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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei shook her head. "No, we have no other specific goals. You never know what we may find, though. Hircine could set us on a task while we are in the area, or he could send us all the way to Hammerfell. I never know when or where our next task from him will be. Either way, I definitely intend to take us on multiple hunts of the marsh's creatures. They tend to be dangerous, and often hard to kill. Herbivores and scavengers can kill you if you upset them, and even many plants are dangerous. Mostly, the dangerous flora is simply poisonous, but there are some plants that will try to eat you just as much as the predators will. Overall, the entire marsh is a test of any true hunter's mettle."

Ahnasha's expression seemed to sadden through Meesei's explanation, once she thought about how long it would be before they would arrive there. "Unfortunately, I do not think I will be able to enjoy the hunt; I will likely be stuck just dealing with the negatives. It will be months before we get there, and I won't be in any condition to go on a hunt at that point, especially against any kind of worthy prey."

Meesei cleared her throat, preparing for a long explanation. "That may be true, but the marsh certainly isn't all negatives. It is a beautiful place that is full of life and energy. I know other races do not like heat and humidity as we do, but you will at least never be far from a swimming hole. Some of the waters do carry dangerous creatures, but I can tell you which ones are safe. After living there most of my life, I have an eye for such things. As for the people, there are many different kinds, but I can tell you about all of them. First and foremost, the one thing you should not do, no matter where you are, is to harm a Hist tree. If you are looking for an execution, that is the fastest way to earn one. I'll be sure to point out what they look like once we get there. Otherwise, different Argonians carry different customs. The most familiar places to you will likely be the cities. Most were established originally by the Empire long ago, and that influence can still be seen today. All cities in the marsh are Argonian, with Argonian customs, but the Imperial origins are obvious. They have buildings and structures that serve the same purposes as those you would find in Cyrodiil, even if they have different architecture. They have city guards, marketplaces, and pretty much everything you would expect from a city. Most residents speak both Cyrodilic and Jel, even non-Argonians to as much of an extent as they can. Most of the non-Argonians you will find in Black Marsh live in these cities. Next, there are the smaller towns. They are often located on trade routes between cities, so they expect visitors from time to time. They are permanent settlements, so they have buildings like you would expect, but they are designed to withstand the stresses the marsh places on them. Still, there are very few towns in the inner marshes, as wooden structures simply cannot stand for long deeper in the marsh. Usually, few non-Argonians live in the smaller towns, but you will see them from time to time. Not all of the townsfolk will speak Cyrodilic, but enough do that you should be able to manage just fine. They are often more 'in-touch' with Argonian traditions than those in the cities, but as long as you are respectful, you should face no problems. Lastly, there are the small Argonian villages. You often find these in the inner marshes, but some, like my own, exist in the outer marshes. These villages follow Argonian traditions completely, and it would be very, very rare to find a non-Argonian here. You can only really expect the leadership of these tribes to know Cyrodilic, as they do not often get visitors. Regardless, most small villages are peaceful and are simply looking to survive. Just as with the towns, you just need to be respectful. I will warn you, though, that there are some tribes who are openly hostile to outsiders. They will attack on sight, but fortunately, they are not the norm."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Everyone payed attention to Meesei's explanation, even Sabine opened her eyes and faced Meesei while she spoke. After their alpha finished, there was a pause accompanied by some glances until the end of the talk had settled in.

Ariel smiled and looked to each member of the pack. "It sounds like you're all to go on quite the adventure," She said, "I should wish to visit the Marsh myself some time."

At this, Sabine waded carefully across pool to Ariel and took her hands. "Come with us," Sabine said. The tone of her words were inviting, but her face was the same blank stare.

The smile Ariel wore became a sad one. "I'm sorry, sister. My place isn't with the pack. I would only be a burden on you and your friends."

Sabine's eyes lowered slowly, then she waded back to where she was sitting before, leaving the situation somewhat resolved surprisingly quickly. Perhaps she would bring it up later.

"Well, it sounds like Black Marsh is a bit more manageable than I was brought up to believe," Fendros remarked. He felt bad for Ahnasha, with her being destined for the middle stages of pregnancy by the time they arrived. It was the way it would be no matter where they traveled of course, and Fendros doubted that it would be the only time they would travel to the marsh. Regardless, all Fendros could really do about it was to give help where she needed it.

Janius brought his head forward again with a gruff expression, it didn't look like he was enthused with traveling to the Marsh in the first place, but it didn't seem to bring him to the point of protesting against it. "I'm more worried about just how far this daedric war is going to spread," he said with a low and concerned voice, "Don't get me wrong when I say this, but we're now the pack with Hircine's champion, I have a feeling that the war may follow us wherever we go." He shrugged and put his head back again, "Perhaps the dangers of the marsh will slow or deter Vile's agents for a time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I think it is important to remember that neither Vile nor his followers are omniscient." Meesei commented. "Packs such as ours are inherently difficult to track. We rarely stay in one place for more than a few days at a time, and we have a wide range. Even a Daedric prince such as Vile cannot know exactly where we are; he must operate through his followers, and they are restricted to the same means of tracking as us. As long as we show appropriate caution, Vile should not be able to track us through the wilds. It will likely be some time before he learns a new Champion has been named...however, I do believe you are correct about the war following us. Or rather, we will likely follow the war. The title of Champion shows that we are the best he has, the greatest of his hounds. Together, we will be the spearhead of his efforts against our enemy. It is not a responsibility to be taken lightly."

Meesei looked across her pack mates with a soft smile. "But, for now, we have no orders other than to strengthen ourselves, and I would rather not focus our time to relax on such serious talk. If I may ask, where in Black Marsh would the rest of you like to go? This ritual can occur essentially anywhere there is a Hist tree. I am not ashamed to admit that I have a bit of pride in my homeland, and I would enjoy showing it to you."

"Would Thorn be too far out of the way?" Ahnasha asked almost immediately. The descriptions she had heard of the city had filled her with curiosity as a child, along with Tear to the north.

Meesei smiled more brightly. "No, it would not. Thorn is reputed to be a beautiful place. I have never seen it myself, but I certainly would not be opposed to it."

"What's the biggest thing you got down there we can kill?" Lorag asked suddenly. He had been quiet for a while, though that was mostly because he didn't want to let on how much he was enjoying this pool.

"That would be a swamp leviathan, but...that is a major undertaking.They certainly live up to their names. That is a prize reserved for the strongest of hunters...one I would like to take as well. I will have to think about that; it is a tempting suggestion." Meesei answered. "What of everyone else?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fendros frowned and looked at the surface of the water. "I honestly don't know what to expect." He looked up at Meesei, "Don't take this the wrong way, Meesei, but the only things that I ever learned about Black Marsh was to not set foot in it." Fendros gestured with his free hand to everyone, "But with what everyone's described, I think it would be fulfilling to simply take it in as we see it." He smiled and shook his head quickly, running out of words for a moment, "To explore."

Sabine seemed to be in the same state of thought as when she last made any interaction. Giving no indication that she had any preferences for what to see, attention was drawn to Janius.

Janius took a deep breath in and wiped his eyes with his finger and his thumb. Now that he had been given a bit of time to think, he had one answer at least. "I think just seeing a Hist tree would be interesting enough for me. I've heard a few things about them from books and the like, and from yourself, Meesei." Janius shifted and let his arms fall from the edges of the pool down under the water to his sides, while looking at them all with an eager expression, "You know, my father kept this old journal written by a long dead fighter's guild member who saw a Hist tree in Leyawiin of all places. This mercenary company had moved it there and was draining it for sap to use as some kind of fighting drug, moving it into a building and attaching all this machinery to it. It unfortunately turned out that the sap was causing those who swallowed it to hallucinate and mistake townsfolk for goblins. A few people were tragically killed, from what I read." he hunched forward slightly, leaning his hands on his legs and stretching foward, "The tree was virtually being tortured, though. I have a feeling that the sap was just passing on its anger, what with how sentient those trees are and all." Janius leaned back again and looked wistfully up at the wall of the chamber, "It's just that air of mystery they have that appealed to me, I suppose. What's in that sap and that tree that has earned the reverence of so many?" Janius waved a hand, "But what would I know, I'm just some Imperial." Janius pointed his hand at Meesei with his palm up, "It's probably all obvious to you, right Alpha?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Meesei gave a slight grunt. "To use the sap in such a way...it is no wonder things turned out so terribly for them. Once cannot coerce the Hist into serving them. As for the sap, it has many magical properties and potential applications. One might describe it as the essence of the Hist itself. To Argonians, its most important application is the connection it provides to the Hist.To ingest it, under normal circumstances, provides a direct link between your mind and that of the Hist. They speak in the purest form of thought, to show you through visions what they wish to tell you. It also served a reproductive role. We place our eggs at the base of a Hist tree, then the Hist allows its sap to form what we call hatching pools beneath it. It helps to form a solid connection between the hatchling and the Hist. Eggs can be hatched without it, but they will not have that same connection. My position as shaman...well, that is always the term I have used to describe it to you, as it most closely describes my responsibilities. My actual title was Treeminder. Different Argonian villages have different customs when it comes to such positions. Some have multiple treeminders, others declare anyone whose responsibilities have them working with the Hist a treeminder. In my village, the Treeminder was one of the three leaders of the village and was meant to be the expert in all magical and spiritual matters. As a result, I am quite familiar with the uses of the sap."

Meesei's position within her village gave her insight into the Hist, but even she could not admit to knowing all they were capable of. "Of course, Hist sap has more than just those properties. The sap is a direct link to the Hist, and the Hist is more than just a collection of powerful trees. The Hist's essence, it's...presence, is almost uniform across Tamriel, perhaps all of Nirn, except for in Black Marsh, where it is concentrated the highest. For all I was taught, even I cannot say I fully understand the nature of the Hist. All I know is that it is an integral part of nature, so you can imagine what a dedicated and intelligent mage or alchemist might be able to do with the sap, how they might use it to manipulate the natural world around them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ariel nodded at Meesei's last sentence, "To experiment with Hist sap or Hist bark is a privilege for any alchemist. No comprehensive research has been done on it however, any that you can buy is through a black market and prohibitively expensive. To try and obtain it yourself, well, as you said, it would probably earn you a swift death." Ariel's eyes brightened, "I've heard some amazing things about the substances, however. Some have used it in applications such as communicating across, or opening portals to other planes, rearranging the threads of one's mind, and other things. It's quite potent." she cocked her head to one side, "I wouldn't know where to begin if I got my hands on some, however. For all its potency, it's very difficult to use without problems." Ariel looked to Meesei, "I think the knowledge that should first be obtained by anyone who wanted to research such things would be the trees themselves. Whatever they are, exactly, and how they work."

While Fendros was genuinely interested in the lore of the Hist, the day had drained him and the bath had relaxed him to the point where he was struggling to stay awake. Even though his skin was already a purple dark colour, darker shades were visible under his eyes. "I don't want to be rude, but," Fendros moved his hand from Ahnasha's waist and slowly got up, "I think I'm going to head to my bedroll. Goodnight everyone." He made his way to the edge of the pool to step out.

Janius raised his brow for a moment, "'Night." he took a deep breath and lowered more of his body into the pool until his shoulders were submerged, "I think I'll stay a little longer," He breathed.

"Goodnight Fendros," Ariel smiled, trying to ignore Fendros' nudity as he walked across the pool. Ariel turned back to Meesei for a moment, "Meesei, this might be a personal question, but... have you produced eggs before? Produced children at the hist tree?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I think I'll stay here a bit longer, but I'll join you soon." Ahnasha said to Fendros as he left, before turning her attention back to the conversation.

Meesei lowered her gaze and let out a light, slightly depressed sigh. She held her hands clasped together just above the water, running her fingers over one another. "No, I have not, but...I have been thinking on that recently." She said. Her tone was not precisely sad, but rather uncertain. "I have been keeping a closer track of the date than usual, as I have been trying to figure out what the phase of the moon will be when it is time for Ahnasha to give birth. Today is Morndas, correct? Middas will be the twenty-ninth anniversary of my hatching. I am not old, and I know that, but...there will come a time when I can no longer produce an egg."

Looking around at the others for a moment, Meesei closed her eyes and shook her head softly. "I am sorry, I should not bother you with my worries. There are many years before I will have to worry about that. To be a parent is something I would one day want, but my responsibilities now are far more pressing, and important. At any rate, why do you ask? Perhaps I can still satisfy any curiosity you have."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fendros pulled himself out of the water and smiled back at Ahnasha before he proceeded to his bedroll to lie down.

Rubbing her shoulder with one hand, Ariel's ears burned. She had taken a bit of a risk by asking such a question and now she felt rather guilty. Not letting the negative mood of the conversation keep him down for long, as per usual, Janius tried to keep the atmosphere buoyant. "We'll have to remember to get you gifts, alpha," he said, cocking a half smile.

The words snapped Ariel out of her somewhat mortified state. "Well, I was just curious about how the eggs are taken care of. Do you have to keep them at a temperature, or keep them away from noise? How does Argonian gestation work? It's very different from other races, and don't know any Argonians in Vos. I've always been curious about it." Ariel asked, looking at the water in front of her, "I... didn't mean to pry, I'm sorry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Meesei held up her hand, as if to stop Ariel. "No need to apologize. As I said, I am happy to answer. From what I have heard, laying an egg is much less...painful than how other races handle it."

"Lucky." Ahnasha muttered, shifting herself slightly to become more comfortable.

Meesei chuckled briefly, then continued. "Fertilized eggs are placed under Hist trees in order to allow the sap to pool around them. Some say the sap becomes their blood, but that is more metaphorical than anything. They can hatch without the sap as well. As for caring for them, it is really just a matter of keeping them protected, at least in Black Marsh. We are well-adapted to our homeland, so our eggs are fairly hardy. They thrive in the marsh's heat and humidity. I cannot say for certain, but I would assume that eggs in colder climates would require more care and maintenance. The gestation time is about the same as Khajiit, around seven months. After hatching, we raise them in the same way you do for your hatchl...children. The biggest difference is primarily cultural, which is that our hatchlings are not named until their naming day ceremony, which involves licking the sap of a Hist tree."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Okay," Ariel nodded. It was enough to satisfy her curiosity for the moment at least, though she had a feeling that seeing for herself would do the description justice. "It's just, with the medicines I produce, I sometimes work closely with the city healers in duties pertaining to midwifery. I haven't delivered children myself, rather I administer supplements to ward against diseases, and when necessary, anesthetics. Still, the process of pregnancy has become something of a passing interest." Ariel smiled, now more relaxed than before, "It's really no wonder why I haven't dealt with Argonian births before; your people don't much have to worry about infection or disease." Ariel chuckled quietly towards Meesei, "I daresay Ahnasha is correct, you have a much better system of producing children." Ariel leaned over an brushed Ahnasha on the shoulder with one hand, "At least as a lycan you won't have to worry about the diseases either."

"So, Lorag," Janius spoke away from the continuing conversation between the women, "Have you been pregnant recently?" Janius' tone evidenced that he was a little bored of the subject of children. He felt as if he needed to bring up belching, fighting, drinking, anything that seemed stereotypically masculine to balance the conversation. Having a jab at Lorag would be more fun for now though, and it might serve as a way to ask it he felt similar about the conversation as Janius did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Huh, what?" Lorag responded with a bit of confusion, his eyes moving up from gazing at the water to looking at the other. "Yeah, uh, no, uh...I wasn't listening. Something about eggs or sap or something?" He began, his mind having been to distracted by relaxation for him to actually pay attention to what everyone else was saying. He straightened himself up and tried to take on a more serious demeanor so as not to look like an old lady at a spa, or something of that nature. He was unnecessarily self-conscious about how much he was enjoying this pool.

"So, um, these pools. Where can you find these things other than Varden, Vvara, Vaden..."

"Vvardenfell." Ahnasha interrupted.

"Yeah, right, that. Where else are these things? They, uh, they clean better. Warm water and everything." He asked in a forced casual tone.

Meesei stifled a laugh." They're often found in volcanically active areas. You can find them all over Morrowind, I believe. Not so much in Black Marsh, unfortunately. The water there is often warm, but nothing like this. You are enjoying yourself, aren't you. I hear for Humans and Elves, baths like these are really good for your skin." She said with an amused smile.

"Hey, don't look at me like I'm some dainty High Elf or Bosmer. I don't need any kind of pampering or skin treatment or whatever. It's just...more efficient." He responded defensively.

"Don't worry, I believe you completely." Meesei said with somewhat of a smug grin. In all seriousness, it was nice to see Lorag enjoying himself with something that did not involve inebriation or drawing blood. Or both.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Janius grinned widely at the corner Lorag had backed himself into. "You've got to put the mer in Orismer sometimes, Lorag," Janius said in a patronising tone, "This water'll bring out your elven beauty." Janius raised his hands out of the water, letting it trickle down his palms as he spoke.

"Meesei is right, actually." Ariel chimed in, a little less informed about Lorag's opinion of hedonism, "There are all sorts of salts and minerals in streams like this. Good for cosmetic purposes, but also for injuries, if you have them."

"See? even the alchemist approves," Janius laughed.

All the activity in the water was shifting Sabine where she was sitting. Without anyone noticing, she had stealthily been nodding off. Where her head had been slightly bowed before, it was now completely forward, but still just above the surface of the water. One ripple of the water rose and reached her nose at a time where she was coincidentally inhaling. Breathing in a few drops of water instantly awoke her and caused her to cough a number of times, spraying water in a small space in front of her. Blinking at everyone with bleary eyes, she sniffed and wiped her nose, before getting up and making her own way to bed.

After Sabine had stepped out of the pool, Ariel turned toward her with a warm smile. "Goodnight, Sabine." Sabine stopped in her tracks and looked back at everyone still in the pool. Her mouth twitched a smile for a fraction of a second, but she turned and continued to her bedroll without a word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I swear, you call me an elf one more time..." Lorag muttered quietly, not actually intending to do anything. For once, he didn't quite know how to respond and mostly just wanted the conversation to shift away from himself.

Ahnasha yawned as Sabine left. She was rather tired, but did not quite want to leave yet, as she still wished to talk to Ariel a bit more about her. "So Ariel, I know you are an alchemist and a mage, but what kind of magic exactly is it that you practice? If Meesei has taught me anything, it is that isolated groups like the coven which raised you can know unique forms of magic that is unknown to most organizations. Breton wild mages have a certain reputation for the kinds of strange magic and rituals they perform. Turning people into birds, ripping out people's hearts and replacing them with some kind of magic plant. It seems like they have a lot of esoteric knowledge. Breton witches also always seem to be associated with lycanthropy and vampirism to some extent, though...it does seem a bit strange to me that there is a coven of witches like that so far from HIgh Rock. How did a coven like that end up in Morrowind, or are there a lot more than just Bretons there?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Smiling tightly and breathing in through her nose, Ariel considered how to respond. After a moment, Ariel exhaled through her lips, "That's a lot of information, uhm..." She paused and looked into the water. "Firstly, I should say that not all witch covens are the same, in fact ours is something of an oddity in this land. It's normally Breton girls that are chosen as children to join us, but with less Bretons in these parts, there are a greater proportion of other races in the coven than usual, especially Dunmer. The hagravens told me that they find prospective girls by 'smelling' their magical potential. It's likely more a metaphor for detecting them by other means, but perhaps it would still be the best description for it." Ariel stroked the side of her neck and hummed flatly, trying to remember more details. "From what I was told, the coven shifted to Morrowind after the Vigil of Stendarr killed a great number of them in their previous lair near Riften, in Skyrim. They were forced to flee, even though the coven was strictly impartial in their dealings with Daedra. Ironically, Morrowind was more accepting, especially since they were still rebuilding after invasion and disaster. That's not to say that the coven is entirely trusted, but through a number of deals with the local lord, their presence is tolerated."

Ariel rolled her shoulders, "As for the magic... esoteric is apt, it's not really taught like the guild or other colleges. Our secrets tend to be closely guarded, as they are easily abused to the user's detriment. It's a very old perspective, you see." She leaned her head forward and looked up at Ahnasha, "I will say that turning Reachmen into those abominations isn't something we really practice, so no heart replacements, I'm afraid." Ariel leaned back and looked up at the wall, "Our magic is a very intertwined one, associated with many higher beings, both named and unnamed. Altering reality through pacts and agreements, curses and blessings. Going into specifics would require at least a week of explanation to scratch the surface, even if I fully understood it myself. The only real notion of 'schools' of magic comes into destruction magic, which we learn for self-defense mostly. I suppose in a nutshell I can say that our most powerful magics are associated with promises that are bound to the world and to gods. Molag Bal and Hircine have had many dealings with witches before. This has allowed some to bring their... blessings, or curses upon certain people associated with the coven in question. There have been plenty of cases of local lords and such becoming vampires or lycans after slighting a coven. Witches are foremost in channeling Daedric power, and the power of other beings. Some covens pledge allegiance to a particular being, but most are more careful, like mine. It's the price for self-preservation. That's why I'm concerned about hearing that they would be doing such a service for Clavicus Vile. There has to be some curse or threat, or maybe some very tempting deal behind it. I suspect the former."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Hmm, maybe we can figure that out while we're there? I'm not sure if they would write down the specifics of their dealings with Daedra anywhere, but it is a possibility, I suppose. The magic you describe does sound interesting. Even without the magic that involves ripping out hearts, any kind of magic that comes directly from gods or Daedra can be powerful, and unique...not to mention dangerous. I'm not entirely sure what a hagraven is, other than that it is some kind of powerful bird-person, but if they are willing to transform themselves irreversibly like that, then they must be powerful. I think Meesei here would probably question you on it for three days straight if you let her." Ahnasha commented with a smile.

"One thing that has me curious is why your hagravens always select girls to bring into the coven. It seems like a strange criteria from which to base their selections; men would be just as capable of your magic, I'm assuming. Are there even any males in the coven? If not, I imagine that would be a strange way to grow up, and would probably be even stranger transitioning from that life, to life in Vos." Ahnasha asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"No, no males. The hagravens would probably give some kind of cryptic, or incomplete answer to why only girls are chosen." Ariel explained, "I think it's mostly tradition, but there has to be some reason why hagravens never smell potential in males. I've thought about it before, and the best reason I can think of is that when the witches covens were first formed, the society of High Rock was very fractured, the various people had male-dominated family lines. If the spiritual leaders required students, the people were less likely to object to them taking a daughter than a son." Ariel shook her head, "That doesn't much explain it up to today, but the hagravens have their reasons." She formed a sly smile, "Most witches just think that women are better at it."

Ariel rubbed at her arms while she recalled the past some more. "As for growing up in the coven, it was normal at the time. We occasionally had male guests, so it's not like I didn't know what they were, but they never stayed for longer than a chat. As I grew up into adolescence, there was something of a mix of curiosity and fear whenever I had to deal with men, but mostly they were at the coven for specific purposes, so they didn't seem so different. You know, apart from being suspicious of everything." Ariel paused for a moment, thinking of the first time she was tasked to run the shop, "By the time I moved into Vos, I was old enough that most of my fears and insecurities were diminished. Men were just people like any other. I got to know a few male friends as I integrated. I even got feelings for one of them, but that didn't work out." Ariel had a smile as she was reflecting, but the realisation that she was delving into personal information caused her to look either side and blush a little. "But, that's nothing interesting. Mostly, it was the self sufficiency that I had to get used to. We took care of each other in the coven, so everything felt very busy for a while as I took care of myself."

Ariel directed her attention back to the remaining pack in the pool. "How about all of you? Did you grow up as lycans, or were you adults when you were turned?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Hmm, it was the opposite for me. My parents were always expecting me to take care of myself, so I became rather self-sufficient, but joining the pack brought me into a tight-knit family which always takes care of one another." Ahnasha commented. "Well, I hope you have luck in finding someone for yourself. Maybe you should get to know Earondil? I doubt he would be interested in a relationship with anyone, but he is a nice person, and he might have nice friends." She suggested with a smile.

"Anyway, as for how long I've been a lycan, I turned somewhere around five years ago, when I was seventeen. I had been worshiping Hircine for years before that, and after proving my prowess to him, he led me to Meesei, who gave me the gift. Before that, I was the daughter of a pair of merchants in Leyawiin. It was a boring life, and I wouldn't recommend it. I don't see how you don't go insane with boredom doing the same thing day in and day out in Vos." Ahnasha answered. It seemed like Ariel's life had taken an opposite turn from her own, as she had been born into a coven dedicated to the study of magic, alchemy, and Hircine knows what else, then left it for a life as a merchant in a city.

Lorag grunted, finally paying attention to the conversation. "Heh, I turned when I was seventeen too, except that was a lot longer ago. Fifteen years ago, actually. I was in the Legion in Skyrim during their civil war. My patrol got ambushed by a pack of lycans. I killed one, but it got me pretty good and ended up turning me. I ended up spending nine years trying to figure everything out before Alpha found me."

Meesei spoke up next. Ariel had been learning quite a bit about them, and lycans in general, and she was curious on what her opinion of them would be by the end of their time together. "I myself have been a lycan for nine years. I turned to Hircine after the hunters in my village began facing trouble, and I have remained in his service since then. I accepted the gift from one of his hounds, then moved to Cyrodiil to start this pack."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"Earondil? Hm, I don't know about that, he's such a quiet person," Ariel said, amused at Ahnasha's answer, "As far as the work, it can sometimes feel repetitive, but I enjoy alchemy enough that I don't really get sick of it. And occasionally a new mystery or challenge comes up to be solved." After Lorag and Meesei's answers, Ariel turned to Janius. "How about you?"

"Two years," Janius said, holding up two fingers on one hand above the water, "The circumstances are a long story, but it turned out that Hircine decided to save my life. In return, I had to join the pack. That's just the perspective I have now, though. My previous family were uncaring fools who were surrounded by the scum of the earth. Here," Janius raised both his palms above the water, "The pack cares. And I care in return."

"And Fendros?" Ariel asked.

"Fendros, only about a month. He's adapted well enough though. A similar story to Lorag's if I remember correctly. In terms of being infected, that is." Janius explained, "And of course you know about Sabine. She was probably turned at the youngest age."

"Hmm," Ariel thought for another moment, "So you all had your own childhoods. A very diverse pack." With her mind being brought back to Sabine, Ariel thought of another issue, one that caused her to bite her lower lip before asking about it. "It seems like you were all adults when you were turned, but Sabine was a child. She still is a child. She'll become a woman in a few years, but I wonder, does she get to interact with many people who are near her age? The hagravens tend to recruit girls in groups, so there were children around even when I was growing up. Here is different."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei shook her head with a sullen expression. "Unfortunately no, we may interact with others outside the pack on occasion, but it is rare, and usually does not last long. I believe you are the person who has been in contact with us for the longest continuous time since this pack was formed. Even if we were around others outside the pack, I don't think she would talk to them. I believe Sabine is a mature young woman, though. She has been strong to endure all that she had been through. Despite her age, she has been a productive member of the pack for as long as she has been with us. I know none of us are near her age, but we are closer than friends. I would fight for her, and die for her, as if she were my own daughter."

Meesei gave a light smile as she glanced off towards the campfire. She had to admit, she had originally been skeptical of how useful Sabine would be, but HIrcine had not misguided her. She was glad to be wrong, and even if Sabine barely opened up even to her, she hoped she would be able to help her. "And also keep in mind, I do not expect that this pack will remain just the six...uh, seven of us forever." Meesei said, looking at Ahnasha's stomach upon her correction. "I expect it will grow as our needs grow, and as we find more worthy individuals to bring into our family. I cannot, however, say how long that will take, or who may join; that is only for Hircine to know."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"I see." Ariel's tone sounded consoled, but her face still held concern. She followed Meesei's eyes and looked across the room. Her gaze landed where Sabine had settled down and now appeared to be asleep. "I just hope that she's not missing out."

"She doesn't much seem to open up to anyone, least of all strangers," Janius added, "In fact, you've been the recipient of most of the words I've heard her say in the past few weeks. I'm not sure how well she would socialise with strangers."

Ariel kept looking over at Sabine while she spoke, "Perhaps someone closer to her age could encourage her out of her shell. Someone to... someone to relate to, maybe." Ariel sighed, "She's just so full of fear and anxiety. I can see it in her eyes. Young ones tend to be like that, but Sabine... she has been through much. I do hope she eventually learns to interact more." Ariel turned back to the rest of them in the water and smiled with resignation, "I suppose that is something that will probably happen on its own." She looked at Meesei, "If the Hist trees can help with her anxiety, maybe she will start talking more."

Taking a turn in expression, Ariel looked up and addressed everyone with a more optimistic tone. "I am very glad that she has a family such as yours, though." She said, smiling at each of them, "When I asked her about you all, she spoke very highly. Very lovingly. After her traumas, I think a loving family has been one of the best things for her."

"She said as such? Even about me?" Janius asked with a lowered brow. He always felt as if he treated Runt hard sometimes. Her lack of affection -on any level- didn't help the impression that he had about Sabine's disposition towards him.

Ariel looked at Janius and nodded. "Even you. You're a big brother to her." She then looked to Ahnasha, "And you're a big sister. And you two," She looked at Meesei and Lorag, "She didn't specifically mention mother and father, and... well neither of us have ever really had a mother or a father, but from what she said." Ariel leaned her head forward, "You two seemed to fit the description for all intents."
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