Name: Lilith (Lilly) Gothel
Age: 16
Parents: Mother Gothel, Unknown Father
Backround: After being abandoned and replaced by her mother, Lilly is desperate to win her mother back. Lilly loves music, hence the trumpet in her hand. She found her fond for music by singing Rapunzel's song ever since she was abandoned. The reason why she was abandoned is unknown. She later found out (around 5) that she was replaced by Rapunzel's daughter, who is now known as Ginny Gothel. After that Lilly devoted her life to winning her mother back and showing everyone that Ginny was a faker.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None as of yet
Personality: Not as evil as her mother, but definitely some mean in her. Hot-headed. Likes the color blue. Beautiful singing voice. Likes to travel/exploring. Quite smart. Stubborn. Not easily scared. Powerful.
Other: She has her mother's cloak.
Picture:( I'm unsure how to send a picture, so I'll send the link. c: )