Yugi Moto

Yugi Moto, our main protagonist of this story and the solver of an ancient Egyptian artifact known as the Millennium Puzzle: an item that carries the soul of a nameless pharaoh that sealed himself away 5 thousand years ago. Yugi is a shy, timid kid in middle school who slowly found people he could truly could call friends and grew out of his timid nature. With his friends he learns the game known as Duel Monsters and will soon, ready or not, has to put his gaming skills to the test with the help of his friends and the nameless Pharaoh that resides in the Millennium Puzzle he solved and fight the battles Yugi cannot handle alone.
Yugi is a kind-hearted and child-like. He is good at games, riddles, and puzzles, especially Duel Monsters. He is also considered to be a shy and timid kid in middle school. He never was one who could make friends without them taking him for granted or outright refusing his friendship. So one day he was given a golden Egyptian box from his Grandfather Solomon Moto. Upon almost solving it with one last piece he was left, only to be taken from him, Yugi felt crushed. Trying to get the bullies, Tristen Taylor and Joey Wheeler to give him back the piece with the result to end with the piece to be thrown into the river, Yugi could only feel devastated and without a way to retrieve the piece. Later saving the two bullies against a bully of their own by standing up to him and getting the bully expelled. Joey went into the river, retrieved and gave the piece back of which the two claimed, that they only bullied him to make him stronger, to give him the courage to stand up to bullies like them. Yugi opened up to the duo and later befriended Tea and Ryou Bakura as well. Opening to them though didn't cure his timid like nature completely, but after the wish he made on the Millennium Puzzle, he feels his wish has come true. What he doesnt know is of the Pharaoh that resides within, to protect him from the battles that were proved too dangerous. But Yugi doesnt know, only that he saved his friends one way or another. He hasn't come to noticed to he has a feeling something more is at work than he thinks.
Yami Yugi/ "Nameless Pharaoh"

Yami Yugi was better known as the Nameless Pharaoh, a Pharaoh that ruled 5 thousand years ago, saved the world and sealed his soul inside an ancient artifact known as the Millennium Puzzle. An artifact rumored that the solver of the puzzle could grant any wish they desired. When he was awoken, Yami awoke confused and with the sole thought of the boy that solved the puzzle, his only home, and sometimes for him, a prison of sorts. However he felt this need to protect Yugi and his friends. To help them in their times of need and danger.
Yami Yugi starts out as an merciless vigilante. He emerges to deal justice to people who trespass the souls of Yugi and his friends. Although his acts are righteous, he lives up to his namesake of Dark; his Penalty Game punishments are usually very brutal. Though his Penalty Games are brutal, Yami has shown to have quite the kind, and caring side, can also use his Penalty Game to save someone from their personal greed and lust for power. Yami is a strong, powerful and skilled Pharaoh. He attempts to balance darkness and evil in his use of the Shadow Magic from his Millennium Item. Using it to help his friends instead of use it for personal gain like Yami Bakura and his goal to collect the Millennium Items, instead Yami inflicts punishment only on people who have severely wronged innocents. He is slightly reserved, as he doesn't reveal his existence to Yugi or his friends even though he helps them, he makes it sutle and lowers his level of presence. Yami's pride is his greatest strength and weakness. Initially he refuses to lose games, without considering the consequences a good chunk of the time, confident in his skills to win everytime. Later he discovers this and realizes that he needs to be more careful or it could result in the lose of Yugi and/or his friends. He is also wise and intelligent. He knows all the rules and details of how the game is played, as well as those of all games which leads, (despite being an ancient Pharaoh) Yami is very quick to learning and utilizing modern technology. He, despite initial shock, was able to quickly grasp the concept of holographic technology, how Dueling Arenas and field Power Bonuses worked, Yami is also capable of translating the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians, figuring out the riddles or clues and what they mean.
Joey Wheeler

Joseph "Joey" Wheeler, is one of the main characters in this story. He is best friends with Yugi Muto and Tristen Taylor. Joey starts out as an inexperienced Duelist, but he later becomes one of the greatest Duelists in the world. He accompanies Yugi and their friends throughout their combined adventures.
Joey started out as a bully, but becoming friends with Yugi Muto changes this. Joey can seem gullible, sarcastic, impulsive, and not very intelligent, but he is also heroic, loyal, strong, bold, kind-hearted, caring, good-natured, funny, friendly, brave, selfless and loving. Though portrayed as comic relief, he is essential to the plot and the series' overall theme. He is an enthusiastic Duelist, who firmly believes that Dueling is about fighting to help people you love. Like Seto Kaiba, Joey deeply cares for his younger sister, Serenity Wheeler and will do anything to make her happy. He seems to be very protective of Serenity, which he shows once by sacrificing his own life in order to ensure her safety. He often gets freaked out or offended easily; he responds rather impulsively to insults, especially remarks about his outward appearance, such as his hair or his outfit, or his Dueling skills. In the dub, he also gets upset when people compare him to an animal, such as a monkey or a dog.
Seto Kaiba

Seto Kaiba, or just commonly referred to as Kaiba, is one of the main characters of the series. He is the older brother of Mokuba. Priest Seto is his Egyptian incarnate. He is the majority shareholder and CEO of his own multi-national gaming company, KaibaCorp, and aims to become the world's greatest player of Duel Monsters. To accomplish this goal, he must defeat his arch-rival, Yugi Muto. He is the modern-day lookalike counterpart of Priest Seto himself, the original keeper of the mighty Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Kaiba is largely considered an anti-hero, as his motives are usually ego-centric and his personality traits are selfish and arrogant, but he does sometimes help Yugi and his friends if it's in his best interest. Although there are a few occasions when he helps Yugi when faced with a common enemy. He also does appear to have ethics, as he does not believe in stealing from others to get ahead in life. He has proven to strongly believe in hard work and determination, and dislikes people who steal or cheat.
Kaiba plays as an anti-hero and appears to have certain contempt for Yugi's group of friends; he refers to them constantly with derisive nicknames such as "the nerd herd", "the dweeb patrol", or "the geek squad". At one point, he kept running into them during Waking the Dragons, and quipped "Great. Dork fest continues." He's sarcastic, rude, usually selfish and power-hungry, no-nonsense and down-to-earth, while he may seem very realistic, but, as Atem has said so multiple times, he can be very clueless. Plus, he is fairly condescending and scathing to everyone, with the exception of Mokuba, the only person he is consistently shown to treat with love and care. However, it is stated by Mokuba ever since being adopted by Gozaburo, Kaiba has rarely smiled, if at all. Mokuba has also noted he's become much colder than he used to be. Despite this, Kaiba still has strong brotherly instincts for Mokuba and will put his life in danger in a heart beat to safeguard Mokuba's life.
Apart from Mokuba, Kaiba has compassion for children, especially orphans (as he himself was one and knew what it felt like).Like the Pharaoh, pride is Kaiba's strength and weakness; he never backs down from a fight and gives everything he can in a Duel. This results in his sense of superiority and sense of arrogance, making it extremely difficult to earn his respect, and causes him to look down on and treat others as inferior until they do so. This gives him difficulty when forced to rely on others and work as a team. His pride in himself and his accomplishments is a prominent part of his character throughout the series, and he reacts harshly to those who threaten or infringe on it (although it is toned down slightly towards the end).
Jaden Yuki

Jaden Yuki, is one of the many protagonists in this story and the reincarnation of The Supreme King. He is headstrong, optimistic, fun loving, and a talented Duelist who loves Dueling as much as he cares for his friends. His favorite card of all being Yebel, being with him through childhood.
Jaden is friendly, optimistic, enthusiastic, kind, confident, funny and very passionate about dueling. Jaden loves Dueling and believes that all problems can ultimately be solved through it. He keeps going no matter how hard things get or how hopeless it seems, with a few exceptions (though it doesn't take much encouragement for him to start fighting again), although he does sometimes doubt himself. He always shows respect towards his opponents, with a few exceptions, even complimenting them during a Duel.
Jaden shows little interest in areas outside of Dueling, which extends to his classes. When he chooses to attend them, he generally falls asleep. Jaden also seems ignorant of the dislike that other individuals have for him, as despite the obvious tension between the another, he has some good judgement when it comes to others even if they are awful to him. His carefree attitude and lack of thought get him into trouble occasionally. He also occasionally shows signs of great intellect.
One of Jaden's common traits is that he tends to make jokes or puns, even in some situations where it is not appropriate. Most of the jokes he makes are Duel-related but on a few occasions he does make jokes at someone's expense. Jaden has a close bond with his cards, to the point where he has no problem with an opponent insulting him, but is angered when they insult his cards. Jaden is also fiercely loyal to his friends, which often results in his risking his life to save them.
Jaden has an incredible luck of the draw, as demonstrated when he went on a 10-day streak of drawing the Golden Eggwich correctly at his favorite store. He has also demonstrated this when he correctly picked a Joker from a pair of playing cards and picked a salmon-flavored sushi from among apricot, dried-fish, and salmon-flavored sushi (which were virtually indistinguishable from an outside perspective). When Dueling Jaden often draws the exact card he needs to win through sheer luck rather than supernatural powers. Jaden demonstrated incredible athletic abilities, being able to jump at great heights and can be proofed back from school when he would play Tennis.
Jaden has had an ability called the The Gentle Darkness inside his soul, which gives him the power to see and hear Duel Monster spirits and control them. This is the main power that is used by the Supreme King.
Yusei Fudo

Yusei Fudo is one of the many protagonists of this story, and was one of the Signers back in his time line. He is known for and respected by many other characters for his acts to make sure the time lines stay in aline, as well as his genius style of Dueling, his considerable skill, and his cool and clever personality. He uses a Duel Runner, which is called the Yusei Go. "Let's rev it up!" is a common catchphrase that he uses when he summons a Synchro Monster. He is also the foster brother of Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan, and very good friends Jaden Yuki, Shadow Djinn, Yubel, as well as Yugi Motou and his number of friends.
Yusei has tan skin, an average looking physique, black hair with gold highlights, and royal blue eyes. The upper layer of his hair juts upward while the lower layer arches down. Yusei wears a long-sleeved blue jacket with a high collar and amber gems, over a sleeveless black shirt with a red symbol, and wears gloves below his elbows with an amber gem on them. His lower body consists of black jeans with amber knee pads, a belt with two Deck holsters hidden under his jacket (one for his standard Deck and one for his Turbo Duel Deck), and calf-high motorcycle boots. He acquired a jagged criminal mark on the left side of his face, never revealing what he had done to recieve it, only that it was unfair, but either way, he wouldnt let it stop him anyway he went about his life. His Mark of the Dragon was a red outline of the tail, which was permanently burned onto his right forearm after the events concluding his duel with his foster Brother Jack Atlas. It is later replaced by the dragon head mark upon his defeat of a signer who had evil intentions, with Crow Hogan, his other foster brother receiving his former mark.
Yusei has an very noble and heroic personality. He is selfless, protective, brotherly, kind-hearted and overall mostly serious person, who deeply values the safety of humanity and his friends. Because of this, he is seen by most other characters in the show as a dependable person they can always trust.
Yusei is also usually depicted as being serious, calm and clear-minded; even in the worst situations. Due to this he rarely acts on impulse and usually thinks things through before he plays any cards, always trying to stay one step ahead of his opponent. This is made obvious during his Duels, as he regularly visualizes card flowcharts in his mind in order to devise his strategies. He is also very selfless, and is hesitant to put the safety of his friends, or anyone else at risk.
Having grown up as an orphan in the harsh conditions of Satellite, Yusei has a tendency to keep a serious and somewhat stoic expression most of the time, and is rarely ever seen laughing, though he does give short smiles frequently. In very few occasions Yusei can lose his composure and act out of anger, most notably after Shadow had been turned against Yami and Yugi and when Jaden and Yami got careless, Yami using the Seal of Oricalcos and Jaden always going off to try and get Jesse back alone and never have any backup.
Yusei sees friends as the most valuable thing a person can have; he believes no one should ever have to be alone, and tries to convince others who reject friendship that it is something to be embraced.
Yusei is sometimes contradicting to his view on "fate", stating he didn't care about fate, but then he says if that person felt they was fated to face, the same applies to him. Yusei believes that fate doesn't control everyone, and that it is what people make it.
Yusei gets annoyed at those who reject cards by calling them trash or say that cards are useless, so much so that he doesn't consider them deserving of calling themselves Duelists or even consider them a Duelist. However, his opinion can change if such people reform.
He also is uncomfortable when it comes to bugs.
Yusei is shown to be highly technical when it comes to computers and machines, able to build and program seemingly anything as he was to build his own Duel Runner from scrap parts, twice, and how he jammed the criminal mark on his face. Along with the ability to construct one, he is also shown to be an expert at riding a Duel Runner, evidenced numerous times throughout his Duels. He is a skilled fighter, as evident from how effortlessly he knocked out two of Goodwin's security guards. He appears to have expertise in physics considering the fact that at one point havin a friend back home having come to request his assistance on the subject and later takes over his parents' job as head of overseeing the completion of the Ener-D. As Team 5D's team captain back home, Yusei showed to be a very capable strategist and tactician, able to see through his opponent's plans and devising plans for his own team. He is also an adept teacher as shown when he was helping one of his friends get her Turbo Dueling License.
Yusei's Signer mark gives him powers that no ordinary man has, like the ability to locate other Signers or protecting himself and others from harm or other supernatural effects. His mark even makes him able to see and hear the spirits of Duel Monsters and humans.
Tristen Taylor

Tea Gardner:

Tea Gardner is the one of Yugi's friends and plays a more supportive role within the group, cheering her dueling friends from the sidelines to speeches, and even sometimes helping solve issues that they need to complete to move on. She became friends with him and had even on many occasions helped Yugi by stopping the bullies that would try to harm him before he had even solved the Millennium Puzzle.
Anzu has a spunky, tomboyish personality and was able to scare away Joey and Tristan after they bully Yugi. She's very kind hearted, strong willed and supportive. She is usually cheering her friends and standing up for what she believes in and will do anything to help her friends. She plays the role of the strong, down-to-earth, caring, compassionate voice of reason of the group. She is also shown to have more affection towards Yugi than the Pharaoh in this series (hinted at during the final Duel and during the Waking the Dragons arc). She is also shown to get easily jealous, such as when Mai (initially), and Rebecca flirt with Yugi, sometimes to the point where she has an explosive outburst. Despite her strong bond of friendship, she is not above keeping the others, mainly Joey and Tristan, in line when they get out of control or act foolishly. She often says "I need more female friends", yet she loves them deeply.
Ryou Bakura / 'Yami Bakura'

Ryou Bakura is a classmate and friend of Yugi Muto as well as the modern-day counterpart to Bandit King Bakura. Yami Bakura is his other self, released from the power of the Millennium Ring. The two rarely directly converse. Unlike the close, cooperative relationship between Yugi Muto and Yami Yugi, Yami Bakura is a malignant entity that completely suppresses Bakura's spirit when he takes over.
Yami Bakura is the evil spirit of the Millennium Ring. He appears as a reoccurring secondary antagonist for most the series, until the final arc where he is the main and final antagonist. Through the Millennium Ring, Bakura Ryou became host to the spirit, allowing him to possess Bakura; even able to mimic his host's personality almost perfectly to the point that he is able to fool Bakura's friends. Yami Bakura is the longest running and most prominent adversary in the entire series, being an antagonistic counterpart and a great adversary to Yami Yugi. Yami Bakura was killed by the Creator of Light when she destroyed Zorc at the climax of the series.
Bakura is quite the polite one, using many honorifics for others. The evil half however, mainly uses them for only himself. The evil half goes as far as to disrespect his opponents. Mainly mocking Yami Yugi since he has always known the Spirit's past. Bakura has quite the British-English accent of which gives his polite, good-natured self, with Yami Bakura's voice sounding deeper and more sinister while keeping the accent.
3,000 (5,000 in the dub) years ago, a shard of Zorc Necrophades' soul was sealed in the Millennium Ring during its creation. Later, when Bandit King Bakura sacrificed his body, his soul also got sealed within the Millennium Ring, resulting in the fusion between the two souls. This demonic composite was reawakened in the present day when Bakura Ryou's father had acquired the Millennium Ring in Egypt and presented the artifact to his son. Unbeknownst to Bakura and his father, the Millennium Ring contained the malignant spirit and became known as Yami Bakura upon possessing Bakura. He lost many memories as Bandit King Bakura and Zorc Necrophades, due to Zorc's memories being sealed in the Millennium Puzzle. He seeks to obtain all seven Millennium Items so he can resurrect Zorc Necrophades, and reunite the shard of Zorc with Zorc so he can be complete.
Five years before the events of the series, Bakura had murdered Shadi, the guardian of the Millennium Key and Scale.
Maxillion Pegasus

Maximillion Pegasus, known as Pegasus J. Crawford, is the president of Industrial Illusions and the creator of the game of Duel Monsters. He owns many cards that have never been released to the public like Djinn and her sister Divine Djinn. He originally wanted to be an artist before becoming obsessed with Egypt and creating Duel Monsters. This did serve to fulfill his original dream as he drew monsters for his game.
Pegasus was the main antagonist of the Duelist Kingdom arc, but later redeems himself. Pegasus tried to take over over KaibaCorp and gain possession of the Millennium Items to combine KaibaCorp technology with the items in the hope of reviving his lover, Cecelia. However and surprisingly, he became an ally starting after Battle City.
Pegasus is depicted as a well-mannered yet overly dramatic man obsessed with cartoons, concealing the appearance of a ruthless businessman and gamer, and yet a man of his word.
Pegasus has a habit of calling Yugi "Yugi-boy" and Kaiba "Kaiba-boy". When sufficiently provoked, he can have a temper. Pegasus is also notable for his foppish manner, dandified appearance, and effeminate hairstyle, all of which have led to him being referred to as "cutie-pie" (by Bandit Keith) and an "overdressed prima donna" (by Joey Wheeler).
Pegasus is interested in cartoons, especially Funny Bunny, which he watched every Saturday morning while growing up in America. Cartoons are the inspiration for many of his cards, such as the Toon monsters.
Pegasus at first comes across as a cheater with a thirst for collecting souls and achieving his ambitions. This impression is changed when his true motive is revealed. Not only is Pegasus an excellent business man, his motivations for acting as the above was the resurrection of his deceased lover Cecelia. Because he needed KaibaCorp's Solid Vision and thus needed KaibaCorp, the deal with the Big Five is that he be given control if he beat Yugi, to restore Kaiba Corp's reputation as Yugi beat Kaiba. From this, his cheating to beat Yugi and kidnapping Solomon, Mokuba, and Seto Kaiba becomes somewhat understandable. Furthermore, Pegasus himself honors his pledge to Yugi Muto claiming to be both "duty bound" and a "man of [his] word", releasing the souls of Solomon Muto, Seto and Mokuba Kaiba before being defeated in a Shadow Game by Yami Bakura. Despite cheating with the Millennium Eye himself, Pegasus showed a dislike for people who cheat for personal gain, such as Bandit Keith (who cheated right in front of him). He was somewhat light-hearted in this aspect, simply making fun of Keith while dropping him with a trapdoor. However, he allowed the Duel to continue, presumably to see how Joey had grown as a Duelist.
Also, Pegasus displays great humility after his defeat; although he only had to free Solomon, Mokuba and Seto Kaiba if he lost to Yugi, he still gave him the prize money, having read Joey’s mind and realizing that Joey needed the money to save his sister’s eyesight.
Pegasus often puts on a timid facade to trick his enemies. He pretends to be discouraged by minor upsets in his duels with Yugi and Kaiba, then acts as if his strategies are purely luck-based. When Kaiba attempts to use the duel disk prototypes, Pegasus pretends that he's too weak to carry the device, forcing Kaiba to use Pegasus' arena.
Mai Valentine

Yugi Moto, our main protagonist of this story and the solver of an ancient Egyptian artifact known as the Millennium Puzzle: an item that carries the soul of a nameless pharaoh that sealed himself away 5 thousand years ago. Yugi is a shy, timid kid in middle school who slowly found people he could truly could call friends and grew out of his timid nature. With his friends he learns the game known as Duel Monsters and will soon, ready or not, has to put his gaming skills to the test with the help of his friends and the nameless Pharaoh that resides in the Millennium Puzzle he solved and fight the battles Yugi cannot handle alone.
Yugi is a kind-hearted and child-like. He is good at games, riddles, and puzzles, especially Duel Monsters. He is also considered to be a shy and timid kid in middle school. He never was one who could make friends without them taking him for granted or outright refusing his friendship. So one day he was given a golden Egyptian box from his Grandfather Solomon Moto. Upon almost solving it with one last piece he was left, only to be taken from him, Yugi felt crushed. Trying to get the bullies, Tristen Taylor and Joey Wheeler to give him back the piece with the result to end with the piece to be thrown into the river, Yugi could only feel devastated and without a way to retrieve the piece. Later saving the two bullies against a bully of their own by standing up to him and getting the bully expelled. Joey went into the river, retrieved and gave the piece back of which the two claimed, that they only bullied him to make him stronger, to give him the courage to stand up to bullies like them. Yugi opened up to the duo and later befriended Tea and Ryou Bakura as well. Opening to them though didn't cure his timid like nature completely, but after the wish he made on the Millennium Puzzle, he feels his wish has come true. What he doesnt know is of the Pharaoh that resides within, to protect him from the battles that were proved too dangerous. But Yugi doesnt know, only that he saved his friends one way or another. He hasn't come to noticed to he has a feeling something more is at work than he thinks.
Yami Yugi/ "Nameless Pharaoh"

Yami Yugi was better known as the Nameless Pharaoh, a Pharaoh that ruled 5 thousand years ago, saved the world and sealed his soul inside an ancient artifact known as the Millennium Puzzle. An artifact rumored that the solver of the puzzle could grant any wish they desired. When he was awoken, Yami awoke confused and with the sole thought of the boy that solved the puzzle, his only home, and sometimes for him, a prison of sorts. However he felt this need to protect Yugi and his friends. To help them in their times of need and danger.
Yami Yugi starts out as an merciless vigilante. He emerges to deal justice to people who trespass the souls of Yugi and his friends. Although his acts are righteous, he lives up to his namesake of Dark; his Penalty Game punishments are usually very brutal. Though his Penalty Games are brutal, Yami has shown to have quite the kind, and caring side, can also use his Penalty Game to save someone from their personal greed and lust for power. Yami is a strong, powerful and skilled Pharaoh. He attempts to balance darkness and evil in his use of the Shadow Magic from his Millennium Item. Using it to help his friends instead of use it for personal gain like Yami Bakura and his goal to collect the Millennium Items, instead Yami inflicts punishment only on people who have severely wronged innocents. He is slightly reserved, as he doesn't reveal his existence to Yugi or his friends even though he helps them, he makes it sutle and lowers his level of presence. Yami's pride is his greatest strength and weakness. Initially he refuses to lose games, without considering the consequences a good chunk of the time, confident in his skills to win everytime. Later he discovers this and realizes that he needs to be more careful or it could result in the lose of Yugi and/or his friends. He is also wise and intelligent. He knows all the rules and details of how the game is played, as well as those of all games which leads, (despite being an ancient Pharaoh) Yami is very quick to learning and utilizing modern technology. He, despite initial shock, was able to quickly grasp the concept of holographic technology, how Dueling Arenas and field Power Bonuses worked, Yami is also capable of translating the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians, figuring out the riddles or clues and what they mean.
Joey Wheeler

Joseph "Joey" Wheeler, is one of the main characters in this story. He is best friends with Yugi Muto and Tristen Taylor. Joey starts out as an inexperienced Duelist, but he later becomes one of the greatest Duelists in the world. He accompanies Yugi and their friends throughout their combined adventures.
Joey started out as a bully, but becoming friends with Yugi Muto changes this. Joey can seem gullible, sarcastic, impulsive, and not very intelligent, but he is also heroic, loyal, strong, bold, kind-hearted, caring, good-natured, funny, friendly, brave, selfless and loving. Though portrayed as comic relief, he is essential to the plot and the series' overall theme. He is an enthusiastic Duelist, who firmly believes that Dueling is about fighting to help people you love. Like Seto Kaiba, Joey deeply cares for his younger sister, Serenity Wheeler and will do anything to make her happy. He seems to be very protective of Serenity, which he shows once by sacrificing his own life in order to ensure her safety. He often gets freaked out or offended easily; he responds rather impulsively to insults, especially remarks about his outward appearance, such as his hair or his outfit, or his Dueling skills. In the dub, he also gets upset when people compare him to an animal, such as a monkey or a dog.
Seto Kaiba

Seto Kaiba, or just commonly referred to as Kaiba, is one of the main characters of the series. He is the older brother of Mokuba. Priest Seto is his Egyptian incarnate. He is the majority shareholder and CEO of his own multi-national gaming company, KaibaCorp, and aims to become the world's greatest player of Duel Monsters. To accomplish this goal, he must defeat his arch-rival, Yugi Muto. He is the modern-day lookalike counterpart of Priest Seto himself, the original keeper of the mighty Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Kaiba is largely considered an anti-hero, as his motives are usually ego-centric and his personality traits are selfish and arrogant, but he does sometimes help Yugi and his friends if it's in his best interest. Although there are a few occasions when he helps Yugi when faced with a common enemy. He also does appear to have ethics, as he does not believe in stealing from others to get ahead in life. He has proven to strongly believe in hard work and determination, and dislikes people who steal or cheat.
Kaiba plays as an anti-hero and appears to have certain contempt for Yugi's group of friends; he refers to them constantly with derisive nicknames such as "the nerd herd", "the dweeb patrol", or "the geek squad". At one point, he kept running into them during Waking the Dragons, and quipped "Great. Dork fest continues." He's sarcastic, rude, usually selfish and power-hungry, no-nonsense and down-to-earth, while he may seem very realistic, but, as Atem has said so multiple times, he can be very clueless. Plus, he is fairly condescending and scathing to everyone, with the exception of Mokuba, the only person he is consistently shown to treat with love and care. However, it is stated by Mokuba ever since being adopted by Gozaburo, Kaiba has rarely smiled, if at all. Mokuba has also noted he's become much colder than he used to be. Despite this, Kaiba still has strong brotherly instincts for Mokuba and will put his life in danger in a heart beat to safeguard Mokuba's life.
Apart from Mokuba, Kaiba has compassion for children, especially orphans (as he himself was one and knew what it felt like).Like the Pharaoh, pride is Kaiba's strength and weakness; he never backs down from a fight and gives everything he can in a Duel. This results in his sense of superiority and sense of arrogance, making it extremely difficult to earn his respect, and causes him to look down on and treat others as inferior until they do so. This gives him difficulty when forced to rely on others and work as a team. His pride in himself and his accomplishments is a prominent part of his character throughout the series, and he reacts harshly to those who threaten or infringe on it (although it is toned down slightly towards the end).
Jaden Yuki

Jaden Yuki, is one of the many protagonists in this story and the reincarnation of The Supreme King. He is headstrong, optimistic, fun loving, and a talented Duelist who loves Dueling as much as he cares for his friends. His favorite card of all being Yebel, being with him through childhood.
Jaden is friendly, optimistic, enthusiastic, kind, confident, funny and very passionate about dueling. Jaden loves Dueling and believes that all problems can ultimately be solved through it. He keeps going no matter how hard things get or how hopeless it seems, with a few exceptions (though it doesn't take much encouragement for him to start fighting again), although he does sometimes doubt himself. He always shows respect towards his opponents, with a few exceptions, even complimenting them during a Duel.
Jaden shows little interest in areas outside of Dueling, which extends to his classes. When he chooses to attend them, he generally falls asleep. Jaden also seems ignorant of the dislike that other individuals have for him, as despite the obvious tension between the another, he has some good judgement when it comes to others even if they are awful to him. His carefree attitude and lack of thought get him into trouble occasionally. He also occasionally shows signs of great intellect.
One of Jaden's common traits is that he tends to make jokes or puns, even in some situations where it is not appropriate. Most of the jokes he makes are Duel-related but on a few occasions he does make jokes at someone's expense. Jaden has a close bond with his cards, to the point where he has no problem with an opponent insulting him, but is angered when they insult his cards. Jaden is also fiercely loyal to his friends, which often results in his risking his life to save them.
Jaden has an incredible luck of the draw, as demonstrated when he went on a 10-day streak of drawing the Golden Eggwich correctly at his favorite store. He has also demonstrated this when he correctly picked a Joker from a pair of playing cards and picked a salmon-flavored sushi from among apricot, dried-fish, and salmon-flavored sushi (which were virtually indistinguishable from an outside perspective). When Dueling Jaden often draws the exact card he needs to win through sheer luck rather than supernatural powers. Jaden demonstrated incredible athletic abilities, being able to jump at great heights and can be proofed back from school when he would play Tennis.
Jaden has had an ability called the The Gentle Darkness inside his soul, which gives him the power to see and hear Duel Monster spirits and control them. This is the main power that is used by the Supreme King.
Yusei Fudo

Yusei Fudo is one of the many protagonists of this story, and was one of the Signers back in his time line. He is known for and respected by many other characters for his acts to make sure the time lines stay in aline, as well as his genius style of Dueling, his considerable skill, and his cool and clever personality. He uses a Duel Runner, which is called the Yusei Go. "Let's rev it up!" is a common catchphrase that he uses when he summons a Synchro Monster. He is also the foster brother of Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan, and very good friends Jaden Yuki, Shadow Djinn, Yubel, as well as Yugi Motou and his number of friends.
Yusei has tan skin, an average looking physique, black hair with gold highlights, and royal blue eyes. The upper layer of his hair juts upward while the lower layer arches down. Yusei wears a long-sleeved blue jacket with a high collar and amber gems, over a sleeveless black shirt with a red symbol, and wears gloves below his elbows with an amber gem on them. His lower body consists of black jeans with amber knee pads, a belt with two Deck holsters hidden under his jacket (one for his standard Deck and one for his Turbo Duel Deck), and calf-high motorcycle boots. He acquired a jagged criminal mark on the left side of his face, never revealing what he had done to recieve it, only that it was unfair, but either way, he wouldnt let it stop him anyway he went about his life. His Mark of the Dragon was a red outline of the tail, which was permanently burned onto his right forearm after the events concluding his duel with his foster Brother Jack Atlas. It is later replaced by the dragon head mark upon his defeat of a signer who had evil intentions, with Crow Hogan, his other foster brother receiving his former mark.
Yusei has an very noble and heroic personality. He is selfless, protective, brotherly, kind-hearted and overall mostly serious person, who deeply values the safety of humanity and his friends. Because of this, he is seen by most other characters in the show as a dependable person they can always trust.
Yusei is also usually depicted as being serious, calm and clear-minded; even in the worst situations. Due to this he rarely acts on impulse and usually thinks things through before he plays any cards, always trying to stay one step ahead of his opponent. This is made obvious during his Duels, as he regularly visualizes card flowcharts in his mind in order to devise his strategies. He is also very selfless, and is hesitant to put the safety of his friends, or anyone else at risk.
Having grown up as an orphan in the harsh conditions of Satellite, Yusei has a tendency to keep a serious and somewhat stoic expression most of the time, and is rarely ever seen laughing, though he does give short smiles frequently. In very few occasions Yusei can lose his composure and act out of anger, most notably after Shadow had been turned against Yami and Yugi and when Jaden and Yami got careless, Yami using the Seal of Oricalcos and Jaden always going off to try and get Jesse back alone and never have any backup.
Yusei sees friends as the most valuable thing a person can have; he believes no one should ever have to be alone, and tries to convince others who reject friendship that it is something to be embraced.
Yusei is sometimes contradicting to his view on "fate", stating he didn't care about fate, but then he says if that person felt they was fated to face, the same applies to him. Yusei believes that fate doesn't control everyone, and that it is what people make it.
Yusei gets annoyed at those who reject cards by calling them trash or say that cards are useless, so much so that he doesn't consider them deserving of calling themselves Duelists or even consider them a Duelist. However, his opinion can change if such people reform.
He also is uncomfortable when it comes to bugs.
Yusei is shown to be highly technical when it comes to computers and machines, able to build and program seemingly anything as he was to build his own Duel Runner from scrap parts, twice, and how he jammed the criminal mark on his face. Along with the ability to construct one, he is also shown to be an expert at riding a Duel Runner, evidenced numerous times throughout his Duels. He is a skilled fighter, as evident from how effortlessly he knocked out two of Goodwin's security guards. He appears to have expertise in physics considering the fact that at one point havin a friend back home having come to request his assistance on the subject and later takes over his parents' job as head of overseeing the completion of the Ener-D. As Team 5D's team captain back home, Yusei showed to be a very capable strategist and tactician, able to see through his opponent's plans and devising plans for his own team. He is also an adept teacher as shown when he was helping one of his friends get her Turbo Dueling License.
Yusei's Signer mark gives him powers that no ordinary man has, like the ability to locate other Signers or protecting himself and others from harm or other supernatural effects. His mark even makes him able to see and hear the spirits of Duel Monsters and humans.
Tristen Taylor

Tea Gardner:

Tea Gardner is the one of Yugi's friends and plays a more supportive role within the group, cheering her dueling friends from the sidelines to speeches, and even sometimes helping solve issues that they need to complete to move on. She became friends with him and had even on many occasions helped Yugi by stopping the bullies that would try to harm him before he had even solved the Millennium Puzzle.
Anzu has a spunky, tomboyish personality and was able to scare away Joey and Tristan after they bully Yugi. She's very kind hearted, strong willed and supportive. She is usually cheering her friends and standing up for what she believes in and will do anything to help her friends. She plays the role of the strong, down-to-earth, caring, compassionate voice of reason of the group. She is also shown to have more affection towards Yugi than the Pharaoh in this series (hinted at during the final Duel and during the Waking the Dragons arc). She is also shown to get easily jealous, such as when Mai (initially), and Rebecca flirt with Yugi, sometimes to the point where she has an explosive outburst. Despite her strong bond of friendship, she is not above keeping the others, mainly Joey and Tristan, in line when they get out of control or act foolishly. She often says "I need more female friends", yet she loves them deeply.
Ryou Bakura / 'Yami Bakura'

Ryou Bakura is a classmate and friend of Yugi Muto as well as the modern-day counterpart to Bandit King Bakura. Yami Bakura is his other self, released from the power of the Millennium Ring. The two rarely directly converse. Unlike the close, cooperative relationship between Yugi Muto and Yami Yugi, Yami Bakura is a malignant entity that completely suppresses Bakura's spirit when he takes over.
Yami Bakura is the evil spirit of the Millennium Ring. He appears as a reoccurring secondary antagonist for most the series, until the final arc where he is the main and final antagonist. Through the Millennium Ring, Bakura Ryou became host to the spirit, allowing him to possess Bakura; even able to mimic his host's personality almost perfectly to the point that he is able to fool Bakura's friends. Yami Bakura is the longest running and most prominent adversary in the entire series, being an antagonistic counterpart and a great adversary to Yami Yugi. Yami Bakura was killed by the Creator of Light when she destroyed Zorc at the climax of the series.
Bakura is quite the polite one, using many honorifics for others. The evil half however, mainly uses them for only himself. The evil half goes as far as to disrespect his opponents. Mainly mocking Yami Yugi since he has always known the Spirit's past. Bakura has quite the British-English accent of which gives his polite, good-natured self, with Yami Bakura's voice sounding deeper and more sinister while keeping the accent.
3,000 (5,000 in the dub) years ago, a shard of Zorc Necrophades' soul was sealed in the Millennium Ring during its creation. Later, when Bandit King Bakura sacrificed his body, his soul also got sealed within the Millennium Ring, resulting in the fusion between the two souls. This demonic composite was reawakened in the present day when Bakura Ryou's father had acquired the Millennium Ring in Egypt and presented the artifact to his son. Unbeknownst to Bakura and his father, the Millennium Ring contained the malignant spirit and became known as Yami Bakura upon possessing Bakura. He lost many memories as Bandit King Bakura and Zorc Necrophades, due to Zorc's memories being sealed in the Millennium Puzzle. He seeks to obtain all seven Millennium Items so he can resurrect Zorc Necrophades, and reunite the shard of Zorc with Zorc so he can be complete.
Five years before the events of the series, Bakura had murdered Shadi, the guardian of the Millennium Key and Scale.
Maxillion Pegasus

Maximillion Pegasus, known as Pegasus J. Crawford, is the president of Industrial Illusions and the creator of the game of Duel Monsters. He owns many cards that have never been released to the public like Djinn and her sister Divine Djinn. He originally wanted to be an artist before becoming obsessed with Egypt and creating Duel Monsters. This did serve to fulfill his original dream as he drew monsters for his game.
Pegasus was the main antagonist of the Duelist Kingdom arc, but later redeems himself. Pegasus tried to take over over KaibaCorp and gain possession of the Millennium Items to combine KaibaCorp technology with the items in the hope of reviving his lover, Cecelia. However and surprisingly, he became an ally starting after Battle City.
Pegasus is depicted as a well-mannered yet overly dramatic man obsessed with cartoons, concealing the appearance of a ruthless businessman and gamer, and yet a man of his word.
Pegasus has a habit of calling Yugi "Yugi-boy" and Kaiba "Kaiba-boy". When sufficiently provoked, he can have a temper. Pegasus is also notable for his foppish manner, dandified appearance, and effeminate hairstyle, all of which have led to him being referred to as "cutie-pie" (by Bandit Keith) and an "overdressed prima donna" (by Joey Wheeler).
Pegasus is interested in cartoons, especially Funny Bunny, which he watched every Saturday morning while growing up in America. Cartoons are the inspiration for many of his cards, such as the Toon monsters.
Pegasus at first comes across as a cheater with a thirst for collecting souls and achieving his ambitions. This impression is changed when his true motive is revealed. Not only is Pegasus an excellent business man, his motivations for acting as the above was the resurrection of his deceased lover Cecelia. Because he needed KaibaCorp's Solid Vision and thus needed KaibaCorp, the deal with the Big Five is that he be given control if he beat Yugi, to restore Kaiba Corp's reputation as Yugi beat Kaiba. From this, his cheating to beat Yugi and kidnapping Solomon, Mokuba, and Seto Kaiba becomes somewhat understandable. Furthermore, Pegasus himself honors his pledge to Yugi Muto claiming to be both "duty bound" and a "man of [his] word", releasing the souls of Solomon Muto, Seto and Mokuba Kaiba before being defeated in a Shadow Game by Yami Bakura. Despite cheating with the Millennium Eye himself, Pegasus showed a dislike for people who cheat for personal gain, such as Bandit Keith (who cheated right in front of him). He was somewhat light-hearted in this aspect, simply making fun of Keith while dropping him with a trapdoor. However, he allowed the Duel to continue, presumably to see how Joey had grown as a Duelist.
Also, Pegasus displays great humility after his defeat; although he only had to free Solomon, Mokuba and Seto Kaiba if he lost to Yugi, he still gave him the prize money, having read Joey’s mind and realizing that Joey needed the money to save his sister’s eyesight.
Pegasus often puts on a timid facade to trick his enemies. He pretends to be discouraged by minor upsets in his duels with Yugi and Kaiba, then acts as if his strategies are purely luck-based. When Kaiba attempts to use the duel disk prototypes, Pegasus pretends that he's too weak to carry the device, forcing Kaiba to use Pegasus' arena.
Mai Valentine