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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just a collection of my cast and crew. I may or may not add some of my older sheets later.

"Your body lies upon the sheets
Of paper and words so sweet!
I can't say the words
So I wrote them into my verse,
Now you'll live through the ages
I can feel your pulse in the pages.
I have written you down
Now you will live forever."

- Poet by Bastille
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Maxwell Oldham

(True Name: Inviticus Julius Maximian)

Known Aliases: Buck, Nurse Buck

Age: 1,942 (Born 72 AD, turned 93 AD)

Species: Vampire

Title: Upper Complex Head Nurse, Osmond’s Institute


For a male, Buck is fairly unintimidating. He stands 5’6” in his bare feet, a little taller with shoes on, and his build is distinctly on the slender side of average. If you were to catch him without his clothes on, however, you’d find his body made of lean, well-defined muscle, and masculine in a way that you wouldn’t expect from his fine, uncalloused hands and beardless, angled jaw. Like most Kindred of his race and age, Buck’s skin is alabaster pale and completely flawless. His hair is a shade of light brown that would seem unremarkable if not for its silky sheen… also a result of his vampiric nature. It falls just across his eyes, roughly parted on the left side and perfectly tousled at all times. Buck’s face is narrow; a thin, straight nose, gently arched brows (not generally visible under his bangs), slightly pointed chin, his mouth well-shaped but not full. There’s not a trace of stubble anywhere, either, which gives him a distinctly youthful air despite his advanced years.

Buck would be almost unremarkable were it not for one feature: his luminous golden eyes. Twin pools of molten, glimmering, multi-faceted gold and yellow and amber and something almost white. These incredible eyes are the reason Buck keeps his bangs so long: the shadows and fringe do much to camouflage his heavy, hypnotic gaze. At first glance, it is always Buck’s eyes that mark him as something supernatural. Even in a dimension like Orrace, where strangely and brightly colored eyes are pretty much the norm, Buck’s gaze is still generally found unnerving and unusual. Truly, it’s the complex power which lies directly behind that shimmering stare in Buck’s brain that lends them their supernatural light.



If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?

Most people/vampires/creatures who say they know Buck well do not realize that they hardly know him at all. After his long centuries, and all the experiences contained within, Buck has become an undisputable expert at closing all the doors in his heart and mind in order to show others only and exactly what he wants them to see. The Buck you know depends entirely on how Buck feels about you. On first meeting, he habitually presents himself as coolly polite, detached, often bordering on condescending, arrogant or uninterested. His bedside manner is crisp and informative, not exactly caring but certainly kind, and Buck has an exceptional knack for helping his patients to understand what the treatment plan is, and why. (Though in Osmond’s, his bedside manner and explanation of treatments are affected both by Institute policy and the level of madness in his patients.) Most of his fellow doctors and nurses find him every bit as antiseptic and sterile as their work environment: he never discusses his history or personal life, makes only the very rare (and usually quite dark) joke over an open chest, and completely shuns staff social functions. Women he meets in bars find him quite the smooth operator, a talented conversationalist while being exceptionally evasive about personal questions, but unfailingly they feel they are the focus of all his attention and that he genuinely cares for them in at least some small way. (It’s absolutely not true. They’re cheesburgers to him.) Anyone who betrays the Roman, does harm to him or to those few individuals he really does care for, will come to know the true meaning of a vengeful man. To these sorts of people, Buck is bloodthirsty, cruel, relentless, merciless, and absolutely single-minded in the pursuit of whatever justice he feels is due.

Can I clear my conscience
If I’m different from the rest?
Do I have to run and hide?
I never said I want this,
This burden came to me
And it’s made its home inside!

For all the different facets of himself that Buck isolates and presents to the world, deep down in his core is a single vampire who is the sum of those parts. Somewhere locked inside the shell of stone and blood still lives the faintest ghost of a man born nearly two millennia ago. This specter misses the feel of rich earth crumbling in his palm, remembers the silky-soft skin of a red-haired woman, wonders about a little boy who grew and lived and died without a single memory of his father. This corpse is buried, well and good, under layers of earth and ash and grass that have been laid down while the vampire known as Buck was born, destroyed, and reborn over and over again. Yet from its deep grave this long-dead man still whispers faintly, in dreams and occasional snippets of memory, to the vampire who exists today.

This sum of himself, this man he genuinely is, is rarely shown to anyone. He is demanding, not quite a perfectionist but expecting the best possible attempt, both from himself and others. He is a dominant personality and becomes uncomfortable in situations where he isn’t in control. He has a problem with authority: he will cooperate to an extent when it suits him, but at the slightest hint of abuse or misuse of power he begins to do exactly what he pleases regardless of the consequences he’s threatened with. He has a great sense of humor, albeit dry, sarcastic and dark. He can be generous, giving, and warm. He is considerate, polite, even-tempered, and almost unflappably calm. He’s logical, practical, and intelligent. Material possessions matter little and less to him, as he recognizes that he can literally own something long enough for it to crumble into dust no matter how he might try to preserve it. That being said, he greatly values comfort: all the chairs and sofas in his house are oversized and overstuffed, all his floors outside the bathroom and kitchen are double-padded plush carpet, his fancy foam mattress has a down topper on it, and he sleeps exclusively in high-end jersey cotton or micro-fleece pajama pants. Wealth and riches are also transitory things for him: he’s built and lost and rebuilt fortunes many times before. Though having cash at hand makes life much easier, he’s got no problem taking things that he wants… especially if they’re currently in the possession of some human asshole who doesn’t value them for what they’re worth.

Yes, at times, even this sacred center of Buck can be a complete bastard: cold, calculating, cruel, heartless, always willing to do what must be done. He can be brutal, unforgiving, and quite violent. He does not relish confrontation but cannot deny what the heat of battle does for him. Buck always feels at his strongest and sharpest when he is engaged in some sort of struggle, especially towards the end. Buck knows that this bloodlust, this deep-seated need for pain and the taste of death, is the part of him which is strictly vampire and feels no human emotion. Though he has done his best to keep this aspect of himself in check, he worries that someday it will swallow him whole and leave no trace of the person he’s been for eons.

A monster, a monster,
I’ve turned into a monster!
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger!

What matters to Buck, in fact the thing that matters most, is something he hasn’t admitted in at least three hundred years: love. He loved Tryphosa, and still mourns the life he didn’t get to live with her. He also accepts that the sort of love which existed between them is something he will never have again. There will be no more children of his loins, no wrinkles or sun-spots will ever touch his face, his hair will never turn grey. The only way he will ever age is on the inside, an inconstant and uncertain process he barely understands himself… so how could he ever expect someone else to not only understand it, but go through it with him for the countless centuries it still may last? More, with every passing year Buck feels his humanity drifting a little farther away. He can feel himself slowly becoming less caring, less kind, less connected. It is well-known among vampires that a few close, strong bonds are necessary to maintain sanity through the long eons of time and Buck had to sever all of his when coming to Orrace in the first place. He knows enough of himself to recognize that love calls out the best of him, and without a reason to use that best he worries that the worst parts of him, the parts he uses most frequently now, will consume him. Buck does not fear death, nor pain, nor suffering. The only thing he has left to fear is losing every last piece of himself before the end comes at last.

I’m only a man with a candle to guide me,
I’m taking a stand to escape what’s inside me.
A monster, a monster,
I’ve turned into a monster.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (With an admitted fondness for red-haired women.)


Buck is incredibly strong: he can lift and throw an old-school steel pickup truck, he can bend small to medium-sized steel beams, and he can punch through six inches of concrete uninjured. (He’s capable of going through more, but will likely break some of the bones in his hands.)

Buck is very, very fast: he can move at speeds that render more than a few forms of life incapable of marking his passage with their eyes. He very rarely fails to surprise a patient with a sedative injection in their hip, and the ones that do notice never do so in time to react and stop him.

Buck has game-ender level hand-eye coordination. Yes, he can catch a bullet. And not a trick one, either, one meant to kill him. He absolutely owns at video games, archery, football, sharpshooting, swordfighting, and other things of that nature.

Speaking of swordfighting, Buck has been expertly trained on most personal weaponry that has existed since Roman times. Mace, whip, sword, halberd, staff, spear, shield, knives, throwing stars, battle axe, etc. He’s an exceptional marksman, though shrugs this off as a result of his vampiric nature and says that guns are cheating. He’s a very skilled hand-to-hand combatant, having trained in numerous forms of martial arts, boxing and wrestling.

Buck is a wonderful tracker, thanks to his exceptional Kindred senses. An exceptional telepathic sense of the minds around him, coupled with his sight, smell and hearing, makes it nearly impossible for someone to hide from him.

Finally but most importantly (and powerfully) are Buck’s unique telepathic gifts. He can clearly read the minds of most humans, telepathic ones or not, as well as the minds of other vampires. Even those who are practiced and skilled at closing off their minds have a difficult time repelling a telepathic attack from the little vampire. Lupians (weres and anthropomorphic wolves) are more difficult, and generally only produce presences and emotions in his head. Fae tend to be the most skilled at blocking him, but when they fail their defenses crumble completely. Forms of life that do not have brains which are humanoid in any sense register only as a presence with weak notes of emotions. Angels, demons, and other divine-natured beings can have whole conversations with Buck inside their head but can also block him completely, and ‘drop off the radar’ so to speak.

His telepathic powers enable Buck to completely dominate the will of a human, and usually the will of another vampire. This ability is effective in varying degrees in all other species, but at the very least Buck can usually manage to convey relaxing and soothing feelings to patients in distress no matter their psychosis. It makes him exceptionally efficient in a clinical setting, and he is often called into rooms where patients are losing their shit simply for his calming effect.

Though it doesn’t really rank as an ‘ability’ of any extraordinary power, Buck is also a very capable physician and nurse. Were he to work at Orrace Hospital instead of Osmond’s Institute, he would likely have a very high success rate and patient satisfaction rating.


Buck is a skilled musician. He can play the violin, cello, flute, harp, several sorts of drums, guitar, piano, and has a lovely tenor voice.

Much to his chagrin, Buck is quite the seamstress and has, out of necessity, learned how to sew, knit, and even weave.

Though Buck identifies as pansexual, his most likely partner for a one night stand would be a petite female.

Buck’s smile is usually false, and intended as a gesture of intimidation that shows his sharp fangs. It is exceptionally rare for anyone outside his inner circle to make him laugh, and the ability to do so is generally one of the first traits that draws Buck to a new ally or friend.

Buck has completely forgotten when his human birthday was, and is not entirely sure on exactly what day of the year he was born into unlife. He generally remembers celebrating his birthday sometime in late summer, near the end of July or in early August, but he's not confident in that guess. He says that New Year's Eve is enough celebration to mark the passing of yet another year, and never feels a need to throw a party literally to celebrate the day he was born.

A few things Buck doesn’t admit about himself: first, he is terribly lonely, especially since coming to Orrace. He’s rather susceptible to someone who values him for who and what he actually might be instead of who they assume he is. He’s a highly likely to spot a fraud, but a little genuine affection would go a long way to securing his good graces and possibly his own affection in return. Second, though he has little respect for humans, lupians and other vampires, Buck is quite interested by and respectful of alien races, most especially those who are not humanoid in any way. This is part of what he likes best about his job: the opportunity to meet and interact with creatures that he never could have even dreamed of. Lastly, Buck adores the Fae. These are creatures who, like vampires, endure for nearly eternal periods of time. Yet, unlike vampires, they are bound to light instead of darkness and still have the ability to reproduce. He secretly thinks to himself that he’d be a better Fae than he is a vampire.

OOC Notes

This is Buck, version 2.0.

I don’t think anyone who’s still around will remember, but Buck was originally an NPC for Twisted, who I intended to use as a complimentary character for one Remington Black. It quickly became apparent to me that I couldn’t use Buck as an NPC and share him with others, and the longer Twisted went on, the richer Buck’s backstory became. The more I got to know him as a character, the more I liked him. Eventually, he eclipsed Remington and became my primary character and his position as a nurse became essential to my in-game power during my time as a GM. As you can probably tell by the tremendous length (and hopefully the depth) of his character sheet, I now have a much better idea of who he is and how he operates.

In this second version of the character, all but the last two hundred years or so of his history have remained unchanged. I have completely edited out the previous love story that brought him to Osmond’s in the last Twisted, and thus removed the contractual employment obligations to the Institute he had in his last run. I have also removed Remington. Though the Big Guy was an essential part of Buck’s creation, Buck no longer needs that mirror in which to see himself. Furthermore, much of his character development was romantically focused and I feel that I spent very little time exploring any of the other aspects of Buck’s personality. Between changing the employment contract and removing Remy, I have dealt a serious blow to the power Morgan Osmond holds over my vampy boy. This, too, I feel is important to the course I would like to see in the new version of the RP. If he seems overpowered, it’s because I need him to be, and you can rest assured that I will not God-Mod with him except in a GM capacity should it become necessary to the continued health of the roleplay. (In his last incarnation he had some pretty wicked awesome fights with patients. Ask Pumirya!)

I also feel like the heavily romantic storyline of the last Buck was (more likely than not) totally out-of-character for him. When prompted, I could not offer a believable explanation for what it was that made Buck love his lost fledgling so much and focus so hard on Remington. The best I could come up with was something… acceptable. Though his largest personal motivations are still based on love, this time around it will be an invisible element instead of such an overpowering one. The updated Buck has a much better Osmond’s arrival story and a much better perspective of the place. I feel like I’m going to have a lot of fun this time around in getting to know the aspects of Buck which are darkly amused by suffering, interested in learning about the homeworlds of unique species, and how he really behaves towards people who he genuinely does not care about. I’m so excited to play Buck again that I think it’s going to be my driving factor in getting the Twisted Reboot done quickly!

The theme songs for Buck's creation and character are:
- Immortal, Eve to Adam (Overall Character)
- Monster, Imagine Dragons (Personality)
- Broken Crown, Mumford and Sons (History)
- Pompeii, Bastille (Overall Character)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First character sheet posted on Newguild: 5,340 words. Maiden: the definition of long-poster since 2010 and still going strong. Also, for some reason it makes me very happy that Buck is the first character I've posted on Newguild. Welcome back, old buddy! Now for your setting... *rolls up sleeves*
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Jean St. Croix

Species: Human

Age: 25

Title: General Psychiatric Nurse, Upper Complex


(I mean, obviously she doesn't dress like that. But the picture's so awesome I had to use it.)

Nurse Jean is five-foot-eight with a willowy build. She moves like a dancer; graceful, purposeful, and poised. Her hair is dark brown and exceptionally long, reaching well past her waist. Jean’s face is pretty enough: a soft, full mouth, pert little nose, and wide green eyes. And yet, despite her general attractiveness, there is a cruelty and condescension in those eyes that keeps her from being really beautiful.


In long and short: mean as a snake. Jean wouldn’t willingly piss on someone if they were on fire. Luckily for her patients, Jean’s job requires that she at least go fetch a fire extinguisher. She’s selfish, self-important, and is probably not even capable of feeling things like compassion or empathy. She’s smart enough to know that you catch more flies with honey, so she’s gotten quite good at hiding her contempt of basically everyone and everything.


Jean St. Croix was born right here in Osmond’s Institute. Her mother, Janet, was a powerful human telepath and a patient suffering from Depersonalization Disorder. Jean was born nine months and two days after her mother’s arrival… meaning that it was probable she’d been conceived in the asylum as well as delivered there. Of course, this caused a bit of a buzz among the Institute staff. Though three human male nurses were fired shortly after Jean’s birth, Administration never released a statement about how Jean had happened.

What happened to Jean in the years between her birth and her eventual return to the Institute as a nurse at the age of 22 is not a matter of record, either. All that is commonly known is that she was raised in Mother Eglath's orphanage in Orrace, and received her nursing degree from Orrace University.

Jean looks an awful lot more like an Osmond than anyone not born of that line rightfully should. She has the same long, lanky build. The same chocolatey hue to her hair. Even her jawline is similar to his. Her mother was long dead by the time Jean returned to Osmond's, and had never acknowledged that Jean was born so never answered any questions about her parentage. Jean absolutely refuses to discuss her mother, father, or the circumstances surrounding her birth. That being said, she is quite fiercely devoted to both Administrator and Institute. She thrives in the brutal environment, and genuinely enjoys her work.
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Jaxilian of House Darkstorm, a/k/a Jax

Age: 128

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (In that he likes lady ravens.)

Species: Corvinian

Corvinians are one of many anthromorph races found on planet Zoologica. They are not anthropomorphic; rather, all races on that planet are true anthromorphs. Their bone structure is a blend of human and animal, but they do not have full animal or full human forms that they can change into. Most of the anthromorphs on Zoologica have no magical, psychic, or other supernatural sort of talent. They differ only from humans in only two ways: their natural lifespan (which can reach as high as 300 years), and that they may have fur on their lower appendages, with hooves instead of feet. Or, as in Jax’s case, they may have the head of a bird, covered in silky black feathers, and huge dark wings sprouting from their back.

Mental Illness: PTSD and Paranoid Schitzophrenia


Jaxilian was 74 years old when all his training finally paid off and he was accepted into the guard of a Royal Avian house, and given the distinguished position of guarding the eldest princess. That particular house, House Auri, were golden sparrows. The princess Jax watched over was named Candira, petite and lovely with her short sharp beak and glimmering feathers. A mere eight months after he assumed her as a charge, Jax was standing nearby when an attempt was made on Candira’s life. Jax called a powerful storm to stop the attack… but unwittingly blew over a tree which crushed Candira and directly caused her death. The event was traumatic enough to cause Jax to suffer a schizophrenic break and develop PTSD. His delusion was always to see Candira somewhere, and to see her being trailed by assailants. He killed forty eight innocent people while lost in the shadows of his damaged mind. The villagers wanted him dead, but the Sparrow King sent his ruined servant to Osmond’s Instead.


Jax is, as he was before Candira’s death, rather stoic and withdrawn. Being both hypervigilant and a bird anthromorph, Jax is constantly looking at everything. It makes him seem twitchy and distracted when he attempts to have conversations. That being said, it also makes him quite observant. He is suspicious of new people, but he is a true and loyal friend to the few he does let inside his walls.


Jaxilian is tall: six foot three from the top of his birdlike head to his heels. His head is exactly what you’d expect: a raven. Black beak, black feathers, black eyes that seem pupilless. From the neck to the waist he looks human. His torso is built like a heavy-weight fighter, and in his natural state he is covered in feathers from hip to mid-thigh. His legs are thick and well-muscled, mostly humanoid except for the large, black, four-toed feet with sharp claws on the end of each digit. Jax’s wingspan is nearly fifteen feet across when his feathery appendages are stretched and ready for flight. If his head and feet were humanoid, the wings would make him seem like an angel instead of a bird. Folded, their curved tops end two feet above his head and the lowermost feathers become dirty from being dragged on the ground.

His waist-area feathers have been plucked to allow Jax to wear normal pants, and his scrub top has velcro on the back so it can be put on around his wings.


Jax is supernatural for a Corvinian in that he is a talented storm elemental. (It runs in his family.) This means that he is able to magically control the natural elements linked with a storm: rain/snow/fog, lightning and thunder, winds and air pressure. Yes, he can fire off a bolt of lightning. Yes, he can create a tornado indoors (though that is a difficult feat and Jax does not always succeed). He is also more physically powerful than a standard Corvinian, likely due to the enhanced energies he gains from being a magic-user.

Jax wears three slim, golden bands: one around his throat at the exact point where it transitions from bird to human anatomy, and one around each of his wrists. These are magical limiters, plain on the outside but with inscriptions within against his skin. They keep him from being able to produce anything more than the occasional wind gust or… unfortunately… bolt of lightning.

Fears: Small spaces (claustrophobia)


Jax has formed a close bond with one of his fellow patients, an incredibly powerful telekinetic named Cadence. Physically she reminds him of Candira (without the birdlike features, of course) and their names even sound similar. He has transferred some of his psychosis onto Cadie as well, often suffering delusions that the staff are out to get her, or trying to poison her. Fortunately, Cadie’s particular brand of crazy does not dispose her to either hallucinations or delusions, and she’s become quite adept at talking Jax down when he starts to become paranoid for her safety.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Cadence E. Halstead a/k/a Cadie (pronounced like Katie)

Age: 20

Species: Human Mutant (Extremely powerful Beta Level)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual and panicky about it.


Cadie is an exceptionally strong telekinetic. In an unrestricted state, she is capable of producing forces up to 40,000 PSI. Her mind can crush bone, concrete, glass, steel… basically everything on her home Earth. She can throw busses, trains, airplanes, elephants, and can propel smaller objects at incredible speeds.

There is a price to pay for Cadie’s incredible mental gift. Her body needs huge energy reserves to power this high-level mutation, and so no matter how much she eats Cadie remains painfully thin. (Patients who have never asked about her illness tend to assume she’s in the eating disordered category.) Large displays of power require Cadie to have a third-party energy channeler involved, as she will literally deplete herself and die if she does too much. She is not capable of drawing ambient power from her surroundings or from beings close to her.

...at least, she’s not capable of it yet.

Cadie’s telekinetic talent is linked directly to her mental illness.

Mental Illness:

Conversion Disorder: Due to some of the traumatic events of Cadie’s past, she has developed a fairly severe form of this disorder. She has a fear of strong emotions and her body will attempt to physically prevent her from feeling such things. She may suffer a seizure when the patient in front of her takes the last piece of cherry pie. This happens to allow Cadie to avoid becoming angry at the loss of her pie, so that her second mental illness will not take over.

Impulse Control Disorder: Thanks to her ICD, Cadie is unable to control when her telekinesis will lash out violently on its own. The patient who took the last piece of cherry pie might suddenly find his or her throat crushed and Cadie would find herself surprised with the last piece of pie in her hand while a corpse lay cooling at her feet. (She blacks out when she loses control of her impulses.) This is largely offset by the Conversion Disorder (which likely developed as a result of the ICD), but Cadie has a limiter in place for safety’s sake. A small microchip implanted at the base of her skull disallows most of the neural impulses needed for her telekinesis to function completely. So long as the chip is functioning properly, Cadie is limited to displays of 100 PSI or less.

Fears: Hedonophobia (fear of pleasure) and philophobia (fear of being in love).


Cadence was born a mutant, which technically makes her a changeling. Her parents and siblings are all standard-issue human, so why Cadie is what she is, no one really knows. Luckily for her, the girl’s mom and dad were quite open to one of their children being gifted. They weren’t at all creeped out by the way their daughter’s bottles floated over to the counter and fed themselves to the hungry infant. It made their lives easier.

Initially, Cadie’s telekinetic talent seemed weak and well under her control. She was classified as Delta Level and not required to disclose her mutation or enroll in a special school. So when she accidentally killed a bully who tried to steal her lunch money at the age of eight, she kept it to herself. The girl liked her school… and her life. The child’s death was never solved, but due to his internal injuries it was deemed a probable hit-and-run car accident.

For many years after that, Cadie’s talent grew in secret. At the age of thirteen she became aware that she was much stronger than a run-of-the-mill Delta. Her powers grew as she did, and during her freshman year of high school she could have easily stood her ground against Beta Levels. Doctors would later speculate that Cadence’s changing hormones coupled with her growing powers were to blame for the tragedy that happened at Pine Crest High School that fateful day in October.

Cadence’s best friend was a beautiful brunette named Rayanne. They’d been friends since third grade, and Raya was one of the few normal girls who had no problem dealing with Cadie’s mutant nature. They got along just fine until the end of their middle school years. Thanks to Cadence’s mutant powers, she never really developed breasts or hips or an ass. Raya did… in fact, her body filled out the way a body ideally should. All the boys Cadie was ever interested in liked Raya in ‘that way’, but never waifish blonde Cadie.

Luke was one of the most beautiful boys at Cadie’s school, at least in her evaluation. Of course, he wanted to date Raya. Cadie begged Raya to let her have just this one, to leave him alone, but Raya refused. The first time Cadie saw Raya kissing Luke in the hallways… something inside her changed. Jealousy, desire, pain, rejection, and furious anger formed a tight ball in her chest before the emotions became more than Cadence could handle. Everything exploded into a thousand fragments of light. Cadie hoped she’d just fainted… but it was a psychotic break.

Eighty students, four teachers and one janitor died instantaneously. Raya and Luke were, of course, among those students. 113 more people suffered injuries of varying degrees. The school building was damaged so badly that it had to be demolished and rebuilt. Firefighters who responded to the scene were certain at first that a bomb had gone off… except that there, sanding unharmed at ground zero, was Beta Level Mutant. Cadence was sixteen.

That was when Cadie was diagnosed with Impulse Control Disorder. Her anger at being cast aside by both Luke and Raya had resulted in in the Pine Crest disaster, but similar events of increasing severity would follow at all the mental hospitals that attempted to house Cadie. She developed Conversion Disorder after all the times she’d come to surrounded by dead bodies. It was her physical form’s attempt to control the mental beast it housed. It wasn’t enough, and her kill count only continued to rise. She became a dark spot on the name of mutant kind everywhere. Finally, on her eighteenth birthday, Cadence was sent to Osmond’s.


Cadie is five feet, four inches tall. Her body is painfully thin, with only the barest hint of breasts or hips. Her white-blonde hair is shoulder length and straight as a board. (Its length is the only thing that keeps her from being mistaken for a boy.) Her facial features would be strikingly beautiful if not for the overall gaunt quality she has to her: pale green eyes, full lips, a straight, small nose, perfectly arched brows, clear skin. Yet her lips are cracked from her nervous twitch of licking them frequently, and there are usually dark hollows beneath her eyes. She looks like she'd blow away in the slightest wind.

In public, the mutant tends to draw in on herself physically. She often 'hugs' herself, gripping her own elbows, or pulls her knees in to her chest when she's seated on a couch or large enough chair. She generally shies away from physical contact except from an extremely select group of individuals.


Cadie is deliberately shy and very soft-spoken. It can be quite difficult to have a conversation with her in a crowded room, and she has a tough time not getting frustrated when people repeatedly ask her to speak up. As strong emotions like desire, jealousy and anger can trigger an episode for her, Cadie finds it is easier to keep herself disconnected from as many of the Institute’s inhabitants as possible.

She also wishes that she could just be normal: that her body and mind would stop fighting one another for control. The young woman likes to laugh, but can't remember the last time she found herself lighthearted enough to make such a sound. With such other serious diagnosis floating around, something like depression hardly seems worth mentioning, but of course there are times when Cadie loses hope. These are the times when she is most prone to violent outbursts... which still frighten her.


Cadence and Jaxilian have a unique, and uniquely fucked up relationship. Jax is really intelligent, but quite a bit sicker than Cadie. She realizes that he’s transferred some of his delusions onto her, and does what she can to help him see she’s not in any danger… at least, not the sort of danger he expects. Cadie is not afraid of men, she is heterosexual and thus, naturally drawn to a few of them… but after what happened to Raya and Luke, she avoids romantic relationships like the plague. Jax is as devoted to Cadie as any boyfriend ever could be, but without the slightest hint of any sort of romantic intentions. It’s been drilled into his head since birth that he can not see his charges that way, and on top of that Cadence hardly registers as a female to… well, anyone, really. Though she still does her best not to get attached (even someone she loved like a brother would be dangerous), Cadie can’t help but feel better when he’s around.

Cadie has been in Osmond’s for a little over two years now. In all that time, they’ve never removed her limiter chip. Although her body seems to have stopped growing several years ago, her mind and her gifts most certainly have not. Considering that she’s moved through several mutant levels in her short eighteen years before coming to Osmond’s, with another three or four, there’s no telling how strong she could become. The only thing keeping her feet firmly planted in Beta Level is her inability to outsource the cost of this energy. Should she ever develop the trick, she would likely pass instantly into Alpha Level.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

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It is with great pleasure that I introduce my new pair of Asylums for Chrono Asylum. Everyone, meet Kai and Lina. :)


Name: Kaiko (Kai) Mahii

Nickname/Title: None

Team Title: Dos Pistolas

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Position: Asylum

Specialty: Hybrid

Alchemic Style: Primary Vocem, Secondary Sigillum.

Asylum Code: XXX, number Thirty.


1. Dos Pistolas. Kai and Lina each carry two Glock Gen 4 Model 19 .45mm semi-automatic handguns. They both have one finished in matte black, the other in chrome. The guns’ color signifies only one thing: black guns are loaded with Anti-Alchemic bullets, chrome guns with more conventional ballistics. Kai and Lina both have custom-made holsters that keep the guns held in an x-shape at the small of their backs. For this reason, the team is rarely seen wearing their shirts tucked in. (In instances where concealment is not an issue, the guns are worn in standard hip-holsters.)

2. Robotic Minions. Kai has crafted a small zoo of entirely robotic pets that he carries along with him. He has a snake capable of delivering a venomous bite, mice, insects, even a small cat which appears startlingly lifelike. He activates these mechanical animals with Alchemy, which they have been specially built to interact with.

3. Ghost Fangs. The set of six small, blue-black, Anti-Alchemic throwing knives seems unassuming and ineffective at first, but these weapons play into Kai’s Tech-Control. Their hilts contain small batteries and smaller microchips, and Kai can make them launch themselves at unsuspecting victims. They also deliver a powerful shock into their target’s body upon connecting with flesh. If left imbedded, they will shock the target up to three more times.

Alchemy Specialization: Ghost In The Machine.

Kai’s specialization enables him to, in a manner of speaking, ‘possess’ any electronic device. He utilizes the electricity already flowing through the device and can convert it into any sort of energy needed to bring the man-made object under his influence and control. It can be something as simple as converting electricity into kinetic energy so that a lamp is made to swing around and bash someone in the head. It can be something as complex as creating a synthetic soul for a large motherboard, enabling it to disclose all its contents to Kai through energy flowing into his palm. (It should be noted that Kai can access nearby electricity sources, like wires in the wall or running generators, should his claimed device need more ‘strength’.)

Though in theory there is no limit to which data systems Kai can crack and which equipment he can control, in practice he has a more difficult time with larger items (a semi-truck, for instance) or more heavily encrypted computers. Those require a greater amount of energy and concentration, and often require multiple incantations or sigils.

Appearance: Kai stands six foot even, with a rather heavy build. He weighs in at 191 pounds and doesn’t have any spare fat on him. His hair is black, long enough to touch his shoulders and often worn with the top half in a strange pseudo-Japanese looking knot. His face is definitely handsome: high cheekbones, a strong, square jaw, a full, well-shaped mouth and slightly almandine eyes in a tawny, leonine shade of light brown. The Asylum’s life hasn’t exactly been easy on him: his once-straight nose now bears the distinct ridge from where it has been broken and healed, and a ¾ inch horizontal scar runs straight back towards his ear from the corner of his left eye. Thanks to Kai’s mixed heritage, his skin is a golden caramel color.

Kai and Lena purposefully choose younger-looking and more casual clothing. Kai generally wears straight-leg khaki cargo pants and a loose-fitting forest or olive green tee shirt. (Occasionally black or sky blue, if he’s feeling fresh.) He wears simple, combat-style boots in dark brown or black, depending on the shirt color.

Kai has a rather large tattoo in addition to his Roman Numeral. It is a Polynesian-style tribal sleeve which runs from his right wrist, all the way up his right arm, up over his shoulder to encompass his right pectoral muscle and shoulderblade. The Numeral itself, three X’s each three inches tall, starts at the nape of his neck and runs vertically down his spine. The X’s look as if they have been cut out of his flesh to reveal the same tribal patterns that compose his sleeve beneath.

Personality: Kai tends to be reserved around new people. He still hasn’t quite grown out of the emotional scars he received as an adolescent, and although his confidence is increasing rapidly he is still a little withdrawn and only speaks up when he feels he has something important or clever to contribute. In battle, Kai maintains a very calm and practical demeanor… although his single-minded focus when the time for killing comes can sometimes leave him wide open to a sneak attack from left field.

For those who know Kai on a more intimate level, it becomes apparent that he is as eager to please as a puppy dog. Growing up in an orphanage left Kai with a distinct lack of both praise and love, so a small compliment can go a long way with him. Also due to the absence of strong bonds throughout his childhood, Kai genuinely cherishes the few people he does get close to.

He doesn’t show it often, but Kai has a distinctly silly side. When things get tough, the big fella turns to humor and levity for relief. If he can find a reason to smile, even in the most dire circumstances, Kai always feels as if he will make it through. Of course, Kai is technologically savvy and an excellent engineer. He excels in anything to do with robotics and electronics.

Individual History: Kai was born on an American Army base in Hawaii, to a Native Hawaiian soldier father and a Caucasian mother. She died bringing Kai into the world, leaving her two boys on their own. Kai’s father raised him until he was KIA a month after Kai’s fifth birthday. The boy was placed in a foster home… but the father there was an abusive alcoholic. The second time he hit young Kai, the boy assaulted him with the kitchen appliances. At which point, he was immediately surrendered to the A.M.R.O.

Other: Kai generally carries a simple, unassuming black backpack. There are always a set of red, blue, green and black paint markers in there, used to craft his sigils. He has made an assortment of small robotic “pets” that he often carries around and can animate at will. Most often he uses the spider, the mouse and the fly. The backpack also usually contains trail mix, a pair of clean, dry socks, and a sewing kit.


Name: Marcelina (Lina) Allard

Nickname/Title: None.

Team Title: Dos Pistolas

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Position: Asylum

Specialty: Hunter

Alchemic Style: Primary Motem, Secondary Vocem.

Asylum Code: XIV, number Fourteen.


1. Dos Pistolas. Kai and Lina each carry two Glock Gen 4 Model 19 .45mm semi-automatic handguns. They both have one finished in matte black, the other in chrome. The guns’ color signifies only one thing: black guns are loaded with Anti-Alchemic bullets, chrome guns with more conventional ballistics. Kai and Lina both have custom-made holsters that keep the guns held in an x-shape at the small of their backs. For this reason, the team is rarely seen wearing their shirts tucked in. (In instances where concealment is not an issue, the guns are worn in standard hip-holsters.)

2. The Spanish Inquisition. It’s just a small blowgun, and a case with six darts. They’re Anti-Alchemic, of course, and the force of hitting a target causes them to deliver a paralytic agent; not lethal, but highly effective. In a world of high-tech weapons and powerful Alchemy, most opponents are not expecting to be darted in the neck by the unassuming brunette at the bar. It’s also small, lightweight, and incredibly easy to conceal.

3. Last Resort. A five inch switchblade with a knuckle-guard hilt that doubles as both a stabbing and punching weapon. The black blade is Anti-Alchemic coated, just like Lina’s blowdarts and her bullets. She wears it strapped somewhere to her leg: inside her boot if she’s wearing pants, on the outside of her left thigh if she’s wearing a skirt.

Since Lina feels she would never have a reason to kill anyone who wasn’t an Alchemist, she sees no point in carrying weapons that aren’t targeted at them. The exception is her standard ballistics gun… which she carries in case she needs to try making a gas tank explode, or some such. Anti-Alchemic bullets are expensive.

Alchemy Specialization: Barrier Generation

Lina’s ability is rather straightforward and sounds simplistic: she is capable of generating energy-based barriers. These barriers can repel sound, heat, moisture, physical force, and most projectile weapons.

The uses for Lina’s barriers are practically endless. The young woman can cast a single shield with the wave of her hand in order to protect herself from attacks. She can create a box of shields and crush an enemy to death within. She can move the barriers once they are cast, and is thus capable of using them as a method of transportation or as a projectile weapon. The more missions she completes, the more uses she finds for her powers.

Appearance: Marcelina stands five foot seven inches tall, with a well-curved and well-muscled frame. If it looks like she works out, well, that’s because she does. Always haunted by her ‘fairer’ gender and desperate to keep up with the beast her partner has become in the past few years, she spends many of her extra hours in strength training. She’s no bodybuilder, true, but she’s in really good shape… most especially from a cardiovascular standpoint.

Lina has dark, chocolatey brown curls that end just below her shoulderblades. She often wears her hair in a braid or ponytail. Like her partner, Lina is of mixed race… although her blood is Egyptian to Kai’s Hawaiian, they have a very similar caramel hue to their skin. Lina’s eyes are a shade of light sage green, and she does have a small spattering of dark freckles across the bridge of her slightly upturned nose. Her face is round, very youthful looking, but open and expressive. She’s one of those people who can’t keep her emotions off her face. Though her mouth is very well-shaped, her bottom lip is ever-so-slightly fuller than her top one, giving her an air of being faintly displeased at all times. The effect disappears completely when she smiles.

Like Kai, Marcelina chooses loose-cut, casual clothes. Her cargo pants and boots are usually black, but she chooses tee shirts in a wide variety of colors and often bearing fun or sarcastic slogans. Occasionally she will wear a more fitted top and a knee-length black skirt, in which case Last Resort is strapped to her left thigh and one of her Dos Pistolas to the right.

Unlike her partner, Lina bears only the one tattoo all Asylums must bear: her Roman Numeral. Hers is at a slight angle, the tops of all her numerals just beneath the curve of her collarbone on the left side of her chest, digits about two inches high. The tattoo looks as if her number has been burned out of her flesh, the edges crispy and dark, with purple-blue smoke wafting out of the openings… which reveal a starry night sky beyond, seemingly housed within her ribcage instead of all her organs.

Personality: Marcelina is generally friendly, and much more outgoing than her partner. She’s pragmatic, practical, and automatically protective of her fellow Asylums, Kai in particular. Even though her tendency to mother people is still small, it is definitely growing. Taking care of others, helping them handle their problems, and giving her all to the team help Lina to forget about her own personal issues.

Lina puts on a strong, cheerful face at all times, but inside she often becomes sad. Her violent, dangerous career as an Asylum runs contrary to her strong desire for a home and family. Sometimes she feels as if the price she ultimately pays to be an Alchemist isn’t worth the life it has gained her. She is still very much in the process of making peace with the monster she sometimes feels that she’s become.

The female Hunter is very slow to anger, but when she finally gets there she is a force of nature. Rage does not make her sloppy: it intensifies her focus and actually helps to negate the heat of battle. Drawing Kai’s blood is the surest way to evoke a death sentence from the young woman.

Individual History: Unlike Kai, who has no Alchemic talent in his family (at least as far as he or anyone is aware), Marcelina was bred and born to the art. Her father was a French-born Asylum, her mother an Egyptian one. They were a husband and wife team, KIA less than a year after Lina’s birth. It was generally assumed she would be an Alchemic talent and upon her parents’ death was entered into an A.M.R.O. orphanage… which led her to the Academy.


Team/Shared History


Team Name: Dos Pistolas
Theme: Technology/Energy

Lina was five and Kai was six the first time that they met. She had gone through Kindergarten in the Academy, Kai joined her their first grade year. Although he was older, the trauma of losing his father had put him a year behind. Even at that young age, Marcelina’s giving, caring instincts were strong, and she immediately started looking out for the shy, skinny boy. He was the only person in their class the same color as she was.

That shared skin tone would ultimately bind them together through their elementary school years. By fourth grade they were known as “The Mexican Twins”. Even though neither of them had any Hispanic heritage to speak of, and Lina’s green eyes sometimes gave people pause, by and large most people just assumed. Kai was very skinny as a child, and in their younger years Marcelina seemed to be the more well-built of the two. It didn’t help that Kai was initially misclassified with an Electricity Specialization. It made him seem weak and not very talented at Alchemy. Lina and Kai were in the Principal’s office quite often, mostly because Lina had decided to wail on someone who was picking on Kai.

In seventh grade, things began to change for the duo. Kai finally unlocked the secret to his real power when he hit puberty, and started to grow as if making up for lost time. People still hadn’t given up on the idea that Kai and Lina were Latino, and when the duo both showed as sharp shooters in marksmanship classes they earned a new nickname… one that has followed them every moment from then until now: Dos Pistolas. It was given with tongue-in-cheek. All their classmates knew how frustrated the two were by their supposed Hispanic descent, and of course that made it a frequent topic of teenage ribbing. When they were christened “Dos Pistolas”, the pair finally hung it up and learned to speak Spanish.

It was one of the many things they bonded over.

As time passed and their training continued, the two young people grew closer and closer together. They learned how to support one another in the field with their respective Alchemic Specializations. They got good at fighting as a pair in both Alchemic and non-Alchemic combat. Marceline became aware early on that she lacked the intestinal fortitude to execute the duties of a Silencer. Luckily for them both, Kai was not lacking in that courage. He also possessed some of Lina’s singleminded focus in tracking a target, but was often better at her than thinking two steps ahead of the opponent. Once they got close, Lina could isolate better than anyone else Kai had ever worked with: she saw every exit and blocked it completely… which meant she was also incredible at finding a way out of sticky situations.

When their time at the Academy ended and the Two Guns were staring down the barrel of their fates, Kai realized that he couldn’t have anyone but Lina as his partner. Alone he went to the Dean of Students and begged to be allowed to keep his Marcelina. The Dean told him that Kai could not officially request anyone as his partner… that time had passed and the assignments were already made… but that Kai was a tad daft to think the A.M.R.O. would separate a team which already showed so much unity and promise.

True to the Dean’s word, Dos Pistolas would continue after graduation. They were partners, now sharing the inexorable bond of madness, two lives fated for a single ravaging death. As far as Kai was concerned it was a done thing: Lina was the only person who had ever really cared about him, looked out for his well-being and cheered him up when he was blue. At the Graduation Party, on the rose-covered terrace outside, he gave her the softest, most romantic and perfect first kiss any girl ever could have imagined. Kai stopped short of professing his love, but made clear his desire to pursue a romantic relationship with Lina now that they were to be bound for life anyway.

And Lina, that frightened teenager, resorted to the only thing she knew. She shot her baby down.

The girl had been overwhelmed: it was the first time Kai had shown that sort of affection towards her, and it was just too much when she was already nervous about their first assignment… worried in particular about him getting hurt. Unlike Kai, Lina’s parents had been the very thing her own partner was now asking her to become. Alchemists, married and -from what she had been told growing up- very much in love. For Lina, at least then, the thought of loving Kai that way had brought up a tangled knot of fear and abandonment issues. She told him the truth: that she wasn’t entirely sure she could love anyone like that, or that she’d even want to… but if she ever did, she couldn’t see it being anyone other than him.

For a while, Kai was content with that, and Dos Pistolas set about making a good name for themselves. They were always low on collateral damage, discrete and deadly-accurate. In the past six months, however, their relationship has begun to grow strained. Kai has become quite frustrated with Lina’s continued insistence that she does not return his feelings… especially since he knows her well enough to know when she is lying.

Theme Songs:

- Now by Paramore

- Till The Casket Drops by ZZ Ward

- Do It Now, Remember It Later by Sleeping With Sirens

(More songs will likely be added in the future!)
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