Would love to be apart of this :)
@hushedwhispers Interested as well! Hope there's enough interest to get this on its feet :)
Give it some time :)
The weekend is always busier than the weekday!
Sure. I'd be up for it.
i'd be down for this
<Snipped quote by QueenOfTheBee>
I thought you were going on a hiatus. I'd love to have you along but just want to make sure that whether or not you are on a hiatus. :/
@NeoAC @MissCapnCrunch @Dusksong
I'll get the OOC up tonight, guys. I'll be sure to mention you guys once it's up. Thanks to you all. :)
<Snipped quote by HushedWhispers>
I'll come off of it just for this. Hence the asterisk.