose clothing native to her country, a silken, open-breasted blouse that is often tucked into heavy trousers, bound with a leather belt and laced at the collar with silken string. Since coming to Delad, she has abandoned the sandals most frequently used in her homeland for sturdy, but still supple leather traveling shoes. These clothes are often beige or dark brown in coloration, with the exception of her brightly colored shirts that tend to be hues of red. A hefty bag hangs from her shoulders, a dull green sack of cloth that has two straps and several sealed pockets.
Personality: Proud to a fault and a braggart, at times, Tempa tends to act without thought; trusting her experience and instinct to guide her through most situations. Quick to smile and just as quick to frown, she has somewhat tempered older impulses to make herself less abrasive to those around her; though, sometimes, this conditioning is faulty and she'll let loose without fully realizing just what she's doing. Some would label her as thoughtless, and that is not entirely untrue.
Despite her nature, Tempa has always found herself fighting for someone else; even if it comes with a constant bemoaning of her position.
Class: Ochre Spearmistress - While most of the Iathan women consider it an honor to be chosen to become a Spearmistress, Tempa was never so enthralled about her 'destiny'. As such, she has abdicated her position...becoming known as an Ochre; equivocal with becoming an exile. The Spearmistress is a class that favors weapons with heft and reach, mingled with a magical affinity. Tempa tends to utilize both, though the focus is more on the magical aspect of combat.
• Traveling bag. (many pockets, mostly empty)
• Alacrity; A spear crafted for Tempa during her time as a Spearmistress, forged of magic steel intended to be nigh-unbreakable and resistant to her elemental affinity. It has been adjusted to be taller than the Firebrand, herself, and is almost always seen in her hand.
• Clothing. (mostly new shirts)
• Amulet, mundane steel. (heavily scarred, making its original appearance unrecognizable)
• Nobody's Business; A ruined and bloodied silken glove that Tempa carries with her. Certainly a strange keepsake. It's rare that she ever takes it out, but she can be caught checking to see if it is still in her pack from time to time.
•Iathan Grace (Racial); As with most Iath, Tempa has en exceptional sense of balance; lending to her a degree of dexterity and fluidity in movement that she utilizes with the sometimes-unwieldy nature of her combative style.
•Spearmistress Training (Racial/Class); The cat-folk warriors of Kyir are quite serious about their training. Moreso than most are the Spearmistresses, who perform as guards, servants and advisors to certain noble houses of Kyir. As such, Tempa has undergone extensive training to have been among their ranks. She is proficient with the spear she wields and has a degree of hardiness that is not found among the less molded warrior classes. Though she doesn't often utilize the countless rituals and niceties imparted to her from this training (at least on a social level) she still holds a respect for them.
•Magical Affinity (Class/Personal); Tempa would never have earned her title without her deeply held affinity for scathing flame. Her magical affinity is particularly strong, though somewhat imperfect and willfully untrained, producing a more molten form of flame than most Mages are accustomed to. Her affinity grants her a high degree of resistance to her own hasty element.
•Unorthodox Implementation (Personal); Despite her rigorous training, Tempa never found herself fully immersed in the martial ideals of the Spearmistresses. Eschewing their code has allowed Tempa to more individually explore their teachings; leading her to incorporate strikes with her arms and legs, in addition to spear-thrusts and volatile expulsions of magic.
•Ochre (Personal/Class/Race); The Iath rarely forget those who spit on their honor, and Tempa has become something of a well-known exile from her homeland. Other Iath who encounter her, assuming they are aware of her status, will be far less inclined to have any dealings with the Firebrand. Even if they are not aware, assuming they are at least vaguely knowledgeable of the customs of Kyir, will realize that a Spearmistress should not be so far from her homeland.
Age: ~120
Race: Iath- The Iath, while widespread, are non-indigenous to Tantas. Aside from a slight advantage in height and strength over average humans, they possess no particular inherent attributes; perhaps aside from a longevity that is something of a trademark to the race (living close to 300 years, in favorable conditions). The Iath are most easily known by their ears and tail, which are decidedly feline; as well as the yellowish coloration of their irises.
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Unaffiliated (current), Unsung (formerly)
Appearance: Despite her 'advancing age', Tempa is still a rather stunning image of a young Iathan warrior; something she takes great pride in. Standing a head taller than most of the people she has encountered since entering Deladish borders, and bearing a darker tone of skin than most native to Tantas, Tempa enjoys her ability to stand out. This mocha wrapping is covered in paler patches of scar tissue, prevalent about exposed arms and on the skin of her face. She keeps her black-and-orange hair cut short and choppy, often giving the Firebrand something of a sloppy or lackadaisical appearance at first glance. Her eyes, almond shaped and vibrant, often belie her true nature.
Tempa prefers the loose clothing native to her country, a silken, open-breasted blouse that is often tucked into heavy trousers, bound with a leather belt and laced at the collar with silken string. Since coming to Delad, she has abandoned the sandals most frequently used in her homeland for sturdy, but still supple leather traveling shoes. These clothes are often beige or dark brown in coloration, with the exception of her brightly colored shirts that tend to be hues of red. A hefty bag hangs from her shoulders, a dull green sack of cloth that has two straps and several sealed pockets.
Personality: Proud to a fault and a braggart, at times, Tempa tends to act without thought; trusting her experience and instinct to guide her through most situations. Quick to smile and just as quick to frown, she has somewhat tempered older impulses to make herself less abrasive to those around her; though, sometimes, this conditioning is faulty and she'll let loose without fully realizing just what she's doing. Some would label her as thoughtless, and that is not entirely untrue.
Despite her nature, Tempa has always found herself fighting for someone else; even if it comes with a constant bemoaning of her position.
Class: Ochre Spearmistress - While most of the Iathan women consider it an honor to be chosen to become a Spearmistress, Tempa was never so enthralled about her 'destiny'. As such, she has abdicated her position...becoming known as an Ochre; equivocal with becoming an exile. The Spearmistress is a class that favors weapons with heft and reach, mingled with a magical affinity. Tempa tends to utilize both, though the focus is more on the magical aspect of combat.
• Traveling bag. (many pockets, mostly empty)
• Alacrity; A spear crafted for Tempa during her time as a Spearmistress, forged of magic steel intended to be nigh-unbreakable and resistant to her elemental affinity. It has been adjusted to be taller than the Firebrand, herself, and is almost always seen in her hand.
• Clothing. (mostly new shirts)
• Amulet, mundane steel. (heavily scarred, making its original appearance unrecognizable)
• Nobody's Business; A ruined and bloodied silken glove that Tempa carries with her. Certainly a strange keepsake. It's rare that she ever takes it out, but she can be caught checking to see if it is still in her pack from time to time.
•Iathan Grace (Racial); As with most Iath, Tempa has en exceptional sense of balance; lending to her a degree of dexterity and fluidity in movement that she utilizes with the sometimes-unwieldy nature of her combative style.
•Spearmistress Training (Racial/Class); The cat-folk warriors of Kyir are quite serious about their training. Moreso than most are the Spearmistresses, who perform as guards, servants and advisors to certain noble houses of Kyir. As such, Tempa has undergone extensive training to have been among their ranks. She is proficient with the spear she wields and has a degree of hardiness that is not found among the less molded warrior classes. Though she doesn't often utilize the countless rituals and niceties imparted to her from this training (at least on a social level) she still holds a respect for them.
•Magical Affinity (Class/Personal); Tempa would never have earned her title without her deeply held affinity for scathing flame. Her magical affinity is particularly strong, though somewhat imperfect and willfully untrained, producing a more molten form of flame than most Mages are accustomed to. Her affinity grants her a high degree of resistance to her own hasty element.
•Unorthodox Implementation (Personal); Despite her rigorous training, Tempa never found herself fully immersed in the martial ideals of the Spearmistresses. Eschewing their code has allowed Tempa to more individually explore their teachings; leading her to incorporate strikes with her arms and legs, in addition to spear-thrusts and volatile expulsions of magic.
•Ochre (Personal/Class/Race); The Iath rarely forget those who spit on their honor, and Tempa has become something of a well-known exile from her homeland. Other Iath who encounter her, assuming they are aware of her status, will be far less inclined to have any dealings with the Firebrand. Even if they are not aware, assuming they are at least vaguely knowledgeable of the customs of Kyir, will realize that a Spearmistress should not be so far from her homeland.
Name: Lloyle Waraz
Age: Thirty three
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Black Adder Company (Leader)
Personality: A man of few words, infamous for his cruelty in battle. While respected for his influence within the Guilds of Delad, as the head of the Black Adder Company, there exists only a small number of people who can claim to keep company with him regularly. Reclusive, it often takes the summons of the Vaunted Council to bring him from the depths of his Guildhome...though that was not always the case. When he does choose to engage in speech, instead of swordplay, it is often delivered in portentious tones.
Class: Eldritch Servitor - The Eldritch are often followers of the Void (attached to the warlike aspects of Kanys and the sinister side of Stieg's influence), devoted to pursuing the "lunar magics" for the sake of their Guild or country. The Servitors among their ranks are seasoned Mages who have conquered their esoteric studies and survived the trials of the Eldritch Woebeholders . They favor light or no armor and generally wield umbral magics in unison with concealed shortblades or a longsword.
•Obfuscating garb. Finely tailored and resilient to travel damage, if a bit outlandish. Includes a mask (and replacements).
•Wither; A longsword, forged of magic steel, claimed from the former Black Adder leader. Despite its innate toughness it seems that Waraz has ground away most of the former blade to leave it, in essence a very long dagger. Wither, when an opponent is successfully sliced (flesh, not armor or clothing or any kind of barrier), will begin weeping a toxin from the blade. While only trace amounts will be left behind by the first swing, subsequent attacks will possess sufficient venom to cause a flaring pain on glancing blow and a wracking anguish on heavy strikes. If Wither is used on more than one opponent, in a fight, the effect of the weapon becomes more potent against each subsequent opponent. The poison can be dispelled by potion or magic.
•Potion satchel. (contains ten potions. 4 healing, 4 conflagration, 2 fog)
•Void Font; An ornate bottle, stoppered and bound with strips of leather. While the glass is clear, the contents are umbral and ever-swirling. It seems to be incapable of being broken, as Lloyle takes no particular care to protect it; but has never been opened. Functions as an Auspice (meaning, essentially, that it is an object bound directly to Lloyle and never leaves his possession for long) assumed to be a gift from the Eldritch Woebeholders...or something else entirely.
•Throwing knives. (lots, mundane steel)
•Mask Fragment; While not common knowledge, Lloyle has been carrying a piece of Kanys' mask for quite some time.
•Umbral Prism (Class): Where light exists, there will be cast shadows. Drawing on the Umbral Prism will create a creeping purple-tinted darkness that moves similarly to great tendrils of mist, spreading first from the Eldritch Servitor's shadow. These tendrils may physically interact with nearby objects (within ~10 feet) to bludgeon, grapple or pierce, and pose a great threat to mobility if one is entangled within them. While the initial tendrils are formidable, any shadows that are touched by them become an extension of the Umbral Prism's function. Shining a bright light can dissipate the tendrils, as can striking them with sufficient mundane or magic force.
•Annihilation Wave (Personal); The swing of a single blade can rend askew even the staunches of foes, if properly placed. Lloyle, however, believes that it is best to swing multiple blades. Lacing together his knowledge of Void, he can produce a complex pattern of rending energies originating from his sword. This ability creates a glaring red web of distortion in the air and rapidly travels forward when he reaches mid-swing, tearing up the ground and anything unfortunate enough to remain in its path.
•Languid Affliction (Personal); Reaching into the depths of an opponent's mind, to pull out torpor and disorientation, Languid Affliction can cause several effects. Distorted vision, heavy limbs, feelings of nausea or vertigo and the possibility of hallucinations. Those with strong willpower can stave off the effects, after a moment, if they realize the source of their sudden change in condition. Strangely, even creatures with magical lineage have no innate resistance to this ability.
•Malleable Relativity(Class/Personal); One must always be willing to adapt to any given situation, the Servitor moreso than most. This ability does not focus on the flexibility of the body, so much as it does the realization of what space that body occupies; the concept being tied to the closeness of Aedrasil to the Void and what respective elements of the Order Sequential's particular realms exist (in what areas, at the time) to interfere. Understanding how to "map" the pockets of Void in between can allow the Servitor to instantaneously move themselves to an "empty location". Mapping the celestial realms is a tiring task, mentally and phsyically, and can cause extreme stress on the Servitor if an area is unfamiliar. The maximum range of movement depends on the Servitor. Lloyle can usually manage to move between two or three locations before fatigue begins to set in.
•Breathing Shadow (Class/Personal); The Servitor is always deeply given to the Eldritch arts, striving to meld themselves with Void-aspects while still existing within Aedrasil. Lloyle is a man who does not have an ambition that remains untouched by the will of Kanys; as such, he favors himself as a busy sort. It is this (and perhaps the influence of the sundered god) that has led the head of the Black Adders to create for himself several stand-ins. While many would rely on hired hands or underlings, Lloyle believes that some things are best handled in-person. The Breathing Shadow is a fragment of Waraz's soul, woven into a flesh-and-bone construct. Believing if he cannot truly be there, he may as well send that which best represents him.
Juggling the splinter consciousnesses is a task that Lloyle has become increasingly comfortable with, able to control two Breathing Shadow in addition to his original body. These constructs also function as a sort of phylactery; his soul being drawn to the nearest Breathing Shadow should his 'true' body be stricken down. There are no immediate flaws (aside from the fact that only one wields Wither and carries the Mask Fragment) that give away a Breathing Shadow, given that they all wear the same garb and carry (usually) the same sort of equipment (each of these iterations carry a Void Font).
It is uncertain how such things are created and maintained, but Lloyle's fragments are capable of utilizing the same abilities with similar proficiency as the original; save for this skill.
Biography: ???
Age: Thirty three
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Black Adder Company (Leader)

Personality: A man of few words, infamous for his cruelty in battle. While respected for his influence within the Guilds of Delad, as the head of the Black Adder Company, there exists only a small number of people who can claim to keep company with him regularly. Reclusive, it often takes the summons of the Vaunted Council to bring him from the depths of his Guildhome...though that was not always the case. When he does choose to engage in speech, instead of swordplay, it is often delivered in portentious tones.
Class: Eldritch Servitor - The Eldritch are often followers of the Void (attached to the warlike aspects of Kanys and the sinister side of Stieg's influence), devoted to pursuing the "lunar magics" for the sake of their Guild or country. The Servitors among their ranks are seasoned Mages who have conquered their esoteric studies and survived the trials of the Eldritch Woebeholders . They favor light or no armor and generally wield umbral magics in unison with concealed shortblades or a longsword.
•Obfuscating garb. Finely tailored and resilient to travel damage, if a bit outlandish. Includes a mask (and replacements).
•Wither; A longsword, forged of magic steel, claimed from the former Black Adder leader. Despite its innate toughness it seems that Waraz has ground away most of the former blade to leave it, in essence a very long dagger. Wither, when an opponent is successfully sliced (flesh, not armor or clothing or any kind of barrier), will begin weeping a toxin from the blade. While only trace amounts will be left behind by the first swing, subsequent attacks will possess sufficient venom to cause a flaring pain on glancing blow and a wracking anguish on heavy strikes. If Wither is used on more than one opponent, in a fight, the effect of the weapon becomes more potent against each subsequent opponent. The poison can be dispelled by potion or magic.
•Potion satchel. (contains ten potions. 4 healing, 4 conflagration, 2 fog)
•Void Font; An ornate bottle, stoppered and bound with strips of leather. While the glass is clear, the contents are umbral and ever-swirling. It seems to be incapable of being broken, as Lloyle takes no particular care to protect it; but has never been opened. Functions as an Auspice (meaning, essentially, that it is an object bound directly to Lloyle and never leaves his possession for long) assumed to be a gift from the Eldritch Woebeholders...or something else entirely.
•Throwing knives. (lots, mundane steel)
•Mask Fragment; While not common knowledge, Lloyle has been carrying a piece of Kanys' mask for quite some time.
•Umbral Prism (Class): Where light exists, there will be cast shadows. Drawing on the Umbral Prism will create a creeping purple-tinted darkness that moves similarly to great tendrils of mist, spreading first from the Eldritch Servitor's shadow. These tendrils may physically interact with nearby objects (within ~10 feet) to bludgeon, grapple or pierce, and pose a great threat to mobility if one is entangled within them. While the initial tendrils are formidable, any shadows that are touched by them become an extension of the Umbral Prism's function. Shining a bright light can dissipate the tendrils, as can striking them with sufficient mundane or magic force.
•Annihilation Wave (Personal); The swing of a single blade can rend askew even the staunches of foes, if properly placed. Lloyle, however, believes that it is best to swing multiple blades. Lacing together his knowledge of Void, he can produce a complex pattern of rending energies originating from his sword. This ability creates a glaring red web of distortion in the air and rapidly travels forward when he reaches mid-swing, tearing up the ground and anything unfortunate enough to remain in its path.
•Languid Affliction (Personal); Reaching into the depths of an opponent's mind, to pull out torpor and disorientation, Languid Affliction can cause several effects. Distorted vision, heavy limbs, feelings of nausea or vertigo and the possibility of hallucinations. Those with strong willpower can stave off the effects, after a moment, if they realize the source of their sudden change in condition. Strangely, even creatures with magical lineage have no innate resistance to this ability.
•Malleable Relativity(Class/Personal); One must always be willing to adapt to any given situation, the Servitor moreso than most. This ability does not focus on the flexibility of the body, so much as it does the realization of what space that body occupies; the concept being tied to the closeness of Aedrasil to the Void and what respective elements of the Order Sequential's particular realms exist (in what areas, at the time) to interfere. Understanding how to "map" the pockets of Void in between can allow the Servitor to instantaneously move themselves to an "empty location". Mapping the celestial realms is a tiring task, mentally and phsyically, and can cause extreme stress on the Servitor if an area is unfamiliar. The maximum range of movement depends on the Servitor. Lloyle can usually manage to move between two or three locations before fatigue begins to set in.
•Breathing Shadow (Class/Personal); The Servitor is always deeply given to the Eldritch arts, striving to meld themselves with Void-aspects while still existing within Aedrasil. Lloyle is a man who does not have an ambition that remains untouched by the will of Kanys; as such, he favors himself as a busy sort. It is this (and perhaps the influence of the sundered god) that has led the head of the Black Adders to create for himself several stand-ins. While many would rely on hired hands or underlings, Lloyle believes that some things are best handled in-person. The Breathing Shadow is a fragment of Waraz's soul, woven into a flesh-and-bone construct. Believing if he cannot truly be there, he may as well send that which best represents him.
Juggling the splinter consciousnesses is a task that Lloyle has become increasingly comfortable with, able to control two Breathing Shadow in addition to his original body. These constructs also function as a sort of phylactery; his soul being drawn to the nearest Breathing Shadow should his 'true' body be stricken down. There are no immediate flaws (aside from the fact that only one wields Wither and carries the Mask Fragment) that give away a Breathing Shadow, given that they all wear the same garb and carry (usually) the same sort of equipment (each of these iterations carry a Void Font).
It is uncertain how such things are created and maintained, but Lloyle's fragments are capable of utilizing the same abilities with similar proficiency as the original; save for this skill.
Biography: ???
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