The Shima Region
Domara City
A well-established technological center of the region, Domara is nestled in a semicircle of forested mountains on one side and the ocean on the other. A river runs through mountains, and empties into the ocean, but Domara sees most of its of trade from the oceans. A large department store as well as a few big pokemon-related businesses can be found here, but the city mostly focuses on research and development of technology.
Most mild and sunny speckled with clouds. Winters see more rain but no snow.
- Normal / Flying: Outside vicinity of city and sometimes within
- Poison / Bug / Grass: in the forests around the city
- Water: near the shores and along the riverside.
Volatus City
Volatus is the defacto "Capital" of the Shima region, and it's largest city. Located high in the Volatus Mountains, the City (And the Mountains) are named for the hero Volatus, who citizens of Shima claim caught the first flying-type pokemon. The area has unheard-of mineral wealth, and every major corporation has an office in Volatus.
Generally cool and rainy, but with lots of snow in the winter.
- Ground: In the mountains, caves, and mines
- Flying: Everywhere in the area, especially atop buildings and higher in the mountains.
- Normal and Electric: On the outskirts of the city, and occasionally within the city.