Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Meesei browsed through the store, both looking for a set of clothing for herself, and just to see what kinds of styles the locals seemed to like. It seemed like the more expensive clothing was decorated with feathers and intricate embroidery. Meesei had to admit that she could see how it would look nice, but even so, her focus was mostly on the simpler, cheaper sets. She noticed that Sabine was following her around the store, which made sense considering she had never been to a tailor before. Of course, Meesei had not either, but she was not nervous like Sabine. Meesei wondered if she would find something she liked enough to select for herself, or if she would end up picking out something for her.

Eventually, Meesei found a simple dress (without hood or shoulderpads) that would work well enough. She still preferred her usual manner of dress, but it would be comfortable enough. Like the pack, Argonians did not tend to place too much emphasis on modesty, at least not ones from villages like Meesei's, but since she was not entirely familiar with the customs of the city Argonians, she aired on the side of caution and used the changing room. It did not actually occur to her that it might seem strange that she did not wait for Janius to be finished first, but...she was still learning.

Ahnasha joined with Fendros in admiring the jewelry. It was just as she remembered seeing in Leyawiin, which meant the pieces were quite beautiful. She did notice that the ones with labeled prices were noticeably cheaper than what she remembered from Leyawiin, but even so, they cost more gold than they needed to spend. She placed a hand on Fendros' back and smiled. "Like I said, Saxhleel jewelry is well-known for a reason, but don't get any ideas. As nice as they are, we really don't need to spend that kind of gold. How about you help me pick out some clothes instead?"

Lorag looked around the store, not really satisfied with anything he saw. Since he could get away with wearing armor most of the time, he probably wouldn't wear what he bought too often, but he would need it nonetheless. Most of the clothes seemed to have too many senseless decorations for his liking. "All these feathers and weird patterns...what am I, some dainty Altmer noble?" He thought to himself. He managed to find a simple set of pants and...whatever he was supposed to call the upper half of the set, that was plain enough to be passable, but it looked to be just a bit too small for him. The tailor would need to make some alterations. Strangely, there were larger sizes, but the next size up was way larger than the set he chose. The tail-hole was too large for it to be for a Cathay-raht, so he was actually pretty curious to see what kind of giant those clothes were meant for.

Speaks-With-Thread gave an affirmative nod to Ariel. She picked up on the slight nervousness in her voice, so she kept her tone friendly and hopefully calming. "Of course, I am happy to help. Perfumes haven't been as popular in the past with Argonians, but if you can pull off one thing, I could see it working. I'm not sure if it is the same for Humans, but the sweet scent of Hist sap is very favorable to us. Whenever I go out to look at the city tree, the scent from the hatching pools is simply astounding. As I'm sure you know, however, Hist sap is sacred, and to use it in any sort of concoction is forbidden. If you could find a way to replicate that scent without actually using the sap, I know that a lot of people would pay for it. As for makeup, our tastes are more...bold than those of other races. We like bright and colorful cosmetics that go well with our scales. Some like to increase the intensity of their own natural colors, while others like to paint on patterns that accent our natural coloration. Since Argonian scales are so varied in color, you would need all sorts of different colors to reach the widest market. That would be easy enough, but the real trick is to create makeup that is completely waterproof, but is still easily removed. Usually, only expensive cosmetics can do both."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

Looking at the face of the changing room door, Sabine felt as if she had been abandoned. She looked around with her beady eyes, scanning the room without having a shred of a clue what to do next. Janius and Meesei got some clothes and went into the room that the shopkeeper mentioned, maybe that was what she had to do? Sabine turned around and cautiously ran her hands over some of the clothing as she strolled by them. She stopped by a mannequin that was coincidentally equal in height to herself. It wore a dress made from similar fibres to Meesei's dress, but was lighter and had some embroidery that reminded her of Netches from Vvardenfell. It's skirt ended just above her ankles and the top was separated completely, leaving midriff bare but covering the shoulders and half of the forearm. Sabine stood, looking at the dress and tracing two fingers down one of it's embroidered patterns.

Janius felt as if he should have been more shocked when Meesei opened the door to the changing room he was occupying. He was almost tripped into one of the walls as he tried to move to one side in a mid-trousers-pulling stoop. He had already slipped on a fibrous jerkin-type article and still had his undergarments on, but it was less embarrassment at his partial nudity than being shoved to one side while in a compromising position that seemed a tad uncomfortable. "Uh, hello Meesei," Janius said semi-non-nonchalantly, as he tied the cord at the belt of his new leggings. "A bit cramped for two, I'll just..." Janius tried to shift around Meesei with his forearms raised and against the walls, "... I'll just get out of your way. These rooms are normally only made for one at a time." Inevitably, he got in the way of her trying to undress herself and ended up sliding out of the door with more physical contact than he was used to from her.

Listening to every word, Ariel held one hand clasped in the other against her front at nodded. Ariel opted not to talk about what many things her former coven had applied Hist sap to in the past. She thought it a shame that it would be hard to come by. If she could get a sample, it would make replicating the scent easier than raising her nose outside the city tree all the time. The mention of body paint was a very helpful point, however.

"Hmm, yes, I think I could do that. If I could make it affordable, I might have a hit there. Especially if I can source the pigments." Ariel said, her mind drifting from the conversation for a moment, before she smiled and looked to Speaks-With-Thread again. "I have a couple of other questions, following on. First of all, um, would you, or anyone you know, be interested in being... well, test subjects, if I were to try and formulate a makeup that you described? Also, about the hist sap, I understand that it would be out of the question to use it as an ingredient, but what do you think my chances are of borrowing a sample that I could use as a reference to try and imitate it? It would be easier than going out to the tree every time to smell for myself." Ariel raised her palms suddenly, trying to be diplomatic, "O-of course I know that the Hist are very important, I don't mean any disrespect. I was just wondering." Internally, Ariel chided herself for not being more culturally sensitive and let her mouth run ahead of her mind. With Janius emerging from the changing room behind Ariel, however, the fact that Meesei had entered beforehand may have proven just enough of a distraction.

Once Janius escaped and closed the door behind him, he took a moment to get his bearings. That was awkward. He was brought back to reality by his own reflection in the corner of his eye. Near to the changing rooms was a well placed vanity mirror, upon which Janius could scrutinise how well the Argonian style worked on him. He pulled a few faces while he inspected it. He would certainly fit in more with the populous, and the material was perfect for the weather. A bit less strapping than the clothing he was used to, but it had it a distinct charm to it. Perhaps the one with the red feathers on it...

"Sure," Fendros said, averting his eyes from the jewellery and following Ahnasha to the clothing. It occurred to Fendros that perhaps going to a tailor would be an opportune time for Ahnasha to buy some clothing that fitted her pregnant state more comfortably than the city clothes she often complained about. In fact, there was plenty on display that didn't cover the belly at all. Perhaps it would be a non-issue. Fendros hadn't looked for any clothes for himself yet, but he wasn't too picky. He would probably wear the first thing he found that fit him. "Anything catch your eye, Ahna?" Fendros asked Ahnasha, strolling beside her amongst the wares.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Technically, yes, but that is something you want to be very careful with." Speaks-With-Thread answered, her expression showing she was serious. "There is nothing actually wrong with what you described doing, but if someone finds a non-native of Black Marsh with a sample of Hist sap, they usually do not assume innocent intentions. It isn't illegal to possess or anything, they would just be suspicious. Another thing to consider, though, is that you should not attempt to tap any sap directly from a Hist tree; to do so would be harmful to the tree. Instead, you should find a tree with a pool of sap already at its base. Unfortunately, to protect our eggs, no one but the treeminders are allowed in the fence surrounding the city tree. Your best bet would be to search outside the city for a tree with sap at its base. As for test subjects...I think we might actually be able to work something out. If I could get a discount on the final product, and maybe a free bottle or two, I think that would be a fair trade. The thing is, I am not the most...appropriate person for that job. Fashion is my business, so my appearance is important to the success of that business. If something happened to go wrong, it could be harmful to me. My husband...I don't see him agreeing to that. He is far too cautious. His brother Rukeewei, though, he has always been more accepting of risk. I love my husband, but if it weren't for his brother, they never would have got the inn off the ground. Anyway, for two free bottles and a discount, I can convince Rukeewei to help you out. Sound good?"

Meesei found herself annoyed at the size of the room when she entered. She felt it would be much more efficient to have a room that could accommodate multiple people.Still, she didn't care about the contact with Janius as he squeezed out, and she was able to change into her new dress in a few minutes. As fortune would have it, the dress fit with no alterations required. After stepping back into the main room, she did not bother looking into the mirror, as she did not truly care what she looked like. The only thing that concerned her was that it was acceptably comfortable for city clothing. She was about to approach Speaks-With-Thread to pay for it when she noticed Sabine eying one of the dresses, so she approached her from behind and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Do you like this one?"

Ahnasha nodded to Fendros, walking up to one of the mannequins. "Yeah, I think something simple like this one would work. I don't care what it looks like, just that it is functional." The dress she pointed out was similar to Meesei's, except that it was red in color and there was nothing to cover her stomach. As a result, she wouldn't have to worry about it becoming uncomfortable in a few months. "The only problem is that there are none in this style fitted for Khajiit.. I'm guessing she doesn't get too many Khajiit in here. I suppose that would be a simple enough alteration to make, though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

Ariel tightened her lips, looked down for a moment and nodded, understanding Speaks-With-Thread's point. She would have to make do without a sample if she didn't want to risk her welcome wearing thin. She certainly didn't want the city's first impression of her to be sour. Thankfully, Speaks-With-Thread's answer to Ariel's second question diverted the tone of the conversation somewhat. Even though a female test case would have been more ideal, Ariel was sure that the innkeeper, Rukeewei, would be a great help. Speaks-With-Thread's offer made Ariel smile widely, "That sounds very good. Thank you, Speaks-With-Thread. I'll find Rukeewei again when I have something to try." Ariel glanced to the pack amongst the shop, then to Speaks-With-Thread once more. "If you don't mind," Ariel pointed to the shelves, "I think I'll have a browse myself. I've had this robe for so long, I don't think it suits this part of the world at all." Ariel let out a small laugh, then turned to peruse the displays for herself.

When Meesei put her hand on Sabine's shoulder, she shivered in surprise, retracted her arm from the mannequin and quickly turned her head. When she saw that it was just her alpha, she relaxed again. Sabine looked at the dress once more and considered for a moment, then she turned around to face Meesei and nodded confidently. She wasn't quite sure what to do next, to be frank, but she supposed it would involve removing the dress from the mannequin itself. Cautiously, she searched with her hands and her eyes for the laces that held it together. Once she managed to remove the articles, she looked around blankly. Was she meant to put the dress on now, like Meesei had done? Was there something in the small room that she had to do?

Over by some other dresses, Fendros had a look up and down at the dress that Ahnasha had pointed out. "Well, the tail hole might be a bit big, but you could still try on one of the Argonian ones for size. See how it looks, the shopkeeper said she would do some alterations if needed." Fendros encouraged Ahnasha forward by pushing his hand against the small of her back, "Go on, try one on."

"Hoy, Fendros."

Fendros turned his head to Janius, who had pulled out a couple of other pieces of clothing and had them draped over one arm. "Yes?" Fendros asked. Janius didn't even looked him in the eye, rather he frowned and walked up to him before pressing one of the shirts he carried up against Fendros' front. Janius craned his neck in a couple of directions scrutinising the style and colour against Fendros, before pushing the shirt into Fendros' hands. "Try this one," Janius said, clapping one hand against Fendros' upper arm heartily before going back to the shelves.

Fendros held the shirt he had just been handed in both hands by its shoulders. It had no sleeves and had a wide neck. At first, Fendros took it for a beggar's shirt, but his eye caught subtle bands of dark green in some places. It was pretty, but not to the point of being gaudy. The stitches and styles eventually gave it an appearance of something slightly regal, but in the an Argonian way. "I suppose it's my size," Fendros thought out loud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

After Ariel began to browse, Speaks-With-Thread continued to watch her customers to make sure there was nothing they needed assistance with. It was not long before Lorag approached the Argonian shopkeeper with the set of clothes he picked out draped over his arm.

"Ah, have you found something you like, sir?" She asked.

"Yeah. I haven't tried it on, but I can already tell it's too small for me, though. I can't find anything my size. You said you can alter it or something?" Lorag asked.

Speaks carefully took the set of clothes and held it up in front of her, looking back and forth between it and the Orc. "Yes, of course. I'll just need to take some measurements of you, then I can begin working on it. I don't have any other alterations I need to work on at present, but at first glance, I think this one might take a while. It should be done by tomorrow morning, in any case."

"Alright. I got my armor, so it doesn't bother me." Lorag answered, pausing for a moment before deciding to ask his next question. "There's something I'm wondering about, though. I saw some clothes over there that looked like they were way too big for anything except a few kinds of Khajiit, but they didn't look like they were made for them. What wears those things?"

"Nagas." Speaks-With-Thread answered directly. "They are a kind of Argonian, usually standing between seven and eight feet tall. I suppose they are not as well known to the rest of Tamriel as the Khajiit sub-races, since they mostly stay in the inner marshes. It isn't too common to see them in Thorn, but I do see them from time to time, so I always make sure to keep one or two sets of clothing in their size."

"Huh, didn't know that." Lorag commented. Now, he wanted to go out and find one of these Nagas just to see what they looked like.

Ahnasha shrugged her shoulders and took the dress. She supposed it made sense to at least see if it was the right size first. While Janius was finding something for Fendros, Ahnasha entered the changing room immediately after Meesei exited it. She quickly changed, then stepped back out into the main room to get a look at herself in the mirror. As she had mentioned before, she did not care what it looked like. It was simple, with only a few feathers for decoration, so she wouldn't stand out, and it was close enough to her size to be comfortable. She did like how there was nothing to get in the way of her stomach, but since it was made for an Argonian, the tail hole was much larger than the actual thickness of her tail, so it left her behind quite exposed. Nevertheless, she walked back over to Fendros, looking down at her dress. "I think this one will do just fine, other than the tail hole. Hopefully, that doesn't take too long to fix."

Once Sabine had the dress, Meesei could tell she was confused. Sabine had even less experience in cities and shops than herself, so her apprehension was understandable. "If you like it, then just put it on and make sure it fits, then we will pay for it. Since we are in a city, it is appropriate to use that room over there to change." She explained.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

While Ahnasha was getting changed, Fendros looked around for some leggings to get changed into. It would have been easy to find one in his size if most of them didn't have a cutout for an Argonian tail just above their seats. Eventually he found that the ones made for men and mer were all collected down one end of the shelves. He picked out a simple set as Ahnasha came back. "It suits you," Fendros remarked, leaning back slightly and looking her up and down. "How does it feel in comparison to those Imperial dresses that I know you like so much?" He teased with a smile.

Sabine's eyes lit up with understanding once Meesei clarified the purpose of the changing room. Without another word, she walked up to the room and entered, closing the door behind her. After a few minutes, she emerged in the dress she had picked out. Almost right after exiting the changing room, her eye caught her reflection in the mirror and she stood staring at herself for a few moments. It wasn't often that she got a good look at just how gaunt she was; the midriff of the dress had revealed more of the ribs behind her skin than normal city clothes did. Still, she got a warm buzz in her mind from looking nice. The dress was comfortable and was probably the first time she had worn something and considered it pretty. Her mouth twitched into a smile while she was facing away from the rest of the pack. Satisfied with the dress, she went to find Meesei and spoke quietly, "It fits."

It didn't take as long as Ariel thought it would to pick out something for herself. She purposely picked out something understated, a green dress that covered more than the others in the store, but wasn't constricting. Janius, on the other hand, took a while to narrow down what he wanted to buy, but settled for a suitably gaudy set of trousers that connected to a feathered strap of material that ran up his front, split around his neck in a wide collar and down his back again. He even bought a couple of bracers to accessorise. As he had thought initially, Fendros stuck with the first set of clothes he picked out once he found that they fit him. To be honest he was glad that Janius didn't pick out something for him that stood out even more, not that he would be able to stand out if he were anywhere near Janius in his new clothes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Well, I would still rather be wearing nothing, but it is functional, and comfortable enough that I can tolerate it. Let me get back into that other dress and I'll give it to Speaks for alterations." Ahnasha responded, returning to the changing room once Sabine emerged. She changed back into her old dress, then approached Speaks-With-Thread just as the others had finished picking out their new clothing.

While Meesei was gathering the coin to pay, Ahnasha gave the dress over to Speaks. "I found one I like that fits, but the tail hole is too large. Do you think you could make the proper alteration?"

Speaks-With-Thread accepted the dress and nodded back to Ahnasha. "Indeed I can, it is one of the most common, and easiest alterations I make. If I start now, it should only take a few hours. I'll just need to get your measurements before you go."

Once they had decided on what to buy, they agreed on a price and paid. Ahnasha felt that she could have haggled for a lower one, but Speaks-With-Thread seemed amicable enough, and if Ariel wanted to make friends, then it would probably be best not to argue over a few gold coins. The price was not unreasonable, at any rate. Most of the clothes they purchased were simple and cheap. Quite predictably, Janius' outfit was the most expensive, which moderately annoyed Meesei, but it did not add too much to the total cost.

The group stayed for a few more minutes to allow Speaks-With-Thread to take measurements from Lorag and Ahnasha. Using marked lengths of string, she measured the lengths of Lorag's limbs, his waistline, and a few other areas, as well as taking the circumference of Ahnasha's tail. Once finished, she took down a few notes in her logbook behind the counter. "Alright...Ahnasha, you should return here in a few hours for yours, and...Lorag, you can stop by sometime tomorrow morning. Oh, and...Ariel, right? You might want to go ahead and mention our deal to Rukeewei if you happen to be heading back to the inn. Tell him I think it is a good idea. Knowing him, he might agree without me having to say anything."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

"I'll be sure to do that, Speaks-With-Thread. Again, thank you." Ariel smiled.

The pack left the Loom and Lapis now blended in with the community, at least for the most part. Ariel was certainly happy to be changed out of the sweat-drenched robe that she had now stuffed into her shoulder bag, making it look more plump than before. She turned around and addressed the pack where they stood. "I was thinking to go to the keep now and organise an audience with someone who might sell me a shop. It might involve a lot of sitting and waiting, so you can enjoy the festival or something else instead, if you like. We can meet up at the inn afterwards. Did anyone have any plans?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Hmm, I don't know how easy it will be to get an audience with anyone during this festival." Ahnasha commented, thinking for a moment back to her own experiences in Leyawiin. "Usually, big events like these are very profitable for a city, but also a logistical nightmare for the local government. If Thorn is the same way, you might not be able to see anyone today. You will probably be able to at least get an appointment though, so there is that. As for what we will do, I don't know. It is going to be a few hours before I can get my dress, and we have been on the move all day. I definitely want to head to the festival, but I wouldn't mind taking a few hours to sit down, rest..."

"And have a few drinks." Lorag interrupted.

Ahnasha shot Lorag an annoyed glance. As much as she would have liked to have a drink, that wasn't an option for her at the moment. Meesei picked up where Ahnasha left off and chimed in herself. "I admit, I am interested in this festival as well. It may also be a way for you to meet some of the locals in a friendly environment. Perhaps we can take a few hours to rest in the inn, then all head to it together?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

"I suppose you're right." Ariel said with resignation, "I think I'm still a bit excited about all this. Taking a moment to rest would likely do us all some good."

With that, it was decided. They began to walk back to The Wamasu's Nest back up the road.

On the way back, Fendros looked to Meesei. "Meesei, I've been meaning to ask, do you know what this festival is for? I haven't been keeping track of the exact date, but I don't remember any festivals like this in Cyrodiil. At least, not in Cheydinhal that is."

Janius definitely anticipated the opportunity for a refreshing ale, or whatever they had at inns in this city. "Hey Lorag, you know drinks, right?" He began to walk beside him and looked at him sideways, "What kind of stuff do Argonians drown their sorrows in? Is it all as strong as the stuff that knocked Meesei over?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Meesei shrugged her shoulders at Fendros' question "I cannot say I know. It is not the custom of Argonians to celebrate particular days. We do not view time in the same way as most other races; it is not as...linear to us. The when of an event isn't nearly as important as the what. If this is a celebration for an Argonian tradition, then it is not set into a particular day. We are yet to actually see more than a glimpse the festival itself, so I cannot tell you if it is for any specific part of our history or culture yet. It could be just a local celebration. We will have to wait until we are there to find out, or you can ask the innkeeper. He is almost certain to know."

Lorag let out a laugh. "By Hircine I hope so. I still regret not getting a taste of what Meesei had that night. I'd like to fix that."

With Janius' question, Meesei actually did know the answer, though what that would mean for their immediate future rested on Lorag's self-control. "It is true that our drinks tend to be considerably stronger as a by-product of the fact that they can bypass our poison resistance. Other races can easily find them overwhelming, so I would recommend being careful. Being that this is a city, I would suspect the inn serves both Argonian and non-Argonian spirits."

"Right, got it, caution." Lorag responded with a chuckle that certainly did not fill Meesei with confidence. She had a feeling she would need to keep a close eye on him tonight.

Once back in the inn, Rukeewei greeted the group with a smile. The patrons who had been drinking in the corner before were gone, leaving only the pack and the inkeeper in the building, unless there were others in their rooms. "Ah, welcome back. From your outfits, I see Neercana-Rei took good care of you." Rukeewei commented just as they were closing the door behind them.

Ahnasha looked at the innkeeper curiously. "We purchased these from Speaks-With-Thread at the Loom and Lapis. We just need to wait on a few alterations." She said, her tone somewhere between a statement and a question.

"Oh, right. She tends to use the Cyrodilic translation of her name with non-Argonians. In any case, I'm glad you found what you were looking for." Rukeewei responded. While Meesei was collecting everyone's old clothing to take up to their rooms, Lorag was already eying the kegs behind the bar with anticipation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

As Rukeewei greeted everyone, Ariel had a flash of recognition when he explained Speaks-With-Thread's Jel name. The word for 'speaks' was partially recognisable in the Jel name to Ariel. Even though Ariel wasn't quite fluent, even after many lessons with Meesei, it felt validating to pick up something.

Janius observed Lorag looking across the bar with puppy-dog eyes. "If you're getting a drink, I'll have one of what you're having." Janius mentioned to him, "There's a table just here that we can all sit around." With that, Janius strolled over to a table in the inn with enough seats for the entire pack if they felt like joining in. He didn't want to drink so much that he wouldn't be able to function, but something to relax with was an appealing prospect.

Fendros hadn't decided how he would spend the short downtime. He had spotted a book in his room when he had deposited his luggage, but he might have felt like hanging around with Lorag and Janius, even if alcohol wasn't really on his mind. He decided to find Ahnasha and put his arms around her shoulders. "So, what's on your mind? An afternoon nap?" He asked casually. Fendros honestly didn't feel too tired himself, but with how tired Ahnasha looked most of the time during the last few weeks, he was surprised that she didn't take naps more often.

Meanwhile, Sabine just quietly watched on. When Meesei took their old clothes upstairs, she went and took a seat at the table with Janius. She just looked on quietly at the bowl of seeds in the centre of the table with her shoulders hunched forward.

Back at the bar, Ariel addressed Rukeewei as Speaks-With-Thread recommended. "Excuse me, Rukeewei." She smiled, trying to be friendly. She had gained a bit more confidence after conversing with two strangers already today. "I spoke with Speaks-With- I mean... Neercana-Rei, about different cosmetic items that are popular in the city. She mentioned that body paint and makeup with bright colours that is waterproof and can be removed easily is in demand. I said that I might be able to formulate some, but I would need to test it on Argonian skin." Ariel brought her hands together on the bar top, and glanced away from Rukeewei, "She, um... recommended you as a test subject. I don't want to impose, but would you be willing to help me in that regard? It will be perfectly safe, I promise." Ariel wasn't quite pleading, but she wanted to make sure she didn't sound too demanding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ahnasha stretched her muscles, thinking for a moment on Fendros' suggestion. "I wasn't, but I am now. I don't know if I feel like going to sleep, but laying down for a bit would be nice. I think I'm going to head up to our room. If you want to talk and relax for a bit, you can join me." She suggested before heading upstairs. She passed Meesei on the way and asked her to wake her before they left for the festival, then continued on to her room. Most of the belongings of the pack were communal, so Meesei had not put too much thought into which room she placed everyone's items originally. It was only by the fact that Ahnasha and Fendros' belongings were stored together that they had a room together. Lorag, Ariel, and Sabine were sharing one of the rooms, while Meesei and Janius were in the other.

Rukeewei looked like he was deep in thought for a moment. One of the claws on his hand gently tapped against the bar as he formulated his response. "Hmm, Neer is a really nice person, but she is also a savvy businesswoman. If I know her, I would say she wouldn't volunteer me for this without some kind of offer. Make-up isn't her usual trade...but I think I have an idea of what she's getting out of it. Out of curiosity, what kind of offer did she make?" Rukeewei asked, almost certain that it was Neercana-Rei who made the offer.

Before Ariel could answer, Lorag stepped up and leaned onto the bar. "Sorry to interrupt, just wonderin' if I could get a drink for me and cit-uh, Janius over there. The strongest thing you got."

Rukeewei gave a light chuckle. "The strongest thing I have is a bottle of wine that costs over fifty gold."

Lorag leaned back a bit, not too enthusiastic about the price. "Uh, what do you got for under ten gold?"

Rukeewei returned a smile. "I think I can mix something together you'll like." He said. He was quite familiar with Lorag's type, as it was something he saw on a daily basis, so he knew exactly the drink for him. Grabbing two mugs, he put one to the side, then filled the other partially with a drink from the tap of a large keg, then grabbed a bottle of wine, and a bottle of brandy from underneath the bar. He quickly mixed them all together into the mug, adding a fair amount of unnecessary, but impressive showmanship to the process. Once finished, he slid the mug across the bar so that it stopped perfectly in front of Lorag.

Lorag had a completely blank, serious expression on his face until he took a drink from the mug, at which point he stared at Rukeewei for a few moments before speaking. "Don't tell Meesei this, but I think you might be my favorite lizard in all of Tamriel."

"I heard that." Meesei's voice sounded from the stairway just as she entered the main room once more.

Lorag glanced over to Meesei, then back to Rukeewei. "Eh, I stand by it. Make one for Janius as well, if you could."

Rukeewei nodded and complied, making another drink with less fanfare. Once Lorag paid for the drinks, Rukeewei gave only one warning before returning his attention to Ariel. "Just be careful with those drinks. For non-Argonians, a single mug of that can be like an entire night of drinking. Don't underestimate it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

Glancing to the table for only a moment, Fendros nodded. "I think I will," he said, following Ahnasha up the stairs. Once they got to their room; a small box of a room with two beds in it placed parallel on each wall, Fendros sat down on one of the beds and shifted up against the wall. "Thorn is living up to its reputation. Quite a sight." He chuckled when got settled, still trying to shift to get comfortable. "I know it's probably just from sleeping on the ground for so long, but I don't remember mattresses being... this soft." It was just a straw mattress that Fendros was sitting on, but the last time he had slept in a bed was back at his old home in Cheydinhal, months ago.

Downstairs, Janius awaited Lorag's return with what he expected to be the purest spirit known to Nirn. In the meantime, he asked Meesei a question on her return. "Hey alpha, I never thought to ask, but is there a Cyrodiilic translation of your name? Like Speaks-With-Thread and... Neercan..." He sighed, "Neercana-Rei, yes."

Ariel chuckled through her nose with a smile, Rukeewei obviously knew his brother's wife very well. After he had mixed the drinks for Lorag, Ariel replied, "Well, the agreement was two free bottles of the paint and a discount. In return she would put in a good word to you, she said she could convince you to help me." A hint went through Ariel's mind that perhaps there was something else to it beyond her sight, but she wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. "Would that be alright?" She asked.

Lorag came to the table with a mug in each hand. Janius eyed the inside of one, not knowing exactly what to expect. "What was that he said at the bar? I didn't catch it." Janius asked Lorag on his approach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Rukeewei gave a satisfied smile. "Ah, it's pretty much just what I thought, then. In Neer's business, appearances are everything, and she has that down to, well, an art. If you can make what she wants, not only would it give you a business, but it would help hers as well. She doesn't normally work with body paint, but she is basically an artist with her work. I'm sure she could create some impressive designs with what you're offering to make. As for me, well, helping out would help Neer, and it could help you get started, so..." Rukeewei said, pausing a moment as he ran some final thoughts through his head. "...why not? I'm sure Neer will share, and it is always nice to help others."

As Meesei sat down at the table, Lorag returned and gave Janius his drink before taking a seat himself. "Eh, just some warning about caution and all that. Now, to see how strong this stuff actually is." He said as he took a drink. For all his pride, he had to admit that the strength of the drink was at the upper limits of what he could handle at once...not aloud, of course. Even he would be taking this one a bit slow.

Meesei looked to Janius and gave a slight nod. She never had any particular desire to use the translation of her name, as her Jel name was much shorter, and easy enough for non-Argonians to pronounce. Still, it could be translated. "Yes, like most Argonian names, it has a meaning relating to my childhood personality and actions, and that can be translated."

Once she was in their room, Ahnasha removed and tossed her dress carelessly across the room. It wasn't as if she would need it for too much longer anyway. There was another bed in the room, but she decided just to lay down next to Fendros and stretch out her sore muscles. "Yeah, well you're not going to see me complaining about that. It has been years since I have been in a bed like this. Normally I wouldn't care, but anything that will take the weight off my joints is a good thing to me."

As was so often the case recently, Ahnasha's mind couldn't help but to turn to their child, especially now that she had the chance to talk in private with Fendros. "You know, I mentioned before that our child could be a Senche, Cathay, or Cathay-raht. I should mention that Cathay-raht is probably the most likely of those. Meesei and I worked out the most likely span of time in which the child will be born, and it would be a Cathay-raht during most of those days. For a Senche, both moons need to be full, and for a Cathay, Secunda needs to be full, while Masser is waning. Once both start to wane, it will be a Cathay-raht. Since full moons last for only about three days, most of those days fall during a time where both are waning. A Cathay-raht would look pretty much like me in form, but would eventually grow much larger and stronger than either of us. A Cathay would be the same way, but not to as much of an extent."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

Being in the city, in particular a bedroom for the first time in months, Fendros' mind defaulted to worrying about Ahnasha getting caught nude next to him. Once he realised just how unnecessary the thought was between the fact that they were in a private room and that he no longer had his birth family around to chide him, he almost laughed. It came out as a smile as Ahnasha laid herself next to him. He looked to Ahnasha's bulging middle as she talked about how the moon phases would align by the time she was due.

At first, Fendros paused to think. It took him a few moments of frowning to himself to figure out what to ask. "So it's to be a child that will be different from the both of us." He looked at Ahnasha with a slightly worried expression. "I had been thinking that as long as the child could communicate, I could connect with it. I don't have any doubt that I could love it. But... it's not likely to look anything like me." In Fendros' tone it was clear that he was trying to avoid making it sound as if he was concerned, but internally he was worried. "Will it accept me as a father?"
A wide smile formed across Ariel's face. Knowing that Rukeewei was going out of his way to help her, she excitedly reached for his hand and grasped it in both of hers. "Oh, thank you, Rukeewei!" She said gratefully while shaking his hand. Letting go of his hand, Ariel explained further at a fast pace, "Now, it might be a few days before I get a shop up and running, and even then, I might still be looking for the appropriate ingredients and suppliers for them. I'll keep you updated and let you know if I need to borrow your skin. Well, with the rest of you attached of course, heh." Ariel smiled away her embarrassingly strange words. "Uhm, in the meantime, I'm going to try to get to know the city a little better. However I can. Meesei over there,-" Ariel gestured to the table, "-she's been teaching me a bit about Argonian culture, history, even a bit of Jel. Sometimes I feel like I need a tongue twice as long as the one I have to pronounce some things, but I know enough to hold a simple conversation."

Over by the table, a wheezing cough sounded after Janius took his first swig. "They serve these in mugs?!" Janius remarked weakly and breathlessly as his throat recovered, "This is stronger than stuff they sell in the smaller cups in Cyrodiil." Janius swallowed, cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. He continued with his regular voice, though with a little more gravel in it, "Phew, I'll have to nurse this one like a broken leg." Janius sniffed and put down his drink for a moment. "Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, so what does your name translate to, Meesei?" Janius raised an eyebrow at Meesei. He had a feeling that his curiosity might be satisfied with something amusing, but it might be interesting all the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ahnasha reached up and placed a hand on Fendros' cheek, giving him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, It's going to be our child, and the only other real influence in its life, at least at first, will be the pack. Honestly, it will believe and accept whatever we teach it, because that is what cubs do. They start out knowing nothing, so we have to teach it everything. I wouldn't worry about it accepting you, because unless you tell it otherwise, it will. And if it's a Cathay or Cathay-raht, then it really won't be that different from me. Just bigger, really. I mean, Cathay can sometimes be mistaken for particularly large Suthay-raht."
Rukeewei was initially surprised at Ariel's sudden enthusiasm, but he found it amusing and returned a chuckle. "Alright, as long as my scales stay firmly attached, you can count on my help. Neer has been trying to get me to let her work with my appearance for months now. Maybe I will let her after this? I still don't think a bartender needs to be flawlessly handsome, but I can humor her."

When Ariel mentioned learning more about Argonians, he again appeared a bit surprised. "Also, I have to say it is rare to see an outsider take such interest in us, though I suppose that makes sense if you want to live here. Usually, visitors just learn enough to get by for the week of the festival, then leave. I...don't know that I could be all that helpful if you wanted to learn about the history of Thorn. I know the basics, but I'm not really a scholar. Most of what I know about the city is of a more practical nature, which...I guess would also be useful to you. Anyway, I know a few of the mages at the Meetraxil-Ei-Mnett are pretty enthusiastic about talking on history during the festival, though. No one ever really listens to them, of course, but they try. They like to talk about the ancient Argonian civilization the most, but you might be able to coax some more local history from them. I am curious, though, what has made you so interested in the Argonian people? It is refreshing to see, don't get me wrong, it's just rare."

Meesei eyed Lorag's drink suspiciously. She could easily smell the strength of the alcohol, and he wasn't the type of person that would drink in moderation. He was probably overestimating how much he could drink, which meant that she would have to serve the role of his judgement for him. He was not getting another drink. Turning her attention back to Janius, she guessed by his tone that he was fishing for an embarrassing story. While she certainly had embarrassing childhood tales, this, fortunately, was not one of them. "If you're looking for something to make fun of me with, then you're going to be disappointed. My name is fairly normal for someone in my position. My studies into magic shaped much of my childhood, as well as my name. There are a few translations I could give you, but the closest would be Walks-In-Light, after the light of Aetherius which imparts magicka onto Tamriel. My name merely reflects my status as a mage. Perhaps it would have been different if that other incident would hav-" Meesei began before immediately cutting herself off. She realized she had started to get into a story she did not want to tell, but the damage, she feared, was already done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

"I suppose you're right, it's just..." Fendros released the rest of his breath and looked forward at his knees, "... it's an identity thing. I was trying to think for myself if, say, my own father was a Khajiit. What I would think growing up. I mean, regardless, I know he's my father but... I also see my reflection in his face sometimes, and as much as I would rather not be like him, it's... I don't know, it's reinforcing." Fendros held his palm face up and looked up at the opposite wall as he explained, "I look at him and I know I've come from him as much as my mother. And with our child being Khajiit, I just wonder whether telling him, or her, that I'm its father would be enough." Fendros shook his head and looked down again. "I guess you could say that I'm worried that, at some point, it's going to turn to me and say," Fendros thrust at the air in front of him with his index finger, "'You're not my father, you're a Dunmer, you're not even like me.'" With that, Fendros let his arm fall to the bed again. He glanced at Ahnasha, then looked back to his knees. His expression was a sombre one. "What would I say to that?"
Ariel chuckled through her nose, "Well it certainly won't hurt your business to have Neercana-Rei make you look more dashing."

While she nodded with a smile at Rukeewei's mention of the historian mages, filing the thought for later, Ariel's look took a turn for the apprehensive when she was asked about her curiosity of Argonians. Her thoughts were of the coven. She wasn't quite sure how people in a city so far away from witches would react to her being one, but she didn't want to get into her reasons for leaving. Regardless, Rukeewei was asking her reasons for coming to Black Marsh in particular. This realisation brought her confidence back as she responded. "Well, I would say it's less about the Argonian people in particular and more to do with Black Marsh itself." Ariel's eyes wandered to the bar top as she reminisced, "Ever since I read about the different flora and fauna, the beautiful cities," She looked at Rukeewei's face for a moment, "as well as the Argonians and Hist, of course, Black Marsh is a place I've always wanted to see." Her eyes wandered away again, "Unfortunately, the less pleasant details made an impression, and I was too scared to even visit." Ariel held onto her left upper arm with her hand, "Then... my store in Vos had some... problems with the local populace." She added slowly, "Nothing to do with my products, but I needed to move... I would rather not go into detail." Her face brightened again, "The Khajiit, Ahnasha, she told me I needed to take more risks, so I decided to follow my desires and move to the most beautiful city in Tamriel!"

When Meesei suddenly stopped recounting a certain childhood 'incident', Janius' listening eyes shot over to Lorag and Sabine, then darted back to Meesei. "... Would have what, Meesei?" Janius asked slowly. The corner of his mouth lifted into a half-grin. "If you're trying to hide something, you know us well enough that we'll be on your backs about it." Janius said with a tone of amused warning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Fendros, you're trying to apply your own experiences to someone who is going to be in a completely different situation." Ahnasha said. She seemed distraught that Fendros was this worried about what his child would think of him. It was perfectly understandable of course, but she wanted to find some way to reassure him. "You see having two Dunmer parents as normal because that is how you were raised from the start. It has been your situation since before you had memory. Granted, having two parents of the same race is normal, but it is obviously not the only way it can happen. Our child will be raised to know you as its father from day one. If all goes to plan, you will probably be one of the first faces it sees. I don't know how far along it is in development right now, but it might even be able to hear your voice as we speak. To be fair, I do fully expect something like what you're describing happening during our child's adolescence, but there is no way it will last. If it did, then we wouldn't have done our job as parents."
"Hmm, Vos. That's in...Vvardenfell, right?" Rukeewei asked rhetorically, trying to recall what Morrowind geography he knew. "Well, I won't pry into your past, but I hope your store fares better here. Thorn is a pretty diverse place, all things considered. There aren't quite as many non-Argonians here at other parts of the year, but there are still plenty living here. I think you'll fit right in, especially if you like it here. I'll admit, a lot of people here don't warm up to strangers as quickly as I do, but you seem like a nice person. They may end up being impressed by the fact that you want to learn about us, especially once they learn you're not a scholar. Anyway, the dangers of the marsh, the ones you were probably worried about, they are very real, but here in the city, we don't face them near as much. Just be careful with what you eat and drink, and I think you will be perfectly safe."

Rukeewei looked around his inn for a moment. It was still rather empty, despite how much gold the festival had been bringing him. "You know, I have little else to do while I wait for my brother to take over. I could give you an overview of the people and places around here. People I think you should meet, places you should go, that sort of thing. I've lived in Thorn all my life, so I know the city inside and out. Besides, it only seems right that I do my part to help a new neighbor get settled."

Meesei shifted uncomfortably in her seat. On the one hand, she certainly did not want to share some of the stories she had. On the other, she also didn't want Janius and a drunk Lorag hounding her about it. She stared at Janius a few moments to buy her time, then let out a sigh once she figured out what to do. She needed to tell him something, but it didn't need to be the most embarrassing story. "Look, I was just a young hatchling learning magic. I was an avid destructionist, and casting spells like that was of course going to be exciting for a young child. It is perfectly reasonable that I would accidentally burn down a few buildings in the process."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 32 min ago

Fendros nodded. Her words made sense, perhaps he wasn't placing himself in his child's shoes well enough. After all, she had a Bosmer father. She would be in a better position to understand the truth of it than Fendros was. In fact it made him curious to know what her experience was with that matter.

He looked at her again, his face less on the brink of breaking down, but still not exactly joyful. "Did you have any issues like that with your father, Ahna? In adolescence or otherwise? What did he say?"
"I think that would save me a lot of time. Thank you." Ariel smiled and nodded. Her heart was warmed at the generosity of the people she had met so far. If all was to continue as it was, she might have a small network of friends by the end of the first day. What luck!

As soon as Meesei said 'buildings', Janius' head bowed forward and he let out a hearty laugh. That was a bit more drastic than he had expected. Perhaps not quite as mortifying. "Oh, that is such a wonderful mental image." He said, before taking another sip of his drink, "How did your father the shaman react to that?"
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