Here's the Link to the RP The Voyage of the Starfish

1: thrown away : rejected
2a : cast adrift or ashore as a survivor of a shipwreck b : thrown out or left without friends or resources
1: thrown away : rejected
2a : cast adrift or ashore as a survivor of a shipwreck b : thrown out or left without friends or resources
Welcome to my Thread, I am a huge Star Trek fan and had an odd Idea for a Robinson Crusoe type scenario which is why I call it Castaway. The Year is 2380 and the NCC-74656 Voyager has been back from it’s mission 2 years now.
You were assigned to the NCC-80145 Asterias (Starfish) as a Junior Officer (Department your choice) which is on an exploratory mission to the Far side of the Klingon Empire to explore the remains of a lost Oberth Class Vessel the NCC-1866 Beagle lost in 2267 with all hands.
It’s wreckage was found by a Klingon vessel which thankfully reported it to the High Council which in turn passed on the information to the Federation through diplomatic channels five months ago. Starfleet having already assigned the Asterias to do a Scientific study of the Beta Quadrant beyond the Klingon and Romulan Empires sent orders to investigate the area around the position where the remains were found. Following clues to an incident that happened over 100 years ago was as expected a difficult task but that is why Starfleet was formed.
Thankfully in the new spirit of friendship between the Federation and the Klingon Empire the High Council ordered the ship which had originally found the material to meet with the Asterias and turn over any and all materials as well as aid them in obtaining any information that might be connected to the Beagle’s loss. In this exchange of Information was a report dated from about the time of the disappearance from a K’t’inga Class Battle Cruiser which had attacked and captured a known Pirate vessel and interrogated the survivors finding that they had recently attacked and damaged a Federation Starship in or near the Qo’tal star system near the Romulan border.
The Qo’tal star system was close to the Klingon border and unsettled even though one of the 7 planets in the system was a Class-O Pelagic world (87% Water with a Nitrogen/Oxygen Atmosphere) in an optimal orbit around a Class-A Light Blue Supergiant star. The Klingon records about the system but it’s name was a telling hint as it was a profanity in that language.
Your Captain set course towards the Qo’tal system where upon entering the Asterias began a detailed scan and as one of Starfleet's newest Science Vessels of the Pathfinder Class quickly discovered debris that matched materials found in Oberth class vessels built in the 2250s. Then a short time later scans made a startling discovery when they found an operating fusion plant on one of the islands of the unnamed Class-O planet. The Captain ordered the ship into Orbit around the planet and scans of the island where they found three Type-1 Shuttles laying just outside of a small village made of rock and the local vegetation.
I'm aiming for a brief Robinson Crusoe type of story and promise it can get interesting because I will try hard to make it so.
The Away Team will consist of not more than 4 people and anyone else who joins will work aboard ship.
The team will include the Second Officer, a Medical Officer and Two Scientist (Suggested areas of expertise Biology, Oceanography, Tectonics, Meteorological, Social.
The Asterias is a Science vessel so characters will be more inclined towards the Sciences than the more militant skills.
Here's a simple CS
Rank (Ensign to Junior/Lieutenant)
Picture or description (It doesn’t need to be in Uniform)
I’m sure many noticed that I didn’t put in a section for a Bio/History or Personality and my reasoning is that most people don’t stay with the personality they wrote up because let's face it our own opinion of ourselves is often biased and I think the idea that as the players work together they get to know each other's details
Planetary Information
It is 20% larger than Earth with small ice caps and no landmass larger than 50 kilometers in any length and the highest point above sea level is 200 meters
The climate is by and large subtropical and only drops below freezing near the poles and as high as 37.7 °C (100 °F) at the equator. There is observed a powerful Category 3 Cyclone (Hurricane) which is theorized to have been in existence for at least the last 10,000 years. (Category 3: Winds ranging from 111 to 130 mph)
Scans reveal that there is a scattered population of around 750 people (375 Humans, 100 Andorians, 120 Centaurians with 155 mixed)
The largest concentration (267) is on large island atop a plateau with little evidence of technology beyond Tech Level Two other than the three shuttles

Plot Advancement
Oh and this is just the begining world of the Asterias's Journey for it is also mandated to push the exploration of the Beta Quadrant because as my Star Trek Star Charts book says.
"While the Federation and even Earth's solar system spillover between Alpha and Beta quadrants the two superpowers most often associated with this region are The Klingon and Romulan Empires with the inclusion of the lesser known but equally influential Gorn Hegemony and the reclusive Metrons it is only partially explored leaving up to 90% as unknown."