Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Ahnasha shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly, I don't even know. I only have basic knowledge about all of this, so I suppose we'll both learn together. Meesei might know a bit about raising children, but, well, Argonians lay eggs, so pregnancy isn't really her specialty. With how much we're going to need to stop and hunt, a least at first, it will probably be a few months before we reach Thorn, so definitely before then. It's kind of unfortunate that I am probably going to be in an uncomfortable state for a lot of the time that we are in Thorn, but I'll make the best of it."

Meesei nodded. "Of course. I can give you an abbreviated account of our history that touches on the major points, and perhaps give more detail if you find it interesting. It would be more than most outsiders know, so it would be great for first impressions. As for Jel, I will do my best. I've heard it is a difficult language to learn for one not born into it. It is one of the only spoken languages in Tamriel that is not based on Ehlnofex, so it is quite different from all the others. I have heard it describes as the closest language to pure thought, certainly closer than Cyrodilic. Honestly, if you wanted, we could start right now." She said, looking across the crew members going about their duties around them. "We could head down to our bunks. I think we might start getting in the way of the crew if we stay up here too much longer."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"We can afford to take our time in Thorn, there's no need to rush anything." Fendros said, pausing just too look at Ahnasha for a moment. After a few seconds a thought came to his mind, "It might be a shot in the dark, but does Ariel know anything about pregnancies?" Fendros raised an eyebrow, "I mean, she's only an apothecary, but... I don't know, it might be worth asking her about this sort of thing while she's around."

Ariel followed Meesei's eyes to the crew, paying more attention to Meesei's words than Fendros or Ahnasha's. "That would be good, thank you," She said with a smile, pushing off the balustrade and turning to proceed below deck. "I have to admit I don't think I've even heard a word of Jel in my life," Ariel continued as she reached the steps to climb down, "but I've heard similar things about it to what you say. I can't know for sure whether I'll be able to speak it unless I try of course."

"Oh, Meesei," Janius said as Meesei and Ariel passed by, not looking up from his book, but half-smiling, "Happy hatching day. I'm sorry, we left in a bit of a rush before I could get you a gift."

The noise of the wind and water was far more muffled below the deck. When Ariel spotted Lorag rocking side to side in a hammock with a bottle of something likely alcoholic and a crate of similar bottles settled below him, she hoped that his behaviour would not wear their welcome thin. Meesei was around to stop anything going wildly wrong though.

Once out of the way, the lessons began. Ariel thought she would be at an advantage, already knowing Cyrodiilic and Dunmeris, and for the first couple of words it seemed okay. Once they got to the first phrase, however, she was immediately thrown off by the subtle noises that were in the pronunciation. She didn't even know if she could make such noises with her mouth. The pronunciation was especially difficult to instruct as Meesei could only relate the way she was sounding things out with her Argonian mouth. With perseverance, Ariel started to get a hold of some of the stranger syllables. Even though she felt a little gratified and proud of herself for doing so, they hadn't touched on the grammar yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"I suppose there is no harm in asking, but I doubt she knows anything about Khajiit." Ahnasha responded. When she saw Meesei and Ariel head below decks, she looked around at the crew for a moment, then back to Fendros." Come on, we should probably get below decks."

Meesei gave Janius a light grin as she passed him. "Thank you, Janius." She said sincerely. When she saw Lorag in a hammock nearby with alcohol in hand, she looked back to Janius with a chuckle. "Don't worry about the gift. How about this, you take over keeping Lorag in line for the night, and that will cover you for my next three hatching days."

After settling down into their bunks, Meesei gave Ariel the first of what would become a series of lessons on Jel. As they had little else to do on the ship, she also gave her an introduction to Argonian history before they reached the mainland. After selling some of the silver weapons in the small port town and replacing them with purchased supplies, they set off to the south, beginning a long journey across Morrowind. Like Vvardenfell, much of the land to the south just across the channel from the island was volcanic, but once they made it past that region, they reached Morrowind's rolling plains and forests. Since they were in no particular hurry, and they had to stop and hunt frequently, progress was slow, but no one truly seemed to mind. Their leisurely pace kept stress to a minimum, and allowed them to experience the regions they passed through. From meadows and fields, to forests of trees mixed with mushrooms, to the occasional mountain range, much of mainland Morrowind was quite pleasant, and easy to survive in for experienced hunters. They did of course run into dangers, such as highwaymen in one case, but it was nothing the pack could not handle.

Throughout the journey, Meesei honored her promise and gave Ariel lessons in Jel. Surprisingly, Fendros seemed interested as well, and joined in many of the sessions. At first, Meesei simply made her memorize some essential phrases, but then, they moved on to more in-depth learning. It was not an easy task, as there were more differences between Cyrodilic and Jel than she could count.Jel required adopting a style of thought that Ariel was not really accustomed to, as even concepts she viewed as basic were not the same. When Meesei was learning Cyrodilic, one of the most difficult concepts for her to grasp had been how much emphasis Imperials seemed to put on time, and when things happen. In Argonian culture, and by extension their language, the time that something happened was not important. Past, present, and future were all as one to the Hist. For Ariel, trying to 'unlearn' the importance of time proved to be a challenge in learning Jel. Still, she made progress. She wasn't to the point where Meesei would say she could 'speak' the language, but it wasn't a goal that was out of reach.

In addition to language, Meesei also taught Ariel some of Argonian history after many of their sessions. She started in the very beginning, with the mythology of the Hist's beginnings, of how they were the first to live on Nirn after the twelve worlds collided, shattered, and combined to form Nirn. She told the stories of how the Hist formed the Argonians, as well as explaining some of the more salient points of the Dawn Era, such as how the Hist refused to join in the War of Ehlnofey, even as it destroyed their lands, with the only surviving part being modern day Black Marsh. She gave a description of the Argonians' first great civilization that arose after their creation and spanned Black Marsh, the ruins of which still exist, buried in the swamp. She told of their contributions to the All Flags Navy, the largest naval force in history that consisted of ships from every nation in Tamriel, that sailed against the Sload in retribution for the Thrassian Plague. She explained how their first civilization fell due to external pressures, specifically the war against the Second Empire, in which they were incorporated as a province. From there, she moved into the hardships they faced, such as slavery operations from the Dunmer to their north, a practice which continued until the signing of the Ebonheart Pact. After the war between the three alliances, however, the practice resumed and continued, essentially until the Red Year. Moving into more modern history, she explained how Black Marsh fared under the Septim Empire, and how they were able to protect themselves from the Daedra of Oblivion, even when the Empire could not. She described to the best of her ability how the current Argonian civilization came to be under the leadership of the An-Xileel, and how it was attacked early on by the flying city Umbriel that cut a wide and bloody swath across Black Marsh, Morrowind, Skyrim, and eventually Cyrodiil. Once most of the major events were out of the way, she did her best to give details on how Black Marsh had changed since gaining its independence over two hundreds years ago.

For Ahnasha, the months of travel brought on considerable change to her own body, It was not long before her pregnancy was visibly obvious, but she stopped caring about that immediately once the other symptoms set in. In addition to her appetite, which was still quite voracious, she found herself craving the strangest of foods, most of which she could not acquire at the moment she wanted them. Mood swings also became an issue. There were several instances where she snapped at Fendros or the others over something that upset her, only to apologize profusely hours later. The extra weight she was putting on also contributed to aches in her back and joints, which made her particularly glad that Ariel and Sabine were with them. Despite it all, the negative symptoms were not constant, and Ahnasha relaxed and enjoyed herself as best as she could. About the only real work she needed to do anymore was to give Fendros archery training. She could feel that her beast spirit was becoming more restless from the lack of hunting, but one of the advantages of the hormones running through her body was that they affected the beast spirit's mind as well, in much the same way as it would a pregnant wolf. As a result, she did not feel she was in danger of losing control at any given moment.

After about two and a half months, the pack had either crossed into Black Marsh, or were coming very close. The far south of Morrowind was just as much a swamp as the far north of Black Marsh, so it was difficult to tell exactly when they passed the boundary. The weather was hot and humid, leading to some level of discomfort for all except Meesei, but it was nothing that wasn't manageable. Rivers, lakes, and other forms of standing water were now ubiquitous, which made it difficult to walk far without having to wade through at least knee high water. They had sold almost all of the silver weapons by this point, so supplies were no longer much of an issue. Even so, they still had to stop and hunt from time to time. The creatures inhabiting this area were a mix of Morrowind and Black Marsh creatures, the latter of which seemed much more foreign to the rest of the pack. Of particular annoyance were the fleshflies: small insects that fed on whatever exposed flesh they could find. Argonian scales were too tough to penetrate, but for the rest of the group, they could create a patchwork of sores on one's skin if given the time. Fortunately, for once in her life, Meesei knew of an alchemical concoction that Sabine did not: a repellant for the bothersome insects. For obvious reasons, they kept a surplus of ingredients on hand for the repellant.

The pack set up camp on a relatively dry hill surrounded by a river which split in half around it. They were nearing Thorn and would likely arrive within a few days, but for the moment, Meesei was more concentrated on a sight she had not seen in years: a Hist sapling at the edge of their camp. It was small for a Hist tree, but still a significant sight to her. In the back of her mind, she still wondered exactly how the Hist would respond to her reverence for Hircine. She never lost respect for the Hist; she merely found a being she would rather devote herself to. From her own experience with the Hist, she did not believe they would care about her devotion to the lord of the Hunt, and indeed would help her all the same, as little sense as that would make from a mortal perspective. The mind of the Hist was far beyond what she was capable of understanding. For the moment, she simply stood at the base of the tree, looking up at its leaves and gently touching its trunk.

Ahnasha, on the other hand, was feeling quite uncomfortable at the moment. She was laying on her back, groaning as she looked up at the tree canopy above. Her hands were on her stomach, which extended noticeably beyond what it did months before. Unfortunately, a few of her more annoying symptoms were hitting her at the same time, and the potions she had taken had not yet taken effect. She wasn't vomiting at the moment, but she felt nauseous, and her lower back and legs were aching terribly from a long day's walk. Glancing down at her stomach, she rubbed it for a moment. "You better be worth all of this." She muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Their latest camp was one that the pack was thankful for, as they had found a spot surrounded by what they could describe as running water. After their stint of wading through the marsh with a constant sheen of sweat, it was nice to have a spot that was not only relatively dry, but had access to water that was cool and didn't seem stagnant.

Of all the members of the pack, Janius seemed the most glum in these conditions, at least until he got used to most of it. He was more than right about the humidity, and the different creatures sneaking about that would bite at his ankles while in the water gave him no end of frustration. Fendros honestly didn't mind the weather, but the fleshflies were repulsive to him, constantly itching or biting. Meesei had to tell him off on a couple of occasions early on for using too much of the repellant that she had mixed. Sabine either didn't complain, or wasn't suffering quite as much as everyone else. She was cautious in this new place, as Meesei had said to be, but still took time wherever she could to pick various new pieces of flora and insects, to see if they carried any alchemical effect. With the creations in Black Marsh being so varied, her work was never done. At the end of the day, however, Sabine was always very tired. The humid heat was taking its toll on her more than most. Ariel found very quickly that she had to keep her robe tied up above her knees in order to keep it out of the water. After drenching her garments in sweat over several days, she found that she had to cut its sleeves and skirt short, remove its cowl and loosen the laces near her collar just so she could avoid heatstroke. It wasn't long before she started to seriously consider asking one of the pack to make her some more breathable garments, like the ones they were wearing. She tried not to complain about things in general, but when her sweat turned into a fever at one point, she needed to stop to and take a potion to cure it. Even with the necklace Meesei had enchanted to resist the diseases of the swamp she had to remain vigilant.

At the camp, the pack was taking the time to rest after the day of traveling. Janius was assembling a fire for cooking. He wondered how it was possible for the nights to remain so warm that he hardly felt the need for a campfire, but Ariel still needed her meat cooked so as not to poison her. Sabine was busy testing her latest pickings of samples for the day with some basic alchemical equipment.

Ariel had just finished washing her face and wetting her hair by the water and walked up to the camp. Meesei caught her eye due to her behaviour next to one of the trees nearby their camp. Ariel walked up to Meesei curiously, she didn't know what to look for to confirm what she suspected. "Is this..." Ariel hazarded slowly, stepping closer to the tree to get a better look at it, "... is this a Hist tree?"

An eye sharper than Ariel's would have spotted Sabine stopping what she was doing and looking up at Meesei and Ariel upon the mention of Hist trees.

With Ahnasha clearly looking worse for wear, Fendros approached and sat down beside her. He had become a bit more cautious around her since the first time since he was on the receiving end of one of her hormone-driven tantrums. It was especially unfortunate in that event, as he had impatiently and angrily retorted to her, which caused no end of regret later on. When they both calmed down, they both apologised and forgave each other, restoring their relationship, but it left a bad taste in both of their mouths. By now, Fendros knew that he had to be patient and give her either the space or attention where necessary. This time, he wanted to check up on her, as he sometimes did. "How are you feeling?" He asked, looking at her sickly face. Fendros could have sworn that any part of her skin that wasn't obscured by fur had gone pale.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Ahnasha groaned once more as she ran her hands down her face and looked up at Fendros. At first she was silent, not really displaying what kind of a mood she was in. After a few moments, she brought herself to sit up and lean on a nearby tree before letting out a sigh. "I'm fine, or I will be. Ariel gave me some potions. Just wish they were a bit faster acting."

She looked down at her stomach and gave a somewhat forced grin. "This is not a condition I would have ever thought to find myself in. So many changes. The extra weight in my stomach has been giving me aches in my joints and back. The fact that my breasts have swollen in size also hasn't done my back any favors, though I doubt you mind that one as much." She said, looking at him with a bit of a chuckle. "Nausea is rarer now, but the biggest problem I'm having right now isn't even related to the child. It is...hot, and all my fur is not helping. At all. I wish I could just shave it all off without looking utterly ridiculous. I think I'm going to be spending a lot of time in the water while we're here; just need Meesei to point out which bodies of water are safe to swim in. Or maybe she can just electrocute all of the biting fish to death. We could eat them afterwards, or something. Hircine knows I have the appetite for it."

Meesei continued to look at the tree, but still nodded to Ariel's question. "A sapling, yes. Grown Hist trees are usually about the size of all the others around us, while some can become absolutely massive. This tree's presence shows that, if we're not in Black Marsh, we are very close. It has been quite a while since I have seen the Hist." Meesei looked away from the tree to give Ariel a lighthearted smile. "So, how does it feel to stand before a god?" She asked jokingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"Hmm, yeah, the rest of us have it easy. We can take off our coverings, yours is part of your skin." Fendros replied. At first he thought it strange that someone who's racial heritage laid in a desert and jungle clad land such as Elsweyr would mind the heat so much, but it was reasonable with the humidity, not to mention her condition. "I don't know how Meesei and the Argonians bear this place, they mustn't have any sweat pores at all." Fendros smiled reached for Ahnasha's hand. He wasn't sure whether feeling close to her was going to overcome the sticky heat from each of their skins for a prolonged period, but he savoured it all the same. "Tell you what, once your remedies take effect, how would you like to take a dip in the water? I can give your back a rub if you would like. I think we still have some of Ariel's salve, right?"

With one hand clasped in the other, Ariel craned her neck upwards at the Hist tree's leaves. "I have to admit, there's a tad less reverence and fanfare than I'm used to, but I think it's mostly Daedra who are into that sort of thing." Ariel opened her mouth slightly and stayed silent, as if trying to listen for something. "It seems almost... inconsequential in comparison to the other trees. It's interesting that they hold such a presence within them." After another moment of trying to listen, Ariel gave up, closed her mouth and looked at Meesei again, "Is it whispering to you?"

Only just now making her presence known with light footsteps on the detritus-covered ground, Sabine edged forward and stood next to her sister with her eyes locked on the tree's bulbous trunk. She too was curious, especially with the prospect that one of these trees might be able to relieve her mind of her constant fears and mental scarring. It had been something occupying her mind for virtually the entire journey. To see a Hist tree for the first time was exciting as it was intimidating, but she didn't show any such reactions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ahnasha looked at the water for a few moments, then nodded and started to remove her jewelry, clothing, and other adornments. The only thing she kept was her necklace. It had not been long after leaving Vvardenfell that she had Meesei apply a stamina fortification enchantment to it, which made her feel generally more lively and energetic. As a result, the only time she did not wear it was when she was taking on her wolf form, or trying to get to sleep. "Argonians do not sweat, actually. They just really like the heat, especially with humidity. They actually prefer being soaked when it's not cold. There are plenty of non-Argonians, even Khajiit, that actually enjoy living here, so maybe it is something you get used to?"

Ahnasha slowly and carefully stood up, more out of caution than an actual inability to stand. Although she had become a bit less mobile over the past few months, she could still get around herself fairly well. That would likely change near the end of the pregnancy, but she was fine for now. Regardless, she avoided anything with a remote possibility of harming her child. Since her lifestyle had become much more sedentary recently, she had, on Lorag's recommendation, modified her usual training regimen to avoid losing too much muscle mass. "Let's see if we can get some of that salve, I could really do with a good massage. We should probably have Meesei pick out the spot for us. I don't want a fish latching onto my tail...again."

"Not at the moment, no. At least...not more than usual." Meesei answered. "The Hist always has a presence in our minds, even if it is weaker away from Black Marsh. To describe them as 'gods' in the same sense as the Daedra is not really accurate, even if they have the same kind of power and influence. Truly, it is hard to explain the nature of the Hist in a way that describes accurately what they are, even to other Argonians. As Treeminder of my clan, I had the greatest understanding of the Hist in my entire village, but even I admit that some of their mysteries elude me. This one is but a sapling, but it is connected by the root to all other Hist. They are just as one entity, so technically, this tree could be used for the ritual. However, that ritual requires Hist sap, and it would be difficult to extract it from this tree. No, it would be much better to find a village willing to let us perform the ritual and use sap from their tree. The Hist trees that Argonian villages are built around give their sap to the clan easily, so no effort is required to extract it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Right," Ariel nodded. She slowly took a step closer to the tree to look at it closely, but didn't feel comfortable enough to touch it. Between the trees being so revered and the death sentence that would come from harming one, she decided to err on the side of caution. "Will it be difficult to find such a village? I mean, apart from you, we're all foreigners. You told me yourself that your people are generally untrusting."

Fendros followed Ahnasha, laughing briefly at the recollection of when a hungry swamp fish decided that the end of Ahnasha's tail looked enough like an insect to give her some grief. Amongst the pack's belongings, they found the jar of inflammation remedy that Ariel had gifted to Ahnasha back in Morrowind. Upon opening it, Fendros found that the jar was almost empty. Fendros held the jar to Ahnasha to show her, "Still just enough for one last application, I think. We might ask Ariel if she could make another batch."

They found Meesei with Ariel and Sabine by the Hist sapling. At a glance, it didn't look like they were interrupting anything. Even if they recognised the Hist tree, they hadn't been told whether or not the ritual to help Sabine was occuring then. "Meesei," Fendros got their alpha's and Ariel's attention, but not Sabine's, "Would you be able to point out a suitable swimming spot for us? One without tail-snappers, preferably."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"It could be difficult to find a village, though not because of trust. Flooding can be an issue in the Marsh, so unless they can find a place that is safe year round, many villages are nomadic, moving between Hist trees in different seasons. As for the ritual itself, I do not suspect that we will have any difficulty with the Treeminders allowing us to perform it. Argonians may have a hard time trusting outsiders, but the Hist do not care about the race of those who they choose to commune with. They will impart their knowledge and wisdom onto any who seek it" Meesei explained, though she was not entirely satisfied that she had accurately described her meaning.

When Ahnasha and Fendros approached asking about where they should swim, she responded with a smile. "Of course." She looked around the area at the water, which, to the untrained eye, all seemed the same. Some of it was flowing and some was standing, but both of those could contain annoying or even dangerous creatures. Despite this, she was almost immediately able to point to a likely location. Her experience in the marsh made picking out such things almost second nature to her. She knew all of the factors to look for: water clarity, the kinds of surrounding foliage, how many insects were present, and a few other details could be used to determine how much was living in any given body of water. "That looks like a good spot. The river surrounding us also looks like a prime location for trodh, which are a rather tasty type of fish. I think I may catch some, then join you for a swim."

"Alright, that sounds good. I could use a meal with my massage." Ahnasha commented. "Speaking of which, I'm down to the last of that salve you gave me, Ariel. I don't suppose it would be too much trouble to make more, would it? Or do you need more ingredients than you have? No need to make it now, of course, just for later."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ariel smiled and took a breath in to respond, before stopping herself and looking down and to the side with her brow lowered a little. She raised her hand slightly and breathed in again, but then just looked further away and bit on her tongue. It was as if she was remembering things before committing to words. "Uhm... I could make some more, I think, but it may not be exactly the same." She brightened up and looked at Ahnasha with a confirming smile, "I'll see what I can do."

Without much else to do that evening, Ariel decided to head back to the camp to unpack some of her alchemical equipment and take stock. She sighed as she found that a couple of key ingredients for the salve were not amongst her supplies, and she had not brought along the oil that she usually used as a fragrance in such mixtures. Nevermind, there were plenty of ingredients in the Marsh, and even if she couldn't find known substitutes for the ingredients, Sabine had done nothing but try everything she could see. She was bound to have found something.

When everyone walked away from the Hist tree, Sabine remained for a little while. Though apprehensive, she stepped up to the tree so she was almost up against it and looked at it closely as well. She checked over her shoulder one last time, before she brought her hand up and ran her fingers gently down its surface. The tree stood silent, seemingly not reacting to anything. Suddenly, Sabine's fingers accidentally dislodged a tiny flake of the tree's bark, which caused her to jump back. She sighed at herself through her nose, it was just a tree. She headed back to where she had been experimenting, sitting opposite Ariel as she ground ingredients for some more salve.

By the spot that Meesei had suggested, Fendros disrobed and entered the water. As soon as he could, he waded to a point where it was deep enough to dive and submerged himself, hands first. The cool relief from the humid heat washed over him and he surfaced feeling far more awake and refreshed than before. He swum to find Ahnasha and the salve jar to get started. It took some effort to get enough of the salve out of the jar, but at least it didn't dissolve in the water. "You know, all this talk of fur reminds me of something. You remember in the hot spring on Vvardenfell, you mentioned something about a beard. What did you say again?" Running his hands over both her shoulders, he looked at her with a smile, "Now, where on your back does it hurt?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

While Ahnasha and Fendros went over to the water, Meesei went to collect the largest empty waterskin they had from camp. In order to catch the trog, she would need a good, watertight container. It took her a few moments to find one large enough, after which she turned her attention briefly to the others in camp. "I am going to catch some fish for us to eat, then join Ahnasha and Fendros for a swim. Any of you can join, if you wish." She offered before heading down to the edge of the river.

Lorag had already eaten, so he wasn't too interested in the fish, but he immediately perked up at the mention of a swim. "Wait, you mean you found a spot not filled with those swimming sets of teeth? Count me in. This heat is hitting me harder than the Stormcloaks ever did." He exclaimed. He could not get up fast enough if it meant a refreshing dip in the water.

Ahnasha lowered herself in more cautiously than Fendros, but her reaction was essentially the same. Even if the water in Black Marsh was warm compared to most rivers and lakes, it was just as refreshing compared to the heat of the air around them. She almost wished it was safe to swim all the way to Thorn, because she would do so in a heartbeat. Once Fendros surfaced, she moved to a shallow part of the large pond they were in and laid down on her stomach, crossing her arms and resting her head on them. "Most of the soreness is in my lower back, so you should put most of the salve there." She advised. When he asked about her preference for a beard, she smiled and looked back at him. "Well...it's no secret that Khajiit find a nice, strong mane to be attractive. Dunmer might not be able to grow a mane like Khajiit, but a thick, glorious beard...that could be just as good." She said with a grin as she reached back and lightly stroked his chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Fendros slowly rubbed the salve over the surface of Ahnasha's back, trying his best to relieve the soreness she was experiencing. "I don't know if I'm quite capable of growing a beard that I would describe as 'glorious'," Fendros laughed, "the last time I tried growing facial hair, it came out patchy and looked quite filthy. That was a few years ago though, maybe it'll grow out more evenly now. Janius is either lucky or just perseveres with his goatee." Looking back at Ahnasha's face for a moment, he smiled widely, still slightly amused at the prospect of a beard, "If you don't mind me looking like I rolled my jaw in a pile of dark dirt for the better part of a month, I could try and grow something passable." He looked down and continued, "Might itch for a while, as well. Hmm."

Janius, having taken care of the fire until it was in a self-sustaining state, was very receptive to doing something else. "Oh mercy, something to do in the water," he said gratefully. While he was not so eager for a swim, biting fish or not, fishing sounded like something nice to occupy his mind. "I'll try my hand at catching these swamp fish. The gods know I need a justification for that fire." Janius rose from where he was sitting and followed Meesei to assist in catching something to eat.

Ariel and Sabine were already absorbed in their own tasks. While Sabine gave no indication of her intentions, Ariel conceded to take a dip later, after she was finished with what she was doing. While her and Sabine were nearby again, Ariel tried to strike up a conversation. "So, how are you, Sabine? You look like you've been enjoying Black Marsh so far."

Sabine looked up for only a moment. She shrugged.

"It's certainly a diverse environment, so many plants and animals and insects. One could hardly catalog it all in one lifetime."

There was no response from Sabine.

Ariel breathed out through her nose, but kept her patience. Sabine was never a girl of many words. "How are you feeling about this ritual?" Ariel asked.

This caused Sabine to halt her activity of cutting up a new leaf she had found and think. "I don't know," She replied simply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I'm sure it will look fine, and even if it doesn't, you won't know until you try. Don't worry about it too much though. I wouldn't be mated to a Dunmer if I was only interested in perfectly attractive Khajiit. You have your own charm about you, like the muscles you've been putting on. I think your training has been doing you some good; you definitely have the arms of an archer now." Ahnasha observed. Honestly, she still wasn't quite sure how to compliment the appearance of a Dunmer, but commenting on muscular definition seemed to be a safe bet for males of any race.

Meesei acknowledged Janius as he joined her by the river. She knelt down along the river's edge and placed the waterskin beside her, then lightly swirled her finger around in the water to attract the attention of the fish. A quick detect life spell had already revealed that there were plenty in the area. "I'm afraid you might be disappointed in this particular fishing venture. Trodh are very small fish that swim in large groups, and there is quite an easy way to catch many of them at a time. Also, you won't be needing that fire."

Once she saw that she had attracted the interest of the creatures, she discharged a quick lightning spell into the water, not enough to kill the creatures, but merely stun them. Since young wamasu often preyed on trodh and other fish, they had adapted to be resistant to electricity, so it took quite a bit more lightning than one would expect to achieve the same effect. After stunning them, she grabbed the waterskin and skimmed it across the surface of the water, filling it with the small creatures. They soon began to swim around again in the waterskin, as well as in the river, but she had enough for the moment. Standing up, she motioned over towards the pond. "Come, we can eat them over by the pond."

Meesei led Janius over to the pond with the others. Lorag had rushed in as quickly as he could, though he had to stop himself from actually jumping in, if only to avoid incurring Ahnasha's wrath. He had quickly discovered that her mood could easily shift to both good and bad extremes over small provocations. As much as he liked teasing her, he took no pleasure in making her legitimately angry. Once they were by the pond, Meesei undressed and climbed in as well. She set the trog-filled waterskin on the shore beside her so Janius could access it, then reached in and grabbed one for herself. She held the creature up by the tail, then dropped it in her mouth and swallowed it whole...and alive. Both Lorag and Ahnasha gave her a strange look, to which she simply laughed. "Feel free to help yourself. Just make sure not to kill them before swallowing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Hahah! If archery training was what attracted females like you, I should have started sooner." Fendros said.

Lorag made his way into the water more furtively than Fendros was used to. He wasn't sure whether or not it was an improvement to have his normal japes toned down in light of Ahnasha's mood swings, but a bit more respectful behaviour was refreshing for now.

The fishing was over before Janius even knew it had began, so all he could do was scratch the back of his head in mild disappointment. "Bah, I'll have a soak in the pond anyway." He said.

The manner of Meesei eating the fish she had caught turned all of their heads and caused them pause. Fendros stifled a laugh at probably one of the strangest things he had seen Meesei do. He resumed his massage for the moment, but leaned down to Ahnasha while looking at the waterskin. "How's that appetite now?"

As if not wanting to be outdone, Janius squinted his eyes at the trodh fish wriggling around in the waterskin and raised a hand to try and grab one. If turned into an ordeal simply to keep one of the slippery morsels in his hands. Once he had a good grip of one of them, he held it up to his eye line, scrutinising the creature. It was toothy, but not too prickly, or even dangerous looking. Nervously, he brought it up to his mouth while holding his head back, trying not to let the creature wriggle free, then let go. It took a couple of swallows to lead it in the right direction, almost causing him to gag, but once it was down, it was gone. Janius coughed a couple of times, and was wide eyed as the fish still wriggled down his esophagus, but he was otherwise okay. After several moments, he licked his lips and blinked. "Slimey." was all he said, not indicating whether that was a good thing or not. "Those things won't try to swim back up, right?" He asked Meesei with a raised eyebrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Meesei couldn't help but to laugh. "Well, it's certainly not going to succeed. Eating them alive is the only option. Trodh quickly become incredibly poisonous if you kill or cook them before eating them. Swallowing them whole prevents that. Don't worry, they are perfectly safe when eaten properly; I wouldn't let you have them if they were not. I should probably mention again, though, that under no circumstance should you eat anything you find in this place unless I tell you it is safe. There are plenty of things just as poisonous as cooked trodh."

Between the salve and Fendros' massage, Ahnasha was quite relaxed, but couldn't help but to watch Janius eat the creature, then eye the waterskin for a few moments before glancing up to Fendros. "So...is it bad that I kind of actually want to try one of those things?"

Without a word, Meesei took one of the trodh from the waterskin and held the thrashing creature out to offer it to Ahnasha. She stared at it for almost ten seconds before finally reaching out and slowly grabbing it by the tail. Deciding not to hesitate, she quickly dropped it into her mouth and allowed the wriggling creature to slide down her throat. She gave quite the strange expression, one not quite of disgust, but rather confusion. She had certainly not been prepared for how it would feel. "That...was an experience. I almost think I can feel the thing still wriggling in my stomach. As for the taste...well that isn't bad, not bad at all." She commented, but after a few moments, she let out an annoyed sigh. "Great, I'm going to start craving these at some point, I guarantee it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Fendros simply shrugged and continued as Ahnasha opted to try one of the trodh. He couldn't see her expression clearly from where he was once she had swallowed the fish, but Fendros saw enough to chuckle.

"You know what? Those things aren't so bad, I'll have another." Janius said, floating chest up in the water, but paddling over to reach the waterskin. From his position, he made eating the trodh look almost decadent. Somehow.

"Alright, I suppose I'll try one now." Fendros reached out to the waterskin and held one up in one hand. "Look on the bright side, Ahna. At least these are easier to find than that jazbay grape pastry you mentioned the other day." He mentioned before holding back his head and trying the trodh for himself. After swallowing, which was thankfully more successful than Janius' attempt, he stood up straight and was perfectly still for a few seconds. Once the movements inside of him seemed to settle down, his eyelids fluttered and he suppressed a belch that might have been something else. He swallowed again and appeared to be fine. "You weren't lying, but I think I still need to get used to the taste." Fendros said, resuming the massage.

Over by the camp, Ariel continued to try and speak to Sabine. Her response was understandable. Ariel doubted that Sabine knew much more about the ritual or even the Hist than she did. There was no telling what could happen. "Are you afraid of the ritual, Sabine?"

Sabine paused again, her mouth twitching. She nodded slowly.

"Is that because you don't know what is going to happen?"

Again, Sabine nodded.

Ariel smiled and reached out to put her hand on Sabine's shoulder. "Sabine, you know Meesei wouldn't put you through this if she knew it was dangerous. I think you can trust her."

Sabine looked sideways at Ariel, then back down. "I know," she mumbled.

"You'll be okay, Sabine." Ariel rubbed Sabine's shoulder comfortingly, "I promise."

Sabine took a breath, then nodded again. They continued their work, but Ariel was almost done as far as what she had available for the salve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Lorag sighed in resignation. "Well, there's really no way I couldn't try one of those things, is there?" He reached out and accepted one from Meesei when she offered, then wasted no time in swallowing the thing. His eyes widened, giving him the strangest expression any of the others had seen. He settled back into his place in the pond, saying nothing about the trodh and giving no real indication of what he thought of it. He just remained silent and waited for everyone to stop staring at him.

Ahnasha couldn't hold back her laughter at Lorag's reaction, but she eventually turned her attention back to Fendros. As per usual, his massage worked wonders for her aches, especially once the salve made its way into her skin. Eventually, the aches in her back had subsided to the point that she rolled back over to sit up properly and gave Fendros a kiss. "Thank you, you have no idea how much better that feels. I know we're out of the salve, but I don't suppose you could do something for my feet as well? Along with my back, they tend to hurt the worst after a long walk." She asked, not actually waiting for an answer before situating herself to make it easier on him. She laid down on her back with her head resting just out of the water, and her feet resting across Fendros' lap. She let out a deep breath and closed her eyes, still enjoying how much of a relief the water was compared to the heat of the air.

Meesei quickly checked the waterskin to see how many trodh they had left, as well as making sure that none had died, as the dead would need to be removed quickly to avoid contaminating the water. Once she saw that they had enough for the moment, she spoke up on something she had been thinking about. "Based on where we are, I do not think it will take more than a few days to reach Thorn. Once we are there, I think it would be best for Ariel if we all stayed in the city, instead of camping outside. She needs to experience the city if she is going to make a decision on whether or not to live there. It is just...I have never actually been in an inn before. Do any of you know how they work?" Meesei asked genuinely. She had only a slight understanding of the details of city life, so once they reached the city, she would be quite out of her element. The only thing that would allow her to blend in for an extended time would be her knowledge of her people's culture.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Lorag's reaction was something that Fendros and Janius also laughed along with. Hopefully he was just shocked and not paralysed by the poison.

"Of course," Fendros said, wrapping his hands around one of Ahnasha's feet and rubbing the sole to relieve it. Her feet were far more calloused than any other feet that he had touched. That was to be expected though; when Fendros himself joined the pack, there was so much walking in his bare feet that it barely took a week before the skin on his feet similarly hardened.

When Meesei asked about inns, there was a short moment of quiet, then in unison Janius and Fendros both said "Yes." They looked at each other for a moment, then Fendros gestured for Janius to continue. "It's quite simple, Meesei, especially if it's the same as with Cyrodiil." Janius explained, "You ask the innkeeper if there are any lodgings available for a group of seven, and if they have anything available, he'll give you a price. You pay the gold upfront and then he'll show us to our rooms. From then on, we're allowed to use those rooms how we see fit until the next day. Oh, also-" He raised a finger, "If anything is damaged or missing from the room during the time we're in it, we would need to pay for it to be replaced."

It was an apt enough explanation, though Fendros thought it strange how anyone wouldn't know about inns. Especially Meesei, who seemed to know so much about everything else.

A smile formed on Janius' face as he continued. "They can also provide freshly cooked meals, drink, and on occasion company, if you will. All separately bought, of course." Janius held his arms up, curling inwards as if he was holding a couple of invisible barrels to his chest. "My hometown's inn has the greatest roast beef you ever could have tasted. Ample, marinated... tender..." Janius' fingers began to flex in their position above the water.

Whether or not Janius' rather severe euphemisms were apparent to the rest of the pack, Fendros couldn't help but laugh. "Alright Janius, don't give us too much information." he said, before looking to Meesei, "Don't worry, they're generally not whorehouses." If Fendros were honest, the only times he had used the rooms of an inn was the one time he went to the Imperial City with his family, and during certain... prolific nights in his hometown of Cheydinhal. At least they weren't whores, from what he could remember anyway. It seemed so long ago now. "I'm surprised that you haven't dealt with any inns before, Meesei. Had you really been camping this entire time?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Meesei shook her head. "I've never actually been in an inn before, not since being in the pack, and not before. I know enough about cities to blend in reasonably well as long as I avoid interacting with too many locals. Beyond that, the culture is highly foreign to me. Much how you did not know a great deal about surviving in the wilds until we taught you." She responded to Fendros. "Ever since Vos, we've had more and more reason to be in cities and towns, and with this war against Vile, I suspect that is not going to change. I suppose it is time for me to learn more about them, more about their culture. It seems it will be you teaching me for a change. I may need to avoid Janius' advice, though." She said, turning her head towards him. "You would probably just end up taking me to brothels."

Ahnasha gave a slight laugh, but not because of Meesei's joke. Even with her feet being as calloused as they were, there were some spots that were still sensitive. She was quite a ticklish individual, something that she was yet to mention to Fendros. It was fortunate that he had done nothing yet to reveal that through his massages. She decided to play it off as a laugh at the joke and continued in the conversation. "Wouldn't surprise me. You really want some 'attention', don't you? Sometimes, I think you're jealous of me and Fendros. We have no need of those kinds of 'services." She said before looking at Fendros with a jokingly angry glare. "Or at least you better not."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Fendros snorted in response to Ahnasha. Though he played it off, he felt slightly insulted by the insinuation that he would employ a whore. To get back at her, he pressed a pressure point on Ahnasha's foot for a moment while cheekily smiling. His intention was to be more playful than hurtful. His brother would use the same pressure point on him to wake him up in the mornings if he slept in. Releasing the pressure point and continuing the rub, he responded properly, "I don't think so, Ahna."

On the other hand, Janius looked over to Ahnasha with a high brow at her claim. "Jealous? Come now, surely I've been sharing my fantasies about acquaintances in my former life with the pack before you and Fendros were together. Before Fendros was in the pack, even." Janius looked up and closed his eyes as he floated in the water some more, "A man has needs. And life with the pack, while superior, doesn't quite present as much opportunity as it did back in Bravil." Janius' tone was very matter-of-fact, but some defensiveness could be detected. "Anyway, Ariel told me a while ago a good reason not to visit any whorehouses. Not sure if what she said was just a sujamma-clouded memory though..."

"And what reason was that?" Fendros asked sarcastically, as if wondering what magic words it took to change his mind about such seedy establishments.

"Well..." Janius frowned, his tone becoming somewhat disappointed, "Apparently, a lycan might infect someone by bedding them."

Fendros raised an eyebrow and looked to Meesei. He genuinely did not know this fact. "Is that true?" he asked.
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