Avatar of Nyahahameha


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3 yrs ago
Current Loved Xenoblade 3, and I just got done with Astral Chain my friend lent me. Monster Hunter Stories 2 is next, and so far I'm liking it!
6 yrs ago
I love the dance Sekiro has me doing, but I think I need a break. Thinking I'll SwitchTM it up with Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


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Elvira Sanada
The Technol-Angel

Branch 092 - Cafeteria

Entering the cafeteria a minute or so after Arisa had, an unfamiliar, tall, narrow figure in very modest clothing drew the eyes of several agents present in the room. Eye-catching both because of her unfamiliarity, and because of the four glowing blue and gently humming rings - flat like discs - floating in the air around her; one hovering above her head not unlike an angel's halo, one hovering near to her right shoulder and levitating a mug of coffee below it, one hovering near to her left elbow and levitating a closed laptop, and the last hovering near her right hip and levitating a fifth ring not glowing, humming or rotating like the other four. In her hands, she held a folder containing documents she was fervently attempting to memorize, her eyes behind her rectangular glasses listing up to down even as the dark circles under them almost appeared to darken in real time.

Elvira stepped across the room and made her way to the coffee maker present - the same model as the one in the office space that had apparently started spraying liquid several days ago due to poor operation by one of the other agents - and exchanged the folder in her hands for the laptop being carried by one of her H.A.L.O.s. She also took hold of the dormant H.A.L.O. being carried by the one near her hip, which came to life like the rest after some brief typing on her laptop. She reached toward the coffee maker with the now glowing ring in hand and held it above the machine for a moment, then removed her hand and left the ring floating aloft the machine, rotating and humming with power. Elvira turned her attention back to her laptop, copy-pasting some lines of code she'd written earlier from a text file into the program used to control the H.A.L.O. above the coffee machine.

"So that's the new transfer? Looks like she's been running herself ragged."

"What are those floating circles? Some kinda magitech?"

"Holy magic fused with technology? That's a new one."

@VitaVitaAR Woooooo! :D
@VitaVitaAR I know there's no urgency given the state of IC, but there's only so many times a guy can be forgotten before he starts reading into it. "Is there something about Technol-Angel you don't like but don't want to tell me? Are you simply not that good at managing stuff outside of IC? Do you have too much going on in your life to keep track of this RP in general?" It's getting hard to keep these questions out of my mind. ^^;

If it's just that the OOC tab is too out-of-sight-out-of-mind to remember to reply to, I'd like to once more suggest discussing over discord when you have time, either in your server for Qlippoth Shift or in DMs after we exchange IDs in forum PMs.
@VitaVitaAR It's hard for me to answer that given I'm not really clear on what kind of scale this RP is shooting for. Like, what I gather from the Characters tab is that some of them are full-on magic users, some are just combat specialists with maybe a special weapon, and then one is a giant shapeshifting flesh creature. I guess of those three, The Technol-Angel would be closest to the giant shapeshifting flesh creature. Izurich mentioned that many of the characters seem underpowered compared to the setting's threats, so I figured I had some room for making her a bit stronger than the current average, and I aimed to do that by broadening the variety of situations in which she'd be useful since Teratoma seems to have brute force on lockdown.
@VitaVitaAR Would you like to ask me questions about her ability set, or have a discussion on Discord perhaps? I'm happy to clarify things where I can and make adjustments as needed.
@VitaVitaAROh, you just forgot? XD I just thought you were taking your time with it since the current scene isn't done IC so there isn't a rush anyway.
Tobikatte Kira

MicroMart Front - Semi Cab

After feeling her foot connect with the semi's driver, Kira took a quick glance down the length of her body. The sight of a second person sailing through the air along with who she presumed to be the driver just before they fell out of her line of sight did give her some pause, but as the semi was still barreling out of control, all she could do for him was shout a quick "Sorry!" as she righted herself in the driver's seat. Taking the wheel, she did her utmost to keep the semi moving in a straight line as the lack of a foot on the gas brought it to a slow halt.

And with the semi halted, Kira let out a breath and closed her eyes. A throbbing pain spread from her shoulder stump as the adrenaline wore off, and fatigue began to overtake her.

Sorry, I think you guys are gonna' have ta' take care of the rest, Kira said inwardly, taking some breaths to try to calm the heavy beating of her heart.

It was at that moment she heard a huge clatter from outside the truck - the sound of the light post lancing through the palemancer and into the ground. She opened her eyes and turned toward the driver side door, and leaned out to survey the state of things. The cultists had all apparently left at some point, as had all the homeless people by then. There was no sign of the jackass that took her arm off, so someone must have dealt with him at some point. And the last undead monster, by the look of things, had just been taken out. Kira let out a heavy sigh and turned to face forward in the driver's seat.

...Yeah, no, fuck this shit. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and, with a bit of struggle due to not having her dominant hand, deleted the Shimr app from her phone. I got ways I can help people that don't involve losin' arms and philosophical debates with terrorists. Leave that shit to Raiden Metal Gear.

With that done, she shuffled herself across to the passenger's seat, then out of the semi entirely. While making sure nobody could see her, she left her Esper form. It didn't actually change her appearance, but she knew the magic mumbo-jumbo that governed how this stuff worked usually prevented people from recognizing her if they'd only seen her in Esper form to begin with. Having made her decision, and seen through what she'd started, she slunk away from the scene.

Never to be seen off-stage again.

Tobikatte Kira

MicroMart Front - Semi Trailer Underside

It took a minute, but Kira had succeeded in ensuring she was left alone long enough to get her emergency medical treatment applied. She looked across herself, appraising her work. Slinging the bandages under her left arm and around her right shoulder stump to keep the absorbing cloths pressed against it was about the best she could do. Slipping her bloodied white hoodie back on over her torso, Kira took another look ahead of herself at the pavement rushing by beneath her. A truck with half its tires missing should have come to a stop by now, but this rig just kept on truckin', even with the screech of metal on asphalt assaulting her ears.

"The hell kinda' psycho they got drivin' this thing?!"

Her vendetta against the arm-thieving skelly-hand man would have to wait; with her being the only one of the Freelancers aboard the truck - to her knowledge - she was the only one in any position to stop this thing from destroying itself and the water it was transporting. Forming a slapdash plan of action as she moved, Kira side-rolled her way out from beneath the trailer, opting to go toward the upturned side which faced away from all the action happening outside the MicroMart. With another shift of her gravity, she planted her feet on the vertical wall of the trailer, and took into a run across it, heading up to the cab of the semi. A quick visual assessment revealed that the passenger side door of the cab was still open, albeit not very wide given the speed the truck was moving. But it was enough for what she had in mind.

Upon reaching the door, Kira quickly bent down, grabbed the handle, and pulled it up. With a small hop forward, she threw herself down the widened opening she'd given herself, knees bent as she fell.

"'Scuse me!"

She extended both legs, aiming to drop-kick whoever it was driving this rig out of the driver's seat. Being that it was probably another of skelly-hand man's lackeys, or someone on his side, she couldn't say she rightly cared if they got thrown out of the cab entirely by the force of someone basically falling on their head.

The moment she felt her feet connect with a face, she shifted her gravity back to normal, letting her fall onto her right side across the driver side seat, legs hanging off of it. With a grunt of effort, she rolled herself onto her front and reached under the steering wheel with her left arm, slamming her hand on the brake pedal.

@VitaVitaARYeah, I thought I might be pushing things a bit. Thankfully the origin and species of the character isn't integral to the weapon, so rewriting those parts wasn't too difficult. Please take another look! :)
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