Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by frapet


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

With an abrupt swooshing sound the door to your cello pens and the Imperial custodian orders you to come out. The two prison guards in black uniforms do little to assure you of any goodwill and all of it is lost when the custodian says:

‘Bind the prisoner for transport.’

Not that one cell in the Empire differs much from another but still, can transport ever be a good thing? What follows is a complete following of protocol. A Lamba-class shuttle transports you a short hyperspace jump to a staging point where you are processed and brought to one of the prison transports standing ready. You are bunked up with a set of interesting characters while aboard, and those experiencing this for a second time might deduce that these will be the people you will be imprisoned with on arrival as well. Like clockwork the ships starts taking off the moment the last prisoner joins.

Off to a New Home…

So greetings gentlebeings,

This will be a freeform, narrative based Roleplay set in the Star Wars universe. It will be taking place just before Episode IV: A New Hope with the Player Characters (PC's) as a small band of Imperial prisoners bound for a new location. All of you are now meeting on the prison barge, though there might be previous connections if you want there to be.

It will be a 3 person Roleplay. So a very small group, though there might be a place for new characters in the future.

As a fair warning: I would like to keep things going at a nice pace, that means that I would like all the PC's to post roughly once a week. This means you can uphold me to that same standard.

For characters there are little restrictions. The only thing I must stress is that an openly Jedi character, or of which the Empire knows he/she is force sensitive, would not be on the barge of our starting experience, nor transported to the facility where our adventure will start. That is a long way of saying: No openly Jedi or Force Sensitive characters.

As for a character sheet:

Last up: Pick a colour for your character and share the code of it at the bottom of your Character Sheet for purposes of collaboration and quoting.

Post Character sheets in the OOC for approval before posting them in the Characters tab.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

If I am reading this right, it sounds like the Star Wars version of Suicide Squad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by frapet


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Burning Kitty well the only overlap is that you are prisoners. For the rest there aren't any similarities yet.
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