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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Hasyat gave Juseich a silent nod, while Leaps-Over-Turtles gave a reluctant sigh, then nodded as well. With their decision made, Juseich took one of the papers on the table and slid it in front of Ariel. It was a contract, with the terms of the agreement written in both Jel and Cyrodilic. The wording on the page was very clearly translated, and not all too complicated.

"There is currently a building which would suit your purpose that we can sell to you. Your loan will be for the cost of the property, as specified on this document. Please take a moment to review the terms of the agreement. The property is unfurnished, so if you do not have sufficient gold on hand to buy furniture and supplies, we can add up to a thousand gold onto the current amount. Keep in mind that this contract is a binding agreement. If you fail to repay the loan, plus interest, in a reasonable time, we may confiscate your assets to cover the remaining amount of the loan. If that is not enough, you will also be compelled to work for the city to repay the rest of the debt. If you attempt to flee the city to avoid payment, we can and will put a contract on you for your capture and return to the city. If you can agree to these terms, then we will welcome you in our city."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Ariel took the time to read and reread the contract in front of her. Thankfully it was not too dense, but still clear. There were a few points that were of minor concern, but were likely for those who were swindlers. Otherwise, the repayments were reasonable, as was the amount and property. It was all she could have hoped for. "I believe I have enough for the furnishings, I gathered some savings before moving here." Ariel mentioned as she picked up the nearby quill and scratched her signature onto the agreement. Once it was signed, she felt a rush wash over her that made her realise just how shallow her breathing had become in the interview.

Hasyat took back the contract and produced a small, clean scroll bound by a green cord. He opened it up and wrote a few details in it, before sliding it over to Ariel. "This is your deed to the property. Welcome to Thorn, Ariel Montgrave."

"Welcome tooo Thorn, Areee-el." Juseich said in Dunmeris, then to Jel, "Hist guide you." She extended her hand again.

Ariel took the deed and read it. It didn't quite seem real. She was so excited that she could have jumped for joy, but she restrained herself and merely smiled, before shaking Juseich's hand again. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Ariel replied in Dunmeris. Neiseed did not need to translate.

"Now, I believe our business here is concluded," Juseich said in Jel, prompting Jumps-Over-Turtles, Neiseed and Hasyat so rise from their seats and say their goodbyes. Juseich remained though. Once the others were out of earshot, she looked over to Meesei, "Meesei, was it? There is an opportunity to inspect the jewel as I wait idle for my next appointment." She picked it up off the table and handed it towards her, "I always welcome a different perspective of it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

While most of the others were leaving, Meesei gladly accepted the jewel from Juseich. At first, she simply examined it visually to look at its shape and structure. When enchanting an item, magic had to be woven into the item in certain ways based on the geometry and materials that made up the object, so simply looking at it was a decent start. Some enchantments could be woven more easily into certain materials, but Meesei found that most enchantments could be applied to everything, with enough effort.

When Meesei started using her own magic to examine its internal structure and the magicka woven into it, she noticed something strange. The gem simply glowed each time she charged magicka into it, its strength proportional to how much magicka she used. Just to test it, she filled her thoughts with lies to see what reaction it gave, but nothing happened until she charged more magicka into it. It was clear that the jewel's function had nothing to do with detecting lies, and equally clear was the fact that Juseich was well-aware of this. Even the most inexperienced mage would be able to determine that fact.

"This gem does not detect lies in the slightest, does it?" Meesei asked rhetorically. She continued to look at the jewel's structure as she pulsed magicka through it. "And yet, it does...something. To create a gem that simply glows when charged with magic is simple; something a novice does to practice. Even at a glance, I can tell the enchantment on this jewel is much more complicated than that."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

At first, Ariel was too distracted to pay full attention to Meesei and Juseich in regards to the jewel, but once she processed Meesei's Jel describing it, she had a double take and looked to each of them in turn with surprise.

"You are correct. It is merely a trick." Juseich said through a grin, "Perhaps ironically dishonest of me, but surprisingly effective." She looked at the Jewel as Meesei held it. "What I said about it being a gift from the Psijic Order and studying it all my life is true though. One of my ancestors was a talented mage and wanted to join their ranks, but they deemed his mind to be too closed, and refused him until he could unlock the jewel's secrets. He died without ever finding out, but the jewel has been passed down through the family. I worked out that there is a point in the woven enchantment where the magicka that flows in sort of... goes someplace else before it flows into the portion that makes the gem glow. I have tried many methods of working out where it goes and what it is doing, but I have had little luck thus far. My family has been using it to detect lies much the same as I have for as long as it has been with us." She looked back up, "The only hint I know of from the last century was when my mother had it around her neck when a powerful conjurer came to court. She was observing an audience with the count, and charged the necklace to see if the conjurer was telling the truth. At that point, the conjurer's Dremora servant clutched his head and began to yell in pain. He had to dismiss it to continue the audience, it caused quite a stir."

Ariel lifted her hand and interrupted in Cyrodilic, not quite keeping up with Juseich's Jel, "I'm sorry, Meesei, did you just say that the jewel doesn't detect lies?" She looked quite confused at the situation.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

Meesei continued to examine the jewel as Juseich described its past. As she explained how the jewel reacted to magic, she poured more magicka into it to see for herself. It glowed brightly, and just as Juseich described, there was a point at which the magicka seemed to disappear entirely before causing it to glow. It wasn't a phenomena she had encountered before, so she wasn't really sure of where to begin. According to Juseich, her family had been trying to unlock its secrets for generations, and given her position, Meesei could guess that they had access to talented enchanters. It seemed like there was little hope that she would be able to gain some insight into the object that hundreds of years of research could not. Even if Meesei had knowledge of old magic, the Psijics' knowledge was even more esoteric.

"If it has been hundreds of years and no one has determined its true purpose, then I can only guess it would take a truly talented enchanter to unlock its secrets." Meesei commented before looking to Ariel. She heard her question, but as she looked at her, an idea popped into her mind. "...or perhaps not."

Meesei nodded to Ariel, this time answering in Cyrodilic. "Yes, the jewel is incapable of detecting lies; it just glows when charged with magic. Or at least, that is its only obvious function. There is likely something more to it. You are not an enchanter, are you Ariel? You would not know a great deal about how to create or examine an enchantment like this." She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Hmm," Ariel contemplated the trick that had been played on her, but she supposed she understood why it was done. Still, Meesei's question seemed odd. "Well, I know rudimentary enchantment, but my sister is better at it than I." She cocked her head to one side, looking at the gem, "I know how to make a gem glow if that's what you mean."

Juseich listened patiently, but added for consideration. "You must forgive me, my Cyrodilic is very weak, what did you say?" She spoke Jel slowly so that Ariel might better understand.

"Oh, right," Ariel realised with raised eyebrows. "Um, I know a little about... magic holding... object..." Ariel tried to convey the concept and gesticulated while trying to find the Jel word.

"En-ssantment?" Juseich said in Cyrodilic, then repeated in Jel, "Enchantment?"

Ariel nodded, "Yes, Meesei asks if I know how to make this enchantment. Jewel glow."

"I see," Juseich said, smiling at her luck that two new enchanters had come to visit, "Did you understand what I explained to Meesei?"

"Not all of the explaination. Sorry." Ariel replied.

Juseich looked to Meesei again. "Would you mind repeating what I said in Cyrodilic, or Dunmeris? I'm afraid my vocabulary is not satisfactory to explain it properly to Ariel here."
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"In this case, it would serve this purpose better if I did not." Meesei answered in Jel to Juseich. She held out the jewel and offered it to Ariel. "Since you are not an experienced enchanter, I want you to examine it for a moment. Charge some magicka through it, tell me whatever stands out to you. I want to know what you find interesting about it from your perspective." Meesei explained, intentionally not giving her any extra background for the jewel.

Turning her attention back to Juseich, Meesei decided to give more details as to her intentions. "She is not a very experienced enchanter, but I think that might be helpful here. If you have had this jewel in your family for centuries, I can only assume that you've had the best enchanters you can find look at it. If that is the case, I feel it is time to try something different. The more an enchanter learns, the more we know about how enchantments should work. We get used to the patterns of weaving magicka and learn to make them more complex. Normally, that is a good thing, but since experienced enchanters like myself have been failing up to this point, perhaps a novice can give insight we cannot. An expert in any field builds up certain expectations about their work over the years, but Ariel does not have those expectations, so she might see something simple that I could overlook."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Very well," Ariel carefully took the jewel and held it in front of her. Just looking at it, it's shape was conducive to simply setting it to glow. Charging magicka through it like Meesei suggested made the gem glow brightly, as expected. Probing its inner workings caused Ariel to pull a curious expression. There was a pattern here more likened to a ritual she had witnessed in the coven. It seemed to be where the magicka was flowing in and out of. How it was enchanted to be that way was beyond her, but she reckognised enough of it to suspect its purpose.

"This enchantment, it seems... incomplete," Ariel thought out loud, "There's a tiny liminal bridge within it, I reckognise it because it resembles a ritual to... summon a certain Daedra. I don't know that this one is going to Oblivion though. It's sucking up all of the magicka, then returning it all. I can't say where it goes, honestly."

Juseich heard enough to open her mouth and look sideways at Ariel. "How do you mean 'incomplete'?"

Ariel glanced up, then back down. "Well, normally when making something like this, though this is at such a small scale that I don't know how it was even possible, but there would normally have to mechanisms put in place to direct where exactly the bridge would lead. Subtly, like tuning a lute. This one has been given no direction, so it could be leading anywhere depending on where you point it." Ariel handed the jewel back, "I don't know what the purpose of such a thing would be, however. Unless you wanted to send a spell beyond Mundus, or even just a short distance from where one stood."
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"Interesting. Conjuration rituals are not my specialty. I only have knowledge of a few...specific ones. Still, that makes sense, but it doesn't completely answer what its purpose is, or perhaps if a purpose could be applied to it. It could be that the nature of the enchantment allows for its effect to be changed?" Meesei proposed. She looked to Juseich curiously. [i]"Is that something any of your enchanters have observed before? Ariel said there is a liminal bridge in the gem transporting the magicka elsewhere, specifically where you direct it. She does not, however, know what purpose it could be used for. Perhaps more detailed study could reveal the answer?"

Meesei did not expect that they would be able to uncover the jewel's secrets in any sort of quick manner, but if no one had seen the gem in the same light as Ariel before, then that might open up an avenue of study that Meesei, or another enchanter, could pursue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Juseich held her curled fingers over the front of her mouth as she reflected. "A liminal bridge. Hmm. One enchanter I met suspected something similar, but it was dismissed. He didn't see that it acted like a liminal bridge as he knew it. But to think that it acts that way because it's incomplete is an interesting thought. If it is a liminal bridge and just needs direction, then..." She took the jewel back from Ariel and looked at it again, her voice lowering "Perhaps... yes... my first thoughts go to using it as some sort of way to communicate, or to use magicka to observe something from a distance. It gives back what you put in, after all. If you were to send magicka to a place where it might return in a different form, then... well, anything is possible."

Juseich mumbled to herself for a moment, then stopped and looked up at Ariel and Meesei with an inspired smile, "I might not know whether the Psijics had a particular purpose for this, but if it turns out that what Ariel has suggested is true, then I think this could serve many purposes." Her smile turned into a laugh and her eyes widened in realisation, "Perhaps, heh, perhaps that was the Psijics' secret all along!" She held the jewel up and spoke through a wide grin, "All this time the focus has been on what it does and not what it could do! Oh, all of the sense it suddenly makes." She exhaled and closed her mouth, before standing up from her seat. "In any case, I should investigate this further, but another appointment is nigh and I must say my farewells." She walked around the table and shook both Meesei's and Ariel's hands in turn. "Thank you very much for this insight, both of you. Goodbye to you both, and good luck with your shop, Ariel."

Ariel stood up to shake her hand and smiled in return. She at least recognised the goodbye and returned her own. "Goodbye, thank you," Ariel said in Jel. With that, Juseich walked off and signaled a guard to see them out of the keep. She had a distinct spring to her step.

As they walked, Ariel was so confused that she forgot all about the deed she was carrying. She still wasn't quite sure what conclusion Juseich had come to, but it seemed like a good impression had been made at the very least. "Um, so Meesei, what did she say just then? Something about communicating, observing? I heard the Psijics mentioned again. What of that enchantment?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"She believes the gem might be used for something like communication or observation, but is not yet sure. It could be that the enchantment is incomplete because it can be made to do many things. While the purpose of it is not yet certain, your observation did help to open up a new avenue of study on it. Only time will tell if the new research will bear fruit. Still, you were quite helpful. I thought that if they had been giving it to experienced enchanters through the centuries, then there had to be another way of looking at it. Since you are an inexperienced enchanter, you approached it without the preconceived expectations I would have. Normally, that would not likely help, but the Psijics are known for their...nonlinear thinking." Meesei explained. The meeting room was now mostly empty, and since Ariel had her deed, there was little reason to remain.

"At any rate, what is next for you? You have an unfurnished building and quite a large amount of debt. I suppose you need to fill it with furniture and supplies. I know you can likely handle it yourself, but we will still be in the city for another day or two, in any case. I still need to determine the current location of an Argonian village, after all." Meesei asked.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"I see. I wouldn't have thought of that." Ariel said, looking ahead curiously, "Well, I'm glad that I could be of help."

In response to Meesei asking about her plans, Ariel took a deep breath and looked up, recollecting her internal to do list as it were. "Let's see. I will have to drop by a shop fitter, as well as a place to buy some basic furniture for living, at some point I need to track down suppliers for ingredients, equipment, glassware, all that. Hmm, it might help to buy some parchment to make flyers to pass around so the business can get a kick once it's open. Not to mention I have to start making things to sell." She looked at Meesei, "First of all though, I should like to have a look at this shop." She looked down and brought the rolled up deed to look at it again. "Gods! I have a shop!" she exclaimed with a grin. Now rather giddy again, Ariel took Meesei's hand in both of hers for a moment. "Thank you for coming along," she said before letting her go.

Right before the two walked under the gate a voice shouted from behind them. "Aree-el, Meesei! One moment!" Ariel turned around and saw Juseich. She still had a smile on her face, but it looked like she had run to catch up with them. "I was so distracted that I forgot to give you your keys! Here!" Juseich charged an alteration spell in one hand and two brass keys on a metal ring rose from her hand and floated towards Ariel at an alarming speed. Ariel shielded her face, but the keys slowed down to a stop in front of her rather abruptly. As soon as Ariel lowered her hands and reached for the ring, Juseich released the telekinesis and Ariel had to quickly catch the ring out of the air.

"Thank you!" Ariel shouted back. Juseich waved and quickly left for her next meeting.

"I thought we might be missing something," Ariel remarked, pocketing the keys. "Where were we? Ah, right. Well if you and everyone else are going to be around for a little while longer, I might use some help if you are available. I can't carry all of the furniture on my own, and flyers will have to be filled out. First though, shall we find this building?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

Meesei smiled and walked along with Ariel out of the building. "I think you will find that our...group will be quite helpful in that regard. We're all very capable when it comes to heavy lifting. If you haven't seen it so far, I think your sister will surprise you with her strength."

Once they were outside, they started to search through the city for the address listed on the deed. They knew it was in the same district as the Wamasu's Nest but neither of them were knowledgeable enough about the city to know exactly where they were going. It would likely take some searching around to locate it. Ariel seemed rather excited to see her new shop, while Meesei was simply glad she would be able to re-establish her life. Even if she helped them voluntarily, it was because of the pack that Ariel had lost everything she had in Vos, so there was little that would cause Meesei to leave before her shop was ready to open. Only Hircine himself could make her leave. Still, Meesei still felt Ariel's life would not be quite as secure as it was in Vos. It might have been had there been time to sell her shop before they left, but since there wasn't, she would be left with debt that would take years to pay off.

"You know, there is something I am curious about Ariel. What causes you to want to lead this life. Both of us were raised outside 'normal' civilization, into a group which focused on training us in the mysteries of magic, and alchemy in your case. Both of our homes were somewhat stable, but still outside what city dwellers would consider safe. What I wonder is why we eventually selected different lives. I prefer the excitement and challenge of life in the wilds, while you choose the safety and predictability of the city. Why did you choose that life? I am not criticizing, I am just curious." Meesei asked.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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There was a moment where Ariel didn't visibly respond to Meesei, save for a thoughtful hum. At first Ariel believed that it was just because she and Meesei were people with different preferences, but her thoughts went to why she opted for the city in the first place. "Well, Meesei, I guess I didn't really have anywhere else to go after I was banished from the coven. I was partly familiar with Vos, and I already had holdings there when I was cast out. It was an opportunity I made out of..." she paused to rub the back of her neck, "... well, it was a rough time for me back then. Even though I understood that I would be banished, it didn't make it any easier to leave." Her face brightened slightly, "On the other hand, I got to continue doing what I enjoyed for a living; alchemy. And helping people in the process was rewarding." She raised a palm while she walked, "I suppose I could have lived in the wilds, or tried to travel elsewhere if I had given it more consideration." She lowered her hand and shook her head slowly, "I'm not sure that suits me though. Travelling alone, that is. I like being with company, you know?" Ariel gestured to Meesei and took on a matter-of-fact tone, "You have things different. You have a group of friends and family travelling with you. And from what I gather, it was a life that you took on by choice." Ariel looked ahead again and her tone became a little more resigned, "Other than that, I don't know. I'm not a thrill seeker, or a hero, or a warrior, or anything like that. Call me dull, but I don't mind it."

Ariel's eyes wandered down to the road and she lifted one corner of her mouth idly. Even though she admired much in the members of the pack, she was definitely a different person. With a cautious curiosity, Ariel glanced sideways at Meesei, "Do you ever miss your old home?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

Meesei supposed it made sense that Ariel was simply a person born with different desires, even if it was a fairly mundane explanation. Perhaps it wasn't within Meesei to understand the draw of city life, but that was something she could accept. As for Ariel's question, she easily knew the answer. "Perhaps if I was alone, I would, but now, my home is where my friends are. I can say with confidence that there is nothing that would make me willingly leave them. The...one who led me to this ring already asked me to leave them to be at his side, and I refused. What I miss the most about my former home is the marsh itself. I look forward to traveling through it once again. There are times where I wish I could speak to a few of my family members again, but I have moved on from them. They do not know that I am still alive, so I assume they have moved on from me as well. I did not leave behind many close relationships when I left. My mother died when I was very young, while my father died two years before I left. I had other family, but not too many close friends. My studied into magic, as well as the history and traditions of our people, consumed most of my time as a child. I suppose, overall, there was little for me to leave behind."

Meesei stopped for a moment to look around for the vacant building Ariel now owned, though Ariel was taking the lead at the moment. Meesei found that she was rather terrible at navigating a city. Something about the way city streets were arranged seemed unnatural to her, and she could easily become lost. The only way she could find her way around was by using obvious landmarks, like the city tree.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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As she listened to Meesei, Ariel understood how she felt. She wondered whether a staged death would have been a departure on better terms from the coven. It was too late to really consider that at this stage, however. Additionally, one last glance at the ring gave Ariel some insight with Meesei. There had always been an undertone of desire for power with Daedra worship of any kind, but that she picked being with her pack over being by Hircine's side was testament to her integrity and compassion. Ariel was glad that she was that kind of person.

In her thoughts, Ariel was distracted for long enough to lose Meesei in her peripheral vision. Turning around, she saw her a few metres back looking lost. Ariel smiled and walked back to collect her. "It's this way Meesei, I think we're close." She almost laughed, for all of Meesei's knowledge of the wilds, the city really seemed to disorient her. She led Meesei to a corner of a main street and a side street and peered down to try and see which door belonged to the shop. She scanned from right to left. "Ah, this one." The number on the door closest to her on the left matched up. It didn't look like much on the surface. An old stone Imperial building. Rather small, but functional. Above the door hung a wooden hinged sign that had all but a few flecks of old dry paint remaining. It was two-story, which might make it difficult to keep fumes out of her living spaces, but she supposed the tradeoff would be a protection from flooding if that occurred. Against the facade of the adjacent buildings, it wasn't much to look at, but she at least had a location close to the main street, which was wonderful, and a big window to display wares. Ariel carried a wide smile as she stepped up to unlock the neglected building. The door could use a paint as well.

Inside, it was dark, as was to be expected. Ariel cast a magelight onto the ceiling and illuminated the room in a soft, blue-white light. Opening the curtains let in a balance of sunlight. At first, the main shop space seemed bigger than she expected. It was floorboarded, with a wood on stone counter off to one side. Behind the counter was a door that she guessed led to a storage or work room. It was unfurnished though, and Ariel doubted she would have any trouble filling it. It was enough for her though. A tad smaller than Vos, but enough. She walked around the dusty counter, running one hand over it. "This will work," she said.

Without any more words, but still with a wide smile, Ariel peeked in the back room, then walked up the staircase. It creaked as if it hadn't born any weight for a while. At the top of the stairs there was a door that lead to another room about the same size as the shop space. It had all of the necessary permanent living implements that were not easily removed from homes, but was otherwise it was unfurnished. Some small windows let in light from one side of the room, and another set were on the other side. Good for airing out the top floor. All in all it was simple, but functional. "I suppose this is where I'll be living from now on," Ariel said, her smile turning into a grin. She turned around and looked at Meesei, her speech began to speed up, "This is all the space I'll need. Oh, this is exciting!" She began downstairs again, "I could put a display cabinet over there, I could use the stove upstairs to brew, or I could set something smaller up in the back room. Oh! I could display some larger products at the windows! And I'll have to think of a design for the sign out the front. My goodness, Meesei, I don't know where to start!" At this point she chuckled to herself and took a breath before she ended up fainting, "I think I'm getting carried away. Perhaps we should head back to the inn and spread the news?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

Looking at it for what it was, the building was not all that impressive. For Meesei, it was an empty shelter with nothing more than Ariel's magelight to illuminate it. Of course, when looking at what it could be, Ariel's excitement was much easier to understand. It was something that would, and hopefully always would be, hers. Given that she grew up in a nomadic village, Meesei had never been one to become attached to property, but she could understand why Ariel would be.

"I believe a good place to start may be in finding something to actually sell. Without ingredients, you won't have a business. At any rate, we can return to the inn, though I'm not sure how many of the others will be there. At least a few are probably at the festival. Also, how much work do you think it will take to get the store to a state that it can be opened, and how much furniture will be required? I'm assuming you will focus more on the shop than your own room at first so you can start bringing in gold, unless there is something I am not thinking of. I am not well-versed in the operations of a shop." Meesei walked around the shop's main room, examining the corners and floorboards for signs of damage. It wasn't in perfect condition, but it seemed to be in good enough of a state. Perhaps with furniture and better lighting, it would look more like the other shops they had been in.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Hmmm, a couple of tables, a few cabinets, a lock box, and a proper alchemy table, with a few other implements, ledger. It's a good thing that I was able to bring my tools with me intact, they might have been difficult to replace. I don't think anything extravagant, or even much at all would be needed for the shop. As long as I have enough space to provide for those who want to browse." Ariel held her arms out in front of her and tried to visualise how she would want to lay out the room. It appeared to be a simple task for the most part, depending on what kind of furniture was available. "After finishing the furniture business, I'll need to take some time to get ingredients and produce stock. Once I have enough to sell, I'll open. What I make would probably depend on what else is being sold in the city. I'll have to be competitive with prices. Before I open, however, I would like to try and get the word out somehow. I was thinking of making flyers to be handed around. If I can make the opening a good event, it'll be the boost I need to be self sufficient. I've got the gold that Juseich offered to fall back on, but I would rather only take on that extra debt if it's absolutely necessary." Ariel angled her head and curled her lips. A cabinet in the corner, or closer to the centre of the wall? "I guess I should ask Rukeewei where other alchemists are in the city and scope out their prices after we head back. Once I have that information, I can work out what to initially find ingredients for and sell. It'll be a busy day tomorrow, in any case. Who knows, I might be ready to open by tomorrow? The day after is a safer bet though."

Ariel proceeded to the door and noticed a jutting piece of wood with a hook above it. She kept her eye on it while she opened the door. "I'll have to remember to get a bell as well." she commented.

The two almost got lost again on their way back to the Wamasu's Nest, but it wasn't a great distance, and they soon found spots that they recognised and found their way. While they walked, Ariel thought out loud about something. "If you don't mind sleeping on your bedrolls, everyone can probably fit into the shop. Might save some coin that way." It was hardly a second before her reasoning brain caught up with her words, "Er, actually, I'm not sure. It's still rather dusty, and I thought I smelled some damp and mold around somewhere. Probably best not to. Not just yet, anyway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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The rest of the day, as well as the entirety of the next day, were spent in preparation of the opening of Ariel's shop. Just as Ariel predicted, it was quite a bit of work to get the empty shop into an acceptable state. It was easy enough to find a woodworker's shop to purchase the furniture, but moving it all took the better part of a day. At the same time, Ariel had to find someone from which to purchase ingredients, but with the pack's help, progress did move steadily. All of the pack helped out at some point, even Ahnasha when she was feeling up to it. Other than Ariel, only Janius had any real knowledge of proper interior design, but despite a few mistakes, they were able to finish moving and arranging all of the furniture by the end of the next day. Meanwhile, Ariel was able to brew at least some of her stock. True to his word, Rukeewei assisted her in testing the cosmetics she was trying to create, thought it would take more time than just a day to work out the exact right formula. Fortunately, nothing she applied to him was hard to remove...yet.

Given how much they had been working, most of the group fell asleep early and woke up around dawn the next morning, on the day of Feasting. As usual, they started out with breakfast, which Ahnasha was particularly enthusiastic about. For today at least, she seemed to be in an exceptionally good mood for no particular reason. It would likely change by the end of the day, though, as it was the last day the pack would be in the city. In what extra time she had, Meesei had been inquiring about where to find an Argonian village, and was reasonably certain she had a lead. It would likely be a while before they could find a village, in any case, but the sooner they started, the sooner they could help Sabine.

As Ariel and the pack were collected around their table, Rukeewei brought them the breakfast they had ordered one by one, with his usual friendly smile. "So, do you think today will be the day you open your new shop?" He asked as he served Ariel the stew she requested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"Ah, thank you." Ariel said regarding her breakfast. She had taken quite a liking to Rukeewei's food over the past few days. It made her wonder whether he had a secret to properly stewing saltrice or whether he had just had more practice than her. Probably the latter. "Yes, with the larger equipment we moved in yesterday I was able to make enough stock to start. I would have liked to get the fliers out earlier, but I'll make do, I think." She glanced at the pack around her, "I'm certainly glad for all the help I have had."

Fendros looked up from his meal. "Well, it's made for a nice little change to the usual travelling and such," Fendros commented with a smile.

"Aye, I haven't had to decorate a room since..." Janius started, but looked up and was lost in thought, "... I actually can't remember."

Ariel nodded, "Your input was very helpful, Janius." She looked over to Sabine, who was eating slowly this morning, tired from brewing late into the night with Ariel, "And I couldn't have made all the stock I needed without the help of Sabine here."

Sabine didn't give much of a reaction save for glancing up for a moment with a blank face. As if the light from the windows was still too bright, she rubbed her eyes with her thumb and her forefinger before resuming her meal.

It was acknowledgement enough for Ariel, who looked back at Rukeewei. "So are you making anything for the feasting today Rukeewei? Oh! Also, we were so busy, we didn't ask before: How did Neercana-Rei go with her entry into the day of beauty?"

In reality, a nervousness was slowly building in Ariel. Not necessarily because of the shop opening itself, but whether her business would survive if word had spread about her background from her An-Xileel interviewers. They might have meant to be confidential, but there was still a worry that the populace would become apprehensive if they knew that she used to be a witch. At least it didn't appear to have spread as far as Rukeewei and the Wamasu's Nest or she probably would have noticed.
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