- Full name:
- Age:
- Sex:
- Sexuality:
- Height:
- Eye colour:
Distinguishable features:
- Planet of birth:
- Family:
- Occupation:
- Academic qualifications:
- Criminal record:
Biography:Recent events:Other important notes:
LikesDislikesTraitsFlawsDiagnostic appraisal:
1 to 5. 1=poor, 2=average, 3=good, 4=skilled, 5=exceptional)
Stats (13)Skills (13)Talents(
Something unique, specific and special.)
Unique quirks that are somewhat a hinderance. Ie; phobias, deformities or psychological setbacks) )
Okay now to address the Character Sheet which I as a Table Top GM love but have found might turn away many RPG players in the guild beyond the Advanced threads
I love everything up till we reach Personality which often gives Out Of Character information about a character which their friends might know but people who have never met them would have to learn on their own; might I also add most players alter the personalities of their Character as play progresses so that in the end they barely resemble the initial draft.
The stats are lovely when you have a dice powered game but confuse a lot of guild members and add a mechanic that might slow the game play. I could see people being asked to rate their Primary to Weakest Stat...IE. Pilots and Gunfighters would prefer Agility over other stats, Brawlers Strength and so on. The weakest stats are the lovely little points where Grunts need Nerds and Nerds need Grunts.
Love Talents and would say that they only have two at the most though one might be best
The quirks are a nice addition but some are personal and might only be known to those that are familiar such as Phobias and Mental Issues. Deformities such as battle scars and such could be listed in the description
Sorry to be so critical but Please understand none of what I’ve pointed out is an area that I can’t deal with if it is your decision to use it all.
I am bored and filled with a need to write about anything.