Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name: Wulon Wei
Age: 24
Slender but built, Wulon Wei likes to dress smart. He has tailorfit clothes that are perfectly fitted after his body. Everything he wears is custom made just for him and made out of finest materials. His most common look is dark grey dress shirt and pants, with a darker coat ontop. Said coat is generally left hanging off his body with only the top button fixed together.
His complexion is pale and his eyes area vibrant red, his hair raven black. He doesn’t look sickly, but he doesn’t exactly look like a happy and healthy guy either.
Race: Varsi
Nation: Ispea
Familiar: Shadras (Death Spectre)
Weapon: Magical Abilties:Parasite Orb: (without Shadras)
Wulons strength lies in wielding his spirits dark powers as his own. Parasite Orb draws upon Shadras spirit within him as he curses the enemy with dark energies. These appear as black orbs that explode. Being tagged by one slowly drain you of your vitality while empowering Wulon. While a single hit is easy to shrug off and overcome. they accumulate and sustain for each hit you take.
Shroud of Death: (With Shadras)
Wraps wulon in a shroud of dark energies. Touching it immediately hurts and zaps you of a little strength. He cannot maintain it for to long unless it is sapping someone elses power. Upon activating Shroud of Death, shadras is pulled into Wulon and the shroud briefly expand outwards to try and snag unsuspecting targets.
Personality: Try to include what kind fighter your char is.
BackstoryMisc Possession and InformationOwns a extensive collection of Crystal War novellas.
Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________
Name: Shadras
[b]Element[/b ]Darkness/Air
Personality: A spectre of death, Shadras rarely speaks. If he does, its in a strange and echoing voice and often about doom and death. It always hangs over the right shoulder of Wulon wherever he goes unless its inside his weapon.