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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Svetlana Hiedra Augustine
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Face close up: Here
Eye Color: Pinkish Purple
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120

Job/Profession: A messenger part time and a traveler full time.

Personality: She has wise eyes, and is what some call an old soul. She finds beauty and love in ordinary things. She is kind, sensitive, and empathetic towards most people, but she also is someone who does not forgive easily. She is loyal to people she loves, and is rather independent and intelligent. She likes to pass her time reading, writing, traveling, and painting. She is rather graceful, and elegant, in her movement and mannerisms. She is very daring and has a thirst for adventure. She is not made for the quiet life. She stakes all her property and even her life on luck, and being clever. She is strong, impulsive, courageous, agile, and sly. She is deeply moved by any soulful, or sad stories, and normally wants to help the person, but she is not gullible for she has extremely good Judge of character.

- Dagger
- Flute
- A hooded fur-lined cloak.
- two days worth of provision.
- her old paint and brushes
- Her latest Embroidery project
- a mini spell book
- Line, hooks, and tackle for fishing.
- Maps of the lands, and a old compass.
- Money (the equivalent of $50)
- two candles
- Caffa stone
- whatever letters/packages she was hired to deliver.
- a bar of lavender Soap
- seven changes of clothes, including the one she is wearing in above photo. 1 2 3 4 5 6
- all of this is carried in two big leather satchel/bags she has secured to her saddle. Under her dragons saddle is a colorful woven blanket, she uses it on cold nights.

- Not affected by any poisons.
- Can understand and speak to dragons (this is done telepathically)
- Casting magic: Plam, crystal ball, and tarot card reading,Magic Potion brewing, spell casting, curses, hexes, scrying, and Divination among other things. (Like a Witch with spells and potions).
- Rapid Healing
- Control and manipulation of fire/lava/heat
- Due to dragon bond her life span has become much longer and the ageing process has slowed dramatically.

Background: Lana was born in Kembre, the largest oasis city in the vast Calliope desert. Her mother Enid, and father Maksim, had only gotten married when Enid found she was pregnant with his child, not for any sort of love, just responsibility, and then Lana was born. Enid was never the type to be a mother, or wife, having much more fun dancing, drinking, and seducing men at taverns. Being home with a baby, and doing chores was not her cup of tea. When Lana was two in a half, Maksim had had enough of it all, finding Lana home alone when he came home from work, among other things was not how he wanted his flesh and blood raised. He took Lana with him to live with his cousin just outside the city, in the little town called Vaters. They stayed there for a few months, but Enid came banging on the doors at all hours of the night demanding Lana back, and Maksim was to head off to battle in a few weeks, his cousins did not want to take care of a little toddler.

Maksim ended up giving Lana back to Enid, because he had no other option, and he left for battle. Three months later Enid was sick and tired of being a mother yet again, and wanted Maksim to come back from battle, to take Lana off her hands, but instead she found out that Maksim had died in battle, axe to the chest. Not knowing what to do with a little toddler, she Dropped three year old Lana off to live with sister Enid's older sister Ivanna, in her home village of Roon. Enid was a native Dragoth, but she hated the traditional lifestyle with a passion, and wanted to stay in Kembre city, and be rid of all responsibilities. So from age three to fifteen, Lana lived with her Aunt Ivanna, Uncle Victor, and two cousins Olga, and Trina, in the little desert village of Roon, home to only Dragoth People. Lana even came to call them ma and pa, and considered her cousin to be her own sisters.

Growing up in Roon was like a little adventure within its self, the canyons, and caves being home to many dragons, and magical creatures. The rocky cactus land always had lizards, and snakes lounging around in the sunshine, and was even home to some rare man eating flowers. Roon is a native Dragoth Village, also known as a moving village, and every five years the people and village move to a new location in the Calliope desert. Lana would play in the jungle like forests with her cousins, and with the other village children, climbing trees, racing, hunting, and picking cactus needles. She went swimming in the jungle Lagoon practically every day, and during the summer would go looking for fire, and moon stones with her family up in the volcano mountains. During winter she would sit by the fire with her family, and paint, or help her aunt with weaving on the loom, as her pa sang songs, and told stories, but most of all she loved to read about all the different plants and animals around the world. She got letters from her mother every few months, sometimes a package came with the letters, and Lana would always open it gleefully, only to see another fluffy dress or fancy hair ornament. She always wrote her mother two letters back, and would send along pressed flowers, and pieces of fabric she had embroidered.

When she was eleven, her mother came to see her for the first time since she had sent to live in Roon. Her mother had come not see Lana specifically, instead Enid was dying from some venereal disease she had had for the last few years, and only wanted pity from her family, which she got none of. Enid died a few weeks later, a traditional Dragoth funeral was held, and Lana mourned for the mother she never knew. She painted two of her mothers death beads with flowers, and watched as Aunt Ivanna hung enids death bead chain high up in a large tree.

When she was thirteen she found a dragon with a broken wing in the canyon. She helped mend the dragons wing, and the dragon flew off, only to comeback every day to see her. Lana and the dragon became friends. The Dragon later chose to be bond to Lana, and with that become her dragon, who she named Libellule. When Lana was fifteen had her Masha Ceremony. Later that year she decided that she wanted to see the world and travel all around, so she set off on the back of Libellule. She got jobs as a messenger, flying letters, items, and secrets all around, and that is what she has been doing for the past few years, along with going on her own little adventures, typically resulting in stupid and dangerous situations.

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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Character Name: Minette Roberta McGonagall

Age: 16 1/2

Year: 6th

Gender: Female

Core = Dragon heartstring, Wood = Hazel, length = 12 1/3 inchs also made with Crystal

Smart, Creative and Quiet. Minette is shy in a way, she is not one to speak up in a group or walk up and start a conversation with people she does not know well, therefor making friends in school is harder for her then it should be. She find speaking to adults more comfortable them with her peers. She likes to learn new things and wants to experience everything she possibly can. She is very creative when it comes to thinking, though logical in a since she finds imagination and abstract thinking to be her strong point. Although she's quiet in groups, she surprises people by being very adventurous and curious. She is not coordinated when it comes to athletics, her first two years in school she got very low marks in her flying class. She is secretly very judgmental of other people and also quite vain. She is Cunning and Sly at some times also. She is a good friend, but secretly extremely paranoid as to what her friends think of her.

House: Ravenclaw

Patronus: Hummingbird

a Cat named Brixie

Minette grew up in a three bedroom cottage on the outskirts of the riverside village of Starcross, in England, with her two older sisters Noreen and Vera, her younger bother Oswald, and her parents. She grew up in a happy caring environment and spent most of her time reading, writing, drawing and playing Wizard's Chess with her dad. Any other spare time was spent eavesdropping on her parents and older sister conversations, or pretending to be a teacher at Hogwarts for which she would get Oswald to be her student and they would spend the day pretending to fly or mixing the hair products and lotions in the bathroom with juice and mud, saying they were potions. Being just minutes old she showed signs of magic, unlike her older sister whom were slow to show there's.

When Minette was eleven she got her letter from Hogwarts. When Minette was being sorted into a house by the sorting hat as a first year, she proved to be a Hatstall. The sorting hat had difficulty choosing a house for her, Minette had many of the qualities of each house, some more strong then others. In the end it came down Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Six Minutes and 42 seconds pasted before a decision of Ravenclaw was made. Oddly enough her older sister Vera was in Hufflepuff, her older sister Noreen was in Gryffindor, and both of Minette's parents had been in Gryffindor. So it was a surprise to her family that she ended up in Ravenclaw, but Minette was happy with Ravenclaw being her house, it had been the on she was hoping for. Her first year was spent mostly alone studying/practicing or fallowing her sister Vera around, she learned quickly and excelled in Transfiguration, Potions, and Charms. Minette got very high marks in all classes, except for flying. But, her first year was also during the last year of the Second Wizarding War, in which her sisters and parents fought in. Minette's Father and older sister Vera (age 16) died fighting during the final battle.

Second year Minette spent morning the loss of her closest sister Vera and Her dad, but there was also good times such as her Sister Noreen's wedding to Charles Weasly, and the birth of there first son and Timon Melvin Weasly. During the carriage ride up to the castle she was one of few who could see the Thestrals whom pulled the carriage, as she had witnessed her fathers death and many others the year before, during the final battle. Minette tried out for her house Quidditch team, failing miserably after she fell off her broom and broke her arm in two places. She spent the rest of the year studying and reading books in library, she had even snuck into the restricted section three different times. She ended up with top marks in all her classes. Near the end of their second year she chose Divination and Muggle Studies for her extra classes for next year. The summer before she started her third year she spent with her mother and Oswald in France with her paternal Muggle Grandparents, Henri and Allura Bloom.

Minette found the train ride to Hogwarts her third year to be fun, seeing as she had finally made some friends with two other girl in her house and a second year Slytherin girl. She also joind The Potions Club that year making friends with even more people. She also became part of the Slug Club. Muggle Studies became one of her favorite classes. Divination proved to be a challenge for her, but she found it entertaining. Her first trip to Hogsmeade as a third year was fun most of her firends spent the entire time giggle over boys or wondering around Gladrags Wizardwear. Minette spent her time looking around inside Tomes and Scrolls, and Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. The year went by fast. She got top marks in all her classes and finally had some friends. The summer was spent visiting her sister Noreen, brother-in-law Charlie, and Nephew Timon in Romania. Also going to her Great Aunt Minerva's summer house, and spent her time learning more about Transfiguration, in which she found she could be Animagus, thought hardly a master at it, at all.

Fourth year was spent mostly preparing for the O.W.L.s. sometimes with her friends and other time alone. She got passes from her professors to enter the restricted section, instead of sneaking in like she had done the years before. She spent many days reading over as many books she could in the library. Near the middle of the year she had noticed a attractive 6th year Slytherin boy, had taken a liking to her. Minette found it amusing and was secretly flattered. They only went on one date, to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop on one of the Hogsmeade trips. Thought the date went well, and nothing embarrassing nor awkward happened, Minette felt bored chatting about Quidditch and other sports, the relationship didn't go any farther that. Potion class being her number one favorite class, got even better when she found the half-blood-prince potions textbook wedged between the shelves. Thought it was in extremely battered shape, and was an Advanced Potion-Making N.E.W.T-level Potions book, she found it to be not only helpful with her self-study, but very interesting. She also worked on trying to make her own unique potion, ending up creating a very strong variation of the 'Dreamless Sleep Potion', she asked her friend Maggs to test it. Drinking only a drop or two she ended up fainting and staying in a catatonic coma for the next two weeks. The school year slowly came to an end. Minette spent the summer at home with Oswald and her mother. Oswald was going to start his first year at Hogwarts so Minette spent most of the summer answering his ridiculous questions. She also stayed at her friend Maggs House in Dublin for a week, Minette had made some Polyjuice Potion and they spent the day pretending to be each other. During the summer her mother started dating again, to Minette's and Oswald displeasure, and Noreen sent news that she was pregnant.

Fifth year started amazingly as she watched her younger brother Oswald be sorted into Gryffindor. She pretty much new that he was going to be in Gryffindor, for his personalty alone, was everything of the typical Gryffindor was. She was selected to become a Prefect for her house, she took the position very seriously, more kids ended up in detention and loosing house point with her as Prefect then average, many complained that she was to strict, so not wanting to be disliked she loosened up slightly. Her and her best friend Maggs spent a good part of there time studying for O.W.L.s. When it came time for Minette to receive career counselling from the Head of Ravenclaw, she found that she had no idea what she wanted to be or do as a career. It was suggested to her that she pursue being a Potioneer or Professor, but that she could pretty much choose any career she wanted, because she has such a bright mind and curious spirit. She practiced her Animagus everyday, and got quite good at it. Minette got all Os and Es on her O.W.L.s. except for Astronomy in which she only got an A. She was not terribly happy with her scores, seeing that she wanted all Os. Career option began weighting on her mind, and she felt that if she didn't choose soon it would be to late. She was thinking ether Spell inventor, Potioneer, a Professor or maybe writing and illustrating her own line of textbooks, study guides and her own magic creations. She like the Idea of being a spell inventor and a Potioneer at the same time. Creating and perfecting enough of her own Potions and Spell to write a few good books and then become a Professor at Hogwarts in her later years, and this became her full blown ambition for the rest of the year. Trying to create her own spells landed her in the hospital more then once that year. The year ended and she when home for the summer. The summer was fun she learned to drive and ended up spending a month in Romania with Noreen's family helping with the newborn baby Revis.

Now she is a sixth year.

Late father is, Winston McGonagall, the only child of Robert MoGonagall Jr, whom is the youngest bother of Minerva McGonagall. He worked as a Wandmaker. During his days as a student at Hogwarts he was in Gryffindor house and was well know for his skill at Wizard chess, known never to lose a game. He also was a Keeper on his houses Quidditch team during his 4th and 5th year.

Mother is Muriel McGonagall (nee' Bloom) a Muggle-Born Witch. She works as a Healer (aka Doctor) at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. During her years as a student at Hogwarts she was know as the teachers pet and grade grubber girl. She was in Gryffindor House and was head girl and a prefect.

Oldest sister, Noreen was in her 7th year at Hogwarts a Gryffindor, when the second wizarding war ended in 1998. She had been part of the D.A. and fought beside her younger sister Vera during the last battle, in whitch Vera and her father Died. Noreen later married Charles Weasley and they now have a three year old Timon and newborn Revis. She is 24 years old now.

Late older sister Vera, Her house was Hufflepuff, and she was part of D.A., Vera died fighting in the final battle at the age of 16.

Younger brother, Oswald, also known as Ozzy, whom is a second year Gryffindor at Hogwarts. He is thirteen and a beater on his houses Quidditch team. Very popular with the ladies.

Grandmother on her Fathers side, Wilhelmina MoGonagall (nee' Roth). She is half Veela. She went to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, when she was a student. Not the nicest woman you will ever meet she works for the Beaubaton Academy as a Professor of etiquette/manners. She had a scar on her cheek from when she was fighting in the first wizarding war. Called Gran by her grandchildren.

Grandfather on her fathers side is Robert MoGonagall Jr, he is the youngest bother of Minerva McGonagall. He works as a Arithmancer. Has a long scare on his forehead, he got it during the first Wizarding War, when he was fighting. Called Sir by his grandchildren.

Grandmother on her mothers side is Allura Bloom (nee' Beauford), She is a Muggle, retired Nurse. She was born and raised in France, moved to London when she was 27 with her husband and then 3 year old daughter Muriel. Called Nana by her grandchildren.

Grandfather on her mothers side is Henri Bloom, he is a muggle and a retired Dentist. He was born in America but raised in france by his grandmother. Married Allura when he was 22. Called Grandad by his grandchildren.

Is a registered Animagus (fennec fox)
Can Speak fluent French.
Can also Speak some Romanian.
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Vivi Natawa Karis

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Eye Color: pale lilac gray
Hair Color: white
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 99

Job/Profession: Messenger


- Dagger
- Caffa stone
- whatever letters/packages she was hired to deliver.

Family/Relationships: (all are available if you wish to claim one)
-Father- Masao Gin Karis - 50
-Mother- Pia Pahura Bune - Died age 27
-Half Brother- Bo Timo Karis - 24
- sister in law- Kissa Jowi Karis (nee' Ozzi) - 20
- half sister- Denna Pearl Karis - 22
- Uncle - Jomo Hiji Karis - 48
- aunt - Kallie Rosa Karis (Nee' Luziel) - 43
- Cousin - Brock Elan Karis - 19
-Cousin - Farra Bixa Karis -17
-Cousin- Lapis Karis - 14
- three aunts on her mothers side-
-many other cousins-
- Friend - ?
- Friend - ?
- Friend - ?
- Crush - ?

Skills/Abilities: Avian Spirit, Singing, Weaving, embroidery, climbing trees, sneaking around, swimming, painting, carving, beading, and being lucky.

Background: Her father Masao is the head of the hunters. He was married at a young age to the love of his life, and five years later they had their first child, a little boy named Bo. Sadly two years later his wife died giving birth to there second child Denna, a little girl. Widowed with two young children, a young midwife by the name Pia came to care for the children. Pia was the midwife who delivered Bo and had always been a caretaker to the family. Five years passed and one night Masao and Pia slept together in a heat of the moment, they love one another but with Masao having been married it was believed his soul was bound to his wife until he died, so marriage was not possible. Nine months later Vivi was born under the first full moon of the new year. Born early, she was a small baby, who looked fragile to the touch, white as snow skin, and big light eyes, the tribes old wise woman commented that Vivi looked like a little ghost. Masao and Pia lived together, she was a mother to Vivi, Denna, and Bo, and unmarried wife to Masao.

Growing up was like a little adventure within its self, the canyon, and caves in the mountains being home to many dragons, and magical creatures. The rocky volcanic land always had lizards, and snakes lounging around in the sunshine, and was even home to some rare man eating flowers. Vivi would play in the tropical forest with her siblings, cousins, and the other village children, climbing trees, racing, hunting, and gathering mushrooms. She went swimming in the Lagoon practically every day, and during the summer would go looking for fire bugs, moon stones, and fairy dust with her sister up in the volcano mountains, and forest. During the rainy months she would sit by the fire with her family, and paint, or help her mother with weaving on the loom, as her father sang songs, and told stories, When she was seven her mother got ill, Vivi spent her most of her time beside her mothers bed, pressing flowers, reading, embroidering scraps of fabric, and singing to her mother. Pia's health never got better and she died only a month later from pneumonia. Vivi mourned for her mother, crying alone in her hiding place in the forest was how she spent many weeks, but she came to peace with her mothers passing and the days slowly went back to normal.

Vivi and her friends spent many days exploring the forest, and diving for pearls in the ocean. She watched her father and Bo bring home the prized stag and a big feast was held, even as a nine year old she dance the night away with her friends and cousins. Her father nicknamed her Little Bird because she was so small but had the song voice of the birds. Singing was a talent of hers, and she sang at Bo Masha party. Having been born on the night of a full moon she was one of the few villagers with a spirit animal, that granted her abilities. Her Spirit animal was a falcon. When she turned thirteen she starting having a crush on ____. Not that she let him know, it was a one sided thing, and she was only friends with him. She had her Masha ceremony when she was 16, and ended up getting drunk for the first time off wine, but over all it was a fun night, in the morning she made a vow to never drink again having one of the worst headaches ever.

As of late the village oracle has proclaimed in a cryptic riddle way that basically "A huge boat caring many dead and only a handful of living will come to the north shores, and bring with them change to the island. Good or bad depends on the future paths." Vivi and her good friend ___ have been climbing the trees to the top, to spot the far off north shores, but to no avil seeing as the mountains are in the way. The village on the south shores, the chief is still talking with the elders and advisers about what to do. Weather to send people to the north shore to great the visitors, or let them stay on the north shore with knowledge of the tribes location. The scouts sent up the mountains have not signaled that anyone has yet arrived. Vivi hopes to meet these new arrivals, even after hearing the warning that they could be violent barbarians, carnivores, or something terrible like wondering spirits of the dead.
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Screen Name: Emma

Character Name: Alyssa Burton

Gender: Female

Age: 7 1/2

Appearance: Green eyes, dark blonde hair, and her typical bored expression make up little Alyssa. She is 3'7" and weights 44 pounds.

Personality: Alyssa is stubborn, strong willed, and intelligent. An old soul type of child, mature and innocent all at once. She does not warm to strangers easily, and appears afraid of nothing. She controls her emotions within herself, and unlike many her age is not a big crier or hyper kid. She is slightly detach from her emotions, but she is even tempered, controlled, and emotionally distant. So don’t expect many expressions of joy and happiness even though she feels it! She wants to be strongly independent, but being so young that's not always possible. Alyssa is very smart, and is particularly tuned into numbers. She loves books, and stories, a way to escape into her mind to a fantasy world. She is the protector of people she loves, extremely loyal, a "always has their back," kind of girl, She is organized and has an excellent attention span. As she grows older the more sly, brave, and Prudent she becomes.

History: She was six years old when she was brought to the AISE. Her memory wipe, did not fully work, anything from her past is foggy, dim, and colorless. The faces of people she once knew, family, teachers, and friends are all blurred. But she remembers her two brothers names, Timothy, and Jack. She can remember the name of the street she lived on, Lincoln Blvd. She remembers learning ballet and piano, the smell of the gardenias and lavender in her backyard. The taste of her favorite food, Honey and Strawberries. In dreams since the memory wipe more has slowly come back to her, but nothing significant such as how she got here, her families faces, or her own birthday.

The experiments, test, and so on were painful and tiring, and the months went by, she gained her abilities, along with the head aches. Making friends was not something she was entirely sure how to do. One girl around the same age as her, who came to AISE at the same time, was not doing well with the experiments, and cried all the time. Alyssa became her protector in a way, telling her stories, singing her songs, helping her around, and so on, but the girl later was taken in for testing and never came back, older kids told Alyssa she was most likely dead.

She spends most of her time reading, daydreaming, thinking about running away, and humming songs from her old memories.

Rank: Child

- Omnilinguism - Ability to understand any form of language, can read, write, and speak other languages after hearing it spoken, or reading it.
- Psionic blast - Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that individual's mind, can also relay small amounts of information, memories and images to another person mind.

Perfectionism - striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high performance standards for herself.
Over Protective - Ruthlessly protective of loved ones.
Stoic and stubborn.
Chronic Head aches do to her abilities.

Number: 22794


Password: Mind Games
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Anthea Lavinia Noir

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 24


- She has her horse. A dapple grey andalusian horse, named Rubetta.
- Long Sword sheathed at her hip. Belonged to her late Brother.
- Around her neck she wears a long delicate chain that her holy pendent hangs from. The pendent depicts the goddess of luck and prosperity, Lady Ondine, whom is one of the many gods/goddess the Lorelae cult worships and believes in.
- gourd canteen filled with water, tied to her rucksack.
- She has three of her favorite daggers hidden on her person. First one at her waist. Second one in her boot, and third one up her sleeve. She is rather found of daggers and they are typically her go to weapon.
- Rolled up in a neat large piece of well waxed canvas, is a colorful woven blanket, and a few extra clothing items, tied to her rucksack.

- A rucksack holding the following listed below.
- Small purse of jewels and gems she has stolen over the last few months, from tombs, graves, and nobles homes.
- A black leather roll, carrying several different vials of poisons. Including one of her own concoction, known as 'Dragon Blood'.
- A rune die. These dice are made and carried by people of the Lorelae cult. They are used for seeking answers, for divination, interpreting/reading signs, events, omens, and also help you find your way like a compass.
- Little tinderbox, and a flint stone.
- Little wooden box, holding needles and thread.
- Small bit of food provisions, such as bread, jerky, and dried fruits.
- Some Fishing Net
- A book she keeps. It is full of recipes and such for brewing poisons, medication, and potions. She has been writing it all down in this book for the past four years.
- Her thieving tools rolled up in a bit of leather.

Brief Bio: She is very daring and has a thirst for adventure. She is not made for the quiet life. She stakes all her property and even her life on luck, and being clever. She is strong, impulsive, courageous, agile, and sly. She is deeply moved by any soulful, or sad stories, and normally wants to help the person, but she is not gullible for she has extremely good Judge of character.

Born to her single mother Talia, a dancer for a traveling dance troupe. Talia was sixteen when she gave birth to Anthea. When Anthea was three years old her mother joined the Lorelae cult, leaving her dancing day behind her. Anthea was raised by her mother, and the other Lorelae adults. When Anthea was eight her mother married to Lance Cornwall. Lance was a nice gentleman, and one of the high esteem in the small Lorelae group.

When Anthea was twelve, the group was traveling through the eastern area, and one night on there way to the next city called Boomblaar, raiders came out of nowhere, and raided there caravans, and wagons. They took Talia, three other woman, three of the horses, and all the money with them, as they shouted and laughed. Anthea never saw her mother again. For the next four year she stayed with the cult, and her step father. Hoping that if she stayed with the group, she may find her mother, but she knew that it was impossible, her mother was slave somewhere, she was never going to see her again. When she was seventeen she left after disparagement with one of the high elders. She had had a lot of questions and misgivings about the religion she was raised to follow.

For the last seven years she has been traveling around, as an assassin, thief, and potion brewer for higher. Stealing gold/jewels, looking for an adventure, and exploring the world. Though she was raised strictly in the Lorelae religion, and later left it, she still believes in what she was taught, but chooses to follow it her own way, without all the rules, ceremonies, and other traditions.

Any other interesting tidbits about your character:
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Emma Amme

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Name: Clarice Magdalene Dashwood.

Age: 13 1/2

Appearance: Very tall and skinny for her age. She had blue gray eyes, and long dark blonde hair.

Year: Third Year

Heritage: Pure Blood

House: Hufflepuff

Wand: Laurel , Hippogriff Feather. 12 1/3 inchs, and unyielding.

Bio: Clarice grew up in the Dashwood country estate, located on the outskirts of the riverside village of Starcross, in England. She lived here with her lovable father Magnus Dashwood, Her beautiful mother Liberty Dashwood, who was the oldest daughter of the Goodspeed family, and of course her two older sisters Janis and Shelby. She grew up in a happy caring environment and spent most of her time reading, writing, drawing and playing Wizard's Chess with her dad. Any other spare time was spent eavesdropping on her older sister's conversations, or pretending to be a teacher at Hogwarts for which she would get dolls to be her students. She also loved pretending to fly, and mixing the hair products and lotions in the bathroom with juice and mud, brewing potions she like to call it. Being just minutes old she showed signs of magic, unlike her older sisters who were a bit slower to show there's. It was a picturesque life.

When Clarice was seven her mother was accidentally hit by a spell, that caused her to loose her mind, and come in out of a catatonic state every few months. Clarice's father was devastated, as was the rest of the family. After nine months with her mother in bed, and her mind lost, it was clear that nothing would fix her. Her father at the urging of his parents-in-law the Goodspeeds, sent Liberty to St. Mungo's, to be a resident of the Janus Thickey Ward, were she still remains even now. The family as a whole had to ajust to the absence and overall loss of there mother. Her father became so depressed and detached that he thought it best to send his three daughters to stay with their grandparents for awhile. So the girls lived with there grandparents and Aunt Grace for over a year. Her father after receiving some help for his disrepair, had the girls come back to him after about sixteen months.

At age eleven Clarice got her letter from Hogwarts. She was so happy, seeing that she was sick a tired of being the only one not going, and missing her sisters and cousins all year long, sitting at home alone, with nothing but the cat. When Clarice was being sorted into a house by the sorting hat as a first year, she proved to be a Hatstall. The sorting hat had difficulty choosing a house for her, which was odd for a blood member of the Goodspeed line, seeing as they were always hufflepuff. Clarice had many of the qualities of each house, some more strong then others. In the end it came down Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Six Minutes and 42 seconds pasted before a decision of Hufflepuff was made. It exactly the house she wanted to be in of course. Her first year was spent mostly studying, and following her Aunt Grace, and older sister Janis around, she learned quickly and excelled in Transfiguration, Potions, and Charms. Clarice got very high marks in all classes, except for flying. Flying seemed to not agree with her, finding heights to be a fear of hers.

Second year during the carriage ride up to the castle she was one of few who could see the Thestrals whom pulled the carriage, as she had witnessed her grandfather, Phillip Dashwood's death when she was only two, as he fell off the roof in front of her. Not that she remember it at all. Clarice tried out for her house Quidditch team trying to be more like her older sister Shelby who was the hufflepuff seeker four years running, failing miserably after she fell off her broom and broke her arm in two places. She spent the rest of the year studying and reading books in library, she had even snuck into the restricted section three different times. She also joined The Potions Club that year making friends with more people. She ended up with top marks in all her classes. Near the end of their second year she chose Divination and Muggle Studies for her extra classes for next year. The summer before she started her third year she spent with her Cousins, Rosa, Jay, and Lisa at the wizard resort in France, visiting her mother in the hospital, and ride horses at her muggle neighbors farm.

Personality: She is calm, thoughtful, kind, and wise. She is a 'stop and smell the roses' kinda person. In the way she walks, talks, and moves, she is graceful and elegant. If you try to hurt the people she cares for watch out. Her bad side is worse then any Slytherin.

Friends/Family members/Relationships?: (open for anyone to play her older sister Janis, or being one of Clarice's good friends!! )

Father - Magnus Bartholomew Dashood, the only child of the wealthy Phillip and Joan Dashwood. He worked as a Wandmaker for a short time, and then went on to become a well known Arithmancer. During his days as a student at Hogwarts he was in Gryffindor house and was well know for his skill at Wizard chess, known never to lose a game. He also was a Keeper on his houses Quidditch team during his 4th and 5th year.

Mother - Liberty Muriel Dashwood (nee' Goodspeed) a pure blood witch. She worked as a Spell Registrator. During her years as a student at Hogwarts she was know as the teachers pet and grade grubber girl. She was in Hufflepuff House and was head girl and a prefect. Sadly she is now a resident in the Janus Thickey Ward at St. Mungo's, due to a incorrect spell accidentally hitting her six years ago.

Sister - Shelby Adeline Dashwood, the oldest of the three Dashwood Daughters. She grauduated Hogwarts last year, she was a Hufflepuff student.

Sister - Janis Yvette Dashwood, Her house is Hufflepuff, she us a 7th year. She is Very popular with the boys!

Grandmother - Wilhelmina Joan Dashwood (nee' Roth). She went to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, when she was a student. Not the nicest woman you will ever meet she works for the Beaubaton Academy as a Professor of etiquette/manners. Her Husband Phillip died eleven years ago.

Aunt - Grace Goodspeed. 5th year hufflepuff.

She also has many aunts, uncles, and, cousins on the Goodspeed side of her family.


Patronus: Hummingbird

Can Speak fluent French.
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Rupert John Oldenburg

The Most Noble Rupert Oldenburg, Lord of Denmark, Earl of Essex, and Duke of Schleswig and Holstein.


Rupert was born at St. James Palace in London. He was the eldest son of Prince John of Denmark, and his first wife Princess Christine of England. His mother was the elder sister of the late King Charles, making Rupert his only surviving nephew, and one of King Edward II first cousins. Sadly his mother died two days after giving birth to his second youngest sister, Lady Edith Oldenburg, when Rupert was only nine years old.

His father remarried when he was ten, to a Lady Sophia. A rather uptight, and stoic woman. After his father’s remarriage, his new stepmother went on to take control of the household. Of his fathers seven children he had his first wife, only three survived past infancy, his oldest son, Rupert, and two youngest daughters, Lady Wilhelmina, and Lady Edith. His second wife brought her two children from her previous marriage with her, a sadistic son named Hedwig, and a spoiled daughter named Augusta. Rupert stepmother had him and his younger sisters sent to live in separate households, ‘for their education, and well-being.’ She would claim to their father, but really she just didn't want his first wife’s children in the picture, and she was not a fan of English people in general.

So from the age of 10 to 16 Rupert was raised, by his godfather in England, where he met his younger cousins. He and his cousin Edward the future king became best friends in there youth. He received military training, and undertook a grand tour of Europe spending several months in France, Spain, and Italy. Of course when Edward started his excursions and campaign in France, Rupert was right there beside him, leaving his new Italian wife pregnant in England. His wife Lady Teresa of Modena, was a beauty, but over-emotional and rather ignorant about the world, she also spoke hardly any English. A loveless but beneficial marriage to the English, that had been personally suggested to Rupert by his uncle King Charles. Over the next few years of their short marriage she bore him two daughters.

Rupert Returned to England for a short stay, to see his Sister Wilhelmina marry. Finding his wife pregnant, with what could not possibly be his child, seeing as he had been gone for months. She was confined to the tower of London, where she was questions and tortured several times until she confessed to her secret love with one of her servants, and that the unborn child was his. She was also questioned, about her two other children's legitimacy, and if they were even Rupert's. And she swore that they were Rupert's children till the very end. The Servant was hanged, and Lady Teresa was proclaimed guilty of adultery, and treason. After Giving birth to a son, she was locked in the tower for three months, and then beheaded for her crimes. The baby boy was sent to a convent, and Rupert's two young daughters Margaret, and Georgia, were sent to live in Denmark with their great Aunt.

Rupert's father died from smallpox, while Rupert was in France fighting alongside Edward. With the news of his fathers passing he made his way back to England again, at the age of 27 for the funeral, and he gained his inheritance, becoming the second most wealthiest man in Europe. He stayed in England after his fathers Death for the next two years, marrying his second wife, Maud of Ireland. Their loved blossomed and, she gave birth to a daughter they named Sarah. Sadly Maud passed away only three months later from a infection of the lungs. With the death of his second wife, he saw no reason to stay any longer in England, while Edward campaign in France. Leaving baby Sarah in the care of his sister Wilhelmina and her husband, he left for France.

Now he his back, his Cousin Edward the new King of England and France. He has sent for his daughters to come back to live in his household. He is on the look out for a wife for Edward, and possibly one for himself. He thinks his youngest sister Edith is quite perfect for Edward, and thinks its a perfect match, but then again, he can remember them bickering and fighting as children.
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-Full Name-
Johanna Thomasin Maria Grace Norbury

Lady Johanna Norbury, Countess of Warwick.


Johanna is the only surviving child of the late Lord Henry Norbury, Earl of Warwick, and his late first wife Lady Helen of Austria. Her mother, Lady Helen had six previous miscarriages, three still born babes, and one daughter named Alice, who died four days after she was born. When Lady Helen grew pregnant with Johanna, she resorted to witchcraft and other such taboos, to ensure the life and health of her coming baby. Her husband Lord Henry, along with handfuls of servants witnessed her pagan ways, and when she was seven months pregnant she was confined to the tower, to await her execution for crimes of witchcraft and the murder of two young maids. Her execution was postponed until after she gave birth. Two months later, in late February, baby Johanna was born swiftly and effortlessly. And Lady Helen was beheaded the following week.

With Lord Henry’s wife forever now known as a witch, his once shiny reputation and respect became tarnished. Once a respected diplomat, known as a good childhood friend to King Charles, and a charitable Christian, he was now scorned by his peers, and felt unwelcome at court. So he left with baby Johanna and his household to live in his country estate.

Johanna was three years old when her father remarried to Lady Agnes. It’s was a reputation fixer on his part, marrying the homely Agnes. She was well-known as a devout Christian woman, and beloved by most, for her patronage within the church. In the ten years of their marriage, she bore Lord Henry no children, but was the perfect mother to Johanna, who she nicknamed ‘Ruby’.

Being an only child, her father and stepmother spoiled and coddled her. She spent her early childhood at the St. Mary’s convent where she received a good education. When she was nine her stepmother took personal charge of her education at home by hiring tutors, to which Johanna was taught to sing, paint, dance, read, write, spell and speak French, Latin, German, and Polish. So her education was considered above average for women of her class, and standing. Good manners, household management, arithmetic, history, court etiquette, horseback riding, archery, hunting, and card games were specifically taught to her by her doting stepmother.

When she was ten she was betrothed to a much younger boy, Lord Roderigo of Naples. The betrothal was broken off three years later, after the Lord Roderigo suffered a fall, which rendered him simpleminded, and mentally unstable. Sadly just one month after the engagement was broken off, Johanna's father died suddenly from a heart attack at the age of forty-nine. Only a short six months later, her stepmother Lady Agnes left become a nun. Johanna, almost 14 years old was sent to live under the care of her great aunt Marjorie, the Baroness of Clifton. Aunt Marjorie was very old, really dull, and spent most of her time embroidering, or falling asleep. Johanna's education became less rigorous and she basically had an unlimited amount of freedom, and endless time on her hands.

She spent her free time becoming the young woman she is today. Describe as bubbly, vivacious, cheeky, witty, and very charming, by most who met her, she is considered to be captivatingly beautiful, confident, and cheerful, but also rather prideful, and overly extravagant. Negotiations about her marriage began again under the control of her Uncle Richard, and her godmother, Dame Isobel’s proxy. She was desired by many men, which she reveled in, but as a young girl she had the typical girly ideals of being married for love, so she refused the three different marriage arrangements she was given. When she was sixteen she entered court for the first time, and this became her favorite thing of all time. She was a well-liked socialite, stylish and gorgeous, and quickly became one of the ladies-in-waiting to the eldest princess.

Now 22 years old and with her own household as countess of Warwick she has come into her own and feels ready for marriage, marring King Edward has become and ideal thought in the back of her mind.

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Name: Janelle Eloise Mason

Nickname: Jana

Age: 22

Background & History: Janelle is the daughter of a successful french fashion designer, Jacqueline Morel, an ex-model, french heiress, and a NYC socialite. Jana's father Keith Mason was listed as one of the richest men in america for nine year running, and is the owner and CEO of a malty million dollar company. She has two older half-brothers from her fathers first marriage, James, and Nickolas. James is a top partner at a private equity firm, and Nickolas is the cocaine addicted club owner, playboy.

As a child Janelle modeled for her mothers designer children lines, and was pretty famous in the child fashion model circles, modeling for Burberry, Gucci, D&G, Chloe, Neiman Marcus, and Versace, just to name a few. She was never into modeling and only got into it because of her mother, so when she turned thirteen she quite all of it, except for the occasional runway show at her mother prompting. Leading a privileged and prominent lifestyle made her who she is today.

She spent her middle school years abroad in England, and went to the Middlesex School. For high school she moved back to america and attended the The Hotchkiss School in Connecticut, where her father graduated. She applied for college and got into all of them, but choose to take a year off and travel. She then went to Harvard, were she has been since working on her business degree. Being a student at Harvard business school, was not her first choice, it being her fathers idea, but that were she had ended up. Her number one dream was to become the editor-in-chief of Vogue. She can speak fluent French, and Japanese.

Personality: Jana is a sophisticated, charming, and charismatic young woman. She is quite intelligent and business-savvy. A secret hopeless romantic. She isn't skilled in house-keeping, but she is a hard worker and a perfectionist. An overachiever, and lover of fashion.

Why were you going to Australia?: Her older brother James's is getting married. Janelle was on the way to his week long wedding celebration, were Jana was to also be a brides maid.

Anything else we should know?:

Name: Felicia Ariel Cleaver

Nickname: Fee

Age: 12

Personality: Fee is a clever, intelligent and quick-witted girl, with a curious nature, a sharp tongue and a direct way of approaching things, she is not afraid to speak her mind. Her mother described her as being reckless, and a daydreamer. She is an energetic, tomboyish child filled with life and humor. Sadly, years of bullying has left Fee with a sour look on life and people, meaning she is often prone to heavy insulting and sassy remarks. But she is a very forgiving person. Stubborn, she becomes enraged when someone says something she hates, disagrees with, or when she is talked down to, and will attack back verbally or physically. She’s a tough kid, and not a big fan of adults who treat her like a child or think their smarter then her.

Background & History: She lived in Michigan with her parents, and older brother Harley. Her mother Rita a hotel manager, and her dad Owen a cars salesman. They lived in the old three bedroom farm house in the northern part of Michigan, with a hamster name Ricky, and a golden retriever name Skipper. She hated school, and was bullied, she also was not a big fan of following direction, and ended up in the principles office more times then a typical elementary school girl. School work was boring and she spent most of her class time daydreaming and dootling in her notebook. A month ago her father was found cheating by there mom, and there house was foreclosed on because money had become tight.

Why were you going to Australia?: Her parents were sending her and her younger brother Harley, to stay with there Aunt Susanna in Goolwa Australia, because of money an marriage problems that they wanted to handle without their kids in the middle of it all.

Anything else we should know?:
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Name: Bisera

Human Alias: Bridget Odile

Age: ~Late Teens in appearance.

Appearance: Her pearl white skin, has an inhumanly iridescent shine to it, and under moonlight has a slight glow. She has pale red markings around her eyes that fade into her cheeks, making her look eternally sleep deprived, or permanently bruised. Her hair is light silver, and she typically wears it up, with small braids pinned and hanging here or there. Her eyes are the color of faded lilac petals. Bisera is 5'5" and weights practically nothing, very thin in her true form; bony describes her body rather well. With her ribs, spine, wrist, collar, and ankle bones all visible. Her wings look as if there are made of sleek metal and glimmering gems.

Façade: Bisera's facade conceals her wings, strange skin, and markings. She changes her hair color to light blonde, her eyes to a pale blue, and her skin to a typical human peach tone. When mingling with the humans she typically wears, flowy dresses, made of lace, cotton, or chiffon, and is quite fond of pastels and light colors. Like most all Shades, she is attractive and has flawless skin.

Personality: Bisera is optimistic, strong willed, and a free-spirit. An old soul type, mature and innocent all at once. Extremely quirky with a serene disposition, and many eccentric qualities. She is also really intelligent and unusually perceptive, not that anyone can tell thought, most think she is loony or clueless. She appears afraid of nothing. Distant and dreamy; she sometimes drifts away from conversation she does not find interesting. She is not easily upset or agitated, even in stressful, or difficult circumstances. She is not gullible, and she has extremely good Judge of character, thought she is nonjudgmental and accepting of the others around her, unless they are outright evil to the ones she loves. She finds beauty and love in ordinary things. She is an adventurous, curious, whimsical woman.

Bio: Bisera was born to her mother a Shade woman named Tallis, who was the lover of a high born Shade man named Diavel. Tallis bore him four daughters and two sons over a span of about 3000 years, Bisera being the last born. Her father Diavel was killed under the kings command only a few months after she turned two years old; thus causing her mother, Tallis to became withdrawn and to go in and out of a severely dangerous mental state, which would end the lives of hundreds of human girls. Little Bisera was then taken to live with her older sisters, the twins Rozelle, and Pember.

Growing up was idyllic, being raised mainly by her nurturing sister Rozelle, and carefree sister Pember. They lived together in a small cottage in the middle of a great forest in Europe. Pember came and went as she pleased, bringing friends and fanfare along where ever she went. Bisera spent her days exploring the forests and pulling pranks on the humans in the far off village, blissfully ignorant as most youth are.

When she was eleven, her brother Lancifer came to visit for the first time, and with some harmless eavesdropping Bisera came to learn the truth about her mother and other Shade issues of the time. She found all the new knowledge and information to be wonderful, the world was much bigger then the little cottage in the forest. When she was thirteen she used her glamouring ability to appear before humans as a human, after she had heard rumors about two Shade Men doing as such. Gossip and information came to her via the coming and going entourage of her older sister Pember, and the yearly visit from her brother Vetis who always knew everything that was going on in the Shade world. Three months after she turned sixteen, people from the village came and burned the cottage down, fear and suspicion among the humans was becoming and epidemic in the area. Rozelle chose to head west towards were the Kings court was, and Bisera of course came with, though only a year later she set out on her own beginning her own travels at the age of seventeen, which was rather young for a shade.

When Bisera was twenty-two it was decided by Rozelle, Lancifer, Vetis, and many other Shades, that is was high time to do something about Tallis, who had been left to her own crazy mind, and killing spree for the last twenty years. And so Tallis was locked away for her own and others safety, all the murders pined on an insane human woman named Elizabeth Bathory.

259 years later her Sister Rozelle was killed by the shade man she had fallen in love with, for what reason no one ever figured out. Rozelle had basically been Bisera mother, so her death sent Bisera into a century long depression, to which she stay away from mostly everyone.

Bisera was an oddball even among the Shade kind; whimsy and bizarre, as many describe her. In her long lifetime she has met three humans with the sight. The First, was a young Bulgarian girl in 1455, her name was Ghena, who sadly died only nine years later from sweating sickness. The Second was a young french artist in 1829, who had secretly been following Shades around and drawing them, and surprisingly no Shade had noticed the human man following them around and staring at them from the shadows. Lastly, the latest human she had met who had the sight, was a young boy named Freddie, thought that was many years ago.

As for the past century she has been up and down the american west coast doing as she pleases.


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Name: Anthony Eckert "Tony"

Age: 24

Occupation: Beach Lifeguard, Part Time Bartender, and wannabe pro surfer.

Personality: (reveled in IC)

Bio: Tony is, for the most part, a pretty normal guy, minus the fact he sees freaky looking things, that no one else can...

Tony was raised by a single mom named Hilary; his father left before he was even born. Being without his father didn't bring him and his mother close, like in many cases, because even though he loved her, he resented her for always taking off with random boyfriends and leaving him to fend for himself, for days on end. He learned from a very early age that no one else could see what he could, and he was pretty sure he was crazy, and it was all hallucinations. Though his mother would always try to reassure him that he was not crazy, and she would tell him about her grandmother, who had told her stories as a young girl, about things called Shades, and that every few generations people in there family were born with a gift to see these Shade creatures. These tales and stories, didn't really help him feel normal, or happy. So he learned to ignore and pretend he couldn't see 'Shades'.

When he was thirteen his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, and he was her caretaker for the next two years until she died. He felt completely alone in the world. Being only fifteen the state placed him in short term foster care until the could find a family member to take him in. Three weeks later he met his Aunt Sue for the first time. He remembered his mother saying she had a older sister a few times, That Sue was from her fathers first marriage and she was ten years older then her. But that was basically it. So he moved to California to live with her.

He had thought his aunt was one of those spinster, cat ladies that you hear about, Her house was cluttered with collectible teacups, and porcelain figurines, she had six cats who were all named after famous poets. And she spent most of her time sewing quilts, doing jigsaw puzzles, and watching soap operas on tv. But Tony got to know his aunt better as time passed. She had been married once, to a man named Ross, and they had two children together. Tragically they all died in a house fire 17 years ago, and then she became a shut in. She was a kind woman, and let Tony do as he pleased, as long as he was home before ten, and didn't fail any classes in school.

Life went on he made friends in school, got a girlfriend, and learned to surf. And finally he was eighteen and graduating high school. His Aunt offered to pay for college but he just wanted to start his own adult life. So he got a job as a lifeguard, and moved in with his friend Ben. Spending his free time surfing, and trying not to feel crazy.

Now he is 24, with his own apartment, and two jobs.

Sighted: Yes

Other: Saldly of the few girlfriends he has had they all ended quickly after he told them he could see things. Schizophrenia, hallucinations, cry for attention, active imagination, physic abilities... among other things, were what his exs chopped it up to.
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Name: Piper Cameron

Age: 26

Gender: Female

History:Piper was born in jail to Molly Cameron. Molly, was 6 months pregnant when she shot her boyfriend Juan Martinez to death one summer night. Juan was Piper's biological father. Molly got 40 to life and gave birth to Piper in jail. And so Piper was raised by her grandmother Ruth, along with her older half-brothers Tyson and Connor. It was a rather good life, there grandmother was strict but loving. Sadly when she was eight her grandmother died. Then Piper went into the foster system, and her brothers went to live with their drunk biological father in Detroit.

She went through many different foster families in the past ten years. When she was ten she was sent to a new foster family. The Wife was a druggie and the Husband was hardly around, always working or drinking at the local bar. Piper was left most of the time with there Son, who was twenty, and like little girls, as did his friends, which made the next year living hell, until she was placed with a another family, after her teacher found and reported the abuse.

When she was twelve she got to live with her older brothers in there new apartment, but only eleven month later she was taken away from her brothers by CPS, because Connor went to jail for stealing a car, and driving drunk, and Tyson was underage and could not legally be her guardian. She was sent to live with another foster family, mainly a bunch of old pot smoking hippies with a million other foster kids living there, just for the cash. She being 12, and the oldest foster kid pretty much was the parent in that home, taking care of all the younger kids, until she was sent to Sunnyvale home for Girls when she turned fifteen. Sunnyvale was a girls group home for Homeless teen girls/Juvie Girls/Teen girls in the foster system without a foster family.

When she turned seventeen she got another foster family, which was her last one because she became an emancipated minor only six months later. They were the Braxton Family witch consists of Martha the drunk crack whore wife, Billy the pot growing wife beating gang member, and there two Sons, Nick, and William Jr., both of whom where little bastards who kill stray animals for fun and played with fire.

After graduating high school with honors she was granted two scholarships to the university of her choice. She chose to go to Columbia, She was pre-med for three years and then switched to Anthropology major, with a minor in biology. After graduating she rented an apartment and found her self a job at a research company. With the extra money she had saved up over the years she dicided that before she started her job she would go on a well deserved vacation. And that's how she ended up on the plane.


Packed Clothing
In Purse
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Name: Amy Angeline Moray

Age: 8 1/2

Gender: Female

History: Born April 11th, Amy was the third child born to Isabelle and Ron Moray. With two older brothers, three younger sisters, five cats, two dogs, three horses, and a dozen or so chickens, she grew up in a full house, were she was home schooled by her mother along side her siblings, and her father worked as a engineer. For her short eight years of life it has been rather sheltered, but filled with happy, creative, and fun days. Days filled playing with her siblings on there 10 acre property, climbing trees, riding horses, helping her mother in the garden, chasing birds, swimming in the lake, and making mud pies. Amy's mother was what some would call a hippie, and she raised her kids up with her eco-friendly, holistic, organic, non-toxic, natural, no electronics, hippie beliefs. Creativity and art was a big part of Amy's life, painting, singing, drawing, and dancing around the house. Her Father won 20,000 dollars from a lottery, and her parents decided to spend the money on there first family vacation, and then the plane crashed.

Packed Clothing
Her Carry-on bag
In Her Carry-on
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Name: ID# AI-199402.

Programmed Name: Astra

Species: 3rd generation EVEdroid. EVE500 Personal Android.

Age: Turned on for the first time, 48 hours ago.

Gender: Female Version Android

Occupation: Personal Android

-Internal Phone/radio Communication
-Equipped with a variety of built-in equipment. Mainly stuff used for cooking, and cleaning, such as a vacuum, whisk, eating utensils, kitchen knife, spatula, and measuring spoons. She also has built-in GPS, radio, clock, microphone, camera, and pen.

-100% computer intelligence
-Sonar/Radar/Echo/X-ray/night/heat/telescope Vision
-Ultimate AI
-Speaks 600 languages

Astra was created by Icarus N. Berk. She was turned on for the first time only two days ago.

- 3rd Gen EVE500 Personal Android: She can look after your home, do the cooking, cleaning, minds the kids, organize your appointments, Speaks 600 languages, and is at your disposal as a sexual partner. No need to feed or recharge her, she comes equipped with a quantic battery that makes her autonomous for 170 years. She is the newest Generation of EVE androids. The male version is called '3rd Gen EVE600'.

Gen 3 EVE500s & EVE600s have only been introduced to the market a week ago. They are 115,000 dollars. They are the most advanced androids to date. Because of how expensive they are, only four have been sold so far, and they are made to order rather then in stores like most androids.

- Metamorphosis Software: aka MetaSoft, was created by Icarus N. Berk, one of the most well known scientist/inventors of these modern times. MetaSoft is a microchip that can be implanted into any class 1 Android, as long as they are upgraded with 'EVE artificial skin'. All Gen 3 EVEs come with MetaSoft built in. Gen 2 EVE400 & EVE300s can be brought in for a free implant/download. Otherwise MetaSoft cost $27,000 + another $5,500 for EVE artificial Skin.

The Software gives your Android the ability to change there EVE artificial skin's physical appearance: Eyes, skin, and hair can be any color you wish. Freckles, moles, hair length/texture, wrinkles, and tattoos can be added onto your EVE's appearance. Facial features each have 780 options for shape/styles, and in addition add ins for dimples, cleft chin, and pointed ears. You can program up to three appearance into the system. Your first created one, will become the permanent default appearance so choose carefully and take your time after installing MetaSoft. Warning it is Illegal to knowingly copy a real humans appearance without being given stamped written consent by the person you wish to copy, or if the said human has been deceased for over twenty years. please keep this in mind as you start your MetaSoft ideal android creation process.

- EVE Artificial Skin: Due to the law prohibiting Androids from appearing fully human the EVE skin, is made with open slits on the chest and sides of the torso. The slits are openings that can be opened and closed for repair purposes, like perfect incision. When completely closed the slits look like very faint lines. On the bottom of the left foot sole there is the EVE corporation logo. On the back of the neck there is two plug-in ports, used for downloading, and connection to servers or other electronics. Under ultraviolet light you can see a circuit bored pattern glowing slightly in the joint, spine, and chest areas, in a metallic silver color. When eyes are used as a camera, flashlight, processing/loading new information, or when they are using one of there vision abilities there eyes change like this.
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Quote: In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. - Robert Frost Name: Svetlana Dimitrievna Novikova Nickname: Lana Age: 21 Gender: Female Height: 5'8" Weight: 130 Pounds Ethnicity: 75% Russian and 25% French Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Widowed - She was married to Jack Duran. He was her best friend and love of her life ever since she met him in seventh grade. He died two years ago, only seven months after they got married. He had struggled with cancer and being in and out of remission for over three years. After fighting for so long, the doctors said there was nothing more they could do, it had become terminal, and said he most likely only had a year or so left to live. So at eighteen they got married, and spent his remaining few months together as newly weds doing everything they had planed to do together as kids, and seven months later he was gone. Political Affiliation: Does not follow politics. Religion: Born and Raised Catholic, up until she turned ten, and lost her parents in a car crash. She went to live with her Aunt Polina in Nevada, who was also 'Catholic' but didn't go to church or follow the doctrine in anyway. Lana Considers herself to be spiritual/christian. Drugs of Choice: None Alcoholic Preference: Apple Martini or Wine Favorite Food: Basically any Italian food. Major: Humanities Clubs: Fine Arts Club. (she only really joined for studio privileges) Year: Sophomore Roommates: Faye Gibbons, and Heather Lewinsky. Occupation: Student at the University of San Francisco, and works at the local flower shop. Talents/Skills: She is an amazing painter and artist. She can play the piano really well, and has a beautiful singing voice. Se can speak/read/write fluent Russian and French. Likes: Reading, Flowers, Painting, Playing Piano, playing tennis, listening to her favorite music, fine dinning, sketching, drinking tea, day dreaming, swimming, going to the spa, the beach, skiing, ice skating, autumn, the smell of monsoon season, animals, theater, musicals, and ballet. She collects music boxes, and sea glass. Dislikes: The smell of Hospitals, loud kegger/frat kind of parties, wearing make up, getting her picture taken, math, rap, heavy metal, horror movies, hot humid weather, people who think they know everything, beer, rum, basically any hard liquor, obnoxious people. Personality: Lana is somewhat idealistic and has the ability to find the good in people, which manifests itself into a willingness to trust others to a fault. Raised with a strong moral background, she does not like invasions of privacy, thinks 'bad guys' should be punished and wants things to be fair. Lana is also hard-working and usually does not place much value in material possessions .She is fiercely loyal to her friends and eager to help them solve their problems, observe objectively, or offer straightforward, honest advice. She is caring and forgiving and never stays mad at anyone for long. Lana tries to protect herself from emotional harm by distancing herself. She is a rather private person. She is also the type of person willing to sacrifice her own life for the lives of her loved ones. Overall she is unassuming, free-spirited, bookish, and witty. History: Svetlana was born in Russia to Dimitri and Aimee. Her father Dimitri a young engineer, and her mother Amiee a french teacher. Her parents met in university through mutual friends, fell in love, and married a year later. She was three years old when they immigrated to the US. She grew up in Providence RI, up until her parents died in a car accident when she was ten years old. At ten years old, the death of her parents led to a whole life change for Lana. Her grandparents became her legal guardians, but they lived in Moscow, and only came to stay with her until stayed with her until her parents house was sold, and then her grandparents quickly decided that it was best that Lana stay in America, so she was sent to live with her Aunt Polina in Vegas Nevada. Her simple happy life was over. The three story town home she grew up in, sold quickly after her grandparents put it on the market, with its little court yard she use to play pretend in, her powder blue painted bedroom walls with her canopy bed and huge doll house her father built her, all gone. The private catholic school she had gone to since kindergarten, her two loving successful parents, the summers spent in France, and Christmas at the Plaza in Manhattan, were all gone. Living in a cluttered 5th floor walk up in Vegas above a bar with her Aunt Polina was very different from the life she had been living. Going to public school was nothing like her old school, she missed her friends, her old house, her city, and most of all her parents. Polina was an aspiring musician, who worked as a stripper, maid, and bartender to pay the bills, so she was not home much to take care of Lana. When Polina was home she was ether sleeping or playing music with her band in the living room until late into the morning hours. Polina was a nice to Lana, but responsibility for anyone other then herself seemed impossible for her to handle. Lana was a good kid though, she had never need to take care of herself before, but by middle school she had learned to how to cook, clean, shop, and use the public bus, she could take care of herself. In Seventh grade she met a Jack Duran, they were seated as lab partners for biology, and the quickly hit it off, becoming best friends. She spent a lot of her time at his house, his big family welcomed her like she was one of there own. In ninth grade they started dating, and the rest was history, completely in love, and inseparable. Jack was diagnosed with cancer during the summer before 11th grade. Chemo, radiation, chemicals, medications, illness, and hospital visits became the norm for Jack, and also for Lana and she was by his side. Good days and bad days came and went, and he went into remission, but only for a short time. Two weeks after they graduated the doctors told them there was nothing else that could be done, that the cancer had gotten worse and was terminal, they told him he had about a year left to live. Two days later Lana and Jack got married at the court, and had a small wedding ceremony in Jacks families backyard. They moved into the mother-in-law suite about his parents garage. They lived and loved, but as the months passed his health deteriorated more and more. On the good days they would go for walks in the park, get coffee, and do some of the things they had planned on doing as kids. Flying in a hot air-balloon, and an impromptu road trip to Los Angeles to see the sunrise over the beach, to name a few. The bad days were spent in bed just talking, holding hands, and making up what there imaginary future would be like. Seven months after they got married Jack died in his sleep, surround by his family and friends, and Lana at his side. Depression consumed Lana. Polina and Jacks parents were scared for her, scared that she might hurt herself or just disappear without telling anyone. Four months she spent without smiling or laughing, she wanted nothing to do with anything or anyone. Jack's parents thought it was bests if she moved out from above the garage, and go to college, get a job, or do something to start her life again. Almost a whole year had passed since he died, and Lana couldn't stand being there anymore everywhere she went she could see Jack, there were to many memories, and so she packed her bags and moved to San Francisco. She did not want to forget Jack, but she needed to be in a place were she could cope properly with his death. Its been a year since she move here, and she is now a sophomore at the local university, working and the local flower shop, and has two good roommates who she has come to call friends. She is not depressed anymore, but smiling and laughing like normal carefree college girl do not come naturally to her anymore, like they did before Jack died. Power: She can control plant life. She can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. Lana can cause plants to grow, and control them with her mind.
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Maurice Jaspar Palissy

AKA: His majesty the King, Maurry, MJ, King Maurice the Avenger, King Cut Throat.

Occupation: King of Selymar

Gender: Male

Age: 36
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 176

Species: Human

Nationality: Selymar

- Sword Fighting
- Knowledge of poisons
- Archery
- Hand to hand combat
- Military Strategist
- Excellent Hunter & Tracker

- His Sword
- The Royal Seal
- A vile of Merpeople blood.

History: Maurice was born in the Palace of Selymar. He was the eldest son of King Jasper of Selymar, and his wife Queen Margot. Maurice’s mother came from a very prominent noble family, with very close connections to the Selymar royal family. His father in the fight for the throne, was the last standing of his six brothers, and was considered one of the most powerful Kings in all the lands in the last 100 years. Maurice was nine when his mother died after being cursed by a Demon woman to die in childbirth. Which she did, after giving birth to Prince Jacques.

His father, King Jasper never remarried, but he did have a string of young lovers over the passing years. After his mother’s death, Maurice was sent to be raised in his great aunts household, in the countryside, along with his younger sister Nicole. His spinster great Aunt Elise was a rather uptight, and stoic old woman, but she gave them a perfect royal education.

When he turned fourteen, his father sent him to live with his godfather in the capitol, to be taught the art of combat and war. It was brutal, but He and his cousin Chapin became best friends in their youth. He received complete military training, and undertook a grand tour of Selymar spending several months in Aldentine. Of course when His father started his excursions and campaign in Aldentine, Maurice was right there beside him, leading his own army.

Finally back home, he began courting a woman named Elise Morel, but after months of that it came to nothing, as the Lady Elise married his cousin Chapin. War broke out between Kembre and Selymar once again, and Maurice was off to fight, leading his men to battle. He won all his battles, but ultimately the war was a draw. He was twenty when he married his second cousin Lady Marie Duvall. Lady Marie, was a beauty, but over-emotional and rather ignorant about the world, surprisingly enough they came to love each other more than anyone else. Over the next eight years she bore him six children, four of which lived passed infancy.

Maurice returned to Aldentine for a short stay, but came back to Selymar after hearing of his father’s illness. Three days after arriving in Selymar, his father, King Jasper died from an accidental overdose of mercury medication. The physician that gave him the dosage and his apprentice were later executed for their mistake. Thus the battle for the throne started. A tradition of the Selymar royals on gaining the throne after the last ruler dies is rather brutal, but necessary. The children of the late ruler must kill all of their own siblings (and others with any claim), to be the last one standing, and then they can be rightful King/Queen. Maurice new this would happen one day but, he really had not prepared, of all his sibling he was the best candidate, his little sister to kind, and his younger brother to insane to make a good ruler. He would not kill his siblings, unless one mad the move first. And he would not abdicate for his own safety either. As one could choose not to participate in Fight for succession, by not claiming their right to the throne even if all other siblings are killed.

The fight for succession only lasted a matter of two weeks, after king Jasper Funeral. Prince Jacques made the first attempt, poisoning Maurice’s wine goblet. Tragically before Maurice even had a sip of his wine his Wife Maire drank from his cup, and quickly died from the poison. Three days later the pregnant Princess Nicole gave up her right to the throne, having no wish to participate in the battle for the crown. Maurice was relieved that Nicole would be safe, from their younger brother’s ruthlessness, but he was also extremely angry that his dear wife was dead, because of Jacques. Revenge gave him the push he needed to begin planning Jacques demise.

Four days later Prince Jacques drowned Nicole in her bath, for no reason anyone could understand as she had publically and officially gave up her claim for the crown. The murder of his sister sent him over the edge and with the help of his right hand Chapin, and his many supporters Maurice Killed his brother Prince Jacques that night, by barricading all of the windows and doors of Jacque’s estate and burning the place down with Jacques, his wife, and his child inside. Maurice was crowned King three days later, at the age of thirty.

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Emma Amme

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Name: Ronja Azulo

Gender: Female

Age: 90 (Mentally and physically 19 years old, as Djinn's age much slower then Humans)


Powers: Djinn Powers

Personality: Ronja is a clever, intelligent and quick-witted girl, with a curious nature, a sharp tongue and a direct way of approaching things. An observer. Her mother described her as being wallflower, and a daydreamer. She is not at all gullible, and she has extremely good Judge of character. Smart, creative and quiet, many think she is shy, but that is not true. She is secretly very judgmental of other people and also vain. She has wise eyes, and is what her father calls an old soul. She finds beauty and love in ordinary things. Ronja is someone who does not forgive easily, and crossing her is really not a good idea, but making her mad is a hard thing to do. She is loyal to people she loves almost to a fault.

Likes: Food, Secrets, Travel, Tricks, Naps, Cats, Art, Flowers, Music, Candles, Nighttime, Magic, Incense, Ornate, Books, Tea, Rain, Chocolate, and Desserts.

Dislikes: Dogs, Greed, Filth, TV, Computers, Microwaves, Beer, Rum, Most alcohol, Bright flashing lights, Heavy metal, Horror movies, Spiders, Scorpions videogames, and guns.

Hobbies: Reading, Painting, Eating, Sleeping, and Collecting bottles, music boxes, sea glass, sea shells, pressed flowers, gems, stones, and such.

History: Her mother Antonija is a serial adulterer. She had an affair with a dhampir named Ronan, which resulted in the birth of Ronja. For the first time in her life Antonija was in love, and she was planing on leaving her husband Levi Quinza to be with Ronan, but Levi came from a very influential Djinn family, and she already had four children with him. In the end she was unable to leave her husband to be with her love, and then Ronja was born only a month later. Antonija left Ronja in the care of her grandmother Denna, as Levi would not tolerate raising any of his wife's bastard children.

Growing up she only saw her mother every few weeks. Luckily Ronja went to school with four of her half siblings, so she got to know them well enough. Her older brother Blane was raised in the Wonderland realm with his biological father Vetis Panzer (Blane is another product of one of Antonija affairs).

When Ronja was eleven she went to live with her father in the human world, as Grandmother Denna had begun to wither with old age as Djinns do. Her father worked as a guard for one of the royal vampire clans in Ireland. Living in the hidden castle, she became friends with many of the vampire children. Three years later the Castle was attacked by a rouge vamp clan, and her father was killed in the battle. Her mother wanted Ronja to live with her but her husband Levi still would not allow it. So Antonija sent her to live in the temple with the guardian Djinns.

Ronja became bound when she turned twenty-two, gaining her full power. Living in the temples with the scholars, the professors, the guardians, and the servants all acting as a sort of collective family. Ronja lived a generally undisciplined life in the temples. Being clever and curious, but extremely independent; as a result, her education was patchy because she applied herself only to subjects that caught her interest. She spent much of her time adventuring in and around the temples with her friend Mustafa Coos.

When she was sixty her stepfather Levi became sealed, and so Ronja was finally able to live with her mother for the first time. It was a adventure living with her mom, her sibling all adults now had moved on, and started there own lives. Her mother a free spirit, and hopeless romantic was happy to have Ronja with her, as the traveled around through worlds/lands/realms. On these travels Ronja met her older brother Blane for the first time. He was nothing like any Djinn she knew, as he had grown up outside of Borkas, and he new nothing of the traditions or culture. Blane became Ronja's protector of sorts as he joined his mother and her on their travels.

Sadly her brother Nero became sealed after braking one of the Djinn laws. This caused her mother to go into a depression, and so Blane and Ronja left to go to Agartha Academy, where they have been for the last six years.


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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Amaryllis Lucille Irving
Alias/ Nickname: Amara, Lissie, Ammie.
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Cabin: Four

Godly Parent: Demeter
Human Parent: Lionel Irving; Wildlife Biologist
Legacy: Nemesis - Five generations ago

General Information

Personality: Amara is stubborn, strong willed, and intelligent. An old soul type of child, mature and innocent all at once. She does not warm to strangers easily, and appears afraid of nothing. She controls her emotions within herself, and unlike many her age is not a big crier or hyper kid. She is slightly detach from her emotions, but she is even tempered, controlled, and emotionally mature. She wants to be strongly independent, but being so young that's not always possible. Amaryllis is very smart, and is particularly tuned into nature. She loves books, and stories, a way to escape into her mind to a fantasy world. She is the protector of people she loves, extremely loyal, a "always has their back," kind of girl, She is organized and has an excellent attention span. As she grows older the more sly, brave, and Prudent she becomes. Don't cross her,she has a tendency for revenge and holding grudges...she can be a fierce little monster when she wants to be.

Likes: Reading, birds, cats, carousels, riding horses, coconut, fancy stones, and little trinkets.
Dislikes: Spiders, angry yelling, sour candies, taking medicine, wearing shoes, and the smells of coffee, and rum.

Talents: Self Control, Horse back riding, gardening, and running fast.

Biography: Amaryllis's mother Demeter, had wrapped baby Amara in a soft cotton blanket, and placed her in a wicker bassinet, flowers woven throughout it, kissing her on the forehead she left the newborn to her father Lionel Irving. Her father found her in the middle of his living room, only five minutes later as he walked through his front door after a long day at work, and so began her life.

By the time she could walk her father was all ready telling her tales and stories about who her mother was. She lived in a happy caring environment and spent most days helping her grandma in the garden, reading books, climbing trees in the yard, riding her horse, chasing birds, making mud pies, and exploring her grandmothers huge Victorian house. Once she was old enough to go to school, her father enrolled her in the elementary school down the street. School was strange for her as she had never really been around children her age, but after a few weeks she settled into it, and even made a few friends.

Parents day came around, and all the kids in class had there moms and dad with them, except for Amara who only had her grandma show up, because her father had a emergency at work. All the kids proudly showed their parents around the classroom, presented their macaroni art, paper mache globes, and Popsicle stick birdhouses. The next day at school two kids in her class Billy, and Franny began teasing her, that her 'mom' was an old lady. Amara explained to them that the person with her yesterday was her grandma, and then she went on to say that her mom was the goddess Demeter. Everyone called her a lair, even her friends looked at her funny, and this all lead to a fight a recess, where Amara ripped a big chunk of hair out of Franny's scale and pushed her onto the ground before the play ground monitor got to them. Two weeks lunch detention, and weekly visits with the school counselor where what followed. The kids in school stopped playing with her.

Two months before her eight birthday, a monster attacked her house, resulting in her grandmother having a stroke, and her dad almost losing a limb. After that there was three most attacks, and her father finally decided it was safest for her to live at Camp half-Blood, so he dropped her off three weeks after her 9th birthday.

Theme Song:

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: -
Weapon Type: -
Weapon Appearance: -
Attributes: -

Other: She knows Sign Language, because her grandmother is deaf.
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Myra Gene Stuart
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Cabin: one

Godly Parent: Zeus
Human Parent: Renee Stuart; was a Chemist for a Cosmetic Company before she died.
Legacy: Hestia

General Information

Personality: Myra is a clever, intelligent and quick-witted girl, with a curious nature, and a direct way of approaching things, she is not afraid to speak her mind. Her father once described her as being reckless, and a daydreamer. She is an energetic, and nice girl. She is a very forgiving person, and unselfish, but also Stubborn. She becomes unhappy when someone says something she dislikes, disagrees with, or when she is talked down to, and will attack back when threatened. She’s a tough kid, and considerds her friends and family the only thing worth protecting.

Likes: Music, art, family, lilacs, nature, cold weather, Chinese food, and writing.
Dislikes: Wearing makeup, Disorganization, Lima beans, snails, Sweating, and doctor appointments.

Talents: Writing, playing piano, archery, swimming.

Biography: Myra was born to her mortal mother Renee Stuart, divorced mother of three tweens, and was surprised to find herself pregnant at the age of 41. Myra was raised by a single mother in a four bedroom apartment in Seattle; alongside her much older siblings, Janice, Paul, and Roger. Being without a father didn't bring her and her mother close, like in many cases, because even though she loved her mom, she resented her for never being home, and putting her job first, leaving Myra to take care of her self, seeing as her older siblings were not the most responsible people in the world.

She learned from a very early age that no one else could do what she could, and she was pretty sure she was crazy, and it was all hallucinations. Though her mother when she was around would always try to reassure Myra that she was not crazy, and she would tell her that her father was the same as her. These stories, didn't really help her feel normal, or happy. So she learned to ignore and pretend she couldn't control air, electricity, and weather at will. When she was nine all of her half siblings where in college or getting married, and she was the only one at home.

When she was eleven her mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, and she was her caretaker for the next two years until she died. She felt completely alone in the world. Being only thirteen the state placed her in short term foster care until the could find a family member to take her in. Three weeks later she went to live with her Aunt Sue in California.

She had thought her aunt was one of those spinster, cat ladies that you hear about, Her house was cluttered with collectible teacups, and porcelain figurines, she had six cats who were all named after famous poets. And she spent most of her time sewing quilts, doing jigsaw puzzles, and watching soap operas on tv. But Myra got to know her aunt better as time passed. She had been married once, to a man named Ross, and they had two children together. Tragically they all died in a house fire fifteen years ago, and then she became a shut in. She was a kind woman, and let Myra do as she pleased, as long as she was home before ten, and didn't fail any classes in school.

Life went on she made only two friends in school, one named Harris Willard, a wheelchair-bound flamboyant boy who was her satyr protector, not that she knew that. And second was a nerdy brace-face girl named Aimee, who was obsessed with collecting horse figurines, and slam poetry. ADHD, and Dyslexia made school hard for her, she hated anything having to do with reading and writing, until she found she could read Greek one, and writing became her favorite thing in the whole world.

A monster attacked her one evening when she was fourteen, and Harris reveled himself as her protector in order to save her, then she was on her way to camp half-blood the next day. She has been there since, happy to know she was not crazy, like she suspected.

Theme Song:

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: n/a
Weapon Type: n/a
Weapon Appearance: n/a
Attributes: n/a
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Emma Amme

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|Nemain Perceval Twain|

Nemain Perceval Twain






A ferret named Hermen

Apparition, Arithmancy, and Study of Ancient Runes

Wood: Aspen, Core: Unicorn Hair, Length: 10 inches, and reasonably springy

A born clown with an irritating, flippant attitude towards life and others, but one of his greatest traits is his courage, and perseverance. Nemain is often pointed out as immature and childish, yet also charming. He is loyal to his friends, but can not keep a secret to save his life. He is sometimes known to be aggressive, especially when people insulted or attacked those he cares for. He does have a selfish side as he would never risk his life to save anyone else.

He has quite the knack for noting minor details in any situations, and figuring out riddles, mysteries, and other such things. He gets carried away with wild theories, and stories. He absolutely does not care what people think of him, therefore his is totally fine with saying exactly what he thinks to anyone. He is a lazy, laid back person half the time, and the rest of the time he is a cheeky, charming asshole.

Women, Chinese Food, Joking around, and anything fun, or thrilling

Rules, Studying, keeping secrets, lies, musicals, salad, and stuffy strict old people.

Not being remembered, abandonment, Swimming in really deep water, bats, and becoming a werewolf.

Nemain was born in wizard-prison to a witch named Melinda Twain. Melinda, was three months pregnant when she used all three of the forbidden spells on a muggle man named Ivan Cameron. Ivan was Nemian's biological father, through the rape of his mother. Melinda got 40 to life and gave birth to Nemain in jail. So Nemain was raised by his very old grandmother Roslyn, alongside his older half-brother Reeves. It was a rather poor and dingy life, there grandmother was strict but loving. The apartment they rented was in bad repair, and always in need of cleaning. Sadly when Nemain was seven his grandmother died in her sleep, but it was better that way as she had been losing pieces of her mind long before that.

Then Nemain and his brother jumped around place to place for the next year and a half, until Reeves got his acceptance letter to SWI, and the school took responsibility for the boys upbringing, and living arrangement. Nemain and Reeve found a home with the retired Transfiguration professor Mr. Quinby, who lived above the post office in Honeycutt. Reeves went to school/live at SWI, and and Nemain waited for the day he could go to. So for three long years he spent his days wondering and playing in the little town of Honeycutt, mostly alone, as no other children live around there. Three years later he finally got his letter and was on his way to his first year at SWI.

His first year was like everyone else, getting to use magic, being sorted, figuring out the trickster school building, and making new friends. He loved every bit of it, except for all the rules, and hours of homework. He was never fond of school work, or learning things he had no interest in. Pranks became something he and he friends did all the time, and Detention became a well known place.

Mother- Melinda Katara Twain. Incarcerated in the America Wizard Prison. Murdered her muggle rapist using the three forbidden curses. 40 years to life.

Brother- Reeves Kelly Twain, Graduated SWI two years ago, was a 'Animikii'. He is a highly active TWK activist, alongside his Squib fiance Izadora Sanderson. He also works at a muggle bar.

Legal Guardian- Mordecai Gilbert Quinby. Retired Transfiguration professor at SWI. Was in Azeban as a student.
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