Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

After some discussion a minor reboot of the rules has taken place.

Players interested in playing more "personal" roles (or just not interested in the vast complex rules) can do so using the "easy" rules.

Players looking to burn out their brains with more complex rules and options, please direct your attention to the "Uber Difficulty Rules" hider.

Star Wars: Return of the Force 2

1: In most places being a force user is still considered a crimial offence.
2: Jedi and Sith are, in general, equally persecuted by all sides.
3: There has been no Jedi Temple for 400 or so Years.
4: There has been no Jedi Order for the same length of time.
5: There is no rule of two. When Bane presented the idea he was laughed at.
6: Lightsaber Resistant Materials are near impossible to acquire easily. You cannot and will not be able to start with things like Cortosis or Beskar Armour. Note; Within reason you can start with weapons protected as such. But any Cortosis weapons will not be the sort that short out lightsabers.
7: The Map is "absolute" so to speak. A normal hyperdrive can travel 1 grid square per day. A fast hyperdrive can travel 2 grid squares per day.
8: For every 5 Grid Squares travelled there is a 25% chance of a random event occuring.

Forbidden/Forgotten Worlds: (You do not start with knowledge of any of these locations even existing. You cannot start at them either.)
1: Dromund Kaas
2: Ruusan
3: Typhon
4: Lehon
5: The Maw
6: Byss
7: Ossus
8: Korriban
9: Myrkr

Some of these worlds have been discovered by one or two prior characters, some of them you can, with enough time and work, discover yourselves, and then some are lost to time, for all time.

1: No God-Modding. Breaking this will have drastic consequences in-universe.
2: Random Events are part of life. Learn to love, hate and fear the dice. Mostly the last two. Hate. Fear... Remember to.
3: Your starting location will generally be randomised. You may make a request for a starting location if you have your heart set on something, but the GMs will have the final say.
4: On second thoughts. In almost all cases the GMs will have the final say, remember this for they will be rolling up random events ;)
5: Not all, but many of the random events need to be done in co-operation with one or more of the GMs depending on the difficulty. This can come in a combination of manners from steam chat to using roll20.com
6: We encourage banter and participation with the other players, while you can very much go lone-wolf in this it simply isn't as much fun without other people.
7: Keep the "romance" strictly PG-13, whether its rutting with a paid lady or a fifty post love story with another player, keep it clean Mahz not losing google revenue depends on it.
8: Violence is not restricted in the same manner. Feel free to be as graphic as you like short of posting images or posting gory scenes for gory scenes. (Eg: Describing a Saber Fight with a bar patron, sure go ahead be graphic, spending a novels worth of language describing how you defiled the bodies of the dead with your lightsaber is just pointless, a little disturbing, and not very healthy.)
9: You start creating/wanting a super weapon, you suddenly self-implode, it will be messy.
10: BE AWARE! It is 100% possible to get your characters killed totally, thoroughly and irreversibly.

Easy Rules;
Choose one of the three character types below. Once you have chose this you have 16 points to spend on the Physical and Force sections (or Tech and Skills for Forceless) each trait = 1 point unless it specifies otherwise.

Forceless Rules; https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0qYweu36eUHOWI0MTVmbERCVjA/edit?usp=sharing

Jedi Rules; https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0qYweu36eUHeHRBTTJzVC1WZVE/edit?usp=sharing

Sith Rules; https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0qYweu36eUHSGVaX0ItQ0xmaHc/edit?usp=sharing

Then you get 100 points to build your personal ship using only the rules on this page.
Please PLEASE ignore all the other tabs there. They're not relevant to you ;)

Character Sheet for Easy Rules;

Physical Traits:

Force Traits: (Replace with Tech Use and Skills if Forceless character)
Lieutenant Name:
Lieutenant Appearance:
Lieutenant History:

Physical Traits:
---(Rolled by GM)
Tech Use and Skills Traits:
---(Rolled by GM)
Ship Name:
Ship Appearance:
General Components:
Storage Components:
Special Systems:

Once that is done you can choose to either be part of the "crew" of an existing character which is playing on a "larger stage" so to speak. Or choose to go it on your own. While it isn't easy to make your own way in a big bad galaxy at war, it's much easier when its just you, a trusted companion and your barely spaceworthy ship.


There are a number of characters returning form the first. While they are not overpoweringly powerful, they do retain some advantages over new sheets. As such they will appear to operate to different rules to the rest of you creating a new sheet. Rest assured they are not actually working to different rules, these are characters "as is" from the last. They have some advantages over new sheets, but they also have a number of disadvantages (like already having pissed off some of the powers that be).

Also be aware you can contact me, Gat or Sarzu at any time (though of course we may not actually be away so there is that.) for advice, help or other questions.

And feel free to post queries here. We'll get to them sooner or later ;)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well, might as well put my previous characters sheets up so new players have something to go off as as example. Also each of we GM's have made a sheet using the 'new player' rules, Kadaeux a Jedi, Sarzum a Forceless and myself a Sith, though he's unfinished atm, should be done in the next day or so at most.

Also be aware my sheets differ somewhat from the default template, personal preferences and such but all the same into is there.

Without further ado, my Jedi sheet, Cyphor Fey'lar, Bothan Jedi, expert pilot and frequent smartass.

My Forceless underworld boss, Kuryi Gabriel Saros.Sometime Smuggler, Echani arts expert and member of the Syndicate.

And Narthais, Sith, geiser and assassin.

As Kad already said; Feel free to ask questions, the rules set is not exactly the most simple one around as its been developed and refined over the past year, once you get your head around the basics though it all starts falling into place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


Member Offline since relaunch

Like Gat suppose I ought to post my character as a example, Darth Andrea mistress over Kessel and established a Sith presence on Korriban due to events in the previous incarnation of this roleplay on the old guild.

Here she is, Darth Andrea, Human sith, Mistress of Kessel and Korriban and managed to piss off a high ranking member of the Syndicate and a admiral in the CIS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

After some discussion a minor reboot of the rules has taken place.

Players interested in playing more "personal" roles (or just not interested in the vast complex rules) can do so using the "easy" rules.

Players looking to burn out their brains with more complex rules and options, please direct your attention to the "Uber Difficulty Rules" hider.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 9 days ago

I'm in the process of putting up a crimelord. Looking forward to joining up with this. Expect a sheet soon, once I figure out google docs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Google docs works in mostly the same way as microsoft excel, for the most part all you need do is fill in the fields that are already there in the template which is simple data entry, click the box and type it out type thing. its just cleaning it up and personalising it that starts getting tricky, at least in regards to the sheets themselves. The brain melting trait/economy system is another hurdle all together, still, as said earlier in the thread, don't be hesitant to ask questions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 9 days ago

Just have a few.

I can basically pick any holdings I want, provided they're in the forceless SP limit, correct? Even ones which say 'require x permission'. It's assumed I already have that if I start with them, yes?

Secondly, where do the traits that don't have the field listed on the doc go? (Like Wealth/Command) Do I list them somewhere else? Or is it not displaying for me?

Finally, are there any restrictions on race? I kinda wanna do an Anzat, fits with my whole 'manipulative bastard' theme, but they're on the more cheesy side of the race compass. Are they alright?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You have 1000SP specifically to spend on holdings (you actually cant use the wealth trait granted SP for holdings) and yes the 'needs permission' bit is assumed for starting assets, be aware though that you're better off picking less prominent worlds for the location of these holdings, less chance of getting embroiled in the war that way :p

the first tab of the template doc has boxes for all 6 trait catagories (this is all assuming of course you're going for the 'uber difficult rules' and not the cut down revised ones kad put up more recently) the only change you'd need to make to the main page of the template is changing force powers to tech skills and proficiencies.

And lastly yes there are some restrictions on race, and I believe Anzat were firmly in the no section. basically the further a race is in capability from baseline humans, the less likely it is to be acceptable, its a balance thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genais


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Darth Jacoiba

look, its finished, yay. now i just need to get onto the jedi sheet.. i'll get there.. i promise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 9 days ago

Well, Command Physical and Tech are, but where's Wealth and Influence and stuff? Where do I list those?

EDIT; Mother of god Jacoiba is the hulk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ah i think i know whats happened, try scrolling to the right, alternatively hold control and press minus a few times.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 9 days ago


Once I get this red palm print off my face, I'll get to work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Asura said
...Once I get this red palm print off my face, I'll get to work.

Yeah, the sheet's in widescreen format :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genais


Member Offline since relaunch

Asura said Mother of god Jacoiba is the hulk.

she-hulk. and i only just realized just how many physical traits she has. wowee.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 9 days ago

I totally knew that. Just testing Gat's ability to help people who might not have. :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Asura said
I totally knew that. Just testing Gat's ability to help people who might not have. :p

*Gets off the phone with people on the other side of the planet complaining about the volume of my lie detector array.*

I'm sure. ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 9 days ago

Well that's just overkill.

Since it'll take me a while to finish up my fancy pants crimelord, I'll make a wandering Jedi looking for a replacement master to satisfy my interest for now. Can I get a roll for the Lt? I threw together a basic history to give you an idea of its role.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


Member Offline since relaunch

Suppose I ought to post my characters in here too...

Darth Gra'tua, Mandalorian Sith Warlord
Tohkran, traditional Jedi Master
Randis Qall, Crime Boss and Freelancer Operative (For funsies)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Completed Characters-

Sith --
Darth Azazel

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