Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This is the IC forum. You post your character's POV (point of view) here. No OOC chatter, please.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tijd glanced at her secdule. It looked fairly boring, although the school itself was far from that. She looked up. Two turrets towered above her, wile a moat glistened below. She watched people shimmer into the area. Tijd watched their reactions. Some glanced cooly up, while others glanced arournd nervously. Still others looked panicked. This was going to be a long day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosalie Von Kruger
(Open for interaction)

The air was filled with nervous newcomers and tired upperclassman. Rosalie was both. Every year it seemed as if the mountains grew taller almost as if they were going to swallow up the academy. Still, it didn't stop her from walking inside already ready to begin the day. First class was 6th year magical defense. Not her favorite class, even after 5 years of it, she always manages to barely pass. At the moment her favorite period was study hall, a time to keep to herself without worrying too much over grades. Still it wouldn't be until 6th period which seems like forever away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AimeChambers
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AimeChambers Yaoi Love Guru

Member Seen 5 mos ago

There didn't seem to be much going on yet, classes had yet to start. The area was full of new students and old and while usually Pierre loved to meet up with people... today it might be a little awkward. Before getting up this morning, Pierre had tried to use his powers, which was certainly a very bad idea considering sometimes he could create a whirlwind in his small room, but nothing had come out. The boy didn't seem to have any kind of elemental power today... and that was just a little embarrassing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Another day, another nerve wracking year at the academy. This was marked as Lunaria's 4th year here at the academy, despite her abilities as a time elementalist, she never really had an easy time here. Though that may be due to her not exactly being a very social person. "This year... This year... I have to branch out... At least a little bit..." Of course she's said that for the past three years, but this time it'll be different for sure. Classes had yet to start, so Lunaria took the time to relax a bit, maybe memorize a few spells from her grimoire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood


Orithius stepped over the threshold leading out of his room, and was suddenly in the middle of a throng of students, flooding around him like a parting river through the gates that were flung wide open. The school wards did not allow him to enter it directly through teleportation - which he supposed was reasonable. Twisting his neck until he heard a satisfying crack, he rolled his shoulders, raised his chin - and walked forwards confidently. Noting the younger students meandering about in front of the buildings, he rose one brow and the left corner of his mouth turned down in frown. He took a deep breath, before making his way into the building.

Peering around he saw a few familiar faces, people he had noted from the back of the class which he had haunted for the last few years. He noted a blond - Rosylin or something - who had been in some of his classes. He recalled his social skills training, and the advice of his tutors. "glance, gauge, grin, engage..." He whispered to himself, his lips barely moving as he walked towards her with a practised comfort, his cane clicking against the marble floor, raising a brow in enquiry when he finally reached her. He offered a small, polite grin.

"Rosylin? or something with an 'R' - Right? Six years and we've yet to actually be acquainted formally. Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood - Charmed." He looked over to where the other students were still resembling a boiling pot of confusion, anticipation and angst. "I swear - there seems to be more of them every year..." He tipped his chin in the direction of the children, before looking back at her and offering the same practised grin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosalie Von Kruger

As Rosalie stands to wait for classes to open up, she is approached by a young man whom she recognizes is in the same year as her.
She held back a smile as he messed up her name and introduced himself. Though she already knew who he was, the girls at the academy tend to always talk about the boys in our grade, Orithius was no exception. Though she hardly participated in such talks, there were always a few that stood out from the rest.
Orithius notes the mass amounts of nervous packs of children and Rosalie can't help but giggle.
"It's Rosalie by the way, and I know of you. Despite your kept distance and overall quietness, the girls still talk."
She gives him a small smile before continuing on.
"I remember when we were all like that though, small and afraid of the unknown which lay past those doors."
She reminisces in the memories of her first year here.
Bells rung and the doors open to let students into the building.
They both stand at a still while students rush past them eager to start the day.
"What's your first period? Perhaps we can walk there together."
She inquires towards Orithius.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tijd Mágos

Tjid shook her head. A boy who seemed about her age was jangling with nerves. She could tell, because that came with the territory of being a Healer. "Don't fall down any stairs today," she whispered in a voice she was pretty sure he could hear. She kept on walking. Tijd herself was nervous, and she normally loved school. 'Remember,' said a little voice in her head, 'You'll know some from conventions-maybe.' The little voice was not helping her nerves. Because her parents were fairly rich, she never interacted with other children. She had a private tutor instead of a schoolteacher. One of her lessons was public interactions. 'Look down on all. See nothing, but notice all. Hear nothing, but listen to everything. Smile and nod politely. If you must introduce yourself, keep calm. People do not enjoy when you talk too much. Notice, calculate, smile politely, talk. I am the best pupil of my age and status in practically all of England. I will do fine.' This ran through Tijd's head as she noted all the people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Xiao Lin

Lin stiffly and briskly walked through the gates, carrying with him a demeanor that was devoid and difficult to interpret. He didn't look nervous, neither did he appear confident. More... resigned was probably the best word, as if he were a prisoner who'd only recently come to terms with his sentence.

The tiny, frail looking eleven year old glanced around. This school was as white as an albino polar bear. Quite literally every kid in sight was Caucasian, and most of them dressed in a way that indicated that they were at least middle class. Himself being a financially struggling Chinese immigrant, he was already picturing that it would be difficult to fit in here.

Lin leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest, as if trying to blend into the woodwork and disappear. He wasn't exactly sure what to do now. Classes hadn't begun yet, and most students were just socializing. Socializing was never Lin's forte, to say the least. Which isn't to say that Lin was shy, but he rarely had anything in common with his new European peer group. That might have something to do with his unwillingness to accept them, but usually they were just as hesitant and distant with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia let out a big yawn as she finally woke up. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looked around her room... HER room. It was still hard to believe she had a small space in the big world to call her own. Even after a month of having it, she still found it hard to believe she really lived here. The entire thing felt like some sort of dream to her.

Getting out of bed, she grabbed a quick shower before selecting her outfit for the day from the several that had been supplied to her. She went with a light blue t-shirt and a pair of jean short that reached a bit past her knees before going with a simple pair of sandals for her footwear. She quickly took care of her hair, brushing it so it was nice and straight, before gathering up her things and heading out.

It wasn't long before she arrived where the other students were gathering. She carefully examined the mob before finding a place she could be at least a bit isolated from the rest. After finding her little island, she uncapped the bottle of water she at her side and began practicing using her powers on it's contents. She had only learned of her powers recently and was getting in as much practice as she could whenever she could get it. Practice included taking as much water as she could control and forming it into letters and/or words as she saw fit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood


Orithius's eyes rose to the ceiling for a moment, as he tried to recall his schedule - before he looked down at her again, his smile not fading. "A Rosalie - Rose, either way - I hear sweetest smells tend to cloy nonetheless - like a frightened child at it's mother..." wait - that was not the quote? Right? Dammit. How did other people manage to be so charming without any effort. He had read Shakespeare too long ago, and with the stress of all of these people around him he could not even recall the most famous lines. He felt a frown grow on his face, and struggled to suppress it. "Um... I think I share the first class with you. Defense right? The one you barely pass?" Shit. Don't point out flaws in other people! "I meant - you have been struggling with it, perhaps I can help?" That is better. He closed his eyes - he could feel a small blush of frustration start to work its way up his neck. He looked away from her and scanned the crowd. This was going to be harder than he thought. "If you want - mind you." He spoke again, not looking at her, and feeling the shame of not being able to even do such a basic thing as speak to a peer effectively - reaching his ears and cheeks, turning them slightly pink as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Xiao Lin

@Joshua Tamashii

Continuing to silently observe his new classmates, Lin twisted a strand of his black hair, letting a look of boredom cross his face. Just watching everyone else get to know each other made him feel excessively isolated. Sick of hanging out in the woodwork like a moody teenager (which he was most certainly not, being only eleven years old), he walked up to the only other person he saw sitting alone: a girl about his age, blonde hair and blue eyes (like everyone here, it seemed), dressed casually although it was clear that her clothes were newer than Lin's.

He wasn't really sure what language he should speak to introduce himself. He knew several, and seeing as this was a European school and she was a blonde White girl, it was likely she was from somewhere in the area. He hoped she spoke French or Italian. English, though he understood some, wasn't really his area of expertise. Though, considering Lin's general bad luck, she probably spoke Finnish or Russian or something else he didn't know.

Not wanting to make assumptions, he sat down and waved silently, hoping she'd take the initiative and speak first. That would likely tell him all he needed to know to start a conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosalie Von Kruger


Rosalie notices that Orithius is stumbling over his words and realizes that this is indeed his first year that he is actually interacting with another student socially. Instead of getting offended she gives him a smile "I know what you mean, you don't have to be embarrassed talking to me." When he offers her to help her in Magical Defense, she couldn't say no, after all, he seemed flustered just talking to her.
"This is your first time talking to another student other than group work right? How about I help you socially interact with people here and you help me pass this class deal?" Rosalie's face beams up, holding out her hand for him to shake. The friends that she made here are the friendly and interactive kind. They would be perfect in giving the environment Orithius would need to improve on his social skills.

The crowd outside begin empty out as students go on to fill up the classrooms.
"We should get going, won't want to be late no?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AimeChambers
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AimeChambers Yaoi Love Guru

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Pierre Roux


Someone had passed the air user and spoken so quietly only he could hear it. Falling down the stair...? That was a bit rude now, wasn't it? Had Pierre been mistaken as a first year already? Although the boy was still a bit short for his age where voices were supposed to change and facial hair was supposed to grow in, he didn't want to be seen as someone who was helpless! Don't worry about not having powers today, just say that one of the professors said told him not to use his powers unless it was an emergency, that was it!

Pierre almost ran after her, his quick steps nimble because he was always aware how loud they could be with his special ability. Plus, running loudly basically hurt his ears... a lot. He finally caught up with the blonde haired first year and put a hand on her shoulder. Even if his feet could do the job, his breathing didn't have as much endurance, "Isn't... that rather... rude to say to your upperclassman?" In truth, it was rather rude for Pierre to just guess that the girl was a new student. Sure, he hadn't seen her before but... If he was wrong, this would make the whole conversation even more embarrassing.

Afraid he was actually going to scare the girl, after taking a few deep breaths he stood up straight and patted the shoulder he was touching, "Sorry for the scolding... Hi! I'm Pierre Roux, a second-year air elemental! You're new to the school, right? If you have any question, just let your dear old upperclassman know!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tijd Mágos
(open to interation)

"I need no help," Tijd scoffed at the second-year behind her. "And besides, even if I did need it, why should I ask you?" She stalked off. "That was rather rude," she thought. Tijd had butterflies in her stomach. Her heart was beating super fast. Taking deep breaths, Tijd slowly rose to her full hight. She had been slouching a bit. Summoning a little water, she fixed her hair, which had gotten a little frizzy. She ran inside and found her room as fast as she could. She lay on her bed, and in a few moments, had passed out from dehydration and nerves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood


Orithius turned back to her. She seemed far to aware of his mental state. He could however feel the blush recede as his mind calmed as well. He shook her hand. While normally uncanny perceptiveness would be a dangerous aspect to have within a resource, her connections would come in handy when actually establishing the social framework he had intended to start this year. She could be a valuable asset then. "Perfect. I will have my lawyers pull up a standard service exchange contract." He smiled at her, before he started walking towards the direction he knew their class would be, walking slowly to allow her to keep up. "Naturally there will be a nondisclosure clause for the more delicate subtitles you will have to be made aware of, but I am sure we can facilitate a friendship. Normally I spend between four to six hours at my tutors in the week, but I am sure we can arrange for a bi-weekly get together to develop this friendship - on the top of my head, I think Saturday afternoons should do. Have your assistant send your schedule to mine, and we can work from there." He seemed to be in his own world, speaking candidly as he made plans for their impending friendship - looking over at her only now and then to make sure she was still following, while they made their way deeper into the building.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii
After a bit of reading up on her spells, Lunaria realized just how many students were gathering together. Some looked a little familiar as she has seen them here and there over the past few years, but she never really knew any of them. She put her grimoire under her arm and stood up from her seat. "Well... I said I would... Here goes nothing..." Lunaria approached a blonde girl who seemed to be controlling some water from a water bottle. "uhhhh.... H-hello... Its uh... Kinda crowded isn't it? M-my name is... Lunaria... B-but you can just call me Luna..." She put up a bit of a nervous smile as she spoke.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Xiao Lin

@Joshua Tamashii @Darkmoon Angel

Another girl approached the table, and for some reason only addressed the girl who'd been sitting there first, completely ignoring Lin. In China, it was customary to greet everyone at the table if you joined a group instead of acting like one person didn't exist. Was this an Italian thing? Lin's mouth dropped open for a second, then he mouthed "无礼", slumping back into his seat. He didn't call out the dark haired girl on her rudeness, but it certainly bothered him quite a bit.

Translation: 无礼 - "rude"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosalie Von Kruger


Rosalie stares blankly at Orithius trying to process all the information he was giving her. When he looks back at her after finishing his statement she clears her throat.
"There's no need for formality or paperwork when it comes to friends you know?"
She starts tapping her chin with her finger thinking about how to explain friendship to the boy who seemed to have hardly any at the school.
"Okay let's start out with our first lesson to social interaction."
This was the perfect moment to burst into a musical number but this isn't that kind of setting there were far too many people around them for her to spit out rhymes.
"Okay here's an easy way to put it: Friendship and social interaction are like the elements. Talking and hanging out with friends should be carefree and without restrictions like air. Water can be unpredictable like conversations and actions, but you just have to go with the flow. Friendship involves warmth and the welcoming feeling that comes with it like fire. Like earth you must also keep a steady ground, knowing what you want out of the relationship or conversation is key. And finally time, finding the best person to be friends with is rare, but you just have to put in the time and effort to find that person."
Rosalie places her hand to her heart and smiles at Orithius
"What I'm trying to say is, don't be bound by what your books and tutors tell you. Let go and experience it for yourself."
They finally reach the room, class has not started yet but most of the class was already there. Rosalie gives Orithius a thumbs up before heading inside and finding some open desks near her friends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia Averyonna

@Darkmoon Angel @Oliver

Amelia wasn't alone for very long, as soon she had not one, but two other people sitting at the same table as her. The first one to show up was a foreign looking boy (or, was she the foreign looking one? She didn't know.) who might've been around her age. He sat down near her but said nothing, so she wasn't sure what to do with him other then to let him be and continue practicing while keeping an eye on him.

The second one to show up was a girl who was definitely older then her, again with black hair but this time looking more like she lived in the same country as Amelia. This one actually decided to speak with her, though she didn't address the boy, which Amelia noted seemed to annoy him a bit. Deciding she would address each of them, she drew out the rest of the water from her bottle, which then floated over so it was between her two new companions. She focused on the water, manipulating it until it spelled out the message she wanted it to say, which she then as rotate slowly so that both of them could read it.
Hello. My name is Amelia. Nice to meet you. it said. She gave it a few seconds before shifting it to an arrow, which she had point to the boy before shifting into words again. What's your name?
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