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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

Kaleeth looked confused for a few moments and lightly chuckled at Janius' phrasing and pronunciation, until she realized from the context what he actually intended to say in the first place. "Ohhh, I understand. Or...I not understand, really. I thought you mean something else before. The...words you wanted were: It would be my pleasure. I understand now. Anyway, It could be more easy to start with me. Just...tell me what I not say right. The...the way I say the words, I know it not all right. Maybe you can-"

With absolutely no warning, explanation, or provocation, Kaleeth suddenly flipped herself over onto Janius and essentially tackled him, dragging him underwater all the way to the riverbed. Since she guessed he was stronger than her she used everything she could muster to keep him pinned against the riverbed, being sure to remain conscious of how long he had before he would need air. With her snout only a few inches from his face, she gave a satisfied grin and mouthed the words "Got you back." to him.
"Only two, the Trials of Heart and Body. Depending on your strength and resolve, they may prove challenging. In keeping with tradition, I am afraid I cannot tell you much about them yet. I will say, however, that neither have to be particularly time consuming. The trial of body can last a while, but it can also be over quickly. That does not diminish their importance, nor difficulty, however." Thorantilth explained He made room for his son as he joined them while they waited on the tea, then returned his attention to Sabine. "I apologize if my answer is not too helpful, but there is only so much I can say about the trials. As for the ritual itself, though I can explain anything you like. Provided you pass your trials, I will make sure you are as prepared as you can be."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Janius quietly repeated the correct words to try and remember them, "It would be my blea-"

Then everything was water. It was all such a complete surprise that it took a moment for his eyes to adjust and see Kaleeth pinning him to the riverbed with that mischievous grin of hers. He didn't quite need a breath just yet, so he simply looked back at her for a moment. His shocked expression curled into a daring smile. He didn't even think, he just pushed his head forward and kissed her into her grin. It was more with the purpose of embarrassing her enough to get her off him, but he would be lying if he claimed that he didn't want to kiss her.
It was disappointing to Sabine that she couldn't know what the other two rituals were, but at least Thorantilth answered her original question. Knowing the final ritual was something that piqued Sabine's interest though. She only knew that it had something to do with connecting to the Hist. if it was anything like The Lost Communion book from the trial, then it would just include drinking Hist sap, but Sabine wanted a clearer answer.

"Tell me about the ritual." Sabine looked up at Thorantilth for this one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

With the meaning Janius had explained to her about kissing, Kaleeth was caught off-guard by his reaction. She found herself looking stunned and perplexed, though she still managed to keep him pinned. Her mind was filled with thoughts on what he was doing. She still didn't know much about Imperials, so maybe there was some other purpose or meaning to it? Strangely, none of the possibilities in her mind seemed...undesirable, and none of them made her get off of him until she realized he probably needed to breathe by now.

Kaleeth released Janius and swam to the surface alongside him. She waited a few moments to let him catch his breath, then swam close around him and looked at him with a curious gaze. "I thought kiss was for...what was word? Courting?" She asked, quite interested to hear his answer.
It was not long before the tea finished brewing, so while his son went to collect their drinks, Thorantilth gave an affirmative nod and quickly thought of how best to describe the ritual to an outsider. "Of course, I expected you wished to know more about it. The essence of what this ritual will do is that it will bind your soul to the Hist, using Hist sap as the medium. For Saxhleel, we use this ritual to allow those of us hatched away from the Hist to join in the bonds that the people of the root share. For a human such as you, the bond will be just as strong, but only temporary. In the time you are bonded, the Hist may decide to impart their wisdom upon you in whatever manner they deem fit. For some, it is a passive experience. They simply watch the visions that the Hist give to them. For others, it is much more involved, allowing you to explore your own mind, in a sense. They can give you the ability to experience the essence of who you are. I cannot tell you what they will choose, only that it will certainly be a profound moment in your life. You will be touching the mind of a presence far greater than any of us can truly comprehend. It is a great honor."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Unfortunately, Kaleeth's reaction was not exactly what Janius had expected. Even though he had managed to stun her, she didn't release him until his lungs started to yearn for the surface. Once he tasted the air again, he took a quick, deep and wheezy breath, then paused to breathe until he recovered.

That was a bad idea and Janius knew it. He acted rashly and selfishly. How was he going to explain himself? Kaleeth's tone afterward only seemed to make things worse. Janius would have preferred her to be angry rather than simply inquisitive, then he could play it off as a joke, but this was different. He rubbed himself on the shoulder and pulled a remorseful expression, looking away from Kaleeth. "I'm... I'm sorry, that wasn't called for. I thought it would be funny, but... I didn't mean to make it seem like..." It was incredibly awkward now. Janius wished he hadn't run ahead of his rational mind.

Speaking of his rational mind, it was only then that he realised just how much he was two ways about his current feelings. He felt a pang in his chest just knowing that even if Kaleeth didn't mind, he couldn't be in that sort of relationship. Not unless she wanted to join the pack, but she didn't even know that there was a pack in the first place. He wasn't going to force that on her. It would be best if she didn't know, if only to maintain their welcome in the village. It was all spiraling out of control due to his own rash stupidity.

That or Kaleeth was actually hiding seething anger for his actions and would prefer not to reciprocate his actions. That was the only small hope he had.
Pouring the tea into small clay cups once it finished infusing, Tunxeek passed them around, to the guests first, then his father.

Sabine held the steaming tea cup in her hands and looked into the flecks of canis root at its base. While Thorantilth spoke, she blew on the tea and carefully sipped at it. Thorantilth's explanation made a few more things clear, but she was still unsure. If it was impossible to say exactly what the Hist's reactions to her would be, perhaps she could never know until she was in the ritual. It certainly confirmed her fears that she might encounter her bad memories again. Her hands began to tremble once more, even when holding the cup in both hands. When it looked like she was about to spill her drink, Tunxeek reached out and closed his hand around the cup and her hand.

"Easy now," Tunxeek said reassuringly, until he realised that he needed to speak Cyrodilic. "You are shaking," Tunxeek said slowly, his face was a concerned one, "Are you well?"

Sabine looked at him with wide eyes. She did not appreciate the attention she was getting, but her shaking hands were only making things worse. She slowly and shakily pushed his hand off hers and put down the tea before she could spill any. Her mind screamed for escape. She tried not to panic, but her breathing became shallow as she slowly stood up. Without a word, she walked out of the hut. Tunxeek looked on with confusion, "I am sorry. You do not have to leave." She paid no heed. Once Sabine was outside, broke into a run for the common hut.

Tunxeek stood by the door as he watched Sabine run away. He had confused guilt pasted all over his face. He turned his head to his father and Meesei. "I don't know what I did. I... she just panicked. What should I do?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Oh, no, I not angry." Kaleeth said, swimming around and stopping in front of Janius. She felt guilty that she seemed to have upset him for some reason, but even so, she looked at him with an even brighter smile than before. She clearly seemed to be in a good mood. "I not know why it is funny, but why would I be angry at kissing beautiful man?"

Kaleeth placed a hand on Janius' shoulder, then leaned back to allow herself to float on her back once more. Turning her head to look at him, she continued in her cheerful mood. "You want to help with Cyrodilic now? I want to have ability to talk to you better. It will help when we hunt. I looking forward to that a lot now."
Despite Sabine's reaction to Tunxeek, Meesei remained calm and quickly finished her tea before standing. The Treeminder's son seemed distressed by the situation, which was understandable, but she knew it would be best if he were to do nothing. "That is not a reaction I did not expect. Sabine is uncomfortable with the attention of others. All you need to do is to make sure the trials and ritual are prepared. When it is time, I hope the Hist can help her to come to terms with the burden in her mind. If you will excuse me, I need to go lend my support to her."

Meesei thanked her hosts, then left the hut to return to the common quarters. Sabine had rushed to return to the hut, so she had easily been able to find the most secluded location possible in the large, single room hut. Even so, it was a rather open area, which no doubt added more to Sabine's discomfort. As soon as Meesei entered the hut, she approached Sabine and sat down beside her. Meesei spoke not a word, and instead wrapped her arms around Sabine and held her close. Meesei had known her long enough to know that no words she could say would help. All she needed to do was to hold her close, to let her know that she would be there to protect her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Janius' thoughts were screaming curses at himself. He wished he could be more apologetic without letting Kaleeth know the pack's nature. He sighed through his nose, but tried to smile back. He would have to tell her the truth at some point. He didn't know when, but he didn't want Sabine to miss out on the ritual. He would have to wait until after. He hoped it wouldn't be too difficult by then. He expected that it would.

"Hm, okay then." Janius spoke in a tone which probably was less enthusiastic than it should have been, given the circumstances. He lowered himself into the water again and spoke, trying to keep his mind off the issue for now. "Well there's..." he chuckled through his nose, "... there's one thing you said. 'Beautiful man'. Usually beautiful is only used to describe women, or feminine things. For men, you would say, 'handsome'. I don't know why, come to think of it, but it's just the way Cyrodilic is."
Tunxeek looked out to the common hut from the door after Meesei explained. Sabine's behaviour was rather alien to him. After Meesei left, he cleaned up the tea set and spoke to his father. "I will apologise to her later. I didn't mean to upset her."

Over in the common hut, Sabine was wrapped in her fur cloak, still with her heart and breathing maintaining a fast pace. Flashing back to her memories, as well as all of the eyes looking at her had completely scrambled her thoughts. It was the first panic attack she had experienced in a while. A wave of comfort washed over her when she felt Meesei's arms around herself. It was calming enough that her panic turned into a quiet sobbing. She wished she didn't have to be afraid, but she was always so close to the edge of it that she felt as if she had hardly any control. It was difficult just to be brave. Sabine stayed swaddled up for about five minuted before she lifted her head and motioned for Meesei to let go. Her eyes were red when she looked up at Meesei. Instead of staying quiet, she whispered to Meesei in a pleading tone, "I feel sick. I don't want to see memories again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Oh, okay, then...I not get angry about kissing handsome man." Kaleeth said with a chuckle and, for a moment, found herself looking him over before snapping her focus back to his eyes. "I know I still don't know all the words, but I think I know enough to understand. I like to know about the...rules. I know I not speak like you. I not understand how to use all the words I know right. Can you help with that?"
Meesei held Sabine for as long as she wanted, then, once she spoke up, nodded in understanding. "I know it is difficult, Sabine. You do not deserve what you went through, what you had to endure. The memories are a scar, a burden, something you have had to persevere with all these years. Unfortunately, it just won't work to hide from them forever. They will always be in your mind, waiting for you to be weak. I want to give you the chance to, in a sense, plant your feet and hold against them. While Treeminder Thorantilth will be the one to perform the ritual, I will be there to guide you. In this ritual, you will have the chance to confront, and overcome your fears. I am sure the Hist will see you worthy of their wisdom and mercy. After this, once you overcome your past, you will never have to fear the memories again. Never again will you need to fear having your mind assaulted from within. You will have the peace you deserve. I know it will not be easy, but you are a strong young woman, Sabine. You have the strength to overcome your burdens."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"Well, grammar, that's a big subject." Janius said with raised eyebrows. For a moment he twisted his mouth, then dipped his head to one side, "I might be able to help. There are a few things I have noticed about your speech. Let's start with 'do' and 'will', and such."

It took longer than Janius expected to try and teach Kaleeth-Rei the few grammar rules he had in mind. Not only because he couldn't really revert to a language she knew, but also because he hadn't taught such concepts before, let alone to an Argonian who's native language was Jel. Thankfully being in that sort of mindset somewhat distracted him from the event earlier. They spent a while in the water, just talking and refining Kaleeth's Cyrodilic. Some time in, Janius noticed that they were both exchanging looks that he hoped were not pertaining to what he thought they were. Regardless, he enjoyed spending time with her and put off considering it a problem.

Eventually they lost track of time and before long it was getting dark. They emerged from the small river and returned in time for dinner, which was a somewhat communal affair. On the surface it was much like the pack's meals were, except on the scale of a village. Janius looked around and saw where the pack was seated, but looked to Kaleeth, "Where do you normally sit for dinner?" Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he spotted the master-hunter. He hoped that there wouldn't be any more problems, but he doubted that an afternoon of meditation would have completely changed the master-hunter's disposition towards the pack, and him in particular.

Over the time spent between the trial and dinner, Sabine had recovered to the point where she was able to have a meal with the pack by one of the fires. She only took small portions, but was calm enough to be around everyone. Fendros sat by Ahnasha, but was interested to hear about how the trial went. His tone was cautious, having seen Sabine run into the common hut in a panic earlier. "So, how did the trial go today? What did Sabine have to do?" His questions were directed to Meesei as well as Sabine. By Sabine's reply of silence, Meesei's input was probably required.

Tunxeek sat near to his father while he ate, but kept glancing over to the pack. He still felt guilty about upsetting Sabine, but he didn't know exactly how to go about it. He didn't want to make things worse by setting her off again. And the group she was with, the outsiders, they were so foreign. It was intimidating to approach them when they were all gathered together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

Kaleeth-Rei noticed the Master-Hunter as well, and as she knew of his...anti-Imperial views, she figured it would be best for them to sit far away and out of sight. "We sit with...I mean, we can sit with your friends." She answered. While it was easy enough to find them among the rest of the villagers, they had selected a spot far and away from the Master-Hunter. Kaleeth did not mind eating with the rest of Janius' friends. In fact, she was rather interested in meeting them. Her meal consisted of roasted hackwing covered in voriplasm gel, which, while it looked absolutely horrendous, she found rather appealing.

"Do you want to...in-tro-duce me to your friends?" Kaleeth asked with a smile.

Meesei had hoped Sabine would feel like speaking, at least to the others in the pack, but it seemed she was still reserved. It made her all the more focused on performing the ritual on Sabine. After the improvement Meesei noticed when she was around Ariel, she knew it was possible that she might be cured. Regardless, at the moment, she could at least explain their progress to Fendros. "Yes, she completed her first trial, the Trial of Mind. It was not a difficult task; all she needed to do was to solve a simple puzzle, but it establishes the other two trials. If the others go as well as this one, I suspect we will only need to be here for a few days."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

So she passed. That was unexpectedly wonderful news. It made Fendros smile in slight relief. With how Sabine had been behaving, he had feared the worst. It raised the question of why she was in such a state this afternoon. Fendros breathed in to ask, but was interrupted by Janius' return.

"Hello everyone," Janius greeted with a small wave, finding himself a seat and motioning for Kaleeth to join him.

Fendros half smiled, "Janius! We were wondering where you had been."

"Oh, just around. Having a swim." Janius motioned to Kaleeth-Rei, introducing the pack from one side to the other, "Kaleeth, this is Fendros...."

Fendros extended his hand and smiled.

"... and Ahnasha... Lorag... Meesei... and Sabine."

While the others responded to their introductions, Sabine only gave a sideways glance to Kaleeth-Rei.

"Sabine is a bit shy," Janius clarified to Kaleeth, before looking to the pack, "Kaleeth-Rei and I had been helping each other with Cyrodilic and Jel respectively. I've still got a long way to go, but Kaleeth has had a head start."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

Given that she was a generally outgoing person, Kaleeth seemed pleased to meet everyone. In her mind, Sabine looked depressed, which saddened her as well, but that was the reason that she was going through the ritual, from what she understood.

Meesei was friendly and welcoming to Kaleeth, but she was dubious on the fact that Janius was spending time with her. She had no intention of involving herself in his private affairs, of course, but he needed to be careful not to upset the locals, especially before Sabine's ritual. Given how much he bragged about it, Meesei knew well his intentions when it came to women. He could do as he willed, she just needed to make sure he did not do anything that would harm the pack, or spread his lycanthropy. Anything else was not her concern.

"Greetings, Kaleeth, it is good to meet you. I have been attempting to teach Jel to the rest of my friends here, but Janius has not seemed too involved until now." Meesei noted, glancing over to Janius.

"Oh, I doubt I will be able to teach Jel to him, not all of it. I just...I am just hoping to help. He has been trying hard, and helping me a lot too. Cyrodilic is hard. Doesn't always make sense. I have been trying hard too, though. It just takes much time." Kaleeth responded.

Lorag gave an audible chuckle before taking a bite of his meal, which he knew to be some local animal, but nothing he recognized by name. "Don't worry, I doubt Janius here will have any problem spending plenty of time 'learning' from you." He said, glancing at Janius knowingly. The inflections in his voice held no meaning to Kaleeth, but to the others, it was obvious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Smiling uneasily, Janius rubbed one eye and hoped Kaleeth wouldn't inquire further on Lorag's utterly masterful subtlety. In fact, Janius waved his hand low at Lorag dismissively, "It's nothing like that, Lorag, really. Not this time." Being reminded of the dilemma made Janius uneasy for a moment. He shook it off by collecting some of the nearby available meats that had been roasting and began to eat.

Janius' reaction was something that Fendros found curious. It was unlike Janius not to be in a boastful mood with such matters. It made Fendros eye him strangely for a moment, but he dropped the issue. Perhaps he was trying to play some shallow pretend personality game in order to charm his 'prey' for today. Fendros neither fully understood, nor frankly cared. Still, while Kaleeth was here, he figured it would do no harm to start a conversation. "You speak Cyrodilic very well, Kaleeth. Where did you learn? Janius didn't teach you all that in one afternoon, did he?" Fendros said with a joking grin. He had tired himself out speaking Jel for the day, so he was grateful to speak to someone new in Cyrodilic again.

It was by coincidence more than uneasiness around Kaleeth that Sabine decided to get up to head back to the common hut. She had finished the food she had picked out, and it was enough that it didn't concern the pack about her appetite. Often around this time, she would get away from noise and company so her stomach could settle with the food she had kept down.

A distance away, Tunxeek thought he would never get the chance to talk to Sabine before tomorrow, especially now that the last of their group had joined them for dinner. But Kaleeth-Rei had joined them for dinner as well. She was one of the girls who was several years older than him who lived in the common hut. Tunxeek didn't know Kaleeth-Rei well, but he thought perhaps he could ask her a favour to send on his apologies Sabine. He gave the option some consideration, but stopped when he noticed Sabine return to the common hut on her own. I should just go and talk to her now. It won't be painful. Tunxeek thought, wondering why he had to be scared of the outsiders anyway. They weren't unfriendly by the looks. However, in this opportunity, he wouldn't have to deal with them. "I will return," Tunxeek said to his father, before getting up and walking towards the common hut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Riiight." Lorag responded sarcastically to Janius, clearly unconvinced. Kaleeth, on the other hand, found herself rather confused by the exchange between the two. Janius' response didn't make any sense with what Lorag said, at least not to her. She figured there must be something lost in translation that she did not understand.

"What is nothing like what? I...am not really sure I understand." Kaleeth asked, Before anyone could answer, however, Fendros asked a question she actually understood. The ability to speak Cyrodilic was especially rare in the village, so it made sense why he would ask. "Oh, I learn from many in our village. Or...as many as know. Not many here know the Imperial language, so most who can have helped me learn. Reanaseer, Zharanthixil, Thorantilth, they all help me learn to talk it. They...are all great at teaching."

With a bit of curiosity of her own, Kaleeth looked around at the outsiders with a question in her mind, which she eventually asked in Jel. "Meesei said she has been attempting to teach you our language as well. How familiar are the rest of you with Jel?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

After a pause, Fendros was the first to respond, "I know enough to talk. Most. Not all." He changed to Cyrodilic and glanced at Meesei, "Meesei is a good teacher as well, but Jel is a difficult language."

While Kaleeth was mostly looking away to listen to Fendros, Janius pursed his lips in frustration in response to Lorag. The expression disappeared as soon as Kaleeth next turned her head towards him. "As for just then, Kaleeth, Lorag was using something called sarcasm in his speech," Janius looked over at Lorag accusingly while he spoke, "I think I'll teach you about that another time. It's complicated." He took a short breath and brightened his expression, looking this time to Meesei, "Anyway, Meesei, were there any plans for tomorrow? I've been invited to a hunt."
Over in the common hut, Tunxeek reached the door and looked around. He spotted Sabine with her back to him. She was sitting down laying out alchemical equipment of some description. He knew a little about alchemy, but it was not his strong point. What she intended to make with the ingredients she had prepared was beyond him.

Tunxeek took a deep breath and began to walk towards her. Not so cautiously that he would take her by surprise, but not so loud as to startle her. About halfway towards her, Sabine turned her shoulders and head to look at him rather suddenly. Tunxeek stopped and paused, before trying a smile and raising his palm in greeting. Sabine looked at the floor, then back up at Tunxeek. Tunxeek waited to see if she would ask something, but there were no words from her. Instead, he motioned to a spot next to her, "Can I sit?"

Sabine took a moment to look from side to side, as if evaluating, then calmly turned back to her work without responding.

Having no idea whether it was confirmation or not, Tunxeek curled his lips and waited another moment. With no solid answer, he proceeded to Sabine and sat down near her anyway. She didn't pay any attention to him. She was absorbed in her task by the looks of it. "I want to say sorry for making you upset today. I didn't want to." Tunxeek started. Sabine continued as if he wasn't there. Tunxeek took a cautious tone. He watched on as she crushed some seeds in a mortar and itched his chest nervously. "I know that... you are probably afraid of things. I saw it in your eyes. I used to be afraid of things too. Many things. Especially when mother was killed."

Sabine motions stopped at Tunxeek's last words. She swallowed and continued though.

"I don't know why you are afraid. You might not know either. I won't make you tell me, but if it helps, know that I don't ever want to hurt you, or anyone. Also, I know that when I got afraid, and other people would become afraid because of me, I would become more afraid because I was scaring people. Was that what happened in father's hut?"

Even though Sabine's breathing had noticeably changed, she still didn't respond.

"Well, we just want to help. You do not have to be afraid for father or myself. We can worry for ourselves. It is normal if you do, though. I remember."

Sabine had stilled herself again.

"I will let you make potions." Tunxeek began to get up, "Goodnight."

"I'm sorry," Sabine spoke and caused Tunxeek to stop and look at her.

Tunxeek shook his head slowly and smiled, "There is no problem."

"I'm sorry for... your mother," Sabine clarified, then slowly looked up at him with a beady stare. Her voice was so small that if anyone else was in making any noise in the common hut, she would have been drowned out. "Your mother. What happened?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

"I know what sssarcasm is, it's just...the tones are not easy. Your voices, the way you show...emotion, it is so different from us. It is not easy to understand." Kaleeth commented. She seemed moderately annoyed by Janius' assumption, though that quickly dispersed as she continued with her meal and listened with interest at Meesei's answer.

Given how long she had known him, Meesei was no more believing of Janius than Lorag, though she said nothing about it. She had to admit that she wouldn't mind going on a hunt, if that was what Janius was offering, but she had other obligations with Sabine's trials. "I will be providing support and guidance for Sabine through her trial tomorrow morning. I may not be able to do anything during the trial itself, but I feel my place is going to be there with Sabine. I am afraid I will not be able to join you."

"I don't think I will be either." Ahnasha added. "I just haven't had the energy for anything like that recently. Until my child is born, I doubt I will again. Honestly, I think I'll just take tomorrow keeping our supplies organized, relaxing, maybe practicing my painting." She chuckled and glanced to Fendros beside her. "Maybe I can use you as a model this time?"

Lorag spoke up as well between mouthfulls of his meal. "Oh, don't worry, I'll be leaving you two alone tomorrow."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Fendros smiled back at Ahnasha, then looked to Janius. "As much as I've been avoiding being painted, it's sounding like duty is calling this time." He brushed his hand across the air towards Janius and Kaleeth, politely rebuffing the offer, "You go and enjoy."

"Very well," Janius replied to everyone, then smiled to Kaleeth, "so, will any of your friends be joining, or will it just be the two of us?" He should have expected as much from the pack, probably none of them would be comfortable if they were too involved with him seducing someone. It was just unfortunate that he was trying to avoid doing that this time. At least, avoiding insofar as not hurting Kaleeth's feelings in the process. It seemed he wasn't going to have the pack's help in postponing their bonding as far as he could see. It just wasn't Janius' day today. He would have to avoid taking their friendship further in other ways.
Tunxeek considered for a moment whether he wanted to confide in Sabine. It was a few years ago now, but there was still some pain. He sat down and put the words together. He looked at Sabine's alchemical equipment while he spoke. "Many seasons ago, my mother went to hunt, and came back in the arms of one of the hunters. She was dead. It was said she had been taken by a crocodile because she was reckless. By the time they killed the crocodile, mother had died because she had lost blood. I cried for a long time. When I stopped crying, I was scared. Mother was reckless, I didn't want to die like her, so I kept being too careful about everything. I could not leave anything half-done, and I could not stand to finish something if it was not perfect. I also did things that did not matter, like always groom my claws to the same length every day, and always stick fish scales to each corner of my bedroll before sleeping. If I did not do those things, I would get scared, because I was being reckless. I would die in pain, like mother did. I did not have a name before then, but my naming day came, and I was called Tunxeek; 'Worries-Over-Scales.'" Despite the obvious difficulty that Tunxeek had faced, he spoke clearly, as if he had either overcome it, or was hiding his emotions.

Sabine payed attention and continued to stare. Tunxeek's anxiety was slightly different, but she showed some empathy in her eyes. "Do you still get scared?"

"Not as much as before," Tunxeek shook his head.


"Father saw that I had a problem when my habits extended to his teachings of magic to me. It was holding me back. He decided to bind me to the Hist again, this time for longer than my naming day. I didn't know what he wanted to do, but I accepted. I went through the same ritual as you are going to do and..." Tunxeek's Cyrodilic completely ran short, his mouth hung open trying to search for describing words, "I... found mother... but I did not... I think... the Hist wanted me to know that..." he groaned in slight frustration, "It is hard to say in Cyrodilic... I was told to... except not told, more... thought, but not my thoughts? Ugh, anyway... I understood to trust a favourable outcome, but also to know that mother died not because she was reckless, but because she was unlucky. She could not have had control over her death, and I could not either. Not really." Tunxeek glanced to Sabine, "It sounds scary, but for me... for me it was relief. I could not be scared of what I could not change. Why should I be?"

Sabine's gaze averted to the space in front of her, considering Tunxeek's words.

"It is probably not the same for you. I know that even telling your mind not to be afraid probably does not work for long. But, I think you will be okay. Especially when the Hist can help you see it in a different way." Tunxeek concluded. With a small smile, Tunxeek looked at the mortar Sabine held with interest. "What are you making?"

Her eyes flicking between Tunxeek and the mortar, she resumed grinding seeds. "Joint pain salve."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

Kaleeth shook her head. "No, I not...I do not think anyone I know will be coming. Living in the village is hard work, many are busy. I only have time because I am preparing for the wamasu hunt and...this is preparation. I am sure you can give much help, even alone."

Ahnasha was the first to finish her meal, as usual, but she didn't quite feel like heading to bed yet. She probably would in a few minutes, given her normal energy level, but not at the moment. A question formed in her mind as Kaleeth spoke, so she decided to satisfy her curiosity. "So Kaleeth, you said you have to hunt a wamasu, right? I have heard them mentioned a few times since we arrived in Black Marsh, but I can't say I really know what they are. Do you think you could give a good description?"

Kaleeth still had to listen closely to comprehend what she asked, and Ahnasha wasn't accustomed to speaking as slowly as Kaleeth was used to. Nevertheless, she understood her question and thought for a moment on the answer; mostly with how to phrase it. "Well...they are big, very big. Their body is like a crocodile, but...giant. Their scales are like armor, and it is real hard to cut through them. They have few...week-ness-es. They have giant mouths that bite people in half in one bite, they are big enough to crush you with just their tail. But, they are...not fast. It is dangerous, but a group can hunt them. Also, they can shoot lightning from their mouths."

Ahnasha couldn't help but to give a slight chuckle. Even if what she described sounded fiercely deadly, it sounded like something she would want to kill one day. A fearsome beast like that would be worthy prey, and a true test of her own skills, and those of the pack. "And you intend to hunt one? It seems like there would be easier prey out there than one of those beasts to feed everyone. Why do you want to kill one, if they are so dangerous?"

"It is test...a test. The last test before I am a full hunter, and not an app...apprentice. All hunter, what is the word...initiates have to be a part of a wamasu hunt, then make our armor from its scales. The armor is tough, almost like metal, but much lighter, like leather. That is why it is...tradition for us to wear it." Kaleeth explained.

"Hmm, leather armor as tough as steel? That actually sounds pretty...tempting." Ahnasha commented, glancing to the others. Even if she couldn't hunt at the moment, it wouldn't always be that way. If those scales were as tough as Kaleeth was describing, then it would create a good reason for Ahnasha to start wearing armor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Fendros sounded a descending and impressed whistle. He had imagined a wamasu to be big and deadly, but if he didn't know better, he would have thought them to be bred for war. Looking to Ahnasha when she chuckled, Fendros saw just how tantalized she had become. No wonder. A challenge like that would be a memorable one. Though, Fendros himself wasn't so enthused about hunting one without finding out more about it. With such a hide as described, he wasn't even sure that werewolf claws would be of any use against it.

Similarly, Janius was interested to hear about the wamasu. He now understood completely what Kaleeth meant when she mentioned that a wamasu was only for a group hunt. Or a pack hunt, he thought. As for the hunt tomorrow, Janius conceded that he would have to make do without others. However, if it was to help Kaleeth train for her upcoming wamasu hunt, then he supposed that he could treat it as such. Well, rather than ambushing each other in a pool of water.

It wasn't long before they had all finished their meals amongst other idle conversation. Many of the villagers had dispersed by now, and it was time for the pack to retire to bed as well.
For a while, Tunxeek watched and learned from Sabine's alchemy. Now that he thought he had reached the point where he wasn't going to set Sabine off in a panic, he tried to get to know her better. "So, do you have a family in your tribe?"

While she worked, Sabine still answered quietly and tersely, but at least it was an answer. "My... friends are my family."

"Okay... how about your parents?" Tunxeek seemed a little confused.

Sabine didn't answer.

"Did you lose them?"

Sabine thought for a moment. "I never met them."

Tunxeek glanced away and nodded in comprehension. He decided that prying into her past was probably not the best idea, so he decided to change the subject. "Hmm, what do you do for fun?"

Sabine actually paused and looked up at Tunxeek, she hadn't been asked that before. At least, not for as long as she could remember. It wasn't often she did things solely for fun, so at first she was at a loss. She looked down at her hands and found one answer. "I... make potions?" she said quietly, still thinking, "... and climb trees... and-" her body jolted as a tiny laugh escaped her nose. Her mouth twitched upwards, "I put a beetle on Janius' face when he... when he has his eyes closed."

At the last point, Tunxeek actually grinned and chuckled lightly himself. Sabine suddenly seemed a whole lot less strange. "I have done that to father once. he was very cross, but I laughed hard."

Tunxeek wanted to talk more, but they both turned around when they heard some people come into the common hut. He heard the pack talking as they approached the door as well. He looked to Sabine one more time. "I need to go to bed before father comes to find me. I will see you tomorrow, Sabine." He then stood up walked out of the hut. Sabine looked on from where she sat until he was out of sight, then finished up with the batch of salve she was mixing.

The pack fell asleep under a shelter for the first time in a while. Their business in the village was not done yet, but today had mostly proceeded without incident.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 days ago

The next morning, the pack was awoken by the activity of the villagers around them. They awoke just as the sun was rising to begin their day, which began with a communal breakfast, much like the dinner the night before. Ahnasha was particularly groggy, but the pack got up more or less without protest and joined in the breakfast. Despite having only awoken a few minutes beforehand, Kaleeth seemed lively and full of energy. She was in a spectacularly excited mood, to the point that she was helping Janius prepare his breakfast just so they could get to their hunt more quickly.

Once outside, their breakfast proceeded essentially like the previous dinner. They conversed about their plans or the village in general. Kaleeth mostly spoke to Janius, sticking to the topic of the hunt. She asked him about what he knew about hunting in the marsh, while she explained the specifics of some of the creatures they could potentially kill. After they finished their meals, Kaleeth looked back at the common hut, then to Janius. "I think it is time to get our weapons and...supplies so we can get going. I am very grateful you are helping me, especially since no one is making you." She hesitated for a moment, then leaned in and gave him a hug. "Thanksss you."

Meanwhile, Treeminder Thorantilth approached the group, having just finished the morning rituals involved with caring for the Hist tree. Even with the trials and Sabine's ritual, he still had other duties he could not ignore. Tunxeek was with him, though he was silent as his father spoke. "Good morning." He said politely to the group before focusing on Sabine and Meesei. "Our preparations are ready for your second trial. We can begin any time, however, for this test, it would be best that you not be fatigued in the slightest before starting. If you need a few moments to wake up before we begin, I understand."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Sabine was in a state of focus once she had finished her breakfast. Yesterday, she was terrified of the trials, but if this one was anything like the last one, all she needed to do was stay focussed. She wasn't sure whether her anxiety would build up again, but she doubted that it would once she was in the midst of the trial. Not unless it triggered her memories. She looked to Meesei for reassurance, then to Thorantilth. She stood up straight and nodded once. She was ready now.

With how Kaleeth was one step away from bouncing off the walls, Janius felt slow and lumbering in comparison. He could hardly get a word in. From talking to her during breakfast, it was clear that she knew quite a bit about hunting in the marsh. Specifically it was more than Janius knew about the area. Breakfast was over quick enough, then all that was left before heading out was what Kaleeth mentioned; weapons and supplies.

Kaleeth-Rei's hug wasn't something that took Janius particularly off guard this time. Perhaps because he had gotten used to her contact. Technically, she was right about not him being forced to do this, but the guilt came back and made it uncomfortable. As he returned the hug, he sighed and wondered if he should just be honest with Kaleeth right now. No, not before the ritual, he reminded himself. "It's no problem, Kaleeth. I want to help you out, and I like hunting anyway." He said. Their embrace lasted for a moment longer than Janius expected, but he didn't realise until they pulled away. Janius flashed a smile and started towards the common hut. Even though he had just eaten, he had a bad taste in his mouth.

As he had mentioned before, Janius didn't wear his armour to hunt. He picked out his axe and a few skinning supplies in a bag, as well as a magicka potion and a health potion. He remembered Kaleeth mentioning that she used a spear and a bow, but Janius found that lightning spells could hurt or stun game well enough. That and he was a better shot with magic. "All ready?" Janius asked once he had everything gathered.
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