Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

In all retrospect, going to a festival after all that had happened was a poor decision. Or rather a childish one. But there was something she had to get done during this point and time and so she would sacrifice the current better judgement to achieve that goal. She looked at those annoying shackles on her wrists, knowing Alari was the only one who could remove them, but she first she had to bear her heart on her sleeve, to tell him how she honestly felt.
She sighed, rubbing her forehead as children ran around her, laughing at the fun thy were having. She watched them for a moment, envying the fun that they were allowed to have still. She took a deep breath, looking around for Alari. She pulled her cloak tight around her, feeling a kind of chill, regardless of the sheer number of people around.
Mary was also looking for him, standing on the rooftops close by, not sure if he had gotten her message imploring him to not remove the shackles on her sister. Though admitting to Alari how she felt was a big step in Mera opening up herself to someone else, but if he removed those shackles, Mera was undoubtedly going to go after their father, who wouldn't have mercy on her, seeing what he did to their mother. Something hadn't been right with their father for a long time, the air around him feeling similar to what she felt around Sybil, but she had never seen anyone like Sybil before so she didn't know what to compare it to before Mera saved her from him.
She looked at her sister standing on the edge of the festivities, the bright light of the lanterns behind her, people laughing, dancing, playing causing a great clamor that didn't seem to penetrate the air of solitude and silence around her. She looked up and around the village, in to the darkness that seemed blinding in comparison from the lights below, squinting as she searched for that aura- how close was he now?

Hotaru was standing amidst the crowd, watching some little kid try and play a game, trying to catch a fish using a paper net. It seemed like such a useless attempt since the paper was almost guaranteed to fall apart once it hit the water, but the little boy was so determined to catch on for his little sister, "How cute," she smirked lightly before looking around.
Erynhil had gotten his way in getting to dress Hotaru "properly" for a festival after he had shown up bright and early, tempting her with a "guilt free" lunch and by incessantly begging her until she finally said yes. He put her in a knee length blue kimono since she threatened to slice the bottom half of anything longer off that had the typical bell sleeve, her blond hair pulled up in to a rather fancy bun with decorative needle holding in place, blue beads that matched the kimono dangling off it, "I feel ridiculous," She muttered as she looked at herself, the beads brushed across her shoulder, the kimono a little more open across the top, though she refused to let it show anything more than her shoulders, much to Eryn's disappointment. There was no telling if something might happen sometime soon, so there was no sense in making it difficult to get to action quickly, though the little bastard had taken her katana away. He had also tried to put make up on her, though he had only gotten a bit of powder on her cheeks and some red on her lips before she tried to stab him for some comments about how it was sometimes easier to make a man look pretty than her since she refused to let him do anything.
She crossed her arms before starting to walk down the path way, though she end up smiling a bit as she saw the kids running around with the masks on. She stopped at the mask stand and bought herself a fox mask, figuring it could be a little fun wearing it. Once she had it in her hands, she looked around for Larel, wondering where he had gotten to or if he was here yet. She hadn't seen him since she was turned in to Eryn's pet project and she was trying not to be seen by Kaori, figuring any comments that came out of his mouth would seriously just piss her off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kaori sat against the wall adjusting the flower in his recently combed hair as he went over everything he had taken care of today, with Alari's help he was able to take care of his cheeks and eyes but Alari didn't touch his mouth saying he felt uncomfortable helping him with his makeup. He knew Alari was being shy but he had to deal without it now since he was being shy. He could have put it on himself but seeing the embarrassed look on Alari's face made the whole thing worthwhile. Alari had gotten him a kimono for the festival since his other one had gotten torn and dirty during their travels. It was a long kimono that stopped just above his ankles and was light pink with light purple flowers decorating the front and back. He had taken care of his nails on his own but he wondered if he should have chosen a different color. Putting his own appearance aside which was a difficult task in itself his attention went to Alari and Larel who were currently wrestling in the room with Alari winning as he pinned Larel down after what seemed like hours of roughhousing.
"Finally...got you..." Alari said breathing heavily as he stared down at Larel. "You're...putting on...that Kimono...right now.'
"I'm not wearing one, I'll go in my normal clothes."
"It's a festival Larel you can't go in that."
Larel raised his head and headbutt Alari before escaping from under him, he tried to run but Alari tackled him and pinned him down on his stomach, the kimono laying a few feet away from them. It wasn't a fancy one as he knew Larel wouldn't agree to anything extravagant, it was a simple black one that would have stopped past his ankles with countless red dots on it, however since he brought it in Larel's been resisting wearing it with all his being.
"You can only be young once Larel," Alari said turning Larel over so he was facing him pinning his arms down. "You should live your youth to the fullest."
"I don't need to hear that from someone over a century old!" Larel yelled at him. "Besides I don't want to wear it, I barely want to go."
"Didn't you say you'd go though."
"Well yeah I did but..."
"Hotaru's waiting right now you know...it'd be embarrassing if she was in a kimono and you weren't right? Be considerate of your friend."
"Ha like Hotaru would wear something like that! it'll look weird if I go and she's not in one."
"Stop being a child and put it on, we both know you want to go with your friend."
Alari glared at Larel who only returned it as the two found themselves at a stalemate, at least that what Larel thought until Alari spoke again.
"I know why you really don't want to go, you're afraid to bump into women while you're there, you never liked crowds but that especially bothers you."
Larel's eyes widened and Kaori seeing this tilted his head and spoke his curiosity peaked by Alari's words.
"Why would he be afraid to bump into a woman Oji-san?"
"If you don't put it on I'll say it out loud Larel," Alari said smiling.
"Never I don't care what you say!"
"Have it your way, Larel has a small fear of women."
Larel's eye twitched and he tried to break free but Alari kept a firm grip on him, Kaori looked at Alari and realizing he was serious pressed the matter further a small grin forming on his face.
"Really now....wait he tends to get along with Mera and Hotaru fine though."
"Mera is his master so it's not a big deal from him to look past gender and even if she wasn't he's okay around strong willed women."
"Strong willed?"
"Yes though in Hotaru's case it'd be one with a rough personality to be more precise."
"Oh you mean a tomboy!"
"That's rude Kaori," Alari said sighing. "That's why you don't get along with her."
"I"ll kill you for that Alari! and I'm not afraid of them!"
"Well to be honest he doesn't get along with anyone but he has a fear of women in particular."
"Ah so that's why he couldn't look Mary-chan in the eyes. Oh and didn't he tell that Naria woman to stay so many feet from him."
"That's correct though people like Mary really set him off. It's actually ironic what he fears most is trapped inside him. Ah I know how to end this...Larel if you don't put on that Kimono I'll have Mary talk to you again."
Larel's eyes widened and for a moment he though he saw fear but Larel quickly pushed it down and glared at him with every ounce of hate he could muster in his current position.
"You wouldn't dare...that girl...has far too much energy you can't do something that cruel!"
"Why Mary-chan I think she's cute."
"That's exactly right Kaori I know your weakness Larel accept your fate and wear the Kimono."
"Ah you insulted Mera and Hotaru without even trying Larel you really are bad with people."
"Shut it Kaori! You wouldn't make me speak with that accursed girl again you don't have the cruelness to do something so vile!"
"Try me."

Larel, Alari and Kaori walked through the crowd with Larel grumbling under his breath as he put his hands in the kimono sleeves, Alari had a wide grin on his face as he looked over at Larel before he put his hands in his own. Larel was in a bad mood but Alari was beyond simple happiness, today was what could be considered an outing with Mera, the very thought of it made Alari's heart beat a little faster and he had to take a few breaths to calm his nerves. He changed into brown hakama and got a red kimono top with small white flowers within the red, he had put on an extra top just in case but being out here now he realized he may have overreacted as it felt wonderful outside it couldn't be a better day for a festival.
He looked over at Larel who at Alari's request/threat took on his real appearance, Alari tied his hair into a low ponytail for him and tried to make him as presentable as possible. He told him since they were in a crowed area it should be okay and that he'd let him know if he needed to change back, but that didn't bring him much comfort since he made him put his sword in his shadow and sealed Zenmaru up so she couldn't give it to him at random.
Alari noticed Larel watching the other people at the festival, some eating together his eyes resting the takoyaki in one's person's hand, his eyes moved around the festival the lights above keeping it lit enough to see but leaving what looked like multi colored orbs of light lingering in the area; looking at it the whole thing seemed like a dream the more he stared at the others. The smiles on the people's faces, children running around with masks and playing with one another. When his gaze rested on the children his eyes narrowed a little and a pained expression crossed his face for a moment.
"Larel are you okay you keep staring at everything, have you never been to a festival before?" Kaori asked looking over at him.
".....I tried to come as child but everyone knew who I was so they just threw rocks at me and chased me away, I never participated after that."
"A-ah....s-sorry to bring it up," Kaori said chuckling nervously.
Larel shook his head indicating it was okay before someone bumped into him, looking closer it was a young woman who turned to speak to him but froze as Larel stared at her his pupils shrinking and murderous intent behind his gaze.
"Sorry about him," Alari said turning him around quickly."Enjoy the festival."
He pushed Larel away from the scene Kaori following until they got a fair enough distance away, Alari looked back once more before sighing a little.
"Thank goodness you need you be more considerate Larel, she bumped into you by acci-" Alari stopped talking as Larel stared wide-eyed straight ahead his jaw dropping.
Alari looked over at Kaori only to see the same expression of surprise and what seemed like awe on his face, when he turned to look at what held the two's attention his glasses were covered in a glare as his mouth turned into a thin line.
"H-Hotaru," Larel said finally find the words.
"T-taru chan...is....is...c..c..cute...how...how is it possible?!"
"Astonishing, she's no Mera but she's certainly a hidden gem," Alari said adjusting his glasses the glare leaving. "Anyway Larel I'm going now have fun."
"Ah wait," Larel said grabbing Alari's sleeve and pulling him down so he could whisper to him.
"I...I can't do this."
"I can't tell you how happy I am you're relying on me right but you have to."
"I'm telling you I can't look at Hotaru this way. You said she wouldn't be in a Kimono."
"No you said that."
"That doesn't matter anymore I can't do it."
"Larel I believe in you, Hotaru is your friend you'll be fine. Now please let go I need to see Mera in a Kimono."
"...that's the only reason you're saying all this isn't it?"
"Partially but I do believe you can do it," Alari said pulling his arm free. "Hotaru is Hotaru so go enjoy your youth," he said pushing him towards her.
"Kaori let's go you can stay with me until I find Mera."
"Okay Oji-san bye Larel, bye cute Taru-chan bye other person!"
"Enjoy the festival," Alari said to them before walking off.
He walked a few feet away before stopping adjusting his glasses as he remembered something.
"Ah before I forget you two look very lovely," Alari said to Erynhill and Hotaru with a smile before turning and going to look for Mera Kaori trailing behind him.
Larel watched Alari leave and rubbed his forehead regretting putting even a little faith in that man, and now he was looking for Mera, Alari threatened him with Mary so he knew what would happen if he pursued them but it bothered him. He didn't think he'd use such tactics against him, that's what he meant by he'd handle it, he truly hated that man.
He opened his eyes and looked back over at Hotaru, he was glad Zenmaru couldn't talk right now as he didn't need any extra stress at the moment. Larel cleared his throat trying to act how he normally did.
"Shall we get going then Hotaru?"

Alari meanwhile walked through the crowed his face covered in red at the thought of seeing Mera, he put his hand over his face pushing up glasses in the process as he tried to calm down.
"Calm down Alari, it's just a garment worn on specific occasions nothing to get bothered about....but....if Hotaru was like that...then Mera...Mera..."
Alari couldn't finish the words as he ran his hand through his hair, he was starting to think he couldn't handle this either.
"Oji-san you're nose is bleeding,"
Alari reached up and covered his nose but feeling nothing there he glared at Kaori before turning forward again.
"There's too many people to use my echo so I have to keep my eyes out don't interrupt me,"
"You were speaking out loud Oji-san you're exited for your date aren't you?"
"It's not a date it's a friendly outing," Alari said moving his hands in his sleeves.
He couldn't admit that he just couldn't think of the situation as such, his heart was already reaching it's limit, if he actually spoke those words he'd probably faint from the pressure as sad as that was.
"It's just a garment, it's just a garment, be calm Alari you can handle this."
"You're speaking out loud again."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hotaru blushed furiously at the three of their reaction having turned to see part of it, "Ridiculous," she grit her teeth before looking at Erynhil, "You will die a long, slow, and painful death for this," she muttered under her breath and he raised his hands, giving a laugh of nervousness. Hearing Alari compliment her, Hotaru got the mask and put it on to hide her face turning as red as the lipstick on her mouth.
"No, take it off!" Eryn stamped his foot, "I worked very hard, you will not hide it, or I swear I'll melt that katana of yours," He pointed at her, her blade in Mary's custody and lord only knew where that girl ever was. Hotaru glared at him from behind the mask but he pulled it off, the cord around the back snapping so she couldn't put it back on. Eryn put his hands on Hotaru's back, pushing her a step or two closer to Larel and then waved, "Have fun, cuties," he grinned before hurrying after Alari and Kaori.
Hotaru flushed and looked off to the side, "Seems you got forced in to dressing up too. What did they threaten you with?" she went to cross her arms but realized what that would do with the way the top of the kimono sat and opted to put her hands on her hips. She caught wind of some food cooking nearby and looked around to try and spot it, before grabbing his arm lightly and leading him over, knowing he was the last person to object to food. Even though it wouldn't taste the same as before, barely like food at all, she felt like she would feel a little more normal if she had something to eat at a festival like this. Maybe it could get the red off her mouth too.

Eryn caught up and sped past Alari and Kaori, knowing he would need to do some damage control. He hurried down the road, through all the people, coming up on Mera from behind. Though forcing his sister to do anything was impossible, he had won her over with one of the finest materials he owned and she was hiding it under that dingy old cloak of hers. He came up behind her and she whirled to see what had ahold of her cloak, only to assist in it coming off. It was more classic in length, being a deep, rich shade of green as the main colors to be the contrast to her brighter red hair. It was simple but the material was fine and cost more than most people in the town could afford. However, Eryn was trying to get his sister and Alari to be something more official after seeing the way his sister reacted at the mere mention of the man, how she sought to defend her girlish emotions that she had never truly shown before. He had tied the kimono in a way that also showed a bit of her shoulders, and just a bit of her chest, showing some of the tattoos that came up off her arms and back. The clearest one was a rose that came over her shoulder, the edges of the petals touching her collarbone.
"Give that back, Eryn."
"No. You and Taru are so frustrating. You let me dress you up and then you try and hide it- What did you do to your hair, I had it all nice and braided!" He turned her around, starting to redo the braid, "He's almost here and you were practically unpresentable! You should have seen how they looked at Hotaru and she blushed, it was absolutely adorable," he beamed as he really quickly tied the braid, pulling an extra green ribbon from his bag, figuring she was going to do something like this and tied it in a bow. He turned her around, the bottom of the kimono moving a little more free flowing than how other people wore it- because he knew she might mess up anything that restricted her movement, "If I had a pretty green gem I would put it on you draw some attention to your assets... You'll get you cloak back when those shackles are off," he said simply before tossing it up to where Mary was on the roof.
"Why am I the one having to hold their things?" Mary grumbled, "I wanna play too," She pouted as she picked up the cloak
"You're much faster than I am and can get away from these temperamental ladies if necessary," he chuckled, "When they're throughly occupied, hide them and then come find me and we'll play lots of games together," he waved before hurrying away again, leaving Mera standing there.
"I so wish I was an only child sometimes," she muttered, crossing her arms, not necessarily caring about the affect it caused
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Larel listened to their conversation but he found it hard to stare at Hotaru for too long so his attention diverted to the festival and back to them on occasion. He tried to figure out a way to get past his nervousness while they spoke so he was a little glad Eryn was there. Unfortunately he left before he could come to a conclusion and with him gone he turned his attention fully back to Hotaru not wanting to be rude. Seeing her blush however he felt red flow into his own face and he averted his eyes. When she spoke to him he didn't look back at her but tried to figure out how to answer that question. He was ashamed at how they had gotten him into this but he felt silence would only make him more nervous so he wanted to keep a conversation going. He turned to respond but when his arm was grabbed no words came out and he quickly closed his mouth as his eyes widened a little bit as he walked with her. Once they reached the food it took a fair amount of will power to divert his attention from the arm Hotaru had grabbed, he reached up and rubbed his neck calming himself down before looking at the food. Being around it actually helped a little maybe because it was familiar. He held up two fingers to the vendor before grabbing two skewers from him. He believed this stuff was called Yakitori or something like that,he held one out to Hotaru before answering her question.
"They threatened me with Mary sad as that is to admit," Larel said shaking his head a little. "I didn't expect Alari to take advantage of my fear, it was a lowly trick befitting of the man."
Larel realized he had said fear and that he said more than he intended, Larel decided to casually ignore it and continue speaking.
"What about you Hotaru? How did they get you to dress up?" Larel asked.
Immediately after asking his question Alari's words came to mind and his eyes twitched a little, Alari told him he should be careful of his words today as he was normally too straightforward, he should take some care in this situation when it came to speaking. He loathed the idea of taking the advice of the man but he didn't disagree his words could be taken the wrong way.
"Not that it's bad you dressed up," Larel said nodding his head wanted to clarify he meant it in a positive way. "It looks good."
Larel realized what he said and cleared his throat realizing he had to clarify what he meant again.
"...wait no I didn't mean that it looked good...no I did mean it but I meant the circumstances...uh...never mind just ignore that last part....oh not that I didn't mean it...or...uh never mind."
Now that he thought about it Zenmaru was the one that always corrected him in situations like this, she was more used to conversing like this and knowing Alari he sealed her deeper inside for that reason. He was going to kill Alari for this, how was he supposed to talk to Hotaru much less anyone else when he didn't know what words fit well in conversation, he inwardly sighed and wondered if he had just offended Hotaru.

Alari and Kaori continued to make their way through the crowd when Eryn ran past them, the two stopped and looked at each before Kaori pointed in the direction he ran. Alari nodded in agreement and the two went after him, they weren't sure what was wrong but if he was running like that it worried them a little. They made their way through the people and though Alari wanted to run he didn't want to leave Kaori behind who knew would be unable to keep up in that kimono.
It took a bit of effort but they finally caught up to him, however by then Eryn was already gone and only Mera remained if not for what was right in front of them they may have proceeded after Eryn but both Alari and Kaori were frozen in place.
Alari's whole body seem to turn crimson at the sight of Mera and his glasses fell onto his nose as the world around him seem to darken with Mera standing in the center of it.
"Mera...I...just...wow...uh..." Alari tried to form some kind of sentence but it seemed only bits and pieces came out as he spoke. Kaori on the other hand fell to his knees with wide eyes as if he had just witnessed the beginning of a divine existence in that one moment. Alari's body wobbled a bit but he put his foot down catching himself and pushed his glasses back up; he grabbed Kaori and lifted him back onto his feet and tapped his cheek to snap him out of his daze.
"Sorry about that Mera I tried to find the words to compliment you...but I couldn't find any that convey what I'm seeing right now," Alari said smiling a little.
He blushed a little and rubbed the back of his head as he spoke again having fully regained his composure.
"Also please never wear that kimono again after today....I almost embraced you for a moment and I doubt I would have let go."
Alari lowered his hand from his head and looked over his shoulder.
The little fox popped out of his kimono and looked at Mera before a happy yip came from it.
"Go with Kaori," Alari said causing the fox to jump out of his kimono and onto Kaori's shoulder.
"What but I want to stay," Kaori said. "You can't possibly make me leave now can you?"
"Yes please go and enjoy the festival," Alari said turning him around.
"Oji-san it's not fair I want to stay with Mera-dono! She's so beautiful I have to capture it in my art, future generations have to see this! Please it'll only take a minute! Well that's if I capture I don't know if I have to skill too but let me try!"
"Go on Kaori we talked about this."
Alari gently moved Kaori away and with visible reluctance Kaori walked away from the two, Alari turned back to Mera before offering a small smile.
"Let's enjoy the festival Mera, after everything that's happened a little relaxation might be good."
Though he said relaxation every fragment of his being was nervous, yet he was calm at the same time which was strange but he felt contemplating such matters wasn't important especially given the circumstances.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"You're afraid of Mary?" Since he had never really seemed to have a problem around her or Mera, she didn't realize his fear was of women in general. She took a bite of the chicken while he stumbled over his phrasing, raising a brow at it, but looked in the direction Eryn had gone as she answered him, "He promised me a guilt free meal and I've been having a hard time with that lately, and then he took my katana once we got there and threatened to melt it if I didn't cooperate. Mary's got it now and she's hiding out somewhere," she muttered, "He stills owes me the first part," she muttered as she looked around them, "So. Shall we try our hands at some of these games? At the very least we should try and enjoy our time, right?" she smirked at him, "Maybe we should turn it to a contest or something? The person to win the most prizes is the victor of the night. We can decide on a prize or something later," she waved that part of before taking another bite of the food and starting over to one of the games, watching someone else play to try and understand how the game worked. Something caught her interest though and she turned looking towards a group of guys she realized were watching her and her face turned red again and she looked back to the game, "I'm driving this skewer in to Eryn's eye socket," she growled as she angrily took another bite, though the little kids in line that heard her got very scared and scattered. She rolled her eyes, looking to see is Larel was interested in the games or not.
She had to be honest that him acting that way was causing some confusing reactions in her. She didn't know whether or not that the reaction was a good one so she was worried that she was making him uncomfortable and then there was the fact that even Kaori who insisted she was tomboyish said she was cute and then that made her uncomfortable. And now the guys made her feel creeped out and she kind of wanted to stick them with the skewer to keep them from looking at her that way.

Mera narrowed her eyes at the rather dramatic scene from the two of them when they saw her, "You're idiots, and I swear on my life, Kaori, you draw me in any form or fashion and I'll not only skewer you, I will burn all your work," she threatened darkly before Alari sent him on his way and she looked back to him. She put her hands on her hips, "Honestly I don't understand why appearances change anything. I'm still exactly who I was before," she said with a clear agitation, "And I had no real interest in going out there and being pushed around by people too caught up in their own worlds to pay attention to where they're walking, or children who are in too much of a hurry to get to every stand, and especially not to be gawked at by other men who can only focus on the fact that my irritating little brother decided the most appealing fashion he had involved showing skin," she huffed. It was everything she could do to focus on being angry rather than blushing at the fact she was showing more skin than she was accustomed to, "I'd rather get right to the point and do what I have to to get these damned cuffs off."
Saying it so abruptly suddenly reminded her of what she was really and truly about to do. She was about to confess to him how she felt about him- something she never ever wanted to do because his attention was hard enough to bear sometimes as it was- but she needed these shackles off. She couldn't do anything properly with them on, and even if she couldn't go to face her father, she wouldn't be able to defend herself if he caught up with them and he wasn't far enough way that she was comfortable with just dealing with it for awhile longer. She stood up a bit straighter, hoping Mary hadn't try to sabotage this any to make it drag out, but she only had this one shot. Alari couldn't unlock the damned things until she spoke her heart to him and she knew he had the key. She looked at him, hoping he would just let her get it over with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Larel inwardly sighed seeing Hotaru heard it, it was going to be hard to catch himself without Zenmaru there but he took in a deep breath and nodded as a response he went to say something but Kaori's words echoed in his mind from earlier. If he said he was scared of women right to Hotaru's face that might be a tad offensive since he was fine around her, he hesitated saying anything thanks to that and instead listened to her reason. Hearing it he nodded seeing how she got pulled into all this as well though he involuntarily flinched at Mary's name. When Hotaru mentioned a game he couldn't help but smile at the idea, seeing her smirk brought him some comfort as well, it was a small reminder the Hotaru he knew was still there. Larel didn't want to openly admit it but he always wanted to try one of the games, he had seen people with scooping, chicks, and all sorts of other ones, he was embarrassed at admitting he wanted to try them though.
Larel walked over with Hotaru finding himself getting more exited at the idea before he spoke.
"It's a deal I already know what kind of prize I want so I'll be going at it full force Hotaru," Larel said chuckling a little.
Seeing Hotaru look at the group of guy's and her expression Larel's face went blank and he turned back around to the game.
"Still it seems we both got hit pretty low when it came to this whole matter," Larel said finishing his skewer. "I'll admit I'm curios what Erin meant by that."
Larel in one fluid motion after letting some people walk by threw the skewer with his arm, the skewer flew back and stuck into the wood next to one of the guy's face, he made sure it was close enough to cut his cheek a little. Larel glanced back and with a murderous look in his eyes shook his head slowly before turning forward again smiling again.
"To answer what you said earlier I'm afraid of Mary...or to be more precise most women in general. I seem to be okay around you and Mera-sama though, and my old master as well but other than that I can't handle it very well. Well to be honest when we first met I did try to keep a small distance from you two so I suppose it's more of adaptation then anything. Anyway why don't you go first Hotaru that way I have a clear score to try and beat...I've also never played these games so I'm not sure how they work."
Looking at Hotaru he couldn't really blame the guys as even he had stared at first, but he didn't really like his friend being gawked at and he instinctively reacted, honestly he was confused why he reacted; friendship was a complicated thing he was starting to understand that little by little.

Alari stared at Mera blinking a few times as she spoke feeling a little sad for Kaori who heard what she said and seemed to have sulked a little when he left, he made a mental note to buy him something later to improve his mood. He reached up and adjusted his glasses as Mera spoke of the many things that seemed to irritate her, the glare formed on Alari's glasses hiding his eyes as he listened with a blank expression. The moment she stopped however he grinned and tilted his head causing the glare to vanish.
"You're so adorable when you're mad, I know I shouldn't enjoy it but I never get tired of seeing it," he said chuckling to himself. "It is true you are you Mera but please understand it's the subtly in the outfit that makes it wonderful. I'll admit Eryn knows what he's doing though I prefer when you hide your skin."
He looked at the tattoo on his neck and smiled a little at it, he made sure not to stare too long as he thought it was rude as much as he wanted too which is why he preferred it, he didn't like admitting it but even he had trouble resisting such things, it seemed to only be with Mera though. Sad as it was if it was anyone else it wouldn't be a problem but he kept that to himself.
"I learned something new about you so I'm already happy, however Mera when you show that adorable side of yours it makes me want to tease you."
Alari pulled out the key and in one motion spun the key on the tip of his finger before speaking a small smile on his face.
"Let's enjoy our outing today Mera," Alari said before catching the key and putting it back in his sleeve. "I'll unlock your cuffs however-"
Alari cut himself off and removed his glasses letting his eyes glow red before cleaning them with a handkerchief.
"You have to show me another side of yourself before I willingly do so. Angry isn't an option either I see that all the time"
Alari put his glasses back on and held his hand to her smiling a little.
"Please excuse my selfishness for a bit, come let's go and enjoy ourselves. We can hold hands to avoid getting lost if that helps any."
Even if it was only for a few minutes Alari wanted to put a smile on Mera's face, she saw something that truly hurt her the other day he knew that and Mary's words hadn't been forgotten either.
More pain was probably going to follow in the future, Nero was gone, Thanos couldn't stop their father, Mary was being hunted and that was only on her side of things. He didn't have the heart to tell them what else lie in the future with Larel being around them, so just for today, even if only for a moment, even if only for a mere minute he wanted everyone to forget their troubles. That was easier said than done but he wanted some happy memories with all the sad one's recently, he would try and do just that for them, all of them. Larel, Mera, Hotaru, Kaori, Mary even Eryn, how much pain did they all have to deal with daily facing their own personal demons, granted he didn't know the latter four and understood only some of Mera's but even he could see something else in their eyes.
A wise man told him that it was the little moments that were more important, the time spent with others, the smiles shared between people made more of an impact then anything and it was something he came to understand much later.
"I won't give up," Alari said. "No matter what."
He would see Mera's smile, he would work towards that for as long as he needed too.
Once those cuffs were off she was dash towards her father, to protect the people she cared about and settle things for herself, he could respect that in fact he supported her. If he hadn't fallen in love with her he would have just removed the cuffs right then and there but he knew pain would follow and the very idea of Mera in pain hurt him, it hurt so much he felt he would die just from the sensation brought from the thought.
"I'm sorry Mera, I can understand where you're coming from...but I want to stay near you for just a little longer...for a little bit I get to be a little greedy and have you to myself after that Larel will stop me from being anywhere near you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"Trying to measure up your competition, I see how it is," Hotaru smirked at him, "Well, then let's go for the fish, it's something I've always wanted to play," she said and walked forwards the game and bending down next to the tub of water. She paid for the game, getting three paper nets to try with, and she looked down at the fish, "Just so we're clear, I also find these games to be ever so slightly rigged, especially ones like these," She waved the paper net at the vendor, who rolled their eyes, before she started to pick a fish. She reached in slowly, trying not to startle the fish before the longer it took to try and catch the fish, the more likely it was that the paper would tear. She went to get a regular goldfish, but the paper ripped the second she got it out of the water, "Damn," She pursed her lips, trying it again and ripping the next one too, "Told you," she looked at Larel, "Rigged," she looked back at the water, looked at the last next, and then backed toward the water before reaching in. She went after a black goldfish and grinned as she got it out of the water and the net didn't tear, "Oh hey!" The vendor got one of the jars of water and put the fish in it and she stood up, showing it to Larel, "It has to be beginners luck because I never won any kind of these things when I was growing up," she said with a smirk, holding her finished skewer between her teeth, "You're up! Don't go showing me up too bad," she laughed a bit as she stepped back to let him up to play as well. She realized then that the guys had left and there was the skewer in the wall where they had been standing. She smirked a bit at that before turning to look and see how Larel would fare at the game.
As annoying as the get up was, she was going to focus on just having some fun with him, actual fun that she couldn't recall them being able to have before then. She almost felt bad about the fact he had been uncomfortable around her and Mera at first, but she was rather relieved at the fact that he had gotten comfortable over time. She would hate for him to be stuck feeling that way the whole time, but it was decent leverage against him to know she was "afraid" of Mary. She wouldn't use it often but it was just always good to know what cards were in her deck.
She looked around seeing there were games that had balloons in water that the vendor was making spin in the water and there were a couple of places were throwing small items at targets trying to win prizes. There were certainly plenty to keep the kids occupied, and there was food galore. She was pleased to find that eating the chicken made her feel less like she was desperately in need of feeding, which was even more important now when there were people all over the place. She chewed on the skewer, waiting for the results of his efforts or his choice of whether or not he wanted to play a different game.

Mera walked up to him, glaring at him, "And how the hell am I supposed to enjoy myself?" she pointed behind her, toward the way they came, "He's coming this way, I can see it," She grabbed the front of Alari's kimono, "Why do you continue to act as if there is nothing wrong, why do all of you continue to pretend as if the world is just fine when it's on the precipice of falling apart at its seems?" her frustration was mixing with the emotion she tried to hide just about as much as her emotions towards him, her fear. It wasn't just for herself, it was for her siblings, for Larel and Hotaru, for him, because they were all in danger if he got there, "Why can none of you just accept that this is the worst time for such childishness?" she looked down, still holding on to him before taking a deep breath and looking back up, "Fine you want a different side? I'm sure this will boost your ego plenty- Do you have any idea what it would do to me to see any of you get hurt? Not just Thanos, Mary, or Eryn, but those two? Or you? Hell, even if something were to happen to Kaori, because all of you have wound your way in to my being in a way I've never felt before," She gave him a slight shove, mostly just dropping her hands, "And this is exactly why I never wanted any of you close to start with, I didn't want anything to get in the way or doing what needed to be done....Why couldn't you just leave me be?" she rubbed her eyes, feeling exhausted after the small outburst, the smallest bit of opening herself up, "I'm still not going out there, in case that isn't clear," she waved her hand towards the busy streets before finding some toppled barrel to sit on, putting her head in her hands.
There was a hollow ache in her chest, wondering just how pathetic she looked being so desperate to focus on the negative rather than being like the lot of them that would rather see what small positive there was and holding on to it. But how could she just forget he was coming? What if she got so busy trying to actually "enjoy" herself she missed the fact he'd caught up with them and then he showed his truest colors as a monster? She knew all of them, all of them but Kaori, could easily defend themselves from most of what the "grunts" were capable of, but even she did really know what her father would rest to and she couldn't really stand the idea of seeing any of them in the condition Thanos had been in after he confronted him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Larel smiled and watched Hotaru try her had at the fish game, he watched the game with a focused gaze and observed Hotaru's hand movements as she tried to grab the fish. He got a handle on the how the game was played but from Hotaru's mentioning of how it was rigged he rubbed the back of his head seeing the man roll his eyes. Were these things really rigged? Larel jumped a bit seeing the fish move, he blinked and leaned forward in disbelief he didn't know they were actual live fish.
"They're alive," he mumbled as he continued to watch Hotaru.
He held in a chuckle at her when she pulled the net out on the first try however when she spoke to him he couldn't help but let it out before looking back into the water as she tried again. He closed his fists silently hoping for her to get one as she went in for the third attempt, when she got one he nodded before Hotaru showed it to him causing him to lean a little to look at the fish.
"Well here's hoping I get that same kind of luck," he said while paying. "It’ll be my first time after all so I'll aim to get at least one."
Larel looked at the net and taking a deep breath put it into the water imitating Hotaru's movements, he watched the fish's movements and his eyes widened before he pulled the net out of the water, as he did he stared at the net his body tensing as he expected the net to break.
However the fish stayed in the net and he got a jar from the vendor before putting the fish in, he stared at it with wide vibrant eyes as a wide smile slowly found its way onto his face before he held the jar up and laughed.
"Haha I got one! Look Hotaru I got a fish I got a fish on my-" Larel cut himself off as he realized how childish he was being, he calmly set the jar down and grabbed the other two nets once more before clearing his throat trying to hide the embarrassment. "What I meant to say is this game is easier than I thought, that victory is as good as mine."
Though Larel spoke these words with confidence he failed miserably on his last two attempts to an extent he was completely red remembering his earlier outbursts once more. Larel put his hand over his face and picked up his jar before looking over at Hotaru.
"A-anyway why don't we move onto something else now I refuse to let this end on a tie. That target game might be good it's at least something we both have experience in."
Failings aside he was enjoying himself with all this, admittedly he may have enjoyed such a simple thing a bit too much but he couldn't help himself. He never imagined he'd come to a festival with a friend much less at all, the whole thing seemed like a dream as silly as that sounded. He kept this to himself as he a little ashamed the thought had even come to mind.
He looked over at Hotaru waiting for her to move, he didn't do well in crowds, part of the reason he could be so composed was his attention was focused on Hotaru. Without Zenmaru there wasn't a mental buffer on him and the people around him.

Alari leaned back a bit when she got close raising and eyebrow only to flinch a little when she grabbed his kimono. Listening to her speak his expression moved from a surprised one to concern his eyebrows drawing down a little as Mera spoke to him, when she pushed away he reached up and adjusted his kimono and watched as she sat down remaining silent as he lowered his hand.
Alari walked over and sat down on the barrel next to her before leaning back and looking at the sky.
“I kind of figured as much but can’t blame a guy for trying,” Alari said at her not going out. “I really wanted too as well how disappointing.”
Alari leaned forward a small smile forming on his face as he shrugged.
“We are a pretty stubborn bunch aren’t we,” Alari said reaching up and removing his glasses. “However…acting like nothings wrong, childishness…I wish it was something as simple as that. We all know what’s coming and how cruel the world can be at times. I won’t speak for you and I may not fully understand Hotaru but even I pay attention to things like that. I doubt Hotaru’s fully given up on vengeance yet or adjusted to her new self, Larel has so many past scars it’s a miracle he even came today, had to use his fear of women just to make him come. Kaori’s no different either that boy smiles but even he feels pain when he see’s a mother and father smiling with their child. Our situations are different and I may not understand you as well as I want to Mera…but I understand, pain, sorrow, loss and loneliness I doubt those three are any different. It’s because we understand those feelings that we can’t just leave you alone Mera, it’s not like we’d welcome pain befalling you either.”
Alari closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.
“Your father is coming; forgetting something like that isn’t a possibility. Even if we get past him in some way, goodness knows how mind you, only more sorrow may await us in the future, isn’t that a horrible way to look at things? Survive a sadness only to meet another; that would break normal people.”
Alari opened his eyes a tinge of sadness hidden beneath his distant gaze as he folded his hands together making sure not to crush his glasses.
“What’s wrong with a having fun, making good memories, smiling, feeling happy. After everything everyone’s been through and will have to go through what’s wrong with having if only a moment of reprieve for the individual burdens we each bear. Do we not deserve only a little happiness? Is a moment to smile and creating a good memory so hard? This may make me sound old but those three have gone through so much and they’re still so young. For today I thought it’d be nice if they could smile, just for a little bit. So many burdens are placed upon them, burdens they didn’t ask for, burdens forced upon them, they have to confront them and whatever else get’s in the way. I want them to smile, to be happy to enjoy a moment of bliss where the world isn’t so cruel, where it isn’t falling apart, where chaos isn’t thriving. A world where a young lady doesn’t have to feed on another person to survive, where a young man can forget the scars he carries and act like he wants too, and a young yet strange boy can actually put a real smile on his face.”
Alari put his glasses back on and let out a long sigh before running his hand through his hair.
“If that’s childishness then I’m fine with that. I’ll accept being called an immature adult or even a child if it means those three can be happy for just a moment and I want the same for you Mera. I want your happiness just as much as theirs. For now Mera have some faith in us, your father seems like a frightening man and I know we’ll have difficulties if we meet him but his existence isn’t worth sacrificing happiness and that includes yours.”
Alari adjusted his glasses and scratched the side of his cheek before chuckling nervously.
“It seems…I spoke a bit too much of my thoughts, I sounded really bad didn’t I? This isn’t a very good first da- ah outing first outing. Still I mean all of it, we’ll get past this conflict together that way you can yell at us if we put ourselves in danger and we can do the same for you. I’ll openly admit I’m a little envious of you Mera, you got so many people who care about you, a part of me hopes you realize just how lucky you are.”
Alari grinned at Mera before turning his attention forward again.
“Also in terms of my ego it’s already inflated since I have you all to myself. Ah still it’s a shame my plain failed, we were supposed to embrace when the fireworks went off.”
Alari pulled out a small book and flipped through it.
“Stayed up all night working it out too, that’s a shame.”
Smiling through hardships, there were names for people like that and he was fine with being called them. Mera’s happiness, Larel’s happiness, Hotaru’s happiness, Kaori’s happiness, Mary’s happiness…everyone’s happiness that’s what was important.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hotaru smiled brightly at Larel's outburst when he got the fish, finding it almost kind of adorable, patting his shoulder a bit as he spoke about going on to the next game, "Hope you're not a sore loser," she smirked, "But hey, don't be afraid to let yourself get excited about something, it's good for the soul," she smiled before taking his arm again and pulling him over to the next game. She'd only been to one of these things in her childhood with her parents and they had expected her to behave herself, they were there to be seen, not to be like the rabble. But she had snuck off to play some games, to have some fun- that's what children did after all. She remembered some boy telling her exactly the same thing as he pulled her from vendor to vendor, that fun and excitement was good for the soul.
Hotaru stopped once they reached the target game, handing Larel her fish was she paid, "Hold that just a sec," she picked up the beans they were using and looked at the different jars, "Each jar is worth a certain amount of points, a certain amount of points gets you a certain sized toy," she motioned to the stuffed dolls and the different kinds of toys, looking more expensive the higher up they went, "We'll just see who gets the nicer gift huh?" she smirked at him before starting to toss the beans. Throwing them would be overkill and probably would break the jars. Tossing them created more of a challenge as there had to be just enough force to get it where it was going, nothing more, nothing less. In the end she got about 20 points, as she had an easier time getting it in the jars further back than the ones up front, though she was just as capable as giving too much force as not enough and a lot of her beans went completely past the jars and in between them. She got a wood carved doll that had an interesting paint design on it and tucked it under her arm as she took the two fish from Larel.
"Your turn," she smirked at him, "Let's see how well you do cause it's certainly not at easy as it looks," she was psyching him out a bit, as it was fairly easy once you understood just how much force would send the little bean where you wanted it. She just wanted to see how he would react and how well he would do, she liked seeing him get excited about something so simple as games, it was a different side of him.

Mera lowered her hands from her face as Alari spoke to her, leaning on her knees as she listened to what he had to say. She looked up as he asked what was wrong with having fun, and she seemed a bit surprised at the way he spoke about enjoying a world of bliss and talking about Hotaru, Larel, and Kaori being happy. Her brows went up as he mentioned her father wasn't worth sacrificing happiness for- it was a concept that she had never let herself think about, one that just never occurred. Her focus had always been that she had to deal with him at all costs if he were to start coming for them, that if she didn't face him before he reached them that he was going to make everything hard for them. But the thought of forgetting about him for just a small portion of time and actually allowing herself the ability to breath, relax, and actually enjoy herself was something that seemed almost difficult to wrap her head around.
She looked at him again as he said he was envious of her and then something happened as he mentioned embracing during the firework, the fact he had stayed up trying to plan it out. She put her hand to her mouth as a strange fit of laughter hit her. Something so ridiculous as trying to plan an evening just so it ended a certain way was suddenly just so hilarious to her, with everything they were just talking about, to go from almost lecturing her about putting happiness on the back burner to such a bout of silliness, "I don't understand you at all," she finally said as she caught her breath, "Your thinking seems to simple and straightforward all the time, then you spout these moments of thought that are so much deeper than you allow anyone to know you're capable of, and then come right back around to this childishness.... You're so strange, Alari," she shook her head, getting quiet for a moment as she ran her hands over her legs, trying to think of what to do or say before looking at him, "It's been decades since I allowed myself... to be childish, to just forget about all else and have fun... I don't think I even know how to do something like that anymore," she mumbled, looking towards the people passing by, hearing the children laughing, "I hope Mary's out there, she really needs something like that...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Larel grinned at Hotaru's smirk but tilted his head at the words that followed before he made sure to keep up with her as he was pulled to the next stand.
"Good for the soul?" he said more to himself than to Hotaru.
He wasn't sure what that meant but he admitted it was nice to get excited about something, he was still embarrassed about being seen like that but he held back most of the day on actually showing that side of himself, except when he was half starving but that was a whole other matter. Having these few moments without Zenmaru around was strange but he was having fun, he figured he'd feel lonely without her around and though he did miss her he didn't feel that much differently from before now.
It was nice to lose himself in something for a bit, he normally couldn't afford such opportunities as he was either trying to survive or protecting his current employer. He didn't trust Alari around Mera but he knew she could defend herself, better than he could and though he wanted to do more he understood that she would be okay on her own, not that he'd be able to convince her to think otherwise and he came to understand that with time.
When Hotaru handed him the fish he looked at it before looking over at the jars as Hotaru played the game, he watched her again to get a hang on how the game was played though Hotaru's explanation cleared up most of his questions.
He watched Hotaru with a steady gaze and the moment she collected her prize he nodded his head before she took the fish back, he raised an eyebrow at her before grinning and rolling up his sleeves.
"I'll try not to show off too much Hotaru but this game is mine."
Larel took the beans and scanned the jars, the one in the back gave the most points so he figured aiming for that one would be for the best, he tossed a bean towards the jar and watched as it fell to the right of it.
".......I want to say that was on purpose but I'd have to lie to myself as well," Larel said preparing another bean.
He eyes went to the close jar seeing as the far one was a bit too difficult, he tossed the bean again....only to have it fall in the exact same place as last time. He admitted he was astonished at the fact he had messed up that badly, he realized what he was doing though, his eyes went to the same jar but he used the same movements for it, that wasn't going to work.
Larel brought his hand to his chin and closed his eyes for a moment he needed another strategy. Larel nodded a few times before opening them again and dropping some of the beans into his other hand.
He moved the bean to his thumb and flicked it causing it to soar in the air and land in the jar at the far end, he grinned seeing one go in before pumping his fist a little and doing the same thing again.
He continued to do so until all the beans were gone, at the end of it he had 21 points and reaching up he ruffled his hair with a small smile.
"Ah that was fun," Larel said. "Trying to figure out how to get them in was interesting let's go the next game."
Larel started to hand the fish back to her but the vendor reminded him of the prize causing Larel to blush a little and chuckle before pointing to one of the prizes.
"I'll take that one...." he said a little ashamed he had forgotten.
He handed Hotaru her fish before taking a Kendama cup with a red ball on top of it, he smiled a little at it before throwing the ball up and catching it.
"I always wanted one of these, it's more fun than I thought," he said continuing to toss the ball.
He seemed engrossed in the small toy as he laughed a little to himself as he continued to catch the ball however someone bumped into him causing him to drop it.
Larel shook his head and remembering where he was promptly put the Kendama away before bringing his hand to his mouth and clearing his throat.
"T-that's two to one Hotaru, let's go on to the next one. You uh...you lead the way."

Alari continued flipping through his book however he stopped when Mera put her hand over her mouth, hearing laughter come from her his eyes widened and the book fell out of his grasp as he stared at her shocked at what he was witnessing. When she spoke to him he recovered and adjusted his glasses unable to find the words for a response still caught off guard by Mera's laughter. He recovered from it after a bit of effort and couldn't help but smile at being called strange before reaching down and picking up his book as silence fell between them. He wanted to say something but he couldn't get what just happened out of his mind, even more so he was happy to hear his name said without anger behind it.
Happiness was an understatement for what filled him at the moment, he looked over at Mera as she spoke again his smile fading as she spoke of herself, hearing what she had say made him a little sad, to not enjoy oneself truly for such an amount of time he wasn't sure what to say to that at first.
He turned back at the festival at the mention of Mary and closed his eyes as he folded his hands and leaned forward a little the sounds of the festival reaching his ears causing him to smile a little.
"I hope she is too," Alari said putting the book back in his sleeve. "StilI believe we don't truly forget how to be a bit childish sad as that is to admit. If you want Mera I'll help you in remembering it, I'm apparently very good at it going off others opinion."
Alari reached up and removed his glasses folding them up and putting them away, he blinked allowing his eyes to return to their normal color before speaking again.
"By the way Mera you should laugh more, you have a very beautiful laugh. That sounds strange but I don't really know how else to explain it. When I hear you laugh it makes me feel...at peace for some reason. I'm definitely noting this as one of my better days, I got to see another side of Mera today."
Alari grinned beyond ecstatic at the moment, it would only be a for a short time and though didn't go as planned he was actually a little happy about that. This kind of thing shouldn't be planned anyway but he wasn't sure how else to handle it, he didn't say it out loud but Mera was teaching him things about himself and he kind of liked it.
"You're wonderful Mera," Alari said looking up at the sky with a small smile. "I'd like things to go on like this forever....seems like a dream sometimes....I know I'll have to wake up when the time comes but that makes it all the more endearing. Also just putting it out there but I'm not against counting this a moment."
Alari grinned and laughed a little to himself before waving his hand showing he was just kidding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hotaru watched him play, raising a brow when he stopped to figure out what to do and then when he beat her, she narrowed her eyes with a huff, "One friggin' point, you got lucky," She pointed the dolls hand at him, "And you don't have to be embarrassed, honestly. I am the last person in the world to judge you for enjoying yourself- something you do not seem to do like... ever outside of eating- and these people don't matter. We'll move on to the next town on our journey to heaven only knows where and we'll probably never come back here anyways. So just forget about their opinions and stop trying to hide the way you actually feel about something," she said as she looked around, "But I have picked the last two games. I think it's time you picked the next one," she smiled at him before seeing the kids run by with their masks on, "Oh, hey, do you want one of those, cause I've got mine," She put the doll in her pouch as she got the mask back out, putting it on, grinning a bit behind it.
It did feel nice to just let loose a little bit, to feel like for just a little while they were just normal people spending time together at some normal little festival with no impending doom lingering on the fringes of the evening, and reality wasn't a cruel thing waiting to crush all the normality they got to experience for the short amount of time. She wasn't thinking all that naturally, not allowing herself to think of anything other than getting Larel to let himself just actually get excited about something. She was surprised that Zenmaru wasn't chatting away though, making her usual kind of comment about them going on like this, wanting to eat the nearest person or something, or was that latter thought her own? She was glad she had the mask on because the fact she wasn't sure had her a bit concerned, "After the next game we should try some other stand food. Mera gave us a lot to spend tonight so I can pay for it next time," she said from behind the mask looking around for a mask vendor to get him, "What animal would you get? I think you should get a dog one," she moved the mask up to the top of her head, the strap holding on by her bun, as she smirked at him, "Honest and loyal definitely sound like traits for you," she nodded.

Mera gave a small eye roll at how dramatic he made her laugh sound, "I suppose I haven't laughed much since you've met me.... Small disappointments over the years have lead me to where I am in the terms of how I expect people will treat me and how I feel I should treat them, more of how much I should bother with and how upset I should when they've decided to abandon the ideal of trust for something different," she said before standing up, taking a deep breath, "Well, alright, Wisdom, I'm all dressed up, though I feel half like a geisha," she tried to fix the top half of her kimono a bit, "I'm not sure what you mean by counting this as a moment but I'm guessing it's one of those ridiculously romantic ideals all cooped up in the head of yours. I feel like you've never had someone to focus your attentions on before in the same manner as you do me and that's why I can't seem to persuade you to relent," she said with a slight shake of the head, a few rebellious hairs sliding free of the braids and hanging around her face, "But while we're here, I suppose you have some idea of how to give me a lesson in having fun?" she raised a brow as she crossed her arms again.
Maybe he wasn't completely wrong. Maybe she should just stop charging headlong in to the idea that she could handle this on her on and that she had to face it and abandon everything that made her happy so that she could protect those she cared about. Maybe for just a night she could think about herself. After all it didn't feel quite right anymore to just spurt out all those emotions, the feelings bubbling up deep in her- by the goddess, his ego did not need her admitting to the fact she had somehow along the way fallen for his constant pursuits, his constant affections. The idea of telling him at all had her turning away to hide her blush at it now, and a very strange phenomena hit her. She put her hand to her stomach, still not looking at him, wondering what suddenly had her feeling like that. She had been so sure in her anger that she could just say it and be done with it, that in the end this would end up being another disappointment, but now that he worked away that anger, gotten down to the part of her that she had a hard time showing anymore- the side of her that used to raise her sisters through the village streets closest to the gypsy camps to try and get to the shops that sold sweets and then waste about half of them pelting her brothers for stealing their favorites, the side that used to have sore cheeks at the end of the day because she spent so long laughing and grinning, a side she had forgotten about by now- and with that, her emotions suddenly seemed raw and something to remain hidden.....
Well great, that was certainly going to make for great conversation for the rest of the now long evening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Larel still grinned at the victory and when Hotaru spoke of his behavior he rubbed the back of his head a little embarrassed, he didn't disagree with her about it actually hearing her say something actually helped a little as it had been bothering him for a bit. At the mention of a game he checked the area and brought his hand to his chin as he tried to find just the right challenging one. He noticed the kids and he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't want a mask, he nodded to Hotaru and followed after her for one. At the mention of food he smiled at the idea and gave a thumbs up to Hotaru as he wholly agreed with the idea.
When they reached the mask vendor he looked at the masks wondering which one he should get, he had never gotten a mask for fun before so it was kind of exciting to choose one.
He looked over at Hotaru at the mention of the dog one and he gave a narrowed side glance at her but he closed his eyes and chuckled before reaching forward and grabbing a cat one.
"I'd take anyone but the cat one, last thing I need is to give him a reason to call me little neko again," Larel said sighing a little.
Though he shook his head there was a small smile on his face as he stared at the cat mask; however he quickly put it back on before putting his finger against his forehead.
He wasn't sure but he may have not hated Alari for a split second there, that wasn't good he couldn't lose himself to such a degree that he forgot that man's dangerous tendencies.
"Still I suppose I owe him some thanks, he sealed Zenmaru pretty deep in me. For as long as I remember she's always been around; I can still feel her but I feel......bare if I had to put in words. Still having fun like this, I'm not used to it...I'll try not to be embarrassed but it's kind of a foreign feeling to me."
Larel noticed a mask near the top and reaching up grabbed it, it was a Hannya mask and staring at the horns paid the vendor and put the mask in his kimono before grabbing the dog one and paying for it.
He put the dog one on and adjusted the mask so it was rested on the side of his head before looking at Hotaru.
"That other one's for Zenmaru later, I think it fits her well personally," he said before turning towards one of the games.
Larel walked over to the vendor and noticed a bunch of sake cups in a 3x3 setup, he looked at the vendor before pointing at them, the vendor explained the game it was relatively simple there was an item under one of the bowels and they were given three chances to find it.
"So if I find the item I get the prize."
The vendor nodded and explained that the sooner the ball was found the better the prize.
"Alright I'll go first then," Larel said.
He stared at the cups and pointed at the bowel in the bottom middle, the vendor picked it up to show nothing was under it, he let out a small 'tch' before looking over the rest.
Larel pointed at the cup on the far right in the middle row and again nothing was under it, Larel's eye twitched and he set the cup down before staring at the cups.
He rubbed his chin and pointed at the last cup before the vendor picked it up, he noticed a small ball under it and the vendor smiled and motioned to the prizes.
Larel looked at a small charm on the lowest shelf, he pointed at it and the vendor handed it to him. The vendor walked around and put his back to the two as he reset the game moving the cups around.
Larel put the charm in his sleeve before looking at Hotaru and motioning towards the cups.
“Your turn Hotaru,” Larel said.

Alari looked over at Mera tilting his head slightly as she spoke to him, he turned his attention back to the festival at the mentioning of expectations. He could understand that if only a little but he remained quiet as she spoke of it. He looked at her arched a brow when she stood up but smiled when she mentioned feeling like a geisha. He stood up himself adjusting his glasses surprised at his own resilience, he was happy at the very least that he could endure being near Mera with his emotions the way they were at the moment. It went without saying but she was very beautiful, even more so today which made him more nervous than usual to stand near her. Mera was the only person that did this to him, in all the time he’s lived and the people he’s encountered she was the only one to make him feel like this. The feeling in his chest right now, he wanted it to flourish even more thus he felt today was a perfect day to increase his already growing love towards Mera.
“Well I do have a few ideas, I know everyone’s dancing in that direction and there are plenty of things to participate in along the way,” Alari said pointing in a direction. “I hope that we can change your expectations at least for us a little day by day.”
Alari smiled and crossed his arms before turning his attention back to Mera.
“Well since it’s out there, you are the first to….” Alari trailed off seeing Mera looking away and holding her stomach. “Are you okay Mera?” Alari said his eyebrows narrowing a little as worry crossed his face. “You don’t feel bad or anything do you. Your face is all red too…here let me feel your forehead turn around.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hotaru smirked a bit at his reasoning for not getting the cat mask and nodded when he explained why he got two masks. She was surprised to hear that Alari had sealed Zenmaru but she had to appreciate the lack of snide comments she was sure would keep Larel from actually enjoying himself. She could understand that having fun felt foreign but something in her really wanted to give him the real chance to enjoy himself, though she herself hadn't gotten the chance to do it growing up.
She followed him as he picked their next game and put her hand to her chin as the vendor mixed up the cups, following his hands as he did, figuring he would end up having her go next. Sure it was cheating just a little bit to have some idea of where the cups were when the vendor finished but then she got the feeling that she didn't want to resort to cheating to have to win. She reached over and really quickly mixed them up some more, "Sorry, knew where it was," she waved off the confused vendor before tapping her chin and picking up the middle one. She pouted a bit that it wasn't there, almost wishing then she hadn't mixed them up but she grinned when she found it under the next one, "Ha ha! Success!" she beamed, clapping her hands together before getting her prize, "Since we both got a prize, does it count as a tie, or do I get it since I found it before you did?" she looked at Larel, tilting her head, the beads on her hair decor jingling lightly, "All I know is my hands are getting a little full and unlike these nic naks, I can't stick this little guy in my bag...." She looked at the gold fish in the jar before looking around, "I'm going to keep an eye out for some kid that deserves a fish," she smirked and nodded as she looked back to him, before that feeling hit her again and she caught his arm, "Food," she pulled him towards another stand, paying for their food, "Hope you like fish, pretty sure this has octopus in the middle," She looked at one of the balls in her hands before taking a bite, "This keeps away the urges though, so if you're not going to eat them, I will," She said before looking around, "One more game to settle the score? And you pick cause I picked the first two," she took another bite, finding she could appreciate the flavors as they were put together. Cause there would be no way she would eat Octopus on its own.

Mera stiffened as he caught her doing it and stepped away, "No, don't do that," She said shortly, "It's not necessary," she cleared her throat, "Though you have proven you are apparently naive in that area as I am and have about zero tact," she mumbled before motioning forward, "Let's get this over with, yea? You said your big plan was this thing with the fireworks, let's see if you can.... if you can earn it," she said, looking at him, blushing a little bit at the idea of intimately embracing someone. She cleared her throat again as she felt her stomach erupt in to that feeling as she turned to head towards the street, blinking as she saw a butterfly before her face deadpanned as she looked around. 'Butterflies, thank you for explaining, Eryn' she knew he had more than likely given Mary one of the butterflies he kept in containers in his home to give her the clue. Her "phenomena" was butterflies, "How ridiculous," she rubbed her forehead before starting forward around the butterfly to the street, "Unless you have some other plan, Alari, we should get on with it before there's nothing left to do. I'm sure the vendors don't plan on going to whole night if they have people they want to watch the fireworks with as well," she said as she glanced back at him, "Or are you going to add some other stipulation to be able to maybe in the end get these off? I still have to put it all out there for you, but I imagine you rather enjoy trying to drag it out, don't you?" she mused, tilting her head at him as she held her arms out to show the cuffs again
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Larel watched Hotaru play the game rubbing his chin as she did so happy she was participating in this battle fairly, however as he thought this Hotaru got the prize on the second try and Larel pouted seeing it. He ended up smiling in the end though as she spoke to him, he believed that they should just count it as a tie and settle it with the last game. When she mentioned all the items he nodded understanding as he also didn't have a spot to put his fish, he'd normally put anything he carried in his shadow but he didn't like the idea of putting a living thing in there and with Zenmaru sealed he wasn't sure if it would pass through all the way.
When he was pulled to the next stand he followed her with wide eyes caught off guard by the pull but smiled a little as they made their way to the food. The scent made his mouth water a little and Larel took the food thanking Hotaru before balancing the jar on his head as he went to eat his food taking note of what Hotaru said about the fish.
"I'm okay with fish, I developed a taste on the battlefield. Sometimes we'd be low on supplies and we had to eat whatever we could get our hands on, sadly that was fish. After months of it I started to hate it less."
Larel looked around for a game before his eyes landed on one a short distance away, there were decorated cards on the table and the vendor explained the game to someone else who was currently trying their hand at it.
It was a simple game with matching, there were twelve cards set up in a 4x3 setup, the person got six attempts to match as many as they could, on the first attempt two cards could be picked, after that only one could be picked. It wasn't possible to match all the cards so three or more guaranteed a top prize, two second, and one lowest.
"That one looks interesting, we'll consider it the finale," Larel said pointing at it. "If you get too much to Hotaru I can carry some for you, most of mine are small things well except this little guy," Larel said reaching up and taking the jar off his head. "Of course I intend on winning the last one so you won't have the worry about carrying any more."
Larel grinned brought his to his chin giving his head a tilt before glancing back at the stand.
"That aside the food was delicious I've never had it before," Larel said motioning to the food. "You've come to a festival before right Hotaru? You're lucky you got to eat stuff like this."
Larel nodded a few times with a solemn nod, when it came to food it was important to experiment with many different types today was definitely a good day.

Alari rubbed the back of his head seeing she was alright but he was still a tad worried as she cleared her throat. He didn't catch what she said afterwards and put it aside as she continued adjusting his glasses as she did so. A little red flowed into his face seeing Mera's blush, he questioned how he was supposed to keep his composure seeing that, he gave his head a slight shake trying to recover from his swirling emotions and nodded at earning his objective. Alari closed his hand into a fist causing it to tremble a little, this was something he needed to work hard for victory in this regard meant the a great reward up there with gaining a castle...at least in his opinion.
Though Alari felt a new flame erupt within him at the thought his face was almost completely red at the idea, he could barely come in contact with Mera as it was, just considering embracing her was already making his heart beat faster. Alari couldn't think about it, he'd hesitate if it went too far but it was on his mind now. The hill went flashing into his mind as his thoughts started to linger there, he was actually starting to worry how he was going to do this, due to his thoughts he missed the butterflies and by time he came back Mera had spoken and was already walking. Alari went to catch up with her and smiled as she mentioned the vendors, he was glad at the very least for the opportunity to visit one with her.
When she mentioned dragging it out Alari smiled and held his hand up before flexing it causing the key to appear, he looked at it before moving it between his fingers.
"I won't drag anything out Mera," Alari said. "I want to spend time with you but if you're forcing yourself to stay that defeats the purpose...at least for me."
Alari held the key normally and pointed the end at Mera.
"I'll unlock the cuffs once the requirement is met. However..."
Alari trailed off and tossed the key up letting it fall back into his sleeve.
"Tonight's a night for us to be together, you're stuck with me until the very end I'm afraid."
Alari held his arm out motioning to a stand selling food nearby, and to a group of people dancing around a person playing a large drum, games were spread out as far as the eye could see and there was more than enough to buy.
"There are plenty of opportunities lined in front of us Mera, our time is short so let's make the most of it. Let's eat and talk about silly things, participate in a few games like that matching one over there, join the others in dance and watch the fireworks."
Alari lowered his arms and moved his hands into his sleeves, he smiled at Mera before speaking in a gentle voice.
"What would you like to do Mera? We're here together your opinion matters to me on what we should do with our time together. We could just talk if that suits you as well, I have some stories I could tell and you could tell me about that tattoo there."
Alari motioned to the rose on her shoulder before bringing his hand to his mouth and averting his gaze.
"Ah I can't look for too long, the plan is ruined if I embrace you now, the moment's not right. Anyway I believe we should find nourishment but I'm willing to wait should you have another idea."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Leiko followed his gaze to the matching game and nodded in agreement about using it as a finale. When he declared he was going to be the winner, she laughed, "Well, I'm glad you've got such confidence in yourself!" she smirked at him before he mentioned her going to the festivals before and she shrugged, "I didn't really get to eat anything like this when I was there because my parents said it was commoner food and we weren't to be on the same level of the rabble. She had a lot of nerve considering she was lower than them," she muttered before going over towards the card table, watching someone else play before paying to play herself.
She glanced around as the guy shuffled and laid out the cards before looking back and tapping her finger on the stand as she tried to think of which cards to pick. She flipped over two, not surprised to find they weren't a match. In the end she managed to get one match, sighing in annoyance at her poor luck, "Six attempts doesn't really feel like enough..." she mumbled, waving off the prize as it isn't much of anything to start with. She leaned on the stand out of the way so that Larel could play, "Your turn," she said before looking around again and then raising a brow when there was a break in the crowed and she spotted Alari and Mera, "Holy crap and I though Eryn did a number on me," she mumbled, but she was also surprised at the fact Mera was clearly blushing about something. She finished her last piece of food before a scent hit her hard. Her eyes darted around and she saw some little kid had tripped when they were running and had cut their knees on the small pieces of gravel on the path, "Of course," She hissed under her breath as the kid started crying, their parents ushering over. She pulled her mask back down before looking back, hoping she could just keep it together a little longer. She was having fun, she didn't want this curse she had no control over at this point to ruin everything.

"You know, there's a reason the house I had for the last two decades was away from the village- I don't do crowds," Mera sighed, putting her hands on her hips, before he mentioned that her opinion mattered, to which she rolled her eyes then raised a brow at his reaction to looking to where the tattoo was, "That? It's part of the tattoo that covers my back. It's a.. flower patch of sorts, a different flower for each of my siblings," She explained, "Cheesy I know but my connection with earth made it seem fitting," she rubbed the back of her neck, blushing lightly again but with embarrassment this time, "The rose is for Mary because my mother used to say that roses would always bloom during times of strife and with the shape our family is in now it seemed fitting for her, there just wasn't enough room to get it completely on my back," she explained, "Maybe one day you'll see the rest and maybe I'll add more for the lot of you making such an impact on my life," she put her hand on her chin, "But where would I put them?" she seemed very complexed with that question before explaining why it mattered, "Tattoos are more than just pictures, their placement matters too- at least to me. The flowers are on my back because as siblings we're always there for each other, even if we can't necessarily see each other, and we'll watch each others backs in a tough spot," she murmured, "The vines on my arms are because I felt bound by everything that was happening to me at the time," She held her arms out, looking at the thorny vines on her forearms that went up to her elbows, "I supposed I could put something on my hands for Larel and Hotaru," she mused, turning her hand over to look at the back of them, tilting her head as she thought about what she would put then blushed again as she realized she got carried away, "Sorry," she mumbled, quickly dropping her hands to her sides
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Larel listened to Hotaru bringing a hand to his chin and nodding as she spoke of her previous experience at a festival, he served nobles before and some seemed to think lowly of the people under him. Not being able to eat the food at the festival had to be a new kind of torture he couldn't imagine the scent just restarted his hunger each time he got a good whiff.
He followed Hotaru when she went over to the game and watched her as she attempted the game, he was impressed she even got one match as the people that had tried before failed to even find one match.
When it was his turn he nodded as the vendor removed all the cards from the table, he set down new cards in the same way as before and Larel put his fish back on his head as he crossed his arms and looked at the cards.
He probably did so in case someone was watching which suited Larel as he looked through them, most of his concentration went into the cards so he ended up missing what Hotaru said about Mera which may not be a necessarily bad thing.
He flipped the first two cards and rubbed the side of his head as they weren't a match, he continued his turn and ended up getting one causing him to close his fist three attempts later he failed to get any matches, however on the last one he got a match to one from his first turn.
Larel grinned and pointed to a prize on the second shelf before taking it and grabbing his fish before turning to Hotaru. He heard the kid crying and watched as Hotaru lowered her mask, looking over at the kid he noticed he had skinned his knee as the parents comforted him. He remembered Hotaru mention urges earlier he was sure she meant her hunger but that kid probably made it harder to control.
Gripping his fish Larel took a deep breath and reaching down took Hotaru's hand before leading her away from the child, he kept walking keeping his attention forward as he spoke.
"Why don't we see what's over here."
Once he felt they were far enough away he released Hotaru's hand before looking at the few food stands around, he wondered if he wandered a bit too far as the crowd was thinner here.
"Are you alright Hotaru?" He said keeping his back to her.
He wasn't sure if she had removed her mask or not but he didn't feel he could look her in the eyes at the moment, he ended up just moving instead of thinking something he tried to avoid doing.
"If you are okay we should stay and see the fireworks, Alari mentioned it's something that shouldn't be missed. Much as I hate taking his advice I can't disagree with him out of curiosity, if not we can move away from everything until you feel better."
Larel turned towards Hotaru as he dug into his sleeve going quiet to make sure she was alright.

Alari looked back at Mera as she mentioned her tattoo deciding to hide his smile from her mention of crowds before lowering his hands as she explained the purpose of the rose. He adjusted his glasses his eyebrows raising as she told him about the purpose of it, he hadn't expected such a meaning behind it. Nero had tattoo's as well he assumed they were just a part of their culture. Though it may be true that's a part of it he was surprised to hear Mera speak so openly about it, even more so when she blushed causing him to smile a little. It seemed to be something she was proud of and put thought into, he nodded as she mentioned the purpose of the rose and seeing them all one day. Hearing Mera mention that there were some on her back his glasses covered in a glare for a moment as he made a very concentrated effort not to let her imagination run wild, the glare vanished as he regained control and continued listening intently to Mera words. She was sharing something very dear with him, he couldn't lessen this experience by letting his mind wander to unnecessary places.
When she stopped talking about her tattoo's Alari actually looked a little sad and shook his head as she apologized.
"There's no need to apologize Mera I'm happy you shared that with me. There's nothing cheesy about it either having a special meaning to something can be good. The fact its personal just makes it all the better."
Alari grinned and crossed his arms before speaking once more a little more energy in his voice.
"I'm ecstatic you're willing to add us as well, you'll have to tell me where you'd consider adding me and why those two would be on your hands."
Alari uncrossed his arms his wide smile shrinking to a small one as he gripped the wrist with his bracelet and stared at it for a moment.
"It's actually really beautiful to hold such meanings Mera. I'd love to learn more about you Mera so don't stop there."
Alari released his wrist and looked up at her before motioning towards the crowd.
"Shall we head towards the festival grounds where the fireworks will be Mera, I'm still more than willing to buy us something to eat as well. We could share something actually, it'd be pretty romantic though a little awkward."
Alari pulled out his book and pointed to a page.
"I believe one of us is supposed to go 'aaah' as one feeds the other....perhaps that's a bit too intimate."
Alari shrugged and put the book back into his sleeve deciding it wasn't the best reference.
"Let's just wing it and continue on then," Alari said. "If you don't like crowds you can hold my hand, it won't be so bad with someone familiar right?"
Alari grinned at this and waved his hand indicating he was just kidding but he did make a motion towards one of the food stands.
"We can get separate food as well Mera though that's not as fun. I was going to mention the dance but..."
Alari looked over at the people before he noticed Kaori dancing with everyone else, he seemed to be singing along with everyone as they circled the large shrine.
"I think it might be best we avoid going over there for the time being," he said smiling a little.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hotaru was grateful for the mask as she felt Larel grab her hand. He was the only guy to ever grab her hand before and for some reason that had a huge affect on her. It was enough of a distraction to stop thinking about what was bothering her and she appreciated the effort. When he asked whether or not she was alright, she nodded, she felt better with less people around. It was easier to think.
She felt something at her hip and looked to see a gourd- similar to something alcohol was carried in- tied to her hip. She moved her mask, "That definitely wasn't there before," She took it off and opened it, going wide-eyed as she did as the scent hit her immediately, "Guess Eryn kept his part of the bargain," she took a long swig of the contents before putting the top in, "That tasted weird, but whatever," she took a deep breath, "So much better," she looked around as she put it back on her hip, "So where are the fireworks? It's been ages since I've got to see some, so I hope these are good," She smiled at him, feeling much better now that the thirst wasn't starting to be ball she could think about.
She wondered what kind of blood was in the gourd as it definitely didn't taste human and it wasn't gypsy. Her guess was some kind of animal and she understood then why it would be guilt free. She didn't necessarily feel bad for killing some over reproductive rabbit or something or that nature.
"Maybe if we get up on the rooftops the fireworks would be easier to see," she suggested, pointing up to the roofs closest to them, looking back to him, wondering what he thought of the idea then realized she was missing one of her prizes, "Oh, left the fish," she glanced back, "Oh well...." she shrugged and looked at him, "I think we both know you won anyways," she smirked, "Some other kid will enjoy him for awhile."

Mera looked over at him as he spoke, still a bit embarrassed she got so completely carried away about herself, wondering if those damned cuffs had anything to do with it, but raised a brow as she saw him grab his wrist, wondering what was up with that. But she deadpanned when he consulted his book to look for advice and stifled a sound of some sort of laugh at his comment about going 'aaah.'
"I would swear you've never paid attention to any couples you've ever seen around you from the way you talk about it," Mera said once she regained her composure, "Tonight is a one time deal, you hear me? And if you tell anyone about this ever, I will bury you alive never to be found again," she prodded his shoulder before hooking her arm with his and pulling him in to the crowd, "If you want something to actually be intimate, you kind of just have to do as your heart wants, don't consult books about it, especially not in the moment when you're trying to do something to show your intimacy with a person," she looked at him at that, "Kind of makes it feel less personal and more like an exercise rather than what most people call a date," she said before going up to a stand, buying a couple of the Yakitori, "Just cause I'm actually hungry, not because I'm trying to squash the moment," she explained, holding one out to him as she had them both in one hand, still holding on to his arm, "You can handle me doing this right? Or do I need to let go else you're going to just die and pass to the netherworld here and now?" she asked, raising a brow at him.
She had gone in the opposite direction of Kaori as she didn't need to listen to him right now while she was trying to figure this out for herself and all, but inadvertently had gone in the direction of Larel and Hotaru since they had moved away from most of the people. She hadn't been trying to keep up with anyone in the crowd as her focus wasn't exactly capable of being devoted to that at the moment
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Larel smiled seeing Hotaru was alright and continued digging in his sleeve for the object he had left there, he found the object and pulled it out before looking at Hotaru drink from the gourd, he wasn't sure what was in it but Hotaru looked more relaxed after drinking it. Hearing her mention Eryn he wondered if it was blood as she had mentioned a guilt free meal, he decided to believe that's what it was and left it alone.
At the mention of where the fireworks were Larel looked around, he didn't ask Alari where they were being held so he wasn't entirely sure, he was positive he probably wouldn't last long in a conversation either if he tried asking.
Larel looked at Hotaru when she mentioned the rooftops, he actually nodded at the idea as they'd be able to see the direction most people were going from up there which would make it easier to find.
"We might draw attention so let's avoid that for now," Larel said nodding. "Let's ask a vendor and if they don't know we'll check the roofs to see where the people are going...I'll jump up first."
Larel said pointing at Hotaru's kimono before he walked over to her as she mentioned leaving the fish and what he considered a very narrow victory.
Reaching forward he took Hotaru's hand and placed a small object in her palm, it was a little white cat with long whiskers the prize he had won at the cups.
He released Hotaru and took a step back before speaking pointing at the cat.
"I believe those bring good luck, relying on luck's not the best but I figured having a little of it might help in the future, It's a gift for today I intended on giving it to you whether I won or lost."
Larel rubbed the back of his head before pointing at a vendor behind her.
"I'll go talk to him," he said but before he could take a step he noticed someone familiar approaching them.

Alari arched a brow as Mera responded to his suggestion, he wondered if he was a little off with the assumption but when she stifled a laugh he smiled a little. He was a little sad he didn't get to hear it again but if Mera was enjoying herself he was alright with that.
When she mentioned a one time deal he tilted his head a little, his eyes closing as she started threatening him, no that wasn't the right word they were promises yet to be fulfilled. He looked over at her when she touched his shoulder and he let out a small sigh at the light touch, however when she linked his arm Alari's whole face turned completely red and he was sure he was extremely close to having a heart attack.
He took a deep breath and listened to Mera his eyes widening a little at her words on intimacy, he lowered his gaze as Mera was correct, he shouldn't rely on his book for such things. He felt a little ashamed at missing something so simple, he adjusted his glasses well aware logic wasn't a good focus here, he realized that when he became aware of his feelings for Mera, he had to remember that. He resorted to it not entirely sure what to do but listening his heart seemed like a good idea, except for right now as he was trying to calm it down.
However the word 'date' resonated in his mind and if not for the physical impossibility smoke probably would have flowed out of his ears by now.
Alari took the Yakitori from Mera with a thanks before biting into it, he needed to speak he had been so lost in the moment his mind had gone completely blank on what he was going to say.
"I-I'm fine," Alari said in response to him handling contact. "So don't let go, its a one time deal I'd rather pass on right here and now then lose such a wonderful memory. Even more so since you said this was a 'date' Mera, I could die happy right now.
"I'm more than willing to grant that request."
The red from Alari's face immediately went pale as he recognized the source of that voice, looking ahead Larel's eyes were locked on the two his fish in his right hand.
"Ah..." was all that escaped from Alari as Larel's eyes formed into a glare.
Larel's glowing eyes slowly started to move from anger to blood lust as his pupils shrunk and he bore his teeth his fangs showing as Alari felt the hate coming off him in waves.
His hand which was gripping the fish was actually starting to crack the glass jar as his grip tightened on it, Alari searched for something to defuse the situation but nothing came to mind, partially because he couldn't think clearly right now.
However Larel took in a very deep breath before letting it out, Alari watched with an arched brow as Larel did this two more times, the aura of malice slowly dissipating before he returned to normal his eyes ceasing their luminous glow.
"You get one of those today Alari," Larel got out.
"....huh," Alari said tilting his head.
"You.get.one." Larel said holding a finger up before motioning to him and Mera with it. "I'd normally end you here but if I did that it would cause a panic which means, Hotaru, Mera and I would miss the fireworks. I'd feel bad if I caused that so I'm condoning it. After this though I will rip out everything that allow you to function."
"...I'm...happy your priorities are in order," Alari said sighing a little.
It was unknown if it was out of sadness or relief but Larel continued.
"I'm going to ignore what's going on for now so tell me where the fireworks are."
"Oh those..." Alari said. "It's taking place over there."
Alari pointed in a direction not entirely sure if Mera still had his arm or not as he had lost most feeling in it anyway.
"Ah so we're heading in the same direction, good let's go together."
"Oh well I thought you and Hotaru were-"
"I insist," Larel said narrowing his eyes at him. "The more the merrier right."
"I thought you were condoning it," Alari said.
"I am that doesn't mean I trust you, I'll make sure your hands don't wander to unnecessary places, or you pull Mera-sama's obi causing her to spin while you laugh maniacally as her kimono comes undone," Larel said pointing an accusing finger at him.
"....I forget how childish you can be," Alari said sighing. "I would do neither of those things."
"Your hand was near it already I saw it and don't call me childish you thought about it at least once."
"That's became our arms were linked," Alari said putting his hand over his face. "I didn't think about it not even once and Larel we're being rude to our female companions we should hold off on our arguing for another time."
".....fine we'll finish this later. Perverted old lech."
Alari's eye actually twitched from the insult but Larel's sideways smug glance at him was a clear indication he was waiting for a response, Alari bit his tongue for now, he would look bad no matter what he did but he wanted his argument to end so he didn't respond.
"Anyway the fireworks," Larel said looking over at Hotaru.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hotaru hadn't thought about how the people around them would react to the two of them jumping up on to the roof and she nodded to his statement of going to ask the vendor first. However, when he handed her the toy cat, she smiled softly, looking at the little toy, "Thank you," she murmured, definitely planning on keeping it close. She looked up as he started to walk away and paled a bit as she saw Alari and Mera walking together. Were they walking arm in arm? She was starting to wonder if that funny taste had been some sort of drug or something.
She followed Larel over as he approached them, not missing the look of sheer annoyance that crossed Mera's face. She hadn't intended for either of them see this and now it was too late to pull her arm back. Mera put her hand to her face when Larel started theorizing on what Alari was up to, muttering under her breath in her tongue before they finally decided to just go watch the fireworks.
"Right, fireworks," Hotaru nodded and started in the direction that Alari had said, "Now that this has gotten completely awkward and all that," she added
"Be quiet," Mera muttered to her, pulling her arm back, "Larel, i understand you and Alari have your differences but I am more than capable of handling myself," She said rather shortly before starting to walk that way, taking a rather angry bite of her food as she walked. Hotaru was almost afraid to stand to close to her with the sheer level of irritation she could feel rolling off her. In all honesty the irritation came from embarrassment. This was turning out to be a completely embarrassing kind of night and honestly she kind of felt like she had had enough of being exposed in someway shape or form. She glanced over at Hotaru who was making the effort to not make eye contact and noticed the cat she was holding, "You two play the games?"
Hotaru jumped a little at being addressed but nodded, "Um, yea, we had a little competition of sorts, though Larel won," She thumbed to him
"Which one won that?" Mera used her skewer to point to the toy
"...He did."
Suddenly Mera didn't feel quite as embarrassed though she was sure neither of those two had any idea what was really going on with each other. She took a bite with a satisfied smirk, "Of course he did," She said, stopping as they reached the area where people were clearly waiting for the fireworks to start.
Eryn came up behind them, putting his arms around both women's shoulders and pulled them close to him, "Well ladies, have you enjoyed your evening?"
"You're dead for making me wear this," Hotaru said simply.
"Remove your arm, "Eros," before I skewer it," Mera said without looking at him.
Eryn looked a little hurt, "Oh come on," He pouted looking between them, "Did you or-.... You two were being crude to try and avoid telling me the truth," he grinned, "You two are so adorable," He gave their arms a squeeze though they were glaring at him at that point, "Oh but sister you still have those cuffs on. Is it you cannot admit your-"
"Continue to speak, dear brother, and I'll kill you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alari and Larel watched Hotaru walk away before looking at one another, Larel shrugged but when Mera spoke to him his eyes widened before he bowed and spoke remembering she had a point.
"Of course Mera-sama sorry for assuming," he said as she left before he turned and glared at Alari.
Alari sighed as he knew the blame for that was going to be his by the end of the day, the two walked alongside each other as Mera and Hotaru walked ahead, Alari knew he was next to him because Larel didn't trust him but the two rarely had a time to enjoy a brisk walk together, normally because Larel would have attacked him by now.
Larel watched Alari but he made a mental note not to go near Mera seeing the aura currently surrounding her, Alari let out a small sigh and rubbed the back of his neck as Mera and Hotaru spoke to one another, he happened to hear about the little cat and a small smile formed on his face causing Larel to look over at him.
"What's wrong with you?" Larel asked crossing his arms as Alari took a bite of his food.
"You enjoyed your youth today I'm happy to see it," Alari said. "It won't be there forever so enjoy it while you have it."
"Again I don't need to hear that from someone like you."
"I would've liked to enjoy myself a little more today....my alone time with Mera ruined..."
"Did you say something," Larel said his eyes narrowing at Alari as he cracked his knuckles.
"Nothing at all," Alari said finishing off his food. "Hotaru seemed happy I'm glad you two had a good time today."
Larel eyes widened a little at this caught a little off guard, he shrugged his shoulders turning his gaze away from him, Alari smiled a little at the response.
"I didn't really do anything..."
"Yes you did...you were yourself," Alari said nodding his head. "Making someone happy by being yourself that's a good thing Larel be proud of that."
"...what's with you today?" Larel said leaning away from him a bit. "You're creepier than usual."
"Don't call me creepy," Alari said removing his glasses as they got close to where the fireworks were.
When they reached the area where people were waiting for the fireworks Larel looked around at all the people gathered, some were sitting down and others stood next to each other, families, lovers, friends all talking to one another and waiting for the fireworks to start.
Larel looked ahead as he heard a voice and noticed Eryn walk up to Mera and Hotaru, his eyebrows drew down a little seeing it but Eryn was a friend of Hotaru and a relative of Mera's he was pretty sure he had to be polite for both occasions.
Looking over at Alari he noticed he was looking at Eryn too, seeing the faint glow of his eyes he arched a brow but Alari put his glasses back on smiling a little.
"Family is interesting," he mumbled.
Larel wasn't sure what Alari meant by that and he decided it wasn't worth pursuing either, he watched Alari pulled out and wrote in the small book he kept on him.
"How long do the fireworks last Alari?" Larel asked causing Alari tap his chin with his book.
"There were a large number of them so expect them to last awhile, do you want them to be short?"
"Not really I don't mind if they last a bit."
Alari started to respond to Larel but the two flinched as they picked up Kaori's voice, Alari turned only to have Kaori run into him and wrap his arms around his waist.
"Ah hello Kaori did you have fun?" Alari asked shutting his book.
Kaori stepped back and released him before nodding with a wide grin on his face, Alari reached forward and put his hand on his head returning a small smile.
"Good I'm glad you had fun," Alari said putting his book back in his kimono with his other hand.
The fox ran out of Kaori's kimono and over Alari's arm into the back of his, Alari removed his hand and looked over his shoulder as the fox popped out and let out a small yip.
"Seems like you had fun Jin."
Alari pet the fox's head before looking back over at Eryn hearing his and Mera's exchange about the cuffs, he chuckled a little at it as it had slipped his mind while they were together.
"I'm going to stand near Mera Larel, I promise I have no ill intent planned."
".........I doubt you don't but go on," Larel said obviously displeased at the idea. "Oh right here you go."
Larel dug in his sleeve and slammed his hand against Alari's chest, Alari blinked and grabbed the object as Larel moved his hand away, a small grotesque looking doll was in his hand.
It was hard to even call it a doll, the thing looked like the mix of half a human and a dead animal. It seemed like the doll had been torn apart due to it's appearance, put back together wrong, tossed in a fire after someone witnessed how it looked, saved from the fire and torn apart again only to be put back together. Once put back together someone tore it apart again and sewed it together wrong again just because it looked better only to fix it and offer it as a prize. The thing seemed more like an insult than a present, being handed the thing seemed like the equivalent of being told to 'go die and be reborn as this horrific looking doll'. It was hard not to feel bad for the creator of this doll, there was no way anyone thanked him for this, in fact he was probably killed for bringing something like this into the world.
Though the thing was an abomination...no that wasn't it, calling this thing an abomination was an insult to anything and anyone named as such...though the doll was...very very different from other dolls Alari smiled as he stared at it because he knew what it was underneath all that.
A gift.
"Thank you Larel," Alari said putting the doll in his kimono. "This is the second present you've ever given me."
"Nothing just thanking you for it."
"Well it's not like I need it. The doll's horrible your horrible I felt like it would be best with something like you, speaking of horrible things here Kaori."
Larel tossed his fish at Kaori who caught it as he walked over and stood next to Hotaru, Kaori looked at the fish and smiled before looking at Alari.
"You should seal Zenmaru away more," he said jokingly.
"Tempting," Alari responded with a chuckle before walking over and standing next to Mera.
"I suppose I didn't quite earn it today," he said smiling a little bit. "I suppose we'll have to save it for another date."
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