1: thrown away : rejected
2a : cast adrift or ashore as a survivor of a shipwreck b : thrown out or left without friends or resources
1: thrown away : rejected
2a : cast adrift or ashore as a survivor of a shipwreck b : thrown out or left without friends or resources
Welcome to my Thread, I am a huge Star Trek fan and had an odd Idea for a Robinson Crusoe type scenario which is why I call it Castaway. The Year is 2380 and the NCC-74656 Voyager has been back from it’s mission 2 years now.
The first Episode is like a trip to the Pacific in the 1700s/1800s that in the beginning is like stepping into paradise. Once we explore here we will move on to our Buccaneer chase (Who doesn’t like Pirate hunting?) episode for a bit of lite action because let's face it you are not a warship but your ship was built under the Perimeter Defense Initiative act which was a result the Borg and Dominion Wars showing the Fleet and Federation needing Ships able to defend the Federation as a Navy but still working to expand knowledge. (Think of The emerging American Navy after WWII)
A Little Background
You were assigned to the NCC-80145 Asterias (Starfish) as a Junior Officer (Department your choice) which is on an exploratory mission to the Far side of the Klingon Empire to explore the remains of a lost Oberth Class Vessel the NCC-1866 Beagle lost in 2267 with all hands.
It’s wreckage was found by a Klingon vessel which thankfully reported it to the High Council which in turn passed on the information to the Federation through diplomatic channels five months ago. Starfleet having already assigned the Asterias to do a Scientific study of the Beta Quadrant beyond the Klingon and Romulan Empires sent orders to investigate the area around the position where the remains were found. Following clues to an incident that happened over 100 years ago was as expected a difficult task but that is why Starfleet was formed.
Thankfully in the new spirit of friendship between the Federation and the Klingon Empire the High Council ordered the ship which had originally found the material to meet with the Asterias and turn over any and all materials as well as aid them in obtaining any information that might be connected to the Beagle’s loss. In this exchange of Information was a report dated from about the time of the disappearance from a K’t’inga Class Battle Cruiser which had attacked and captured a known Pirate vessel and interrogated the survivors finding that they had recently attacked and damaged a Federation Starship in or near the Qo’tal star system near the Romulan border.
The Qo’tal star system was close to the Klingon border and unsettled even though one of the 7 planets in the system was a Class-O Pelagic world (87% Water with a Nitrogen/Oxygen Atmosphere) in an optimal orbit around a Class-A Light Blue Supergiant star. The Klingon records about the system show that the Empire had found the planet wanting on all resources except water suggesting it could be made into a penal colony; but it’s name was a truly telling hint as it was a profanity in that language.
Captain Ferguson set course towards the Qo’tal system where upon entering the Asterias began a detailed scan and as one of Starfleet's newest Science Vessels of the Pathfinder Class quickly discovered debris that matched materials found in Oberth class vessels built in the 2250s. Then a short time later scans made a startling discovery when they found an operating fusion plant on one of the islands of the unnamed Class-O planet. The Captain ordered the ship into Orbit around the planet and scans of the island where they found three Type-1 Shuttles laying just outside of a small village made of rock and the local vegetation.
Superfluous Information
I'm aiming for a brief Robinson Crusoe type of story and promise it can get interesting because I will try hard to make it so.
The Away Team will consist of not more than 4 people and anyone else who joins will work aboard ship.
The team will include the Second Officer, a Medical Officer and Two Scientist (Suggested areas of expertise Biology, Oceanography, Tectonics, Meteorological, Social.
The Asterias is a Science vessel so characters will be more inclined towards the Sciences than the more militant skills.
Character Sheet
Rank (Ensign to Junior/Lieutenant)To get your rank as higher than Ensign requires a cruise log describing two assignments by giving Ship or Post name, your duties and aging you at least two years in service with with an average cruise no incident (boring) doing that will make you a lieutenant meaning you’d have lost your kitten cuteness by the older officers who’d be quicker to give a lecture over an explanation when you make a mistake. “They say Rank comes with Privilege Balanced by Responsibility”
Each tour will be two years long and you must write a paragraph that Includes the Name of Ship or Post you served at, what were your duties, if you were injured or if you’d like a reward I’ll use a roll matrix to see if you received one and if you did what it was. (Again it will be rare that any award be for Military action because the Federation is at Peace this cycle)
Picture or description (It doesn’t need to be in Uniform)
I’m sure many noticed that I didn’t put in a section for a Bio/History or Personality and my reasoning is that most people don’t follow the personalities they wrote up and the former is something the players should relate to one another just like on the show and in the movies
The Crew is very new to the ship as it is only 1 year since it’s launch to explain why you don’t know much about each other
The CS for this is also simple because complex CS reveal to the other Players what should have been inside information they shouldn’t know but learn through interaction
Any details outside of Appearance, Race, Age, Sex and Rank is information the other player should learn.
Technology In A Nutshell
Thanks To LUG Star Trek
Technology is Super Science in the Star Trek Universe
It can accomplish amazing, almost magical , things. However while it provides characters with great power, it doesn’t grant perfection or invulnerability.
Technology is Human-enabled
It expands the powers of mind and body without replacing them. There is little drama to an episode if machines can solve every problem. People are still far more intuitive and clever than their equipment.
24th Century Technology Is Convenient
Small Badges can transmit messages from a planet’s surface to ships in far orbit, and a hand-held Tricorder has more computing power than the 20th century’s fastest supercomputer
While Star Trek Technology is all of these things, there are many things that it is not.
Technology is not easily explainable
After all it is superscience. If we could understand how it works, we’d have it now. Imagine a modern mechanical engineer trying to explain an internal combustion engine to a Kalahari Bushman, now imagine Miles O’Brien trying to explain a matter/antimatter reaction to you.
Technology is not incomprehensible
While we may not understand why it works, we can always explain what it does. Given that, there is almost always a way to counter a technology, or sabotage it so that it stops working.
Technology is not the answer
It gives the crew resources to solve problems, but it does not solve problems for them.
Technology is not infallible
Nothing adds a little spice to a crisis like an equipment malfunction. If the crew relies too much on their technical marvels and too little on their brains, the Narrator should take their toys away from them and see how they function without them.
Technology requires power
There are no perpetual motion machines. Fusion and antimatter reactors provide cheap and readily available power, but they still require fuel.
Federation Technology is not the most advanced technology available
Specie more advanced than the Federation exist, demonstrating that defies some or all of the guidelines above. Their technology may be so advanced as to be indistinguishable from magic.