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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ahnasha's words served to inflame Fendros' guilt further. Ahnasha had every right to be angry for having Fendros let her suffer. To this, Fendros kept his eyes closed and his head bowed. Today, he had fought too much and was ultimately defeated. There was nothing else he had left to say but a meek "I know."

His breathing remained unsteady as he quietly tried not to sob. His whole world had collapsed as far as he was concerned.
Sabine let out a disappointed sigh. "Fine," was all she said before she turned on her heel and went with them to the ruins again. The tension in her posture and stride suggested that she was rather angry at this decision, but her protest was purely passive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

The trip back to the village took considerably less time than it took to track the scent, but even so, it was after midnight when they finally arrived back in the village. With how fast things decayed in the marsh, there was a very distinct smell in the air from the corpses leftover from the battle. Not that it seemed to bother the group of necromancers and other cultists who were now waiting near the courtyard. Of course, now a good portion of those corpses were not quite as dead as they used to be. Given how many of the cultists practiced the dark arts, a significant section of their force now consisted of reanimated mercenaries. It made Lorag uneasy, but at least they would take attention away from their living allies, even if they smelled like death.

What Lorag didn't expect to see was one of their leaders, Hal-Neesa, at the head of the force. He didn't think her to be the type to get her hands dirty in a fight. She was right next to Meesei, so there was no avoiding her as they approached. In fact, Neesa was the first to speak to them when they arrived.

"Finally, with how long we have been waiting, I certainly hope you have located our quarry?" Neesa asked, though it was difficult to tell if she was legitimately annoyed.

"Yeah, we did, actually." Lorag answered. "We can take you right to 'em. They're hiding out a little over an hour away to the northwest. It's not a normal outpost, though. It looks more like a settlement than anything, though there are plenty of the mercs there. Still, there might be more than just our enemy in their walls."

"I do not care if it is a camp or a fortress, if the noble's son has decided to make it his home, then we will burn it to the ground. Take the lead; I tire of waiting here." Neesa ordered.

As Lorag complied, Kaleeth followed silently, but she remained distant from the others. She was tired from having been awake for so long, but it wasn't that which was truly bothering her. She wasn't really bothered by fighting the mercenaries, but they were about to attack a town, and Neesa made it seem like they were going to be killing everyone. They had not been able to see clearly inside before, but what if there were hatchlings living there? She could not bear the thought of seeing innocents being slaughtered, and what if, she thought, their fresh blood in the air caused her beast to take control of her? If that happened, she would certainly end up joining in the killing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Given that they needed to comply with the cultists in order to get the missing portion of their pack back, not to mention guaranteeing Rhazii's safety, Sabine and Janius couldn't really do much more than give uneasy looks in response to Hal-Neesa's apparent plan of attack.

Once they began moving, Janius walked beside Meesei while they were out of Hal-Neesa's immediate earshot. "Meesei, killing hunters and mercenaries is one thing, but there were innocents in that settlement. Does Hal-Neesa really intend to raze it all?" He knew he probably wouldn't sway Neesa herself, but Janius hoped that Meesei might have a better choice of words to convince her otherwise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Honestly, Janius, I believe so. I know what you want me to do, but I do not know if it is possible. If you have lived for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and have seen as much death as she likely has, then what value would life have to you? If that is her intention, there is little we can do to stop it. All we can hope for is to rescue Ahnasha and Fendros, and hope that the innocents flee during the fight. As near as I can tell, we only need to kill the mercenaries. Just keep Kaleeth close to you; I am concerned about how this will affect her. The fight earlier today already tempted her beast; it will not be easy for her to retain control in yet another fight." Meesei advised. Strangely enough, Kaleeth was now sticking closer to the reanimated corpses than the pack, but Meesei had a feeling she knew why. Her beast spirit hungered for fresh meat, not rotting corpses, so sticking by them was likely making it easier for her to suppress her urges.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Janius exhaled through his nose at the futility of it all. He was frankly amazed at how living for so long had disconnected the cult leaders from human empathy. "I don't like this at all," Janius commented, stating the obvious for them all.

Looking over to Kaleeth, Janius saw that she was still struggling to suppress her beast spirit. She was distant, and perhaps trying to downplay it, but Janius knew that something had to be done. He walked up to her, trying to ignore the horrid smell of the walking corpses. "Kaleeth, I'm worried about you, Meesei's worried about you." Janius spoke with a non-negotiable firmness, knowing how adverse Kaleeth would be to what he was about to recommend. "If you walk into the attack with us, you will transform, that is the reality. None of us like this situation, but you were close to your limits earlier today, and your tired now, we can all see that. Listen closely, because this is what I need you to do: Either you stay back from the attack and stay away from the smell, or you stay close to me, and make absolutely sure that you hold back your transformation until I say so. Even if these cultists are bloodthirsty, we can't have innocent lives on your conscience. Distracting your beast spirit with the fresh bodies of the mercenaries will sate it. Remember, you are not your beast spirit, but you are still responsible for it. Now, I need you to make a decision."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

"No, I don't want to eat anyone again, but I..." Kaleeth began, trying to wrap her head around how to handle the situation. She had a myriad of conflicting thoughts running through her mind, none of which were making her decision easier. "But you are all going to be in danger...and maybe Fendros and Ahnasha too. I can't just hide and let you get hurt. It wouldn't be right. I...I have to help you. I am a monster anyway, what does it matter? I am already a terrible person who committed a terrible crime, so how would it be any worse if I did it again? I will come with you and fight; I just hope the Hist can forgive me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

In his tone of voice, Janius wasn't sure whether to be frustrated or completely worried. "Kaleeth, that is no way to think. You might see yourself as the monster, but what was you before all this," Janius reached and placed one hand on Kaleeth's shoulder and the other over her heart, "she's still here, talking to me right now. Never use previous actions as an excuse to give up and do what you believe to be wrong. If you do, then you become just as bad as these cultists, and that's not you. I can't know the Hist as well as you, but I would be willing to believe that they would forgive one who only acted against their own behaviour because they were forced. Now think, are you sure? I need you to give me considered reasons."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Kaleeth did not so much as blink when she gave a nod in response to Janius' concerned question. "I am sure. I will have to deal with it eventually. I know you don't want me thinking this way, but I am already a monster. I just have to...accept it now. Ahnasha and Fendros have been captured. What if they are hurting them? What if they are going to die if we can't get them? We are going to have to attack a town to save them; we might hurt people who are innocent. We are going to be monsters whether I eat them or not, so I might as well do all I can to help save them. At least, that way, something good might come from it." She reasoned. Even if she hated herself for what she was about to do, she was fairly resolute in her decision.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

With a breath in, Janius looked forward and nodded back. "Okay, just stay close and transform when I say so, and we won't have to hurt any innocents."

Janius still believed that it was a bad idea to have Kaleeth anywhere near a settlement in the state she was in, but she had made up her mind. The urgency of the situation coupled with the fatigue they were both suffering from made them quiet on the rest of the march.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Since they now knew exactly where they were going, it was not long before they neared the settlement. Lorag stopped them, informing them that they were about as close as they could get without being detected with all the undead soldiers they had. Meesei spoke up to ask Hal-Neesa about whatever plan she might have. "How should we approach this? From what Lorag has said, the mercenaries have -" She began, but Neesa cut her off with a dismissive wave.

"Just follow me and kill." Neesa said simply as she walked off with her undead soldiers following. Most of her thralls were the mercenaries her cultists had risen, which she now controlled, but the four closest to her were the ebony-clad skeletons they first saw in the throne room. The creaking of bones and clanging of armor made it easy to tell that they were approaching, but even so, the mercenaries could hardly be prepared for what they saw. The mass of undead was met with a minor volley of arrows from the few archers that had managed to get into position, but with seemingly little effort, Neesa deflected them with an impressive wave of telekinetic energy. Her own archers fired back at those in the guard towers and forced them to retreat back within the walls. The mercenaries closed the gate to attempt to slow their advance, but with a fiery explosion, Neesa blasted open the gate and allowed her undead to pour in. To their credit, the mercenaries were able to form up on their leaders quickly to create a defensive line at the gate, but upon seeing them, Neesa simply stared...and smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Closing in towards the settlement prompted Janius and Sabine to ready themselves to fight. Janius drew his axe and shield and formed up, ready to deflect incoming arrows or spells, while Sabine stayed behind. There was no telling from this distance whether the mercenaries carried silver weapons, so Janius stayed close to everyone. Hal-Neesa demonstrated her incredible power in being the spearhead of their advance. With her in front it seemed as if their force was unstoppable.

Sabine's eyes darted around, staying aware of her surroundings behind the shields of Kaleeth and Janius. She had other plans, as opposed to the simple words Hal-Neesa gave. Some rebellious excitement ran through her head, but in her head she was certain that hers would be the more appropriate actions. Sabine simply bid her time for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

The undead thralls rushed in first, and the pack was more than happy to allow them to take the frontline. They were rather expendable, so having them take the biggest risks made the most sense. Lorag formed up behind their undead shield line near Janius and Kaleeth, while Meesei stayed behind them with spells ready to attack when either of the shield lines broke, or to defend them against arrows. Aside from perhaps the ebony-armored skeletons, Meesei did not expect the thralls to be a more effective force than the mercenaries, and they likely would not have been were it nor for Neesa's influence.

Hal-Neesa was standing just behind her skeletons, deflecting arrows with barely a motion and a thought. She reached out a hand and charged into it a kind of magic Meesei had never seen.Her hand glowed red as an ominous power swept the area, bringing with it the same fog that surrounded the xanmeer. Even as they were fighting the thralls, it was easy to see that the fog caused a certain fear among them. From there, she unleashed a bit more of a destructive force. Like Meesei in the previous battle, she fired bolts of lightning into the mercenaries' ranks, but unlike Meesei, the lightning she used was intensely powerful, to the point that if it did not kill the target outright, it would send them to the brink of death. The bolts arced into others around the target as well, injuring them similarly. With each spell she fired, she cut a hole in the mercenaries ranks, and once they saw the damage she was dealing, they started to scatter despite their commanders' orders.

Instead of a structured battle between two opposing forces, the fight quickly became a disorganized brawl. The mercenaries' shield line broke, allowing the pack the opportunity to attack. Even so, Meesei remained close to her pack so that they could overwhelm anyone they had to fight and, more importantly, search for Fendros and Ahnasha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Upon seeing the impression Hal-Neesa had made, it was clear to Janius that the mercenaries' lines were not going to last long. With only the thralls and mercenaries engaged in the melee, this was probably the best chance Kaleeth had of feeding. It was not optimal, Janius had expected the mercenaries to be more organised and numerous, but if he could pray for an optimal situation, it would have Kaleeth sated in much more controlled conditions. Janius looked at Kaleeth with wide eyes and shouted, "Kaleeth, now! Turn!"

Behind the frontlines, but still nearby the pack, Sabine found that her opportunity presented itself faster than she had predicted. Without an order to do so, she curled her body down and transformed as quickly as she could. Her efforts to make it quick were not met with success, but she was fairly safe behind friendly lines. Sabine had loosened the strap on her potion bag beforehand to try and carry it with her in this form, but her beast spirit was too uncomfortable with it and tore it off, leaving it on the ground. When she opened her eyes, her beast spirit growled and let out a whimpering bark at the sensory overload of the battle, lowering her head and flattening her ears. However, her human mind drove on with an objective. She didn't have time for this slaughter, she wanted to find her packmates.

Sabine looked around and found a climbable one-story building not far from the other side of the mercendaries' crumbling fighting line. As soon as there was a big enough lapse, Sabine surged forward, shoving aside and thralls in her way and dodging any conflict from the mercenaries. With the runup she was able to quickly scale the building and clamber over to the covered side of its slanted roof. With some cover and space, she sniffed at the air to try and get Ahnasha and Fendros' scent and looked for any fortified buildings that they might be held in. It was difficult; there was already so much fear, blood and death in the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Okay, okay." Kaleeth stammered out in response to Janius. She shook in fear as she quickly unstrapped her armor and let out the beast that was dying to escape from its prison within her mind. Once the transformation completed, she let out a loud and horrifying roar. To say that she was out of control would not be accurate, but neither was she entirely in control. The beast wanted to feed, so Kaleeth was forced to oblige. She stampeded over a few of the undead thralls to reach the prey within her sights. There was a group of four desperately trying to hide behind the shields of the front two, but those flimsy metal barriers were nothing to her. She swatted their spears out of her path and trampled the first two under her gargantuan form before pouncing on a third. The Imperial woman attempted to go for a silver dagger sheathed on her waist, but she was not faster than Kaleeth's ferocious jaws.

The one who escaped Kaleeth's initial charge slashed towards Kaleeth's head, but found her scales tougher to penetrate than he assumed. The cut certainly drew blood, but its greatest effect was to enrage her. She knocked him clean off of his feet with a backhanded strike, then pounced on him to rip him to shreds with her massive claws.

Neesa observed the carnage from the werecrocodile off to her right and gave a slight chuckle. "Hmm, well I cannot be outdone, now can I?" She commented to herself before setting her sights on a group forming around one of the commanders desperately trying to regain control of his men. Suddenly, and quite surprisingly to the archers trying to target her, Neesa erupted into a swarm of bats and reformed in the dead center of the group, right in front of the commander, not as an Argonian, but in her vampire lord form. She still retained many of her Argonian traits, such as her scales, tail, and general body shape, but was now much larger with wings and jewelry with a certain royal appearance. It was her blood magic, Molag Bal's gift to his pure-blooded vampries, that allowed her to take this form, and it was now at its full strength.

A cloud of bats swarmed around Neesa, biting and draining the life essence of those surrounding her, transferring it to herself. They panicked and swatted in vain at the swarm of flying manifestations of her blood magic, allowing her ample opportunity to deal with their commander. Before he could do anything to resist, she reached out and grabbed him telekinetically, lifting him off of the ground and constricting his airway. She held him in the air in front of her and looked him in the eyes for a few moments before sinking her teeth into his neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Janius' focus was so absolute that he didn't notice Sabine running off. He put all effort into staying with Kaleeth, though attempting to keep just out of range of her claws. It was a difficult task, as she had wasted no time in wading into enemy forces and wreaking havoc. It turned out that, so far, those who tried to strike at Kaleeth were met with a swift and painful death. This made defending her less of an issue than making sure she didn't wander into any residences or any other places where she might find innocents. Janius' thoughts were vouching for the outcome where Kaleeth would quickly feed on the mercenaries she had just killed, then either turn back, or have enough lucidity to defend herself until they could move on to find Fendros and Ahnasha. Janius didn't know whether werecrocodiles were prone to bouts of pure rage beyond hunger, but if that happened, then there would be trouble.

As if Kaleeth's rampage wasn't enough to break the mercenaries' spirits, Hal-Neesa unleashed her own hidden power. The sight of the swarming black flecks of biting bats around the horrific floating winged silhouette that was Hal-Neesa served to even unnerve Janius, distracting him for a while. He couldn't have imagined it if he tried. Her power was such that the commander didn't stand a chance.

On the nearby rooftop, Sabine didn't have any luck finding her packmates' scent in all the chaos, but she did see something of a large structure off to one side of the settlement. Assuming it was a keep, Sabine leapt from rooftop to rooftop until she was clear of most of the fighting, then climbed down to ground level to gallop off towards the keep through the streets and alleyways. They might have dungeons there, that was the best lead she had. She just had to avoid staying out in the open for too long else she might be pursued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Mercenaries across the settlement were now scattering. Some were still desperately trying to fight in the streets, other were trying to flee into the marsh, while some were fleeing into the homes around them, presumably to protect their families. Kaleeth, meanwhile, could not stop herself from chasing them down. She would partially consume one, then move on to the next one which caught her ire. She was not, however, proceeding uninjured. Her beast spirit was aggressive, and none too strategic in its movements. She would simply charge straight at them, perhaps swatting away their weapons first, which left her with bleeding hands. Her scales provided resistance, but she still had shallow gashes on her back and sides, her shoulder, and her left leg. Not nearly as many of the mercenaries in the town bore silver weapons as in the previous battle, but they were still wounds nonetheless. She was covered in blood that was a mix of the mercenaries' and her own. Even so, she did not relent.

Kaleeth spotted two of the mercenaries run into a narrow alley between two buildings, and her beast spirit compelled her to follow. The pair of Argonians had led themselves into a corner; they were attempting to climb over the walls to escape the settlement, but they did not have near enough time to succeed before Kaleeth was upon them. She rushed forward, straight into a spear that one of her foes stabbed into her upper chest, but nevertheless, she crushed him against a wall. As she used her teeth to pull the weapon from her flesh, the other mercenary's silver blade slashed across her back just below her neck. The silver caused a good deal more pain than most of her other wounds, so it enraged her to the point that she immediately lashed out with a shoulder charge, slamming her foe straight through the wall of the nearest building. Unfortunately, woodrot from the swamp's humidity meant that the structure was not entirely stable. One she took out the wall and a few of the supporting columns within, the entire building started to collapse around her. Kaleeth ran in an attempt to escape in time, but she was not quite fast enough. It collapsed on top of her with her head peering out of the remains, but the rest of her body trapped underneath. Her body likely had enough strength to move the weight on top of her, but the position she was in did not give her enough leverage to take advantage of that strength. Instead, all she could do was growl when she saw a group of three mercenaries rushing to finish her off.
Ahnasha could hear the fighting above, the screaming, the spellfire. She knew that the pack had arrived, but she was trapped down in this dungeon and unable to help. She had been unable to sleep since her torture, as her mind had been shifting between despair and rage towards the noble. At the moment, her attitude was leaning more towards rage. She was desperate to get out of her shackles, so much so that she transformed into her werewolf form in the hopes that she could break away from her chains. Her normal wrist irons of course broke as she increased in size, but the secondary shackles were large enough and strong enough to keep her trapped. No matter how hard she jerked at the chains, the anchors in the floor and ceiling were strong enough to hold. She howled as loud as she could in the hopes that one of the pack might hear, which was reasonable, given that they could hear the sounds of battle outside.

A few minutes later, the Argonian noble marched into the room with his ornate silver longsword, not even bothering to close the door behind him. "You think you're saved, aren't you? That I'll just roll over and die while those beasts you call friends come to find you? Don't think that form scares me, you mongrel. Those chains will easily hold you. It isn't as if this will matter, anyway. My men are already attacking your xanmeer as we speak. Thanks to the information you so graciously provided, they will know exactly where to go to strike at their heart. And I hope they slit the throat of your mangy little cub!"

Ahnasha growled at the noble, but silenced herself when he pressed the tip of his blade against her throat. "Face it, I have already won. I don't care about these mercenaries, and you...you're going to get me out of here alive. If your friends so much as think about trying anything, I will end you without a second thought. I only need one of you alive to get out of here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kaleeth neither stopped nor showed any signs of slowing down her killing spree. She hadn't got near anyone who wasn't a mercenary yet, but they were giving her a wound for every life she took. Her regeneration would take care of most of it, but Janius hoped she wouldn't push herself too hard.

"Kaleeth! Lookout!" Janius shouted. Kaleeth's strike upon the rotted building came as surprisingly as the rest of her strikes, but Janius was powerless to help against the collapsing building save for shouting in warning. By her movements, it appeared that Kaleeth had survived the rubble falling on her, but she was now vulnerable. With all the attention she had been gathering up to that point, there was little time before a trio of mercenaries moved in to assail her.

Filled with his own frantic rage, Janius shouted as he charged forth between the mercenaries and Kaleeth, distracting them away from her to focus on defending themselves. Janius ended his charge by slamming his shield against the first mercenary, pushing him stumbling to the ground. The other two closed in, one of which Janius feinted towards with his axe and the other Janius hurled a fireball towards. The spell impacted against the mercenary's raised shield, but stopped his advance. Janius pressed the advantage afforded by the space and stepped up to engage the one he feinted, swinging in a combo that was faster than he could keep up with carrying his mace and shield. Janius finished him by stepping in, hooking his axe behind the maceman's knee, pulling up until he fell to the ground, then bringing his axe down brutally against his helmet. The axe chopped through and left him with a few twitches of life left before Janius pulled his weapon out and faced the other two.

Janius had an unnerving and determined madness in his eyes and was clearly fighting recklessly. The remaining mercenaries may not make the same mistake of underestimating him.
Sabine neared the large building and was undisturbed once enough distance was put between her and the main melee. The few people she spotted either didn't notice her or quickly ran away in fear. This suited her just fine. She raised her nose to the air again and caught some traces of Ahnasha and Fendros, which was instantly heartening, but what really perked up her ears was the howl that suddenly sounded from within the keep. It was Ahnasha, Sabine knew it. To give Ahnasha hope, Sabine responded by pointing her head to the sky and letting out her own howl.

Now her lead was solid. Sabine traversed the settlement to the very edge of the keep and hid behind a nearby wall to inspect the situation. The large double doors were shut fast with a couple of bowmen watching from above, but they were distracted by the crowd of desperate and fearful people banging on the door, pleading for use of the keep's safety. The distraction was enough for Sabine to quickly pad over to a side wall and begin to scale it. It took her a little while, but her beast spirit hauled up the masonry and pallsade walls without much effort. It took some sneaking and climbing along the outside of the walls to find a spot to slip indoors undetected, but she managed it.

It was at the bottom of the spiral staircase that led up to the walls that Sabine was spotted and half a cry of alarm was raise before Sabine pounced upon the guard and tore out his throat. She could only hope that no one would investigate as she tried to regain the scent of her friends. She started by skirting along one wall. Sniff, sniff, sniff, exhale...dust blew up from the skirting. Only traces still. She moved forward, sniff, sniff, sniff, exhale...
The chaos outside caught Fendros' attention. He kept his head pointed towards the door expecting the pack to break it down at any moment. They were going to get out of here. Ahnasha was still distraught, so much so that she eventually transformed. Fendros was about to try and discourage her from struggling too much in light of the shackles they had placed, but was interrupted by the door opening. His heart sank as the exact opposite of what he desired to pass through the door made himself apparent.

The noble's comment about Rhazii renewed anger in Fendros, causing him to clench his teeth and glare, but they were still at his mercy. "How do you plan to escape, torturer?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

The mercenary that Janius initially charged scrambled to his feet in time to see his ally's skull split open. He growled in anger, but did not approach near as recklessly as Janius. Instead, he nodded to his other ally, a Khajiit male, then moved to attack at the same time from different angles. Fortunately for Janius, Meesei and Lorag were not far behind in supporting him. After making it through the mercenaries Janius had ran past to protect Kaleeth, Lorag came charging in with his hammer in full swing.

"Not so fast!" Lorag shouted as his hammer struck the Khajiit's blade hard enough to knock it clean from his hands, which forced him to jump back and draw a measly dagger from his belt. At the same time, Meesei bolt escaped through the other mercenary and reformed on the other side, which stunned him for a good few seconds.

"We're here with you, Janius." Meesei said reassuringly as she and Lorag stood on each side of Janius, ready to help defend Kaleeth. The battle as a whole was now spread throughout the settlement, with nothing even resembling a frontline in sight. Mercenaries and cultists alike were scattered around fighting, but there were a few mercenary officers still trying to organize their men. One of them happened to be nearby, and took notice of the trapped werecrocodile that had been slaughtering her men. As the two mercenaries rapidly backed away, she shouted to them to join her squad. In all, there were now seven mercenaries bearing down on them.
"How do you think? I'm going to walk right out of here with one of you at the end of my blade." The noble retorted, pressing the tip of his sword to Fendros' chest, allowing the metal to burn his skin. "If your friends actually care about your lives, then they will not stop me. I only need one of you, and she is in a rather inconvenient form for a hostage at the moment." He commented as he moved his blade back to being mere inches from Ahnasha's throat. "I should just kill you now. Make things simple for me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Janius looked to Meesei and Lorag both, and caught his breath. "Thanks," he said with a grateful look, then looked to the group that had formed against them, "but I think they'll be too much to fight in this form..." Janius dropped his axe and pulled off his shield, then spread his arms and grinned. He managed to keep his smile as his body contorted and reshaped itself, growing bigger and bursting the weak ties of his armour. His skin was replaced with a dark fur and soon he had to fall to his front paws to keep balance. Just in case the mercenaries had any morale left, Janius opened his tooth-filled mouth and roared into them. He hardly gave them a chance to form up before leaping for the nearest one who wasn't armed with a spear.
Sabine continued for a short while on the upper floor, but didn't get any closer to finding them. She quickly realised that they were probably being held in lower levels. Prisoners were held in dungeons, right? That's how it was in the coven, and the dungeons there were underground. Sabine made her way to the staircase down and heard a scream down the hallway followed by a crash. She turned her head and saw a female Argonian servant with her hands covering her mouth and her eyes wide with fear. At her feet was a shattered bowl of some description, its contents not easy to identify, but now rapidly soaking into the floor. She was petrified by Sabine, apparently. Sabine's beast spirit let out a growl, which caused the servant to back away, then Sabine proceeded down the stairs. It wouldn't be long for the alarm to be raised now, she had to move more quickly.

Making her way down stairs proved to be rather precarious with her feet in this form. She had to descend carefully to make sure she didn't tumble down. At least she was big enough to hold herself against the walls to stop if she did lose her balance.

The next floor had her spotted by a number of civilians and guards alike, quickly eliciting an uproar of panic from the corner of the room in which she showed herself. Sabine's ears flattened from the noise and she could smell the fear, but she needed to focus. Even her beast spirit understood that the safety of her packmates was a greater priority than her appetite. She went further down the stairs, faster this time, with a couple of guards chasing her. On the next floor, the way further down was blocked by a door that she would have to break down, after dealing with those who would chase her.
Fendros flinched as the blade touched him, but he could not avoid it. The noble's plan seemed desperate, foolish even, but Fendros was too focussed on his intention to kill Ahnasha. His look was beyond threatening, it was single-minded, completely devoted. His voice was still gravely, but carried menace enough to make a god shudder. "I promise this; if you kill her, either you or I will die in this place as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"Right there with ya, city-boy." Lorag added. Just the same as Janius, he went through his transformation as he rushed forward. Once Janius pounced on one of them, he gave his support by grabbing the spear of one of the mercenaries who had his sights on Janius and snapped it in half with one hand. Of course, there were two more looking to attack Lorag from his left, but they were close enough that he was able to lash out at both of them with his free arm. With a backhanded swipe, he managed to knock both of them clean off of their feet. He ended up cutting himself on one of their swords, but it wasn't enough to stop him from swiping his original target to the ground and tearing him apart with his claws.

Meesei activated her lightning form, then took a few steps to the right to clear a path for her to bolt escape straight into the middle of the group of mercenaries. For the ones that Lorag and Janius were not already handling, they found themselves shocked by nonlethal, but still substantial amounts of electricity from both the bolt escape and lightning form. As she materialized in front of the officer, Meesei conjured up a bound sword and swung for her neck, but the officer was a resilient woman. Despite the shock, she raised up her blade to block Meesei's. strike. "I don't think so! I'll not fall so ea-" The officer began to shout, but she was quickly interrupted by a stream of fire from Meesei's free hand suddenly engulfing her head. Almost immediately, she fell on her back screaming in pain and trying desperately to put out the flames. She was resilient, but not nearly quick enough.
For as much as he threatened, the noble was more focused on escaping than anything. he grabbed a key from his pouch, reached down, then unlocked one of the chains at Fendros' feet. "Now, once I get these chains unlocked, you better not think of trying anything. You might be a lycan, but my blade is silver, and it will be at your throat the whole time."

Just as the noble finished speaking, the sound of screaming could be heard somewhere from outside the door. It was hard to tell exactly how far away it was, but it sounded like it was in the building. In another attempt to signal their location, Ahnasha let out the loudest howl she could manage.

"Hey, what are you...no! Quiet!" The noble shouted in panic and frustration. His retribution was fierce and violent. He swung his blade towards her as hard as he could with her blade. His target looked to be her neck, but he was clumsy in his rage and missed by just a few inches. Her right hand, however, was right in the blade's path. It scraped just under most of her fingers with superficial cuts, all except for her smallest finger, which it severed entirely. Ahnasha's howl turned into a pained whimper as her hand was coated in her own blood. She wasn't going to bleed out entirely from the injury, but the silver would certainly inhibit her healing.
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