ha look at me, noting to see here.
]Name: Dan Vidson
Age: (17)
Sex: male
Appearance: (
took me forever to find a not shirtless male with what i was looking for)
bold:usually taking risk without really thinking about it
Athletic: has easier time doing more active base activities then his fellow comrades.
rude: due to troubles with his family he speaks down to others (even when he isn’t trying to)
mechanic: despite his dads “wishes” he has found a fascination with all thing mechanical in nature even letting that influence his words.
pessimistic:most of the times he has a negative outlook on the situation
morbid: likes talking about death and the thought of death in general pondering what death even is.
Well Spoken: despite Dan’s fascination with death he has a larger vocabulary then most others around him
Engineer: with Dan’s love for machines he has huge knowledge for all machine related entities
forgetful: like his father before him he tends to have to be reminded of his mission halfway though always resorting to “wing it” when unsure of what to do
The “I’m all high and mighty bullshit”: Dan always underestimate his opponents usually granting them more opportunities then they should have to begin with
Curious with the dying: when left alone with the mortally wounded Dan always end up messing with them most of the time to the point of killing them
Background: Dan Vidson comes from a very wealthy family, but this didn’t help poor Dan for when he was just 2 years old his mother left both him and his father for another man. Filled with pain his father started traveling around the world years at a time only coming back only to sleep and to plan his next travel plans never spending time with his only son. This made Dan spiteful and destroyed what little chance he had for a normal life. While Dan grew up with little to no supervision he turned to torturing small animals to the point of killing it often trying new and different methods. His interest with torture started when he was 3 he found a drowning squirrel in his fathers pool, it was so fascinating to Dan he but he could't understand why, why it was doing that so he figured that helping it drown would be the best solution. He came back after grabbing a stick he held the squirrels head under the water this power he felt this would stick with him for the rest of his life that power is what he craves. When Dan goes to school most of the times falls asleep in class, despite this he has never gotten below a B in any of his classes. Dan loves to manipulate others even to the point of starting fights but this is what Dan wants for he always carries a knife for just such a occasion for it is always great to be the one that doesn't get in trouble. Dan so far has no criminal record to speak of why this is nobody knows.

Age: (17)
Sex: male
Appearance: (

bold:usually taking risk without really thinking about it
Athletic: has easier time doing more active base activities then his fellow comrades.
rude: due to troubles with his family he speaks down to others (even when he isn’t trying to)
mechanic: despite his dads “wishes” he has found a fascination with all thing mechanical in nature even letting that influence his words.
pessimistic:most of the times he has a negative outlook on the situation
morbid: likes talking about death and the thought of death in general pondering what death even is.
Well Spoken: despite Dan’s fascination with death he has a larger vocabulary then most others around him
Engineer: with Dan’s love for machines he has huge knowledge for all machine related entities
forgetful: like his father before him he tends to have to be reminded of his mission halfway though always resorting to “wing it” when unsure of what to do
The “I’m all high and mighty bullshit”: Dan always underestimate his opponents usually granting them more opportunities then they should have to begin with
Curious with the dying: when left alone with the mortally wounded Dan always end up messing with them most of the time to the point of killing them
Background: Dan Vidson comes from a very wealthy family, but this didn’t help poor Dan for when he was just 2 years old his mother left both him and his father for another man. Filled with pain his father started traveling around the world years at a time only coming back only to sleep and to plan his next travel plans never spending time with his only son. This made Dan spiteful and destroyed what little chance he had for a normal life. While Dan grew up with little to no supervision he turned to torturing small animals to the point of killing it often trying new and different methods. His interest with torture started when he was 3 he found a drowning squirrel in his fathers pool, it was so fascinating to Dan he but he could't understand why, why it was doing that so he figured that helping it drown would be the best solution. He came back after grabbing a stick he held the squirrels head under the water this power he felt this would stick with him for the rest of his life that power is what he craves. When Dan goes to school most of the times falls asleep in class, despite this he has never gotten below a B in any of his classes. Dan loves to manipulate others even to the point of starting fights but this is what Dan wants for he always carries a knife for just such a occasion for it is always great to be the one that doesn't get in trouble. Dan so far has no criminal record to speak of why this is nobody knows.