Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Rolling the enchanted dagger in one hand, Fendros bit his lower lip. He was quiet until they reached the guest rooms again. He sat down on the bed and looked at the floor, breathing unevenly. "Ahna, I..." Fendros' voice gave away that he was quite overwhelmed, "I know that this is important, and we might not get an opportunity like this in the future, but...I just can't shake the feeling that this is wrong. I'm sorry, I want to see this through, but whatever Orskan has planned for the souls...I'm not sure I would wish that upon anyone. Don't you feel that too?" Fendros narrowed his eyes and showed distress.

Janius looked up, thinking for a moment. "You might try a shield. It's not too difficult to use, and it makes it much easier to fight defensively. You'll just have to get used to it first." Janius looked to Kaleeth again, "How about this, we'll try some basics with the shield for today, and if you're still not comfortable with fighting, then stay to the side tomorrow. It will be no use fighting for the sake of it if you're only going to get hurt. Don't be ashamed that you've not had the time to be instructed fully, okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Ahnasha sat down on the bed beside Fendros, placed a hand on each of his shoulders, and began to rub them. She understood his objections, but in her mind, it would all be worth it. The mercenaries they would be fighting were not innocents, or at least that was how she was justifying it. For the possibility of extending her life tenfold, she could find ways to ignore the moral implications of dooming some souls to whatever Orskan had planned for them. "Fendros, don't worry about it. We're not slaughtering innocents here; these mercenaries are kind of like the hunters that were after us. They're just trying to kill because a lot of these cultists are vampires. I don't feel guilty about killing someone who would do the same to someone else for just being what they are. Besides, think about what this could mean for us. Without this, I could realistically live, what another sixty years? Seventy if I'm being generous? If I learn to extend my life, though, I could live a thousand years like you. That long of a life isn't so strange for Elves like you, but for me...I can't even imagine that much time. Who knows, if I get good at it, I might even be able to teach you, and we could extend both of our lives. This is something that is just too good to give up."

Kaleeth took a deep breath, then gave Janius a nod. "Okay, we can do that. I haven't used a shield before, but I just have to keep it between me and the enemy, right? They're big and protect a lot of space in front of me; that should make it easy. Do you think we can get a shield from the cult? And a mace? I think I need one with a metal handle, since the wooden ones keep breaking. I don't want to have to hide when it is time to fight...and I don't think the cultists would like that anyway. We are supposed to be impressing the cult, and it wouldn't be impressive if I ran away."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

When Ahnasha started to knead the stress from Fendros' shoulders, he was at least able to recognise how high his emotions has become. He closed his eyes, focussed on his breathing and listened to what she had to say. After a lengthy sigh, Fendros responded. This time with a calmer voice, "I suppose you're right, they are murderers all the same. I just don't know whether we'll be condemning them to torture." Fendros turned his head to look at Ahnasha and gave a look of concession. He didn't want to lose her after her short natural lifetime elapsed. "Alright Ahna, let's go this far if only to see if whatever Orskan's tome holds is possible."

Fendros allowed Ahnasha to continue her massage and thought about whether he would really want to extend his own life, as Ahnasha said. He smiled to himself as the first objection he came up with was learning magic in further depth. Though, more seriously, the prospect didn't attract him. Even though residing with Ahnasha on Nirn for eternity was a nice thought, he was sure that he would have lived a fulfilling life when his time came. There wasn't really any reason he could think to live for any longer. He decided to postpone the thought for a more relevant point in time.

After a moment, Fendros placed the dagger he held into the pouch with the soul gems and looked either side of himself. There was a wriggling against his upper leg where Ahnasha had placed down Rhazii between them on the bed. Carefully, Fendros picked up the cub with both hands and looked into his eyes. He wondered if Rhazii might wish to extend his life at some point. If he was Khajiit in form, it would follow that he would have a Khajiit lifespan. That would be his personal decision, Fendros concluded, as he allowed Rhazii's weak grasp to hold onto his finger. "Ahna," Fendros said softly, "do you remember when that aspect of Mephala warned us about a Breton offering us eternal life? Do you think that is going to happen still? I've spotted a couple of people who might be Bretons in the cult, but I don't think they're involved in this opportunity."

For the rest of the day, Janius led Kaleeth through the proper handling and techniques of the shield. It mostly involved defending from a variety of attacks, then led on to sparring. Given how little time they had to practice, Kaleeth could hardly be considered a trained soldier by the the end of the session, but her survivability had increased substantially. In order to find proper armaments for Kaleeth, Janius decided to find Vinaremo, and was promptly passed from person to person such that he didn't think anyone really wanted to deal with them. Eventually, Janius was referred to a lower-ranking member, whom he was able to threaten into helping them by mentioning how upset his superiors would be if they found out that their secret weapon was not properly equipped. The mace and shield he found was dusty and cobwebbed in a closet somewhere, no doubt the former belongings of someone captured by the cult, but at least they looked sturdy enough. The mace happened to be made of steel, but wasn't so hefty that it was unwieldy. Kaleeth would be able to make up for it with her own strength. The shield was round and made from wood reinforced with steel. After wiping the dust off, Kaleeth was now well equipped for a fray.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Ahnasha shifted uncomfortably upon the mention of Mephala. She didn't like to think about that encounter in Vos, but it was hard to forget. "I don't know. It is possible that she was lying. She is the webspinner, after all, she certainly enjoys causing strife through deceit. There also could be a Breton out there that might offer an easier way learning how to do it myself. Although...Orskan didn't say that this tome would teach me how to extend my life. He said it would set me on that path. I am assuming it is not something that is easy to learn, so it could be that I will need more knowledge beyond this tome. A Breton might make that offer. I don't know, it is hard to say, but I don't want to give up on trying this. Even if this tome doesn't have everything I need, I have to start somewhere."
Kaleeth and Janius had been training hard throughout the day, so quite understandably, she was exhausted when it came time to return to their rooms. She had her new mace and shield, which looked strong enough to last at least through the fight. She put them away at the foot of the bed, then laid down on her back, still in her armor. She did not feel great about the fight they were heading into, nor did she feel she was really ready, but she wasn't quite as hopeless as before. She wasn't going to break down crying about her impending doom, because at least now she knew she had some kind of advantage working for her. Even if she wasn't that well trained, she could physically overpower just about anyone. Plus, she could always turn and let her beast spirit fight, though she wanted to avoid that if at all possible. "Are you afraid?" She asked Janius suddenly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"Of course. We should just be on the lookout for any-ah-" Fendros stopped and inhaled sharply through his teeth. Rhazii, it seemed, had already started growing needle-like claws that he had decided to rake across Fendros' palm. They weren't long enough to draw blood yet, but the scratches came as a surprise. Now Rhazii's grip was just that little bit more secure on Fendros' hand. "When did his claws come through?" Fendros said through a chuckle, "I suppose we have plenty of scratches to look forward to now."
Janius was carefully removing his own armour when Kaleeth asked her question. It caused him a short pause of staring into space to determine himself whether he was afraid. "A little, I would say. We don't know much about these mercenaries, so the fight might be tougher than we think." Janius resumed unbuckling his armour while he spoke, "But, we don't really have a choice but to fight while the cult holds Rhazii. It isn't just our own lives at stake. Having fear going into this is only natural, not to mentioned being the..." Janius stopped to consider whether he should say 'prisoners' or "...guests of these people."

Seating himself on the foot of the bed, Janius began to remove the last piece of armour he wore, his boots. "How about you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Ahnasha looked down into Rhazii's red eyes, causing him to giggle lightly as he looked back up at her. With his free hand, he reached up for her, prompting place her hand beside Fendros' for him to investigate. "I wouldn't worry about it. It will be no worse than having a playful kitten...of course, playful kittens can be pretty destructive. That is why they share Mehrunes Dagon's name in Ta'agra. I think you can take it though." She commented, extending the claws on her other hand and lightly scratching Fendros' cheek. "Personally, I'm more worried about his teeth."
"Me? Well, I haven't stopped being afraid. Not for weeks, but...it is good to know I am not alone. I don't think being afraid is bad, not when there is a reason." Kaleeth answered, letting out a sigh before beginning to lazily remove parts of her armor. "You taught me earlier how I can do a shield charge. Just push them down with the shield, then hit them in the head with the mace. I seemed to be doing the best with that; maybe I can just keep doing that tomorrow? That might work...unless there are more than one. We are going to be staying close together, right? So we can help protect each other."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Fendros moved his head in the direction that Ahnasha's claws were moving to minimise the pain. He needed to pull up his lips to one side to smile, but he would say he was amused if asked. The mention of Rhazii's teeth caused him to raise an eyebrow. "His teeth?" Fendros looked more closely at Rhazii's smile and spotted the specks of white that were the beginning of his fangs. Given how Ahnasha had been feeding Rhazii up to this point, his expression dropped into realisation and he felt a tingle of empathy for Ahnasha. "...Oh," Fendros said, "Do you think we'll be using the bottle and the rag more often soon, then? Or do you think we'll be feeding him other things soon?"
"There is likely going to be more than one." Janius stated flatly, "If you're confident with it, then use that technique, but try not to establish too much of a pattern. If there is an observant fighter among them, he might think to counter you." He slid off his second boot and tucked them away, then twisted to look at Kaleeth, "And, yes, we will be sticking together. If they outnumber us, which they likely will, we will have to make sure they don't get behind anyone on our side. Help protect your shield-brothers, and they'll protect you, so the saying goes."

Janius turned his body and raised one knee up on the bed, leaning on one hand. "During the fight, if the circumstances demand it, we may have to take on our beast forms." Janius didn't look directly at Kaleeth while he explained, but he retained a serious tone. "That could mean a repeat of the incident with the highwaymen, albeit less of an accident. For your sake, I need to know that you will transform if you need to. Are you prepared to do that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Ahnasha shrugged her shoulders. "I don't think he will be eating food for another, what, four or five months? I'll need to check that book again. I think it will be fine until then, though. It will be a while before he has teeth sharp enough to worry about. I would rather focus on just getting him out of here alive. Tomorrow is going to be my first fight in a long time, but I think I'm up to it. I haven't personally seen you fight in months, though, so I'll just have to trust that Janius and Lorag have been teaching you well. You better stick by my side though so I can look after you. I swear, if you die out there, I'm going to kill you." She joked.
Kaleeth removed her chestpiece and stacked it up with her weapons at the foot of the bed, but paused and turned back to Janius when he mentioned transforming. "I can do it, but...I don't want to. I am afraid to. I might start eating people again, which...I don't even want to think about that. I don't know how you could even look at me after I did that. I don't mind killing our enemies, but what about the cultists, like Vinaremo? I don't like him, but it would be really bad if I tried to kill him. How can I make sure I don't turn on them?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"Likewise, Ahna. Let's get us all through this alive," Fendros said with a grin, before leaning across and kissing Ahnasha on the lips. Experimenting with his grip, Rhazii brought Fendros' finger to his mouth and began to suck on it. Fendros looked down at Rhazii again. "Even you, little one. Especially you."
There were a few things that Janius wanted to say to Kaleeth. One of which was something that was normally addressed quickly with new members of the pack, but due to the relative lack of humanoid activity in the swamp, Kaleeth had been spared it up until now. Janius hoped that when he mentioned the pack's occasional cannibalism, Kaleeth wouldn't be too put off.

"If you aren't too close to needing to turn, you should have more control. I'd say that the only way Vinaremo or the cultists could make you turn on him is if he started threatening you too much. Even so, you will need to transform if you get caught in a position you can't get out of in your regular form. No matter what happens." Janius shifted across the bed and put a hand on Kaleeth's shoulder, "If all goes smoothly, though, that won't have to happen. Just be prepared."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

With the anxiety of the next day hanging in the air that night's rest was perhaps the most uncomfortable yet. Now, they knew for sure that they were going to be stepping into danger. They were going to be leaving in the morning, so Meesei was sure to awaken early to help make preparations for the rest of the pack. She did not expect that Vinaremo would be patient enough to wait for them to be ready, so she wanted them to be adequately ready before it was time to go.

Similarly, Ahnasha awoke early, but for her, it was to care for Rhazii. She didn't know who was going to be caring for him, and everything in her being wished she could stay behind to do it, but she couldn't do anything about that now. The best she could do was to make sure that whoever took care of him was adequately supplied. She made sure all of the clothing they had made for him was packed neatly together, as well as all of the supplies they would need to feed him. Luckily, they still had quite a bit of milk that was still fine for him to drink. The situation was far from ideal, but Ahnasha was making the best of it that she could. There was a knock at the door, but Ahnasha was in the middle of feeding him one last time before they left, so she quickly glanced to Fendros, who had just awoken. "Could you get that? I am a bit busy."

Meanwhile, Kaleeth had awoken early as well due to her nerves, but instead of preparing, she just stayed laying in the bed, looping through her fears in her mind. Despite all of their training so far, she knew she still wasn't a greatly skilled fighter. All of the advantages she had came from natural ability instead of practice. And while, admittedly, she still had a strong edge over the average opponent, she feared what would happen if she came across a particularly skilled enemy, but Janius or the others were not there to help her. Janius knew how to fight in a way that worked around her strength, so why couldn't one of the mercenaries? Still, she had to try to be brave. Janius and the others were going to be there by her side, and as long as that was true, she didn't think she had much to fear. Even so, she unconsciously started to tighten her grip of her arms around Janius' waist, to the point that he would have a hard time getting up once he started to stir.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Sabine began to awaken a short while after Meesei did, disturbed by the sound of her movement. She had opted to set up her own bedroll off to the side of the room for the last couple of days because she couldn't stand how soft the bed was. Her preparation was simple, because she only had a few potions to carry and hand out. As usual, she intended to stay back from the combat with a sling until she needed to transform. She was quiet out of natural anxiety, but helped Meesei where she needed it.

Opening his own eyes, Fendros beheld Ahnasha frantically darting around the room setting out things for Rhazii and got up to help her. He tried to calm her tension down at one point, but given that he himself was nervous about leaving Rhazii behind, and the reality of the coming situation was upon them, it wasn't so effective.

Eventually, there was a knock on the door. It was probably Meesei. Fendros felt even more rushed then. They had spent all this time on Rhazii's provisions that they hadn't had time to get combat ready. Fendros did as Ahnasha said and walked to the door to answer it. He opened the door ajar to see who it was. "Yes?"

In the next room, Janius took a breath in and came out of a rather vivid dream that he forgot shortly after regaining consciousness. He only remembered it to be unpleasant, as he woke up with a racing heart. He took a deep breath of subterranean air and winced at a soreness around his waist. He was about to try and remember if he had over exercised or injured himself yesterday when his hands found Kaleeth's arms around him in a vice-like grip again. Janius was in some pain, but became more concerned with her. He reached an arm across his body, placed a hand on Kaleeth's upper arm, and turned his head to her. She had her eyes closed, but there was no telling if she was asleep, or just trying to stay asleep. "Kaleeth," Janius spoke quietly and lightly nudged her arm, "Kaleeth, that hurts." Once he was able to loosen Kaleeth's embrace, he slid onto his back to look at Kaleeth properly, "Are you okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Upon opening the door, the person standing on the other side was not Meesei, but rather a stranger. She was a short Khajiit, though still a Suthay-raht, with dark grey and black fur and large, green eyes. Though a bit older than Ahnasha, she was still rather young. Unlike most of the cultists, her unhooded robe was not black, but rather light brown. She seemed almost nervous as she spoke to Fendros through the crack in the door. "Um, yes, hello. this one is supposed to come and look after a child? Orskan asked for Ko'Srashi rather specifically. Khajiit is in the right room, isn't she?"

Kaleeth opened her eyes and loosened her grip, though she still kept her arms wrapped around him. She looked at him for a moment, then leaned in and rested her head on his chest. "Yes, just afraid like yesterday. I wish we could just stay here and lay together. I wish we never had to go out and fight. Do you think it will ever be that way?" She questioned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Fendros was at first rather surprised. Orskan seemed had gone out of his way to have a Khajiit woman take care of Rhazii while they were away. Fendros didn't think he would be as considerate. He glanced over at Ahnasha, then looked back over at Ko'Srashi and opened the door fully. "You had better come inside," Fendros said, before turning around and walking to the supplies they had laid out. "Everything you should need to take care of Rhazii is here. Do you have experience with children?" Fendros realised then that he should probably slow down mind his manners, "Wait, sorry. My name is Fendros," he gestured to Ahnasha and Rhazii where they were seated, "This is Ahnasha, and our child, Rhazii. Your name was, pardon me, Ko'Srashi?"

With a sympathetic smile, Janius ran his hand down the back of Kaleeth's neck. "I could want nothing more, but that isn't possible today." Janius lowered his arm so it was around Kaleeth's shoulders and entertained the thought of laying there with her for the rest of the day, but his rational mind got the better of him, and he shifted to get out of bed. "Let's get ready. I haven't seen the sun in too long, but I don't think we'll have much time before we leave."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

As soon as Ko'Srashi stepped inside and saw Rhazii in Ahnasha's arms, her face seemed to light up. She smiled and gave Fendros an enthusiastic nod. "Yes, Ko'Srashi had a cub of her own. Oh, and he reminds Khajiit so much of her. He is so cute!" She exclaimed as she walked over to Ahnasha and regarded the supplies they had set out for her for a few moments before looking down and smiling at Rhazii. With his hunger satisfied, Ahnasha pulled him from her chest and started to rock him in her arms.

"Hmm, I have never seen a Khajiit with red eyes before." Srashi commented curiously.

Letting out a sigh, Kaleeth reluctantly moved to the foot of the bed and started to put on the pieces of her wamasu scale armor. As she was about halfway through, however, she turned her head back to Jaius. "You didn't answer me, though. Do you think it will ever be that way? Do you think there will ever be a time where we won't have to worry about fighting or war? Will we be able to just...live? I don't want to always be going around and fighting. I want to be able to find a home with you, maybe pick an area we like and live there? We could have an egg like Ahnasha and Fendros...if that is possible with a Human and Saxhleel."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

It was at least some relief to hear that Ko'Srashi was capable of caring for Rhazii for the time being. In fact it sounded like she was more experienced than Fendros and Ahnasha were. Given how young she looked, Fendros could only speculate why Ko'Srashi's cub wasn't around now. The first thought was that she was a vampire, like others in the cult, but she also could have lost her child at some point. Given the sensitivity of that scenario, Fendros decided not to ask.

"Neither have we." Fendros said, now more comfortable with the fact that he was Rhazii's father and not afraid of social judgement about it. "We don't know exactly why, but he was born that way. Our best guess is that it's inherited."

The first part of Kaleeth's question was easy to confirm, but as she continued, all she said began to weigh down on his mind. Settling down somewhere stationary would mean separating from the pack. That was something Janius couldn't really fathom. What overwhelmed his own mind, though was having a child with Kaleeth. It wasn't the possibility of it; if they couldn't produce one, there was always adoption. Ahnasha and Fendros' child was technically an accident that they decided to go through with and it eventually worked out for them, but given the choice, Janius didn't feel a desire to do the same. He still felt too young, it was too soon. He couldn't be a father. His wanderlust had hardly died down since he travelled with the pack.

It was several nervous moments before Janius found the words. "The fighting will not last forever, I can promise that much. We'll see peace eventually." Janius looked down, wishing he had a better answer, "As for leaving the pack and having a child...I'm not sure I'm ready to think about that right now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Kaleeth stood up once she had finished equipping her armor and grabbed her shield and mace. Following Janius' instruction from the day before, she attached the shield as securely as she could to her forearm while still allowing it to break away if she started to turn. "Okay, I guess it is better for now to just focus on surviving this. We can think about other things after this fight, after the war."

"Srashi supposes that makes sense. It is very rare for Khajiit and Argonians to have children with other races, but this one has seen it before. Our Lord and Lady have three children." Srashi commented.

While Fendros did not feel comfortable asking about Srashi's cub, Ahnasha was a different story. She was quite curious to know the fate of her child, since she was going to be the one watching after Rhazii. It didn't really matter to her if it was an uncomfortable topic to discuss. "You said you have a cub?" She asked.

"Had a cub. She was raped and murdered by outlaws. Srashi had her when she was very young, not many years after she gained the ability to bear children. It was about ten years before we were captured on the way to Gideon. After Srashi escaped, she prayed to Molag Bal for help with revenge, and he led her to her new family. They have been very nice; they helped Khajiit capture the outlaws. Srashi tortured them for a few days before flaying them alive. It was very satisfying. She sacrificed their souls to Molag Bal, and he even let her keep a few for herself." Ko'Srashi explained. Through her entire tale, her tone was disturbingly upbeat, especially when she mentioned her revenge. It all sounded terrible, but in all honesty, Ahnasha wasn't sure she would not want to do the same thing if someone harmed Rhazii.

Srashi leaned in closer to Ahnasha and held out her hand. "You see these rings? This one in enchanted with the soul of the bandits' leader, this one is the second in command, and..." She began, reaching into a satchel around her waist and pulling out a small knife. "...this is Srashi's cheese knife. It has the soul of the one who killed her cub. The enchantment keeps the food it cuts nice and warm."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Janius nodded, thankful to procrastinate away from such an issue for now. Unfortunately, it was probably going to stick in his mind for a while now. The fear of the unknown and the doubt as to his own desires and capabilities made him uncomfortable with such thoughts. He was silent as he donned his own armour, anxious to get outside for the first time in days. Even if it was into the perpetual dull daylight around the xanmeer, Janius found the confines around him stifling.

Fendros' initial curiosity about finding that the cult leaders had children was quickly replaced with a certain awkward fear as he listened to Sriashi's story. The way she spoke was strangely nonchalant to the point where it was creepy. "I am sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine such a thing." Fendros said solemnly, trying to stay tactful. He found his eyes wandering to Srashi's other personal effects, such as her bag, and wondering what other trophies of revenge she carried with her. Perhaps the bag was tanned from the outlaw's skin.

While he readied himself for battle, Fendros continued to ponder on whether it would be a good idea to have Ko'Srashi be the one to watch over their child. It seemed as though Srashi would be as appropriate a caretaker as they could find, but it wasn't as if they had a choice. Fendros could see the possibility of Srashi becoming too attached to Rhazii if her mind were any less sound, but In any case, Rhazii would be well protected. "Now, Ko'Srashi, was there anything else you think you will need?" Fendros asked.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Srashi shook her head. "No, Srashi will be fine. She will take good care of your son while you are gone." She answered confidently. With everyone up, it did not take long for them all to get ready and have a quick breakfast, so by the time Orskan came around to collect them, they were all ready to go. Meesei made sure to give an explanation to Srashi for how to take care of Leaps as well. She had not originally been told that would be part of her duties, but she did not seem to mind. For the first time since they arrived, they were finally led out of the xanmeer, though it seemed even darker outside than it was inside. The thick fog and shadow around the area seemed perpetual.

Once outside, the pack saw Vinaremo and his group of mages. Counting him and Orskan, there were five in total, with four more skeleton guards. The skeletons were all adorned in heavy armor, though it was not ebony like the guards in the throne room. As soon as they were off of the steps of the xanmeer, Vinaremo addressed them.

"Good, then we are ready to go. The ruined town is not too far away, but it is outside the range of our Masters' magic. Predictably, this noble has arranged for the exchange to occur in the daytime, but we do have a way around that. I have with me a scroll enchanted by Lady Neesa that will temporarily extend their magic to the area of the village. That should help minimize the influence of the sun." He explained. About half of Vinaremo's group were vampires, so without the scroll, they would be significantly less effective. "When we arrive, just let me do the talking. Act like a part of our group. Once we lure them out into the open, then we will strike. If any of your people can get into position for an ambush, feel free."

Vinaremo started to walk, but abruptly stopped and turned back to make one final comment. "Oh, and I expect we can be professional on this task. You do not like me, and I certainly do not like you, but when it comes to the fight, we are to be allies. My people will protect you, and I expect the same from your group. But do not fear, I will resume hating you after our business is concluded."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The fresh air was invigorating for everyone. It may have still been humid swamp air, but it was fresh all the same. Free of the thick, dusty, smokiness of the inside of the xanmeer itself. The pack was equipped for a fight, complete with the potions they had intended to use if a fight with the cult broke out. The cultist mages, led by Vinaremo and complemented by a handful of reanimated skeletons, didn't look like they were waiting too long.

For all of the anger and violence that Molag Bal's domains suggested, Vinaremo was surprisingly civil in his approach to this mission. Fendros, Sabine and Janius had expected him to be more vindictive, but in this matter it appeared that cooperation was the means to more important end.

Upon Vinaremo's suggestion to set up an ambush, Fendros gathered Ahnasha and Sabine's attention. "We might do well to find a vantage point if there is one. Perhaps we could get around them before they know we're there? Meesei," Fendros looked to their alpha, "Should we have someone scout ahead?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Meesei nodded affirmatively, then immediately turned her head to Ahnasha, as she was the most skilled among them at remaining hidden. She did not even need to ask for Ahnasha to understand.

"Once we get close enough, I can scout ahead at what we're walking into." Ahnasha confirmed.

Vinaremo crossed his arms with a skeptical expression. "Very well, but do not be seen. If you needlessly compromise our element of surprise, then our Masters will not look favorably upon you."

Ahnasha gave a chuckle. "If you can see me, then it is because I want you to see me." She said with a bit of arrogant pride.

Vinaremo ignored Ahnasha's comment as he began to lead them in the direction of the ruined village. "Come, let's get this over with." As he walked along, he glanced up to the canopy of the trees above him at the small beams of light that just barely managed to pierce through to the ground below. His Masters' magic negated almost all of the negative effects of sunlight, but that would not be so once they traveled beyond it. "I hate traveling in the day." He grumbled, pulling his hood over his head.

Just as Vinaremo had said, it only took a few hours of walking before they were close to their destination. It was about noon, and while the trees of Black Marsh caused the entire province to seem darker than usual, hence the name, it felt like a sunny day in an open field in comparison to where they had came from. The air no longer felt as heavy, and without the fog covering the ground, they could actually see a fair distance in front of them. The vampires in the group, however, were significantly less relieved. It was almost humorous to see them walking with their heads down, trying to cover any bit of flesh that was exposed to the light. Regardless, once they reached a good place to stop, Ahnasha went on ahead to scout the village and help them form their plan of attack.

Meanwhile, Vinaremo began the preparations for their ruse. The tireless skeletons they had brought along had also been serving the role of pack mules by carrying bags full of supplies. He and a few of the other cultists took the bags and took out four worn sack robes, then put them on the skeletons over their armor. To finish off the disguise, they put an execution hood on each of the skeletons' heads and hiding their undead nature.

"These will be our 'prisoners'." Vinaremo began. "We are to meet in the courtyard of the ruined town for the exchange. If we are lucky, then they will take them before they betray us, so the thralls will be able to attack them from within their lines. Oh, and you will need these." Reaching into one of the bags, Vinaremo produced a small stack of folded black robes similar to his own, which he dropped on the ground in front of the pack. "If you are not taking part in this ambush you are planning, then you will need to put these on before we head into the village, as you need to blend in with the rest of us. You can discard them when the fight starts if they interfere with your fighting; We just cannot have you sticking out from the rest of us."

Ahnasha was cautious and patient in her observations of the ruined village, so it took about an hour for her to return, but the information she gained was quite detailed. As soon as she was back with the group and filled in on the plan, she gave her assessment of the situation. "I was able to get a good look at most of the village, or at least the part we are concerned with. The courtyard we are meant to meet in is fairly open, which can work for or against us. From the direction we are going to be entering, there is a hill to the left of the courtyard, and on that hill there are two buildings that are still structurally sound enough to make good vantage points for archers. Of course, these mercenaries already know that, because I saw a few of their archers trying to hide up there. Myself and Fendros could sneak up there before we head into the town and take out the archers on one of the buildings silently. We could take their spots, then, once the fight starts, we could shoot the archers off of the other building and use it as our own vantage point. I think the buildings are a bit out of the range of Sabine's weapon. There is a burned out building on the right side of the courtyard, but again, there are a few mercenaries already lying in wait there. I don't think she could take them all out alone."

As soon as Ahnasha finished speaking, Vinaremo pointed to two of his people, a vampiric Argonian male and an Argonian female. "Mirisk-Kei, Nuulanth, you two join the girl." He ordered quickly before turning back to the pack. "They are skilled enough at remaining hidden to help...Sabine, is it? If we can not only eliminate, but capture both of their vantage points, then we should be able to end this quickly. Are there any objections, or are we ready to begin?"
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