@Doivid, she/he directed to me because I posted that gif. Lol.
<Snipped quote by Ace of Hearts>
Don't take the bait.
Ace is a he iirc.
Btw ace do you have a good butt
<Snipped quote by Doivid>
I'm fine with being trolled. Thumbcocks on the internet rile me up, sure, but only because it's indicative of this culture we have of tolerating intolerance. We wipe it under the rug and shrug "well, he's entitled to his opinion, that's what this country was founded on."
America was never great and it will never be made great until we shut the fuck up and stomp this kind of behavior out in full.
<Snipped quote by Didgeridont>
I'm sorry that your Harmless Opinion™ involves referring to people who just so happen to enjoy different flavors of human in the bedroom as "degeneracy"
I don't have to respect views or opinions that view me and millions of other people as degenerates.
Fucking hell, would any you tell me to respect some Klansmen if I saw them walking down the street? Or are we going to play the coward's game of reconciliation with people who would prefer it if we didn't exist?
I hope that, when he shows his mom how cool he is on the internet and gets his 15 Good Boy Points for tendies, she finally regrets not getting that coat hanger abortion.
<Snipped quote by Ace of Hearts>
How constructive. Instead of disproving my argument with logic and reason, you choose to just insult me instead. I would assume that someone so assured in the correctness of their beliefs and so mighty on the pedestal of morality and social justice would be able to easily strike down this non-believer and show him the error of his ways. But that isn't gonna happen when someone prefers to argue like a child.
(BTW, I have enough tendies, thank you very much. Plus, since my parents actually practiced good moral values, I wasn't raised by a single mother)
<Snipped quote by Didgeridont>
Oh, excuse me. I didn't realize that I had to play teacher for an emotionally stunted, cheeto-stained fingered 9gager who pounds off to his D. Va bodypillow while Good Moral Value Mom pops xanax like it's candy, and Good Moral Value Dad pops mom a good one for burning dinner.
>People who constantly flaunt their sexuality in the streets. Who whine and complain until they are given free reign to corrupt every facet of our society, whether it be our moral values, our religion, our children, etc.
Sexuality is a part of our culture, it's everywhere: gay, straight, bi, however you come. I'd say youre memeing but you kind of seem to just hate LGBTQ people as a rule anyways.
>furrydom, femboys, pedophilia, zoophilia
one of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same
>That is how monsters are born, by people being allowed to think the same thing, unchallenged by facts, or rhetoric, or discussion, or debate.
>BTW, I have enough tendies, thank you very much. Plus, since my parents actually practiced good moral values, I wasn't raised by a single mother
And this is just being smug
Sexuality has consumed us, when it should be something reserved for intimate, meaningful relationships.
There is no love, only lust.
Lets get back on topic.
So Ace.
About your butt
<Snipped quote by Ace of Hearts>
I see your point but sometimes you give legitimacy to it by acknowledging it as an actual opinion, when it's just some 15 year old homeschooled kid trying it out to get attention or feel part of something.
So wait you don't identify as either gender? Send butt