Hello! I was recommended here. This looks like a pretty cool world you've got going on here. It's got a lot of different elements which is perfect for a character of mine who doesn't really fit in to other roleplays. This roleplay however, as I read more into it, looks like a pretty decent fit. A good combination of sci-fi and fantasy that would allow a mechanical character. I still need to read through your IC and try to get a feel for your story. There is quite a lot of it though :P So if anyone feels like shooting me a rundown then by all means I wont complain. Otherwise it might be a while before you see my face again. I'll go ahead and post the character sheet here (before I edit it to fit your topics canon) as per the rules. Perhaps someone can help me find a nice place to fit it in. This is the reserved version of the character sheet that I have already worked on. However if you like spoilers, you can probably stalk my profile and find more details about the character. Anyway thank you if you end up accepting me. ^^
It's hard to find a roleplay to match my character. I've been working on this idea for a while, inspired by some ideas i had when i was younger along with the pictures I found that kinda matched my thoughts. If I was a better artist I would draw my own but I draw about as good as a chicken in a coma with no legs. Anyway I tried this a while ago but nobody really showed too much interest so I decided to give it some time and try again later. (almost a year later) So if anyone needs a character like mine for any reason, or knows of a topic that might accept me, please let me know. S.O.S. Fellow role player in need. Send help! (dying of creative starvation)
Beauty and the Beast Concept
Sorry for any typos. At some point I'll read through it and clean it up. Again, any help would be awesome!
It's hard to find a roleplay to match my character. I've been working on this idea for a while, inspired by some ideas i had when i was younger along with the pictures I found that kinda matched my thoughts. If I was a better artist I would draw my own but I draw about as good as a chicken in a coma with no legs. Anyway I tried this a while ago but nobody really showed too much interest so I decided to give it some time and try again later. (almost a year later) So if anyone needs a character like mine for any reason, or knows of a topic that might accept me, please let me know. S.O.S. Fellow role player in need. Send help! (dying of creative starvation)
Beauty and the Beast Concept
Bionically Engineered Autonomous Sentinel Techbreed

Aliases/Titles - Beast, Cyber Demon, Techbreed Defender
Image -
Appearance - Techbreeds appear to be a combination of machine and war beasts, sporting dense, metal armor covering animal like forms. Though they tend to change their shapes to adapt to the environment or situation, they maintain this quality.
Age - Unknown
Gender - N/A
Species - Techbreed Guardian Type
Height - Predator Mode: 6'10". Stallion Mode: 4'6". Arachnid: 7'4". Scorpius: 8'4".
Weight - Predator Mode: 290 lbs. Stallion Mode: 220 lbs. Arachnid: 310 lbs. Scorpius: 340 lbs.
Physiology - The Techbreed are a species of artificially engineered, genetically modified non-terrestrial cyber organisms, grown, programmed, and outfitted for specific tasks. There are an array of Techbreed sub-types, each with a different physiology and characteristics to match the task they are programmed to fulfill. Common qualities however are finely segmented plates of depleted promethium armor covering a body made of a transmutable bio-organic muscle-like memory metal. Their bodies are capable of consuming and converting metal, sunlight, electricity, fire, and life force into matter and energy to help repair damage, restore power, and increase their abilities. Heavily damaged units can enter a high speed repair mode, restoring their physical form in hours but rendering them offline for days, or weeks depending on the amount of damage. At the heart of each Techbreed is a Energy Core capable of storing massive amounts of power. This allows them to go for long periods without an energy source as well as store power for specific situations.
Psychology - A combination of genetic programing and instinct drive the Techbreed's train of thought and mental capacity. Beast, being of the Guardian type, imprints on a single beings and from that point forward becomes unhesitatingly loyal to the point of self sacrifice toward that individual. Specific actions and attacks are carried out via vocal commands and voice recognition. Along with these ingrained traits, Beast itself, due to a few flaws and quirks in its programming from decades of floating across the cosmos, can tend to stray from a typically mechanical personality. This causes occasional acts of spontaneous behavior or unexpected actions.
Predator Mode: Best suited for most combat situations, Predatory mode grants Beast a more offensive style form with high strength and durability.
Stallion Mode: Best suited of utility and travel, Stallion mode changes Beast into a more speed and stamina oriented form.
Techflies: Beast releases a swarm of robotic flies from canisters on it's back. Each fly is equipped with mini photon lasers and small volatile energy cores for self detonating. Beast's swarm supply is replenished after a short period of time.
Nanite Defense cloud: A cloud of microscopic nano-machines are released into the air from ports on Beast's body, forming a cloud around it and near by allies to protect from most forms of attack by absorbing impacts and energy before dissipating after several seconds.
Nanite Acid Spray: Beast spits a gooey spray composed of a glue like liquid and a swarm of microscopic nano-machines which breaks down and dissolves most solid matter on contact.
Edge Shredder:(Predator Mode) Blades emerge from Beast's body as it curls into a wheel and rolls at high speeds towards a target. Though low on accuracy, this attack does significant damage to flesh, metal, and terrain alike.
Cloaking Matrix:(Predator Mode) Causes Beast's body to absorb and bend light, allowing it to blend in with most surroundings, leaving only a slight optical shimmer in its place.
Boost Breaker:(Stallion Mode) Additional Plates and spikes appear across the front of Beast's body and small engines emerge from its hind legs, allowing for destructive stampedes.
Sonic Acceleration Drive:(Stallion Mode) Beast's body becomes more streamline and jet like engines emerge on its sides, allowing for high speed mobility, though can be hard to stop.
The Guardian Matrix
Requires a fraction of the host's life force as well as a mental bond developed over time and trust from the host. When Active, Beast combines with its host and takes the form of a bio-mech suit, gaining new abilities and giving the host synaptic control. Life force continues to drain at a slow rate as long as Guardian Matrix remains active, and will automatically deactivate to prevent fatally draining the host.
Guardian Matrix Arachnid:
HUD=Projects a map of the surrounding area extending for 200 meters into the hosts eyes. The map updates in real time, revealing terrain features and surface movement. Temperature, elevation, time, wind velocity, and several other readings are also available in the HUD, which can also be mentally commanded to minimize to prevent obstruction of vision.
Compound Vision=When active, will grant infrared, ultraviolet, and night vision. Can also detect distortions in light on a microscopic level, zoom in and telescope, track movement, and predict actions based on muscle contractions.
Techmites=The Host can produce up to 10 quadrupedal, autonomous, quick moving drones armed with rapid fire photon lasers, a super sticky ooze used for slowing down and immobilizing targets, and volatile energy cores with a detonation velocity of over 5000 meters per second, similar to a grenade.
Dual Photon Sabers=Two photon blades capable of cutting through almost any solid are equipped to the host. The blades can be charged with photon energy to add more power to the impact of an attack.
Dual Spitfire Machine Guns=A pair of automated arms brandish rapid fire machine guns loaded with regenerating 15mm hollow-point rounds and equipped with auto targeting systems that link into the Host's HUD.
Dynamic Mobility=Beast's Arachnid form grants its hosts ability to move with increased agility, jump greater distances, and scale vertical surfaces or ceilings.
Guardian Matrix Scorpius:
HUD=Projects a map of the surrounding area extending for 200 meters into the hosts eyes. The map updates in real time, revealing terrain features and surface movement. Temperature, elevation, time, wind velocity, and several other reading are also available in the HUD, which can also be mentally commanded to minimize to prevent obstruction of vision.
Plasma Coils=At the tip of two tail like appendages are powerful arc guns capable of shooting bolts of white hot plasma and electricity with an output of over 50,000 Amps.
Photon Cleavers=A pair of extra reinforced limbs armed with massive photon pincers autonomously defend and attack for the host with a crushing force of about 5000 psi.
Dual Anti-Material Rifles=2 High powered Rifles with 30 caliber rounds capable of piercing most of the thickest, hardest solids are bestowed to the Host. Each is armed with an auto targeting system that patches into the Host's HUD.
Reinforced Exoskeleton=At the cost of some mobility and speed, Scorpius form grants high durability and physical strength.
Overdrive Override!
With enough will power, the host can mentally synchronize with Beast and override its limit programming. Through harnessing all of Beast's stored energy, Guardian Matrix is supercharged, allowing it to reach its maximum potential for 10 to 20 minutes, at the cost of rendering it offline and forcing it into repair mode afterward and exhausting the Host.
Equipment - N/A
Strengths/Weaknesses - Requires a Host to function properly. Can be difficult to understand with new Hosts. Can get out of hand if not controlled and commanded properly.
Biography -
Series- Original Character
Bionically Engineered Autonomous Sentinel Techbreed

Aliases/Titles - Beast, Cyber Demon, Techbreed Defender
Image -
Appearance - Techbreeds appear to be a combination of machine and war beasts, sporting dense, metal armor covering animal like forms. Though they tend to change their shapes to adapt to the environment or situation, they maintain this quality.
Age - Unknown
Gender - N/A
Species - Techbreed Guardian Type
Height - Predator Mode: 6'10". Stallion Mode: 4'6". Arachnid: 7'4". Scorpius: 8'4".
Weight - Predator Mode: 290 lbs. Stallion Mode: 220 lbs. Arachnid: 310 lbs. Scorpius: 340 lbs.
Physiology - The Techbreed are a species of artificially engineered, genetically modified non-terrestrial cyber organisms, grown, programmed, and outfitted for specific tasks. There are an array of Techbreed sub-types, each with a different physiology and characteristics to match the task they are programmed to fulfill. Common qualities however are finely segmented plates of depleted promethium armor covering a body made of a transmutable bio-organic muscle-like memory metal. Their bodies are capable of consuming and converting metal, sunlight, electricity, fire, and life force into matter and energy to help repair damage, restore power, and increase their abilities. Heavily damaged units can enter a high speed repair mode, restoring their physical form in hours but rendering them offline for days, or weeks depending on the amount of damage. At the heart of each Techbreed is a Energy Core capable of storing massive amounts of power. This allows them to go for long periods without an energy source as well as store power for specific situations.
Psychology - A combination of genetic programing and instinct drive the Techbreed's train of thought and mental capacity. Beast, being of the Guardian type, imprints on a single beings and from that point forward becomes unhesitatingly loyal to the point of self sacrifice toward that individual. Specific actions and attacks are carried out via vocal commands and voice recognition. Along with these ingrained traits, Beast itself, due to a few flaws and quirks in its programming from decades of floating across the cosmos, can tend to stray from a typically mechanical personality. This causes occasional acts of spontaneous behavior or unexpected actions.
Predator Mode: Best suited for most combat situations, Predatory mode grants Beast a more offensive style form with high strength and durability.
Stallion Mode: Best suited of utility and travel, Stallion mode changes Beast into a more speed and stamina oriented form.
Techflies: Beast releases a swarm of robotic flies from canisters on it's back. Each fly is equipped with mini photon lasers and small volatile energy cores for self detonating. Beast's swarm supply is replenished after a short period of time.
Nanite Defense cloud: A cloud of microscopic nano-machines are released into the air from ports on Beast's body, forming a cloud around it and near by allies to protect from most forms of attack by absorbing impacts and energy before dissipating after several seconds.
Nanite Acid Spray: Beast spits a gooey spray composed of a glue like liquid and a swarm of microscopic nano-machines which breaks down and dissolves most solid matter on contact.
Edge Shredder:(Predator Mode) Blades emerge from Beast's body as it curls into a wheel and rolls at high speeds towards a target. Though low on accuracy, this attack does significant damage to flesh, metal, and terrain alike.
Cloaking Matrix:(Predator Mode) Causes Beast's body to absorb and bend light, allowing it to blend in with most surroundings, leaving only a slight optical shimmer in its place.
Boost Breaker:(Stallion Mode) Additional Plates and spikes appear across the front of Beast's body and small engines emerge from its hind legs, allowing for destructive stampedes.
Sonic Acceleration Drive:(Stallion Mode) Beast's body becomes more streamline and jet like engines emerge on its sides, allowing for high speed mobility, though can be hard to stop.
The Guardian Matrix
Requires a fraction of the host's life force as well as a mental bond developed over time and trust from the host. When Active, Beast combines with its host and takes the form of a bio-mech suit, gaining new abilities and giving the host synaptic control. Life force continues to drain at a slow rate as long as Guardian Matrix remains active, and will automatically deactivate to prevent fatally draining the host.
Guardian Matrix Arachnid:
HUD=Projects a map of the surrounding area extending for 200 meters into the hosts eyes. The map updates in real time, revealing terrain features and surface movement. Temperature, elevation, time, wind velocity, and several other readings are also available in the HUD, which can also be mentally commanded to minimize to prevent obstruction of vision.
Compound Vision=When active, will grant infrared, ultraviolet, and night vision. Can also detect distortions in light on a microscopic level, zoom in and telescope, track movement, and predict actions based on muscle contractions.
Techmites=The Host can produce up to 10 quadrupedal, autonomous, quick moving drones armed with rapid fire photon lasers, a super sticky ooze used for slowing down and immobilizing targets, and volatile energy cores with a detonation velocity of over 5000 meters per second, similar to a grenade.
Dual Photon Sabers=Two photon blades capable of cutting through almost any solid are equipped to the host. The blades can be charged with photon energy to add more power to the impact of an attack.
Dual Spitfire Machine Guns=A pair of automated arms brandish rapid fire machine guns loaded with regenerating 15mm hollow-point rounds and equipped with auto targeting systems that link into the Host's HUD.
Dynamic Mobility=Beast's Arachnid form grants its hosts ability to move with increased agility, jump greater distances, and scale vertical surfaces or ceilings.
Guardian Matrix Scorpius:
HUD=Projects a map of the surrounding area extending for 200 meters into the hosts eyes. The map updates in real time, revealing terrain features and surface movement. Temperature, elevation, time, wind velocity, and several other reading are also available in the HUD, which can also be mentally commanded to minimize to prevent obstruction of vision.
Plasma Coils=At the tip of two tail like appendages are powerful arc guns capable of shooting bolts of white hot plasma and electricity with an output of over 50,000 Amps.
Photon Cleavers=A pair of extra reinforced limbs armed with massive photon pincers autonomously defend and attack for the host with a crushing force of about 5000 psi.
Dual Anti-Material Rifles=2 High powered Rifles with 30 caliber rounds capable of piercing most of the thickest, hardest solids are bestowed to the Host. Each is armed with an auto targeting system that patches into the Host's HUD.
Reinforced Exoskeleton=At the cost of some mobility and speed, Scorpius form grants high durability and physical strength.
Overdrive Override!
With enough will power, the host can mentally synchronize with Beast and override its limit programming. Through harnessing all of Beast's stored energy, Guardian Matrix is supercharged, allowing it to reach its maximum potential for 10 to 20 minutes, at the cost of rendering it offline and forcing it into repair mode afterward and exhausting the Host.
Equipment - N/A
Strengths/Weaknesses - Requires a Host to function properly. Can be difficult to understand with new Hosts. Can get out of hand if not controlled and commanded properly.
Biography -
Series- Original Character
Sorry for any typos. At some point I'll read through it and clean it up. Again, any help would be awesome!