Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belgaer
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey there! I should start off by saying that I have done only a few RPs, but I am extremely excited to do more! Also, I am an IT student who loves math and science, so I do apologize if my grammer is not the greatest.

That being said, I work from home so I will be on here at least once a day amd more than likely much more than that! I like to think of myself as extremely ipen minded so please feel free to discuss anything and everything that you would like to RP! I am willing to try anything once!! I can do strickly story based, fantasy, modern, romantic, 18+, animals, whatever!! I have no rules or anything other than be polite!! :D

So please leave a comment or PM me and lets let the fun begin!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Well I'm in!
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