Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm thinking about making a Mech RP. There was one on here that I was going to join but it went under so I sorta revive it but in my own way.

Its in the future where humanity had discovered other life via a large space ship found underground, a large mech suit found inside the submerged ship, still with the ability to power on. The governments of the world split the ship and began to research its contents until they had much more advanced weaponry and vehicles, a few of those being interstellar ships and mechs. At the same time, fear of hostile extraterrestrial encounters became real and so the world united under one flag, The U.N.I.D.F. (United Nations Interstellar Defense Force) Plans of building a unified interstellar military had begun and at the same time the Interstellar Age had begun.

However, as the years went on, countries began secret projects to better their own military which had caused many UN summits to end poorly. Soon enough a war ensued. A third world war, fought by mechs and ships.

I know that it is bit clustered and I will be working out a lot of the kinks but the gest is simple.

A third world war of sorts, mechs vs mechs. Just curious if anyone is interested and also looking for a Co-GM. Just throwing this out there for now.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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Mayhaps something that looks a bit more like Titanfall?

Like titanfalls?
Or brutal combat?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


More like titan fall meets Gundam o.o
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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If I have a medium titan
With a 40mm burst autocannon

And you come at me with a medium/heavy gundamn/titan
that's holding a giant sword/hammer
with rocket jets on the back
The rocket jets will do nothing more than put unneeded pressure on the chassis and unbalance it slightly (even if it does make it 'ligher' of sorts)

And I'll just drill a bunch of 40mm AP rounds into you and destroy you before you get close.

There's a reason why a modern marine would easily beat a swordsman. Even if the swordsman was using a claymore and a jetback, plus titanium plate armor.

Offensive technology is always ahead of defensive technology- that's why it's important to take cover. Even Titans can't just run around in the open and survive- another Titan would take it down before it could really do much of anything, because that Titan is using a building to cover most of itself.

I mean
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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ok so it seems you and me should work on this together so we can fill in holes. Would you be willing to co-gm this thing with me. We'll discuss the idea, throw other ideas around and see what Frankenstein of a rp we can come up with. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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I mean, I dunno if you'd want me to. I'm just looking for a solid scifi rp to join, whether it be mech or not. Gundam isn't really realistic- nothing anime is, really. And I can't really stand it because of it.

I know all that sort of stuff with different ammunition, weapon types, armor and what thicknesses would work against what, alloys, etc., all that sciencey stuff, and it's because of that that I dislike anime.

In anime, a main character gets hit by a giant hammer by a little girl, goes flying a hundred feet through the air before slamming into [and destroying] a concrete wall. He gets up with a nosebleed, wipes it away dramatically, and is suddenly superpowered because he is angry.

In real life, someone else runs up to someone, that someone else whips out a sword/hammer/whatever, and finds it to be much heavier than they expect it to be. And then the someone pulls out a handgun while the melee-focused someone else is still approaching, and shoots them dead.

You get shot, and the average person WILL fall down. Military-trained or naturally resilient, they might keep going, but gunshots hurt. A lot. And no one can dodge a bullet- if you can see the eyes on someone when they fire at you, that bullet is going to hit- there's no chance of dodging. How many times can you play Call of Duty, Battlefield, Overwatch, whatever, where you run straight through the middle of a bunch of gunmen and come out unscathed, just to melee all of them to death?

Nonono, if you want there to be Gundam, I wouldn't be able to stand it. And if I start my own scifi rp, no one will join.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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This is what I'm talking about

Now this was for another rp I was going to join before it was shutdown. Take a look and let me know what you think. The blades and all I am fine with removing, personally I don't see that working anyway. But yeah...just take a look and tell me what you think
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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please keep in mind though that the weaknesses weren't fully put in since I was then told that the rp went under.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

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I am interested! Mechs vs Mechs! Prepare for massive Titanfall!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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Okay, for one, I need to know how big is it- sixty feet tall? six hundred? One hundred feet tall? I like feet better than meters for this because 10 feet = 1 story, and so it's easier for me to imagine how tall they are.

But here's a definite no-no:
255mm railgun.

Here's the gist of it:
The power requirements for a 255mm railgun would be enough to keep a satellite in orbit with a 100mm railgun and strike whatever the hell you wanted, whenever you wanted, two times faster and two hundred times more reactive.

A 120mm tank cannon firing an APDSFS round- an Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot Fin Stabilized type, usually with a fair bit of depleted uranium for maximum round density- can pierce well over 500mm of steel. In other alloys, that's still at least 200mm of penetration, and that means that in order to effectively defend oneself from that 120mm, you need to either be invisible, too hard to hit, or too strong to penetrate. That means either being really heavily armored with some really advanced stuff, being protected with some really advanced APS, or being high mobile and with advanced stealth of some sort- whether it be jamming, hiding one's heat sig, etc.

And a mech is a complex piece of equipment that will be used over a tank because of its agility and adaptability- it's a helluva lot easier to put a giant metal man into a swamp and out again than a tank. That being said, weapons are going to be advanced, and there's likely very little you can do if rounds actually HIT you. That's why soldiers wear so little armor, especially in places such as the arms, legs, or neck. It'll restrict mobility, and really, if you get hit, you're going to be pretty much down, at least for a minute, or down for good. A tank could easily take a mech on in an open battle- on a desert, field, farm, whatever, tanks are going to be prized because they'll present a smaller target, can still retain effective combat capability, and in all accounts are probably harder to kill.

Mechs would be prized because they'd have the firepower and maaaaybe the armor of a tank, with the agility of a soldier in a much larger target- they'd be able to take on anything, but they'd also be very vulnerable to hits.

Thus, something so large as to be able to conceal 155mm cannons is likely far too big. It'd be too easy to hit it from orbit, or with cruise missiles, or with kinetic artillery or a stationary railgun from very far away. The requirements to fire a 255mm railgun would be immense, and the structure of the mech would have to be absolutely PHENOMENAL to withstand the recoil. Nono, there's a reason why we put all the big guns on a battleship, and not a tank- the tank would have to be superbuilt, and it'd be too expensive for such limited movement and therefore effectiveness. The Tiger-series of tanks in WWII were very good at defeating enemies in front of them, but they often reached a battle too late, and were often outflanked and eliminated by the superior mobility of a T34.

So in terms of realism?

Go to this link.

You are at Point A, in Ocean City, Maryland.
Your target is at Point B, in New York City, New York.

With a 255mm railgun, you could probably fire off two rounds before the enemy knew there was incoming ordnance.

Those two rounds would strike Long Island within five minutes, and they would have the destructive force of a very large cruise missile- each. The sort that could level one of those very dense city blocks, and then some, I'd figure.

Your Spectre is terribly unrealistic. Everything technically makes sense, but based on the size required to house a 255mm railgun and two 155mm concealed cannon? No, it's NOT realistic. It'd be easier to build a 150mm railgun into a former nuclear silo or the sort, where it was mainly pointed directly upwards but could have a very limited firing angle, by aiming itself in its hole. It could fire off a couple rounds and hit your giant mechs within a couple minutes, provided that you're within two hundred miles. If that's too much of a delay, one could just fire cruise missiles- whatever Active Protection System you have, whatever active camouflage of various sorts you're employing, it's still likely that the cruise missile will hit. You're a very, very large target, and such massive things are very hard to hide.

More than that, they'd be really SUPER expensive.

A realistic mech wouldn't be over three stories tall, in my opinion. Then they'll just get too big to effectively hide or counter all weapons incoming, and would be too expensive to haul around and such. Even with super advanced alien technology. If you GET this super advanced alien technology, and you can mount powerful weapons on bipedal tanks, of sorts, then that means you could build bigger or better ones using the same tech on more stable platforms, such as an MBT or a stationary turret.

That was... I didn't mean to write that much. I just wanted to be thorough and make sure everything was addressed, and then I just started rambling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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So first thing's first:
-that specific mech was only a prototype so many of the components were opted to fail (which I would have been rolling dice for depending on what I decided to use)
-mech would be around 60' in height might even make it around 70'
-railgun is not mounted on the thing itself it is carried and as such I will not have it mounted on anything unless the player chooses so and it is approved by you or me though ill rely on you mostly since you seem very familiar with scifi and munitions. (so even there I can agree with you in making it smaller but the most id be ok dropping it too is at a 170mm and that seems reasonable...I think...maybe?)
-the concealed hand cannons can definitely go (IMO I didn't like the idea anyway)

-I am talking about this rp taking place WEEELLLLLL into the future (I'm looking at like...2145-2190)
-new forms of energy or much more effective use of nuclear energy should have been found (hence why the dual nuclear reactors
-advanced technology of extraterrestrials being found, taken and researched and put into use.
-more than likely a new currency would have been made by this time (dunno what but could come up with something plus colonization of other planets would be a possibility if not a reality around that time.

I appreciate you taking your time out and ACTUALLY trying to work with me. Seriously I do and I do feel that we can get this right.

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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oh and no worries. constructive criticism is what I like anyway
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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Okay, so, here's what I suggest.

Humanity has colonized the majority of the star system- there are bases and such on many of the moons, such as Europa or Titan, Mars has moderate colonization, the Moon/Luna is a bustling spaceport and trading hub, there are likely more than a couple large space stations in orbit around both Earth and Mars that cater both to military and commercial purposes. There are satellites and such in orbit around planets in other solar systems, likely with some automatic colonization packages sent along- things that hit the group, deploy some 'bots, and starts clearing and building up a small infrastructure for the first colony to use when they finally go. Maybe they're en route. Either way, I think this would be reasonable for their to be ACTUAL infrastructure in the solar system for this sort of time period. There'd likely be a population boom, and the population of the solar system might be around 12 billion by now, with the average lifespan probably extending to 120 or 130, with one's prime starting to end more into their forties than their thirties, and only becoming a 'senior' when they're about 70-80. They'll only really be frail at 100+.

That's what I'd suggest.

More than that, the UN's IDF probably wouldn't be very powerful. The fear of extraterrestrials would be present, most definitely, but when humanity has reverse engineered a fuckton of it and has spread through the stars, that initial fear would've faded greatly. In this, I'd suggest that the IDF has greatly faded, where people still sorta participate just to keep up the pretense. In actuality, I'd figure that major nations of similar minds would join together- the North Americas and maybe some European countries would probably make a major alliance/faction, such as America, Canada, Great Britain, France, and Germany- maybe even South Korea, Spain, Greece, etc. Another faction might be Russia, China, North Korea, and other similar states. A third, weaker faction might be places like Israel, Saudi Arabia, India, and Egypt.

These three factions would be, I figure, the major players. Feel free to edit it however you want, but these are the closest, whether geographically, politically, ideologically, etc.

Mechs would likely be Titan-sized, in my mind- about 30' or a little less. They'd be heavy enough to operate on places such as Mars, resilient enough to stand up to those elements, as well as to survive 'titanfall,' strong enough to take care of objectives quickly and efficiently, mobile enough to avoid heavy, damaging fire, powerful enough to keep themselves running. They'd likely rely more on shields than armor. If shells are hitting armor, then you're going to be shaken up and screwed up a bit, and every hit is a chance for disaster. Shields can regenerate, rely solely on energy, don't need to be repaired, and can take those hits without the chance of a critical hit, so to speak.

Weapons would be limited- likely nothing over 160mm, maximum. Railguns might be in the 20-40mm range, cannon might be up to 105mm, autocannon would be up to 40mm. Each mech would have a minimum of half-coverage light armor, a full life support suite, emergency ejection, a self-contained cockpit, and a communications suite. One fusion reactor would work best, I think, and would keep the entire thing running. If severely damaged, it might screw up and blow the entire area to hell, but then again, so would a nuclear reactor, and fusion has a helluva lot more energy production potential.

Each mech would probably be limited to two or three weapons- likely an autocannon or chaingun, and then a cannon or small railgun, and maybe a mortar tube or missile launcher. Chainguns would likely be 5mm to 15mm- 5mm would have higher rate of fire, laser-accurate, might have two of them mounted, and would be used against light armor or infantry. 15mm might be useful against structures, suppression of Titans, and medium armor. Ish. Missiles would probably be 60mm to 80mm, mortars might be 105mm to 160mm.

Energy weapons?
Some smaller/stealthier titans might have a sort-of plasma blade, that it can activate to use in the event of close combat. I don't like swords and shit, but activating a device that's on your mech's arm to cut down a rushing mech or the like would be useful. Self-defense rather than an offensive weapon. Plasma cannon or an ion cannon would be limited in use- it'd consume quite a bit of energy which might deprive other systems of it, and would overheat quickly- and lasers would be limited in effectiveness. Lasers, in all seriousness, would only be useful against aircraft, or something else that can be exposed to the laser for a 'long' time, without heat-resistant plating. Lasers aren't red beams of destruction, it's just a concentrated beam of heat. You could melt the walls of a fuel tank, the electronics, etc. Good against slow cruise missiles or something. Concentrated beams of ionized particles- the more traditional cut-through-everything lasers- would have limited use, but would likely be very accurate and good for making holes in things, or cutting up infantry.

As ever, energy weapons' effectiveness decreases with atmosphere. On Earth, where there's lots of dust and such in the air, a laser would travel much less distance than a laser on the moon. On Earth, that laser is constantly bouncing off particles in the air, while there's nothing on the moon. It ultimately wouldn't make much difference, though. The higher the power it has, however, the worse that damage dropoff will be.

In terms of equipment- if we're being launched like the titans from Titanfall, that means we're going to have orbital support, in some form or another. Even if our ship has to immediately leave, it can still map out the ENTIRE terrain and beam it to us, as well as leave small stealth satellites that can continue to monitor visually, with infrared, etc. These could also spot targets, laser-designate enemies and positions to get hit by mortar or cannon.

In addition to that- larger weapons CAN be deployed. Instead of firing off a capsule that deploys a Titan when it lands, there can also be capsules that turn into stationary anti-air platforms, or surveillance platforms. Artillery, missile, etc. Larger ones might be large railguns or cruise missile launch pads.

Hell, that could be our two primary objectives in our missions- in the first type of mission, we go in to eliminate a threat- a convoy, a base, a large group of hostiles, etc. Or, we're going into an area to secure, defend, and deploy these capsules- likely surveillance. If there is a large, heavily defended base, then rather than mount an assault, we could set up a surveillance, railgun, and area denial capsule just within range. We defend it from their mechs trying to disable us, while the area denial capsule fires off missiles or a small railgun that destroys enemy artillery/railguns, while the surveillance guides the railgun to fire on the required targets. Or maybe just aerial denial and surveillance- surveillance gets more accurate readings on targets, so that a ship in orbit can launch several kinetic packages to strike the enemy aerial denial platforms and major defensive positions, and then our mechs clean up the attacking forces, and then move onto their base and clean that up too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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Anyhow, I must sleep.

Goodnight. I will talk to you either tomorrow morning, or later in the afternoon. School is arse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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yeah I'm heading off to bed now anyway and ill read over your response during and after work at some time but will respond sometime around 2300 or so. anyway have a good night, or day, wherever you rest your head :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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I'm still in on this I just work till 1030est and then have to open tomorrow morning so it'll be best to discuss this tomorrow afternoon?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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Roger that
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I mean we could make it like a World War 3 but with the different colonization of planets that some of these would hold some significant objectives like you said. Maybe one colony is a mining colony that exports the raw material for the titans and the ships and whatnot. Another may mine for precious metals or plutonium or some rare element that powers things.

some faction is getting to greedy and decides to take over that colony or something and starts this massive international debate with another event that initially sparks a war.
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