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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Ahnasha eyed the man suspiciously. She wanted to reiterate Fendros' "who are you?" question, but he did not seem keen on giving a clear answer for that one. His scent did not identify him as a lycan, though lycans were not the only ones who served Hircine. "I would not be so foolish as to consider an offer from our enemy. Such a 'solution' would almost invariably be a trap. Vile's deals aren't even fair to his own followers. I suppose you aren't directly going to tell us who you are, so I suppose my question is how do you know that Vile is going to make this offer, and when? To do such would require him to contact us."
Meesei hovered her hands above the thrall's torso, charging two deep violet orbs of conjuration energy. "I tried this once before, but now that I know..." She began, her voice trailing off as she released the energy. It behaved pretty much exactly as it had with Ariel, but this time, when the energy was about to collapse back in on itself, Meesei was able to hold out a hand and slowly push conjuration energy through the skeleton. At this point, the magicka bound to the thrall's body was widely unstable and moving seemingly at random, but Meesei seemed to know exactly what to do. Each time the magicka seemed like it was going to collapse back to normal, she manipulated the energy in exactly the right way to keep it unstable. Eventually, the energy from its skull to its toes was unstable enough that its very soul started to become unbound from its body. Meesei took in as much detail about its current state as she could in a few seconds, then all at once released her magic, allowing the thrall to return to normal, as if nothing had happened. There was still more work to be done, but she had caught a glimpse of the state required to unbind the skeleton's soul. "Now we have progress. I have to be careful, letting that go too far could kill the thrall, but if I repeat this enough, I may be able to create an enchantment to unbind their souls immediately."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"You would watch your tone with me, mortal." The priest muttered, "I already told you that Vile is clever, it is his way to reveal the negative side of a pact after it has been agreed upon. If that negative side is his involvement, even you could predict that he would not simply talk to you like I am doing. I would have you bask in my presence so that you understand the severity of this situation. Vile will be more subtle."

The priest slowly strode around them, circling them both as Fendros kept turning to face him. Ahnasha's words had echoed off the walls of the now empty temple, but the priest's words did not. "As for when, I can guarantee that it will happen, but not in any specific amount of time." The priest's tone was still slow and hypnotic, "You lycans have been blessed with such wonderful hearing. All manner of whispers may reach you. The wisdom to know how to interpret them is where your lord Hircine fell short in his blessings."

For a few more steps, the priest looked at them as he stopped walking by the statue of Boethiah. His blank look gave an air of expectation. Fendros felt as if he was awfully exposed. This... being seemed to have much knowledge about them, too much. He certainly wasn't going to trust it, at least not immediately. "How will the offer be given?" Fendros asked finally.

"Mmm..." The priest began to walk again, "My sight can see far enough to know that the offer will come from a Breton." The priest began to emit a low chuckle, as if knowing not only how wide sweeping the statement was, but who the immediate suspects would be, "Beyond that, it will be your task to know, mortals."

Fendros clenched his teeth, there was no doubt who they were talking to now, and she wasn't giving them any worthwhile information. Knowing her, she would try to tear apart the ties of the pack just for her own enjoyment. Though if what she mentioned was true about having an interest in disrupting Clavicus Vile, then perhaps her intentions were partly sincere. "You are Mephala, aren't you?" Fendros said, his head angled forward with an angered expression.

The priest stopped circling them while in front of the shrine to Mephala. "Ah, this one can interpret some whispers now." The priest raised his arms higher this time, partly assuming the pose of the statue he stood in front of. Lowering his arms, he stood perfectly still. "We have time for one last question, mortals. Select it wisely, for any further questions will cost you... favours." The priest's eyes lowered to Ahansha's stomach, and not without them noticing. Fendros stepped forward and put his hand over Ahnasha's stomach protectively, keeping his eyes on the priest with a look that told Mephala not to even dare it. Being in the empty temple with this daedra was only becoming more and more unnerving.
"Amazing." Ariel said under her breath. Whatever Meesei had managed to do, it managed to peel off some of the enchantment like the skin of an apple. Ariel hadn't seen anything like it before, save for disenchanting items, but that was done in a completely different way.

Some footsteps from further down the cave put the group on edge suddenly. Sabine immediately stood up. The voices that echoed along with the footsteps relaxed them however. Lorag and Janius had returned. They emerged at the entrance of the chamber with some small game over their shoulders. "Hello again! How goes the skeleton taming?" Janius said jovially as he approached them. Going on a hunt had evidently improved his mood. He looked to Lorag, who had the carried the soul gems. They were filled now, and they had caught some non-humanoid meat in the process. "The smaller souls are all in jumpy and shy creatures in these parts, but at least they're abundant. The hardest part was putting the soul trap on them before killing them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

Ahnasha listened to Mephala's words, but took them with a grain of salt. She did not trust this Daerda, especially considering that deceit was one of the aspects she was best known for. Ahnasha remained stationary beside Fendros with her eyes firmly locked on the "priest." She did not feel directly in danger, as her history of Daedra worship had given her rather detailed knowledge of how the Daedra could interact with Tamriel. This priest was likely nothing more than a projection, or perhaps a follower she had possessed. Such feats were relatively easy for Daedric princes, especially near one of their shrines, but anything more required either an immense expenditure of energy, or other special circumstances. The barriers between Mundas and Oblivion made sure of that.

Ahnasha scarcely even entertained the thought of asking anything more from the Daedra. "I have no further questions." Ahnasha said simply. To deny the offer of a god was not something one would often do, but she wanted no part of the Webspinner's machinations. This was a Daedra who would sew chaos for the sake of chaos, so she garnered little trust from Ahnasha.
"We have made progress." Meesei answered after Janius and Lorag returned. "I still am not sure if it will be ready by tonight, but I am now almost certain I can do it. When we begin our raid, each of you will have weapons enchanted to unbind the souls of these thralls on contact. It should allow you to instantly kill them just by touching them." Meesei explained.

"Heh, well if you wanted that ability, you could have just asked to use my fists." Lorag joked as he dropped his kill near the fire. "Magic weapons will be nice though, I guess. These witches won't know what hit them...or, I take that back. They'll get a nice look at this handsome face before I knock 'em upside the head."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

With Ahnasha's response, the priest looked to Fendros. "Neither do I," he said after a moment of consideration. With what information she had given them so far, Fendros was convinced that asking Mephala anything else would only serve to make things worse.

"A bold move, mortals, perhaps a foolish one. I hope your decisions are truly based on whether you know all that I can reveal to you." The priest stepped back a pace, "I know you do not trust me, but this time, it is my desire that Vile falls in this conflict. That is the clearest truth that I could ever bear to give to mortals such as you." The priest bowed, "Give Hircine my regards if you come upon him."

Almost without them noticing, reality rearranged itself around Ahnasha and Fendros. The small noises of priests and priestesses going about their business sounded once more. The priest stood up straight with a face that had far more colour and expression in it. With a shakier and older sounding voice, he spoke to the two, "Can I help you, strangers?"

Fendros realised that it was over and responded. "No, thank you priest. We'll be going." Without another word, Fendros took Ahnasha lightly by the arm and urged her out of the front door. That encounter had put him on edge, he didn't feel comfortable in that temple anymore. Once outside, he stopped and looked at Ahnasha with a concerned face. "That was... unnerving. I've not talked to a daedric prince before, and I can't say I'd want to do so again." He looked at the ground, "What are we meant to make of this? Should we believe her?"
Janius had a quick guffaw at Lorag's egocentric humour. "Heh, almost seems like it would diminish the challenge," Janius said, "well, we'll still have witches on the walls raining all sorts of pain, so I guess I shouldn't complain much." Janius went to deposit the kills he carried as well, "How about those fire salt things?"

"Oh, they're all ready. We've one less than ideal, but it still should be enough to bring the towers down." Ariel said with a smile.

"Right, well I'll get these skinned up and leave you experts to it," Janius said, borrowing a knife and going about the business of butchering the creatures they found. It was mostly birds, a couple of mudcrabs, a large rat and a bantam guar. Most did not have much meat, but it would do no good to just throw them out.

Ariel turned her attention back to the skeleton. "Alright, let's keep repeating this effect, then. Sabine, do you think you can get a handle on it as well?"

Sabine shrugged slightly, then looked to Meesei. "Again, please." She quietly requested, "I want to see how."

"Yes, if Sabine could do it as well, -and I think she has a better understanding of it than I- then I think we could finish the enchantments in time." Ariel stated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

Meesei nodded to Ariel and Sabine and began the process of unraveling the magicka binding the skeleton's soul once more, which proceeded more quickly this time. "Of course, just pay close attention to how I am doing this, note the patterns in the magicka as I destabilize it. Now, I cannot leave the skeleton's soul in disarray for too long without risking killing it, so I will need to repeat this many times." Meesei warned.
"That was the second time I have spoken to a Daedric Prince, and I cannot say it was nearly as pleasant as the first." Ahnasha answered as they walked away from the temple. She did not know where to go next; perhaps the market would be a good choice. "The only part of what she said that I believe is that we should not even entertain the thought of accepting a deal from Vile. Even if he was not our enemy, deals with Vile go sour more often than not. As for anything else she said, I am not going to feed into the paranoia the Webspinner was likely trying to sow. She revels in the manipulation of mortals to her own ends; she loves to toy with people's lives seemingly just to see the chaos. I may not know everything about her, but I know enough not to trust her. We should just focus on what we do know. Someone may or may not give us an offer on the behalf of Vile, and we should deny it. We should probably also avoid staying around whoever makes the offer."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

As they began to walk again, they appeared to be headed towards the market. Fendros was still a little shaken, but being away from the temple seemed to be helping. While being well aware of Mephala's ways, Fendros agreed with Ahnasha. "You're right. Whether or not she really wants to see Vile suffer doesn't change her sphere of influence. We should just stay vigilant and rational."

By the time they came upon the market, it was indeed bustling with activity. Everything was on sale; meats, fish, vegetables, baskets, tools, clothing, jewelry, someone was even selling jars of imported honey. There were many sights and smells amongst the crowd, but while looking around, Fendros kept his eyes peeled for soul gems. There were bound to be some on sale in one of the stalls.

They walked by many distracting trinkets that held their attention for a little while. Old Dwemer cutlery and goblets that may have just been painted pewter, but were still pretty. Little trinkets and crafts were present that seemed to be finely made were abundant. One item caught Fendros' eye: A gift. While Ahnasha had her back turned, he quickly made an exchange with the merchant and put the item in his pocket before Ahnasha could see. He decided to give it to her later, once they were someplace quieter.

Eventually they came across dealer of enchanted items, who had a selection of soul gems on display. After a small amount of haggling, they managed to purchase a sack of filled soul gems of various sizes. Just in case, they bought more than they needed to. After that, Fendros looked to Ahnasha, "Let's see if we can find a bookshop."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

Ahnasha did not like that the encounter with Mephala had soured their day together. If nothing else, Mephala could claim that manipulation as a victory .Still, they were making the best of the time they had. The had managed to find an enchanter from which to purchase some soul gems. Unfortunately, that purchase consumed most of their gold, though their was enough left for at least one more thing. Fendros suggested a bookshop, which caused Ahnasha to smile. "Always thinking about me, aren't you? We'll probably only have enough for one book, so we should be sure to make it a good one."

Stepping inside, they were greeted by the owner, a Bosmer man, before they began to browse. The store had a decent stock; it wasn't the most impressive bookstore she had ever seen, but given how far Vos was from pretty much anything, that could be forgiven. Her eyes wandered across the selections, first focusing on the history books and tomes about various cities and races. Finding little of interest, she moved on to novels, works of fiction. She had little to go on for which book to choose other than the titles and what she glimpsed through in the first few pages. There were books about adventure, horror, romance, and all of the above combined. There were stories she could see herself becoming immersed in, perhaps something she could read with Fendros. Before making any decision, however, she moved on to the spell tomes. They were more expensive, but they had enough to afford one. She had a bit of naive hope flow through her when she reached the section about conjuration, but sadly, there were no tomes of the nature she sought. Why would there be? Given the Dunmer's views on necromancy, any merchant who carried such wares would be driven out of town. Still, there were books on conjuration, ones that could be helpful for someone of her skill level, and conjuration and necromancy were closely related...

"Hmm, what do you think, Fendros? Anything catch your eye?" She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

With a slight ringing of his ears, Fendros only realised just how loud it was out in the market once the door to the bookshop closed behind him. A friendly greeting by the Bosmer owner was a refreshing one. While the bookshop they found was small, Fendros found his fingers wandering over the spines of many titles. Ahnasha had quietly walked over to the books on history without him noticing, and he flitted through some martial manuals. He had a small number of them back at home, mostly on loan from the Fighter's Guild, so he had garnered a small interest in them. They met again at the books of fiction. There were a few tales that Fendros recognised, but he didn't exactly consider himself well-read. Wandering over to the books on magic had Fendros a little less interested, but he stood by Ahnasha, curious about what she was inspecting.

Fendros blinked while looking at the shelves in front of him, his hands behind his back. "Uhm, not immediately..." Fendros admitted in response to Ahnasha's question, though the truth was that there was just too much to choose from. They didn't have much coin left, so he couldn't really make up his mind. Fendros put his hand on her shoulder, "It was your idea to come here, you go ahead and pick something out." Fendros said encouragingly, "I don't want to end up picking out some badly written story about the Hero of Cyrodiil and leave you disappointed. What's this one you keep looking at?" Fendros leaned over and pulled a book on conjuration out from the shelf they were standing in front of. Fendros opened the front cover in front of both of them. The title read: The Doors of Oblivion. "Is this for conjuration?" Fendros asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

Ahnasha nodded. "Yeah, I suppose I did say I intended to learn about it. I saw a few copies of this pass through my parents' store, but I never got around to reading it. It's by...Seif-ij Hidja." She said, reading the name off of the title page so she could mispronounce it confidently. "I remember reading a bit about him before. He was an Argonian who lived back in the Second Era, I think. He was the apprentice to the famous Morian Zenas, a master Altmer conjurer who ended up getting lost in Oblivion. I think that is what this book is about, from what I've glanced through. I think Seif-ij also wrote a few books on racial clothing styles...for some reason. I remember reading the one he wrote about Daedric styles a few years ago. That one had caught my eye, for obvious reasons."

Ahnasha closed the book, keeping it in her hands as she walked back over to the novels. "I don't know, I'm debating on which one to get. This one would definitely be useful, but I have to admit, I also like the idea of us sitting down by the fire, reading a nice story long into the night. I suppose we could also study conjuration together, if you wanted, but that would hardly be as relaxing. Hmm...I don't know, the tome, or a novel? I wish we had enough for both."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"Hm, a man of many talents then. Interesting," Fendros mused.

Ahnasha's suggestion to read a book together was something that hadn't crossed his mind, but was an appealing thought. He put his hand in his pocket and felt at the gift he had bought. He felt as though he maybe shouldn't have bought the gift if it meant they could get two books, but he didn't dwell on it. "Me too," Fendros agreed. He stopped for a moment to consider, looking over the novels on the shelves, "Well... do you come by bookshops often?" He itched at the back of his head, "Also, I don't want to seem selfish, but Meesei can teach you this conjuration, right?"

There was a part of Fendros that was just reacting to apprehension towards studying magic. Sure he was able to conjure a bound dagger under new instruction, but he still wouldn't say that he enjoyed magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

"Hmm, well I suppose that is true. I mean, it would be nice to be able to study it on our own as well, but...you know what, let's get the novel. I think time spent with you would be more valuable than some extra practice. Meesei should be able to teach me well enough without it." Ahnasha said, replacing the cojuration tome on the shelf. She then went back over to the section with the novels and picked out one that had caught her eye earlier. She wasn't familiar with any of the authors, but she had an eye for a good book when she saw one. The kind of language they used, how the opening flowed together and how impactful it seemed, those were all things she could gather skimming the first few pages. With her book selected, she walked with Fendros over to the counter and started to count out the coin to cover the cost of the book.

As Ahnasha was gathering her coin, the Bosmer leaned forward on the counter and spoke with a friendly tone. "Say, why don't you get that other book you were looking at?"

"Oh, we don't have the coin for-" Ahnash began before the Bosmer held up his hand to interrupt her.

"The coin you paid for this one will be fine. Take the books, both of them. Consider it a discount. For young, romantic couples only." He said with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't expect...I mean, thank you." Ahnasha responded, honestly not expecting that sort of kindness from the locals of this area, though she supposed he wasn't a Dunmer who carried their...less desirable traditions so proudly.

"No need to thank me; it warms my heart to see open minded couples such as yourself. A rare sight around here. You remind me of my wife." The Bosmer explained.

"You married a Khajiit?" Ahnasha asked curiously.

The Bosmer chuckled slightly. "No, not a Khajiit, an Orc, not that the distinction mattered to some of this city's fine citizens. There are some around here who did not seem to have anything better to do than to pour their hate out on us." He said with a sight. "I shouldn't be too hard on them, though. Most of the folk around here are great people. Wouldn't live here if they weren't. You know what they say, though, it's always the rotten kwama egg which smells the most.

Ahnasha returned a chuckle. "Agreed. Where is your wife now?" She asked, glancing around the store.

The Bosmer's expression turned a bit more solemn, though he did not seem upset. "Orc lifespans aren't like other elves, I'm afraid. She died a long time ago."

Ahnasha's gaze moved down to her feet as she began to regret her question. "Oh...I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, I've had plenty of time to come to terms with her loss." The Bosmer responded, still keeping an upbeat and friendly tone. "She wouldn't have wanted me to spend the next few centuries mourning her. No, running her bookstore is enough to keep my days filled with joy. It has been a while since I have seen her, but Y'ffre willing, I will see her again. Come on, no need to sour your mood. Why don't you go get the other book from the shelf as well?" He said, taking the coin she had paid for the first book and storing it away behind the counter.

"Of course, thank you again, um...I don't think I caught your name." Ahnasha commented.

"Earondil. And yours?"

"Ahnasha." She answered before pausing, as Earondil had turned his attention to Fendros, looking to him expectantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"Uh, Fendros. My name is Fendros." Fendros replied with a grateful smile. He was at first a little surprised by the Bosmer, a marriage between a Wood Elf and an Orc was about as odd as they came. "It's nice to meet someone understanding," He nodded to the Bosmer. Fendros of course could not imagine what it must have been like for Earondil to lose his wife, but his entire demeanor seemed to indicate that he had at least survived. Perhaps Fendros would as well when Ahnasha's time came. Despite the slight comfort, the thought was still so painful, that Fendros opted to come back to his senses. "-and thank you." Fendros added suddenly, "Thank you very much for the books. It means a lot."

Feeling a bit more comfortable in the otherwise empty shop, Fendros reached out and held Ahnasha's hand. "Do you still... get trouble from the locals these days?" He asked the Bosmer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

Earondil shook his head. "No, most of those troublemakers got bored not long after she passed. I have been perfectly happy living here for the past century or so. It can be a bit dull at times, I suppose, but I live well. At any rate, I shouldn't keep you two for too long. I hope you enjoy your time here in Vos. If you find yourself down by the cornerclub later, we should have a drink."

Ahnasha nodded and smiled. "Indeed, and...thank you again" She said as she returned to the shelf to grab the book "Doors of Oblivion, deciding that going off onto a tangent to explain why she couldn't drink would probably not be appropriate for the situation. Once she had both books, she packed them away, then gave a last smile and wave before leaving the store with Fendros.

"Well, that was surprisingly pleasant." Ahnasha commented as they walked along, not exactly sure of their destination. "Certainly a great counterweight to Mephala's ominous warnings. Honestly, I don't get a chance to talk to people outside the pack very often, it is good to know there are still people like that in the world."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"Of course," Fendros said with a wave, adjusting the bag of soul gems over his shoulder before following Ahnasha outside. Once outside, Earondil's offer gave Fendros pause for consideration. He wasn't sure that he wanted to know about his experiences, but it had piqued his curiosity. Well, it would also depend on whether they would have the time before the raid on the coven.

Walking alongside Ahnasha, Fendros agreed with her comments. "It's very heartening," He nodded, "He is a kind man, that Eerondil." Fendros decided to just walk with Ahnasha amongst the rest of the markets. He had planned on buying something to eat, but with the coin they had left, they would likely only have enough for a snack each. He kept his eyes and nose open. He hadn't decided what to get, but his stomach grumbled already. "Didn't you say that your father was a Bosmer? What was he like?" Fendros said, his neck craned upwards at the grills and pans of various morsels being cooked in the market stalls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

Ahnasha did not find the smell of cooked meat quite as appetizing as Fendros, but she followed along just the same. "Well, he is a very Imperial Bosmer. His name is Glarthael, and he was born in Valenwood, but he moved to Leyawiin at a very young age. He did tell me about some things of Bosmer culture, like the Green Pact, Y'ffre, descriptions of their cities, and that sort of thing, but he never really went into great detail. He didn't follow any of their customs, so I suppose they just did not matter to us...well, except one thing. Because of the Green Pact, the Bosmer cannot harm any kind of plant. As a result, they cannot use wood in construction, at least not in the way other races do. But, there is nothing in the Pact forbidding them from buying imported wood, so it carries a high price in Valenwood. My parents made quite a bit of gold exporting wood into Valenwood, even with the taxes the Dominion levied on the shipments. As for him as a person, I wouldn't call him the best father. He wasn't mean or abusive or anything, he was just...distant. It's not that he didn't care; actually, I think he believed himself to be a great and loving father, but he was always to caught up his his business ventures to see what I really thought about it. It didn't help that my older brother was enthusiastic about the whole merchant thing. He loved being my parents' apprentice, so I guess they just assumed I would like it as well. I think they thought I was just going through a rebellious phase, that I would grow to be a merchant just like them. I get that they wanted what they thought was best for me, but they really couldn't see that it was making me miserable. Still, I imagine they were devastated when I faked my death, as they did still care about me, but their life was not the one I wanted to live."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Fendros listened to every word as they shuffled around the stalls. Ahnasha certainly had a very different experience with her parents to Fendros. Sure, he was fated to take over the winery at some point, but he'd just about accepted that fact. And even though he didn't have the highest opinion of his father, at least he seemed to pay attention. Having a father such as Ahnasha's must have been very frustrating for her.

"I see," Fendros replied sympathetically. He stopped by a stall that was selling skewered guar meat that had been heavily marinated and carried a mouth-watering and rich smell. They still had a few of coins, enough for one skewer each. Fendros bought two and handed one to Ahnasha with a smile. Some new thoughts had come into his head that seemed to quieten him as they moved on. Once at a point in the crowd where he believed no one would be paying attention, he slowed his pace and leaned his head to one side, closer to Ahnasha to speak to her. His face was not distressed, but his words carried a small concern. "Now that we're going to be parents, it has me thinking," Fendros paused, twisting his mouth in thought, then switched to a tone that was not likely to be overheard, "Will our child accept the life it is going to be born into? I mean, lycans don't often get to choose, but... it will be born that way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

"I'm not going to be like my parents, if that's what you're wondering." Ahnasha answered quietly. "It will be born with the gift, so there will be no other option than to raise it as one of us. Being that we are going to be teaching it from birth, essentially, it will perhaps have an easier time with it than either of us. Children are great with learning, after all. I hope it will accept its life, I really do, but once it grows old enough, there will be little we can do if it does not. At the same time, our child really won't have a choice when it comes to the gift. Lycanthropy can be cured, technically, but such a thing is out of reach for most. I would even begin to know how to go about finding one, nor would I want to. I suppose if our child grew of age and was dead set on scouring Tamriel for a cure, I wouldn't stop it. That being said, I might not be so supportive if it started wanting to leave around, say, early adolescence. I'm pretty much expecting some sort of rebellion around that time. That is just how kids are." Ahnasha said with a smile before eating some of the snack Fendros had purchased. There was not too much of it, so she finished it rather quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"I suppose you're right," Fendros replied, pulling off a piece of the skewered meat he had bought. He could taste a number of nice flavours in the snack, but he felt as if most of his father's lauding of Dunmer food stemmed from nostalgia.

It made Fendros uneasy for a moment to hear that Ahnasha knew of a way to cure lycanthropy, or at least implying it. He had gone off the assumption that there was no cure since Sabine had said so on day one. Fendros wondered what was about the cure that made it out of reach, but that was a question for another time. "I think you're correct in expecting some adolescent rebellion. We'll deal with it as it comes."

The snacks didn't last long between them, but it served to at least tide them over. "Was there anything else that you wanted to see today?" Fendros asked.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 days ago

"Hmm, yeah, I think it may be a bit early to plan for teenage rebellion when I haven't event started to show yet." Ahnasha mused. When Fendros asked about what she wanted to do next, she glanced over to him. "I think that is a question more appropriate for you. I did want to take you here so you could see the place, after all. It's a shame that Mephala intervened in the way she did, but the day isn't over yet. We could stay in the city and look for more of interest, or we could go out and take in the sights around the city. I know we're out in the wild all the time, but since entering Morrowind, we have usually been too caught up in hunting or traveling to sightsee." She suggested. They had not been in the city all that long, so she wasn't certain if he would want to leave so soon, but she wouldn't complain if he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Fendros looked forward and hummed in thought. They had run through all of the things he had thought of on the way to Vos, but she was right, there was still more of the day left. As they wandered forward, he wondered if it would be nice just to keep walking and see where they ended up. They hadn't looked through every corner of Vos after all. It was either that or do something similar for the outskirts of the city as Ahnasha suggested.

After a small amount of consideration, Fendros decided that he would prefer to explore an area without so many prying eyes second guessing him. Eerondil had mentioned that most of the populace were generally fine, but it was still making him uncomfortable. "I like the idea of taking a look around the outskirts," Fendros decided, "We never really got to look around those parts."
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