Just off Edin V, Alvix System

'This is Battle Barge Smoldering Forge of the Salamanders fourth company, Edin V Please respond', the message had been sent ever since the barge had entered the system several days ago. Only Now had Edin V Come into range of the Battle Barge and its Strike cruiser escorts. The small fleet approached the planet cautiously, shields up and weapons ready. The massive capitol ships listed towards the vibrant green surface of the paradise world and would be within range to land their cargo in a few more hours... but the transmission silence from on world was worrying.
Captain Arash stood on the bridge, brooding as he looked out the blast windows towards the emerald orb, the distress signal had stopped sounding a day before they arrived and it was worrying the Captain. The Ships communications officer looked back worried, the blackened face and read eyes of the stern captain not yet meeting his. "Again. We will continue to hail them until they answer or we have landed... Emperor help us.", he muttered under his breath. The communications officer prepared to send the message once more. 'This is Battle Bar-', but this time he was interrupted.
'OH THANK THE EMPEROR! Our prayers have been answered!', a panicky voice crackled over the ship's vox, clearly fighting some kind of interference. 'Who do I speak with?! Who has the Emperor sent to be our salvation?!', it asked frantically, the captain leaning down to the command station to answer, "I am Captain Arash of the Salamanders fourth company of the Adeptus Astartes, we have come to render what aid we can! Who do I address?", a static filled sigh of releif came over the vox. 'The Emperor has sent his angels of death, Praise be to him! I am... acting Governor of Edin V, we are in dire straits Captain!', Arash nodded and spoke again, "Do not worry goverour, we will be making planetfall shortly. What can you tell me about the current situation?"
'My Lord, Xenos invaded our world the Eldar... th-they destroyed the capitol city days after arrival! My father... we took many casualties! Even now the PDf struggle to retake it with no success... they hold a large amount of ground in the east around it b-but they have yet to push outwards again! Many cities have become... staging grounds we think and-', Arash silenced the panicky man.
"Fear no longer Governour, for the Salamanders have arrived. We wil lspeak in a matter of days.", with that the feed was cut and Arash turned to his assembled council, placing his helmet on. The air tight seel hissing as it connected. "We will hit the Xenos immediately. I will lead most of the company in an attack from orbit at one of the border cities. The rest weill accompany Chaplain Rixus to the Governour's position and asses the situation.", the marines nodded and silently left to attend their duties. The Captain marched after them... soon the war would begin again for the Iron Lords.