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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It is the post disaster era two hundred and eighty years after the disastrous event known as the calamity war that ravaged man. Since then the human homeworld known as Earth has come into a sense of prosperity with multiple government groups, and operations running the Earth Sphere. Humanity has advanced towards a new era as Mars has been colonized and terraformed to fit well with human habitation. The majority of military operations has since been on the look out for radical terrorists fighting for their own ideologies while waging a political proxy war on the side various noble families vying for more strength to unite various groups under their own power. Mercenary groups have sprung up all over space causing large scale conflicts by the most powerful groups under the employ of various trade factions looking to assassinate people to gain an edge, or simply to send a message. People born, or sent to space are seen as sub-human. Human debris. Many saviors have risen up and most of them forgotten due to either forced scale downs, or them being ineffective at preaching their message. However as a side effect of many of this many have been able to obtain mobile workers, and weapons as the trade control in outer space is poor at best. Out of the rubble however there seems to be forming a large scale resistance movement against the Earth Sphere lead by a strong willed young woman named Annabeth Macgommery. Though the future of the movement seems to hinge on her many are working towards making sure humans in space are not forgotten about.

Despite this however there are mummers and rumors going around that the colonies around Earth aren't exactly happy with their situation either. Used as toys in the hands of the nobles of Earth and Gjallarhorn, the group responsible for ending the calamity war. Whispers of a group of black clad vigilantes supported by the populace and hidden are becoming all to common. Gjallarhorn themselves are even starting to take notice as crime in the colonies and in populated Earth cities are becoming more frequent than expected and some even believe there are people in Gjallarhorn themselves that work for them. This supposed group is also said to be led by a visionary man who proclaims himself as the savior of the Earth Sphere and agent of justice. His claimed intent is meant to rip apart Gjallarhorn and their supporters and rend Earth's governments asunder to give control back to the people as the current system is by far to cluttered, and muddled in a swampy mess of political games.

Gjallarhorn themselves however seek to preserve the peace so hardly won by their predecessors. Many of them are strong willed people who want to protect their families, their way of life, and their charges, the people of Earth. Just as many claim their fighting for peace, and safety for humans on Earth as there glory hounds, and noble preservative groups. Elite squads are already working out rooting out the dissidents on Mars, and in the colonies however they are finding little to no luck in this fight. Disgruntled with their lack of progress, and annoyed at being bogged down with red tape many of Gjallarhorn's finest are preparing to take operations into their own hands under the name of one of the Noble Houses. The House of Vandervelt a legacy family from the starting days of Gjallarhorn who intend to right the wrongs set on Earth and restore peace as best as they can without getting caught up in any political incidents. Despite this however many claim that war is inevitable if one, if not two of these factions rise to power.


Hello everyone I'm hoping you're still interested in this after looking at the above plot synopsis. My intent is for us to play one of the above factions. Either Gjallarhorn, the mysterious black clad vigilantes from the colonies (based on the black knights of code geass), or the space movement on Mars which will consist of personal friends of Annabeth, or military contractors not unlike Kudelia's movement in the actual show.

I would like to keep this limited to one faction. Getting everyone split up into different factions will end up leaving the plot messy, or clunky and hard to follow. So if you're interested please comment down below which faction you want the group to play in. If you're not interested in playing any of the other factions also say so as I will be keeping tabs below. If this fails to get proper attention I intend to move this down to high casual.

I'm keeping things as tied to canon as possible when it comes to machines. So please try to find a suitable machine from the gundam wiki that you want to pilot if you wish to be a pilot. HOWEVER not all of us have to be pilots. You can be a foot soldier, or a supporter as well. Not everyone in Iron Blooded Orphans are fighters. Anymore questions about the roleplay are relegated to questions below. I will answer to the best of my ability.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FrostedCaramel
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Member Seen 5 days ago

I'll throw my interest in and see what comes of it.

I've got to vote for the vigilantes or the Mars space movement.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alright thanks for showing interest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

No one else interested?
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