Avatar of Belgaer
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3 (0.00 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Belgaer 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current "Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me!"
1 like
8 yrs ago
Waking up late, checking my phone, and find I have a list of PMs waiting.. Better than any cup of coffee!!
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8 yrs ago
It's like watching anime. "Just gonna sit down and write one or two RP responses." Four hours later... "SHIT!!"
8 yrs ago
Just joined, but am currently doing three RPs and about to start my fourth! What an amazing place!
8 yrs ago
Just finished Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, now installing Sword Art Online : Hollow Realization!


Hey! I am a 29 year old IT college student and am new to RPing. I have always wanted to get into it, but between being too shy and not thinking I have the imagination for this I never have. But after overthinking the crap out of it and having a friend of mine whom is a member introduce me to the website (you know who you are and I know you are reading this you stalker, so "HI! :D "), I decided to give this a shot. As you can probably tell from what I've written so far, I am not the greatest author. I tend to have a million run on sentences and am terrible with when to use certain punctuation.

That being said, I like to think I am extremely open minded! I do not like to judge anything at all! I am willing to try anything once. Obviously I am here for RPing, but I have found a new found love for talking to people online so feel free to PM me to talk, in fact I encourage it!! :D

As far as my own interest, much like my music taste, I am literally all over the place, I play a pretty good amount of video games, I love reading (anyone who knows where my name comes from is going to be my new best friend!!), I watch hockey, I longboard (weather permitting XD ), watch anime, LOVE to play chess, play MTG and Pokemon TCG (both IRL and online), I consider my spirit animal / alter ego to be a red wolf, and finally, I am a hardcore hopeless romantic! so any role playing with romance I am down, but definitely not necessary, just putting it out there.

Most Recent Posts

So I am new here, but after working on about six different RPs now, I have an idea of my own RP i would like to try and the kind of person i would like to interact with.

So the plot would be me playing a red wolf shapeshifter and a F ? Charcter. I am leaving the other part open to ideas. Maybe you want to be just a simple female human that means of my secret. Maybe your a vampire who is on the run? Maybe you are a fellow shapeshifter yourself. I have ZERO expectations as to what the ither charcter is other than i prefer it to be female. I would like there to be romance, but it isnt necessary.

The only thing i ask is for an open mind, you write at minimum one decent oaragraph, and that you please, please read over your work before submitting..
Hey there! I should start off by saying that I have done only a few RPs, but I am extremely excited to do more! Also, I am an IT student who loves math and science, so I do apologize if my grammer is not the greatest.

That being said, I work from home so I will be on here at least once a day amd more than likely much more than that! I like to think of myself as extremely ipen minded so please feel free to discuss anything and everything that you would like to RP! I am willing to try anything once!! I can do strickly story based, fantasy, modern, romantic, 18+, animals, whatever!! I have no rules or anything other than be polite!! :D

So please leave a comment or PM me and lets let the fun begin!!
I am new to RPing, but I am ready and willing for anything and everything! I work from home and love the online world so I will respond at least once a day, but more than likely many times daily, though I do not expect the same from anyone else. Check out my bio if you want to know anything about me and definitely do not be afraid to PM me!! Can't wait to dive in! See ya on the other side! :D
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