This thread is for accepted characters only. Do not post your sheet here unless you are accepted. Just don't. You're only going to waste space. Please place all sheets in a hider
⊕ C H A R A C T E R S H E E T ⊕
Character Name here, or get a banner from 1001fonts.com
"Witty quote here."
⦋Oº°‘¨ Age (Around 18-21 for the main group... anyone else, anything goes) ⇔ Pronouns (Things like he/him, they/them, etc... please don't get stupid) ¨‘°ºO⦌
⦕ A P P E A R A N C E
"Quote about appearance here."
Essentially how your character looks. Be detailed here. Go over skin color, build, height, hair (including color, style, etc), scars, and other body alterations (Piercings, tattoos, etc). Along with descripting clothing style.
⦕ P S Y C H O L O G Y
"Quote about personality."
⋗ M A I N G O A L ⫻ (What does your character hope to accomplish in life?)
⋗ P H I L O S O P H Y ⫻ (What is your character's outlook on life?)
⋗ S E C R E T S ⫻ (What is your character hiding?)
⋗ D E S I R E S ⫻ (What does your character want?)
⋗ S E X U A L I T Y ⫻ (Your character's sexual preference?)
⋗ F E A R S ⫻ (What does your character fear?)
⋗ R E P U T A T I O N ⫻ (What is your character's reputation in his home area?)
⋗ P E T P E E V E S ⫻ (What annoys your character?)
⋗ Q U I R K S ⫻ (Anything odd about your character that is unique to them?)
⋗ P H I L O S O P H Y ⫻ (What is your character's outlook on life?)
⋗ S E C R E T S ⫻ (What is your character hiding?)
⋗ D E S I R E S ⫻ (What does your character want?)
⋗ S E X U A L I T Y ⫻ (Your character's sexual preference?)
⋗ F E A R S ⫻ (What does your character fear?)
⋗ R E P U T A T I O N ⫻ (What is your character's reputation in his home area?)
⋗ P E T P E E V E S ⫻ (What annoys your character?)
⋗ Q U I R K S ⫻ (Anything odd about your character that is unique to them?)
⦕ B A C K S T O R Y
"Quote about past."
Pretty standard affair. I'm not going to expect a super long essay here, just the basics and whatever.
⦕ S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
"Quote about skills."
[REMOVE THIS. A list of everything your character is good at... just, uh, keep it realistic. If I see one judo black belt with survival skills training, and rifle training, I'm gonna slap a bitch. REMOVE THIS.]
⋗ [Skill name here] ⫻ [Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skills here]
⋗ [Skill name here] ⫻ [Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skills here]
⦕ O T H E R
Anything else? Themesong? Random notes? Foreshadowing???
[hider=**Character Name here**]
[center][h1][b]Character Name here, or get a banner from 1001fonts.com[/b][/h1]
[img]Optional. Real people/realistic art only.[/img]
[i]"Witty quote here."[/i]
[h2]⦋Oº°‘¨ [b]Age (Around 18-21 for the main group... anyone else, anything goes)[/b] ⇔ [b]Pronouns (Things like he/him, they/them, etc... please don't get stupid)[/b] ¨‘°ºO⦌[/h2][/center]
[h3][u][b] ⦕ A P P E A R A N C E [/b][/u][/h3]
[i]"Quote about appearance here."[/i]
[indent][indent]Essentially how your character looks. Be detailed here. Go over skin color, build, height, hair (including color, style, etc), scars, and other body alterations (Piercings, tattoos, etc). Along with descripting clothing style.[/indent][/indent]
[h3][u][b] ⦕ P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][/u][/h3]
[i]"Quote about personality."[/i]
⋗ [b]M A I N G O A L ⫻[/b] (What does your character hope to accomplish in life?)
⋗ [b]P H I L O S O P H Y ⫻[/b] (What is your character's outlook on life?)
⋗ [b]S E C R E T S ⫻[/b] (What is your character hiding?)
⋗ [b]D E S I R E S ⫻[/b] (What does your character want?)
⋗ [b]S E X U A L I T Y ⫻[/b] (Your character's sexual preference?)
⋗ [b]F E A R S ⫻[/b] (What does your character fear?)
⋗ [b]R E P U T A T I O N ⫻[/b] (What is your character's reputation in his home area?)
⋗ [b]P E T P E E V E S ⫻[/b] (What annoys your character?)
⋗ [b]Q U I R K S ⫻[/b] (Anything odd about your character that is unique to them?)
[h3][u][b] ⦕ B A C K S T O R Y [/b][/u][/h3]
[i]"Quote about past."[/i]
[indent][indent]Pretty standard affair. I'm not going to expect a super long essay here, just the basics and whatever. [/indent][/indent]
[h3][u][b] ⦕ S K I L L S & T A L E N T S [/b][/u][/h3]
[i]"Quote about skills."[/i]
[indent][indent][indent][REMOVE THIS. A list of everything your character is good at... just, uh, keep it realistic. If I see one judo black belt with survival skills training, and rifle training, I'm gonna slap a bitch. REMOVE THIS.]
⋗ [b][Skill name here] ⫻[/b] [Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skills here]
[h3][u][b] ⦕ O T H E R [/b][/u][/h3]
[i]"RANDOM QUOTE."[/i]
[indent][indent]Anything else? Themesong? Random notes? Foreshadowing???[/indent][/indent]