"Oh well, I guess the show's over for the time being," Yayoi said when their generous host arrived with tonight's meal. Oh, and what a feast would that be indeed. Certainly, a banquet to die for... literally, considering that it looked like it could knock the lights out of anyone who tried so much as a whiff.
"We— Well, you certainly have a way with these things, don't you, Miss Keeper?" A drop of sweat ran down Yayoi's brow as she watched Roche stuff a spoon of the food into her mouth as if it was indeed the most delicious thing in the world.
The blue-haired magician took her place at the table as well, looking at the food in front of her with apprehension. She swallowed hard a couple times before closing her eyes and summoning the resolve to take a bit of her own portion.
"Thanks for the foo—" And just as Yayoi was about to shove it into her mouth, she noticed the commotion regarding the running Willow.
"So that's what they mean when saying that fast food is trying to kill you, huh?" Yayoi said with a straight face after elbowing Rei a couple times to call the attention of their green-haired leader. And then, she ate a spoon of Suki's food, and immediately, the water clone that Yayoi was using burst like a bubble, soaking anyone who was unfortunate enough to be close to her.