Kas, before the apocalypse
Name: Callum 'Kas' McKinley
Age: 20 (September 15th, 1996)
Physical description
Standing at 5'11", and weighing in at a normal weight of 82 kilos, Kas is a wiry man, his stubble being barley kept back by an ever more blunt razor he keeps in his rucksack. He carries around a few spare pares of undergarments, but otherwise has no other clothes, preferring to move as fast as possible, never being pinned down.
The clothes he wears are fairly simple, just a pair of waterproof cargo trousers, khaki coloured, and a long sleeved black shirt, over which is a similarly coloured hoodie. He also has a WWI-style longcoat in his bag, although he normally wears a thin, slightly-lighter than navy jacket to keep his upper body. Having caught the disease and survived it, he believes himself now immune, and as such only wears a loose scarf to hide a surgical mask that is fitted snugly mouth and nose to filter out the worse of the ash and debris.
Veterinarians assistant
Born to parents William McKinley and Rea Adams, a foreign pair who had settled in the region, Kal had a rather comfortable upbringing. He never really wanted for anything as a child, his parents being on the wealthier side of the income barrier, he was sent to school with the expectations of following in his father's footsteps of a sportsman. Although he would never really live up to this expectation, he found that this was more than covered by his siblings, and this allowed him to expand outwards in his own direction.
The home he grew up in was a busy one, with an older brother
and sister, two younger sisters and the myriad housestaff that his parents kept around to do the vast majority of chores and jobs making sure that he was never kept alone for long. Although this often annoyed him, it meant that his social skills were one of the things that was never an issue, despite the fact that with ADHD it often can be.
It was at age seven that he was formally diagnosed with ADHD, following a string of minor behavioural issues, along with complaints about his lack of focus in classes. Whilst his parents were only slightly surprised, as they had suspected that her non-stop activity was not, in fact, due to any outside factor that they were aware of, and there was a hidden cause to it, although they had been hoping to the contrary. Despite some initial concerns regarding putting their child on medication, eventually Kal began to take regular doses of methylphenidate (Ritalin) to curtail his hyperactivity. Although successful at preventing the hyperactivity, it gave him severe sleeping problems and anxiety, however his parents deemed this to be a better than his previous issues, and he continued to be medicated.
It was only slightly later that Kal found himself fascinated with medicine and biology in general.
Kal has never been big into sports, simply finding them unappealing and avoiding then whenever he can. Because of this, he has less muscle than the vast majority of his peers, and what muscle he does have is largely concentrated around her calves, thighs and core, with a smattering in her pecs and biceps. Kal is fully aware of this, and has tried to avoid any situation in which her lack of strength can be used against him, however this has become more and more difficult as the apocalypse dawned.
Skills and Talents
Deadeye (Kinda): Having used his crossbow to hunt and defend himself since societal collapse, Kal is a fairly good shoot with the crossbow, and this is only helped when he takes the time to put on the rather delicate scope. It is also much easier to reload for him, and he also has a small sling to fire ball bearings should his crossbow be inadequate. His skill at picking up fine details is also very useful when scavenging, and he can often find things that others might have looked over, useful when on his own.
Decent Doc: His experience as a vet has also taught him more advanced first-aid techniques than most. He knows how to safely stitch up a wound, set a broken bone, make a makeshift crutch, knows his way around helpful plants, and can also identify various synthetic medicines. He is also capable of
minor surgery (such as removing various foreign objects.) He's equally good at healing his dogs and other animals, although he often has to euthanize those he finds on the street.
Arty Kinda Guy: He also has a few tricks up his sleeves for making stuff. He knows how to make soap and candles, stitch, and although he would never admit it, he is also very good at knitting, and has a pair of needles in his bag. He's capable of repairing most kinds of clothes, and is trying to figure out how to make them. Repair-wise, he can't do anything spectacular, and
especially nothing bigger than repairing a tear or two.
Animal Man: Kal's most obvious ability is his way with animals. Although he says there's nothing to it, he is great at calming down wild animals, and as a vet can easily treat them. Because of this he has three dogs with him, Samson, a male Alstatian/Labrador crossbreed, Roxy, a female doberman/terrier breed, and Luke, a male Akita. All of them are well trained and respond to him, and they are all within good health. If he could provide for more, he easily would have more. Unfortunately, he simply can't keep more, and as such only has the three.
Novice Trapper: To feed the dogs, he also knows a little bit about trapping, although this is a skill he is still learning, and as such is not very good at it. His traps aren't big, most of them barley bigger than his foot, and the largest thing he's caught is a rabbit. Mostly, he can only catch mice or other small animals. When he's tried to catch fish, he's always failed, although he's trying to learn more and more. It's not enough to sustain him
and the three dogs, however it does go some way in alleviating the food issue.
Marathon Man: Whilst he may not be much of a bodybuilder or a sprinter, Kal can run at a reasonably fast pace for hours. As long as he's fit and well he could probably run down most animals out there simply due to pure stamina. Said stamina is also useful in the water; despite his less-than-perfect form, he's not a bad swimmer, and can withstand a bit of a current.
Weaknesses and Faults
Animal Lover: Kal loves animals, and will often hesitate to kill animals that don't put forward an immediate threat to him. Unless a beast is physically charging at him, he'll take all measures to prevent harm to it, although this can leave him open if he isn't cautious.
Frail Sod: He's not that muscular, and although he has an aptitude for long-distance running, he is terrible at hand-to-hand fighting. Because of this, he tends to stay in back, or let his dogs do the job for him. Due to this, the baseball bat he carries around his pretty much for show, and has never actually killed anything. On the other hand, he has resorted to his knife a few times, although he's pretty terrible at using it.
Distrustful: He's seen what desperate people do, and he's distrustful because of this. The vet he worked at was attacked by people looking for medicine, and he's very protective of what he has. If he thinks you've stolen from him, good luck in even getting the time of day from him, let alone any help.
City Kid: Kal is the kind of person who could get lost in a signposted wood. He has litterally no sense of direction in anywhere he isn't familiar with, very little knowledge of the outdoors, and despite his limited knowledge of natural remedies, would probably poison himself
very quickly if he had to live off of the land.
Attention Defici-OOH SHINY!: Kal is actually clinically classified as an ADHD 'child', and he's long since run out of medicine to treat this. Anything that doesn't attract his immideate attention is likley to be dropped at the earliest opportunity, unless it's something absolutley needed for his survival.
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