A word from Goldeagle: So what you are about to witness is an NRP created by myself with the help of Darkspleen. This is a relatively unique idea I had come up with: where we all start off in a single continent with the technology of the medieval ages and with the setting best described as low fantasy, so far not very original. HOWEVER here is the twist: a massive sentient volcano controls the reality of this continent, and I control the volcano. The volcano has the power to alter anything, create anything, and grant anything with some exceptions; however once again, all that isn't controlled by me but by a intricate dice system I devised that slowly makes thoughts and actions for the volcano, such as suddenly causing a storm or randomly granting a player character a new special ability or curse, perhaps even bestowing an object of immense power unto a nation! With that, I beg of you to check out the rest of this post (by clicking this) and let me know if you're interested at all in what we have to offer. Thank you!