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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cirrus and Erissa

In the humdrum of human life, two small figures flitted past, gossamer wings stirring the air ever so slightly. One shone like an emerald, her pretty elfish face sporting a smile despite the bored expression on it. Beside her was a slightly larger, darker bony form with a perpetual sneer on his face. It wasn't uncommon for the two to venture out into the concrete jungle humans call home. It was, in a way, a hobby of theirs to watch and wait, sometimes playing pranks on the unsuspecting, sometimes leading children away with them and sometimes rewarding the rare worthy. Both landed soundlessly on the branch of the largest tree in the park.

"Look at these humans, going on with their lives, taking everything for granted. It is such a shame to see them waste that opportunity to love and be truly loved," Erissa sighed, leaning her heart shaped face onto her hand.

"What are you talking about, my dear Erissa? It is quite amusing to see them flounder and look for meaning in their mundane lives. Betrayal, jealousy. It's all so marvelously delicious. Why, look at these young humans," the darker Cirrus pointed a crooked finger at a young couple. "Pretending to be in love when there is barely anything there. Tomorrow will never be better." he cackled.

"It is a pity but there are some that make it through somehow. Love will always find a way," a dreamy look settled over Erissa's face as she looked towards the park bench. An old couple sat there, sharing a sandwich and reminiscing about their love filled lives together. A rare sight. One that Erissa delighted in seeing.

Cirrus shook his head, an almost disgusted look on his face. "Will it?" he asked as he turned his gaze towards the old couple Erissa was looking at. He couldn't deny that there was real love there. Nevertheless, he challenged the fairy of the Shining Throne. "Would you put your life on the line for that hopeless belief?"

A brilliant smile pulled the edges of Erissa's lips up, all traces of boredom gone from her face. "Is that a wager I hear in your voice?"

A sinister smile lit the dark fairy's face up. "But of course. The winner shall receive eternal servitude of the loser."

"I believe we have ourselves a deal." Erissa's wings fluttered excitedly. "Now, who will our subjects be?" Her olive green eyes shifted from one person to the other, carefully considering all that passed by the park.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

Day One - Intro

Kieran awoke with nothing coming to mind. This was unusual for him, and at the same what he had come to expect. Over the last few days Kieran would wake up and immediately his mind would keep silent, no random thoughts, no remembering recent dreams, no random ideas for his book. This had been a common occurence over the last week, which is why Kieran had come to expect it. This was unusual because before a week ago, Kierans mind would instantly become a jungle of ideas and thoughts. Kieran would spend the first few hours of the morning just trying to decypher his own mind and train of thoughts, jotting down anything that really shined at him and just enjoying he creative ideas in his own private head. As of last week though, his incredible morning train of thought seemed to be absent from his mind. Kieran opened his eyes slowly, letting his eyes adjust to the light peeping through the blinds of his window and hitting his face. KIeran slowly sat up, running a hand through his hair and sighing, thinking how today was going to suck ass. He just had a feeling.

Kieran went through his morning regiment. He showered with scalding hot water, letting his skin feel the rejuvinating rush of water that mnost people would jump away from. Kieran would eye himself in the mirror on occasion as he washed himself and chuckled.

"Heh..good looking bastard."

Kieran knew he was quite the looker, and while his confidence was slightly off puting to some, he enjoyed reveling in the enjoyment of being who he was. Being six foot two and thin as a branch, while still being able to eat whatever he wanted. His Army training had helped him keep a decent amount of muscle, which he truly did appreciate. But when Kieran would see parts of his back his expression would fall, and his shoulders would slightly hunch. His back was still marred with scars and bruises of his time over seas. He would look into his own deep brown eyes in the mirror, and say whatever he needed to say to pick himself back up again.

Kieran brushed his teeth and got dressed, choosing an all black ensemble. He wore a tight fitting v-neck T shirt, with black jeans and vans. Kieran ate a small breakfast while he began working at his desk. He was a writer, author of the hit book series "New Voyage", and author of several movie scripts for which he sold to producers. So his current employment was writing. He would normally spend hours upon hours writing, jottinf things down, or doing whatever. he had the time and he was all but self employed save for his publishers.

After an few hours though Kieran had enough of being inside. He stood straight up, suprising anyone would have been near him if he had any guest over and spoke.

"Fuck this. I need some air."

Kieran grabbed his wallet and phone, walked out of his apartement, and locked it behind him. When he walked outside he took a moment to take a breath of fresh air enjoying the moment. Kieran hated thinking about the past or future, prefering to live in the present. Like he always said the past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift. Thats why we call it the present. Kieran walked down the sidewalk, smiling but avoiding extended eye ocntact with anyone. He wanted to be outside but.........people....ugh.

Kieran walked for a short bit of time, walking through a small outlet area and past stores, crossing streets and the like, until he arrived at a park. Kieran smiled. He always enjoyed places of nature like this. Nature........with a touch of man evenly divided. Not too much wild nature, not too much interference of mans advancement. Kieran walked slowly while in the park, stopping someitmes to touch the bushes or the flowers, smiling kindly at passing people. There were even a few cute girls there. Kieran straightendd his posture, gave his best sly smile, and nodded at a few different cute girls. Kieran wouldnt say they swooned, but he was damn sure they liked what they saw.

Kierans mind wandered as he walked through the park. He started to think about his...situation. His father, making him go through with an arranged marriage. What he wanted Kieran to do.....Kieran could not help but feel an intense hatred for his father. He may have to get married, but he was going to figure out a way to help his father without doing what his father wanted him to do.

@blackpanther@kyrisse@caits@light the dark@kaalee@kidd@neno 1445@ashevelendar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Tachi rubbed lightly ran a straight razor over his face cleaning it of the very little facial hair he grew since he last shaved. After cleaning up his face he grabbed some styling gel and rubbed his hands together with it styling his hair. Today he was being paid extra from a bachelorette party. He was not a huge fan of working those, but extra money is extra money. He pulled on his outfit and signed at his image. The old cop cliche. At least the pants were black. He slipped on the sunglasses to complete the look and gave a light spritz of cologne on his neck. Now Tachi was ready. A quick look at his watch and he headed out.

Techie's walk was filled with confidence. After all, his entire profession was based on his looks. A glance at a piece of paper with the address written on it told him he was almost there. A slow smile appeared on his face and he did his best cop knock. A woman opened the door and by the way she lit up, she was probably one of the ones that called in for him...oddly he wass asked for specifically, but again more money so whatever. That smile was still on his face and he nodded. "There was a call" The woman seemed like she was about to split from excitement and waved him inside.

He looked at all the women who currently had not noticed him yet. Now that smile turned into a grin as he clapped. "All right ladies. There was a complaint called in" The woman who was clearly the bride as labelled by her shirt with the word bride scrolled on it started whispering with a concerned tone. She stood. I have no idea wh- Tachi lightly put his finger on her lips and slipped off his sunglasses. "A complaint that this party was sorely lacking in the stripper department" The bride had a confused expression that slowly evolved into realization and then a crimson color spread on her pale face. He spun her and moved against her before his shirt came off.

By the squeals he heard meant he was apparently doing a good job. Lovely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tabitha sat on a stool she had carried, along with her sketch pad, looking quite strange, she thought, walking down the street in her tie dyed skirt and top, a bright purple backpack over her shoulder and her pink hair flowing behind her slightly. She didn't particularly care, as she sat with her pad in her lap, pencils beside her, merely drawing what she saw, trying to keep her mind clear. She had needed to get out of her place, not angry at her father, but just...sad. She didn't even really know what she was drawing, dark hues almost like a black and white picture. Tabitha was well aware that her artwork was eccentric and that many people wouldn't understand it, but Tabitha did her artwork to feel free.

She sighed as she drew, humming to herself. She was...unsettled. And she didn't like it. Tabitha preferred to be happy, more then anything else and lately she didn't feel happy. Bowing her head over her sketch pad, Tabitha studied what she had drawn.While people had been moving about, she had chosen the ones that interested her the most, committing them to memory and drawing them into the piece, but the main feature was the park itself as she sat there on her stool contemplating things.

She lifted her head, checking some things, before adding a few more details. Tabitha was well aware that she was a strange individual, but she liked who she was, even if no one else did. Humming to herself, Tabitha leaned back after a moment, satisfied with what she had drawn, she began to fill in more details, calming herself with it, letting her mind go blank and loving it. Without meaning to, Tabitha began to sing softly under her breath.

Her bright majenta hair flowed softly in the slight wind. Her small frame and height made her seem child-like and she knew that her personality didn't help at times, but Tabitha liked her pixie like appearance, and even if she got asked for ID everytime she went to a bar, or the movies, or into any place that you had to be legal for, she wouldn't trade it for the world. She looked over her drawing again, and adding a little bit more detail, she leaned back, satisfied. Yes. That was perfect. She studied the people she had drawn, studying the different shapes, angles, styles of people. She smiled to herself, and flipped the page, studing the people around her, and choosing someone she thought looked interesting, before starting to draw them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Light the Dark
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Light the Dark - space cat -

Member Seen 29 min ago

Caity George


A pale hand scrabbled out from underneath the cocoon of blankets Caity had wrapped herself in. Why did mornings have to come so early every morning? She flicked the alarm off with a groan, her hand flopping down onto the top of the nightstand once the blaring alarm was finally silenced. She loved working at the library, but it had yet to make a morning person out of her.

Slowly, she untangled herself from the cocoon, purple hair sticking up at all angles. Good thing she was single - her morning bed-head would scare off any man. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, Caity let the wall of her bedroom come into focus as she slowly woke up.

If I don't get up now, I'll fall back asleep... up we get... up we...get...any moment now...

With that muttered oath, Caity forced herself out of bed.

A shower and a half a pot of coffee later - with most of the rest of it in a thermos to drink on the way - Caity was out the door. If she woke up earlier, she could have possibly walked the mile and a half to work. But there was no way she was waking up a half an hour earlier. Getting up at 7 was hard enough. Having to get up earlier was also the main reason she didn't do her hair or make-up on days she worked - she'd rather spend that time getting her beauty sleep.

Driving it was.

Besides, she had to go grocery shopping later - not that instant noodles counted as groceries. But they were cheap, and since that hellhole had closed, she had to cut her budget somewhere. She couldn't pay her rent, and her student loans, and afford gas, and eat. Grammie would feed her, she knew, but Caity hated to put the burden on her grandmother.

She reached the library, grabbed her purse and her coffee from the car, and began the trek from the furthest space in the lot to the comfort of the library. At least there she'd be able to forget about her own troubles for a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nico Jensen

"Mom, I'm in the middle of filming... Yes, it's supposed to be this early in the morning... What? No, I didn't forget... Mom. Mom. Listen. My schedule is pretty much booked for today. But I promise to make time to meet her... Tonight? No, that's not possible. Unless you want her to wait for me until really late in the night... No, I'm not going back on my word. I'm just really busy. We have only a few days left to finish this movie and I can't afford to slack off." Nico was already feeling a little annoyed by how much his mother was pushing this arranged marriage thing. If only she wasn't sick...

"...invitations and your wedding suit." Lena's voice in the phone cut through her son's thoughts.

Invitations... and... wedding suit... Nico repeated the words slowly in his head. Wait. How did the conversation end up where it did? "Wait, what? No. Mom! I may have agreed with your crazy idea but I'm NOT sending out wedding invitations and picking up a suit just yet. I haven't even met her..." He sighed as his mother went on another tirade. "My reputation? Huh? Where did that come from? No, I don't have any illicit affairs going on with Nina. She's my co-star... Yeah, I'll be unattached when I go meet her. Mom, you--"

The actor fell to exasperated silence as he listened to his mother shift from being too paranoid about his supposedly affair with the actress he was starring with to excitedly yammering about a beautiful church wedding and grandchildren... How many did she say? 8? He figured it was best to just let her say what she wanted, regretting trying to argue with her once again. Dad's right. When she gets going, there's really no stopping her... And so the 24 year old patiently waited until his mother tire herself out or something else catches her attention.

"Oh, your father is here, dear. I'll talk to you later," she finally said. But it took a few more minutes of wedding before she finally let up and bid her son a good day before hanging up.

Nico stared incredulously at his phone, shaking his head at what he had agreed to.

"Nico, you ready?" the director called out.

The movie star looked up, handed his assistant his phone and nodded. "Yeah, let's do this," he answered and walked up to the set.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The young man was helping a giggling girl find what she wanted, wondering why teenage girls always felt the need to giggle. he explained the components of the computer, that it was one that was for more then facebook, instant messaging and surfing the next and that if that was all she wanted it for, she should get a cheaper one, stating that the one she was looking at was more for a gaming compuure then anything so mundane. The girl just giggled through it, and went to buy it anyway. Amazed, Gordo watched her go, perplexed.

"Why are you always trying to get people to buy the cheaper versions?" a co-worker asked, "Don't you need to commission for college?"

Gordo shrugged. The young man wasn't that worried about money, despite his pretenses "Just don't like good equipment going to people that don't appreciate them" He said, but he just simply didn't like to cheat people when there was something more suited to their needs. His co-worker gave a shrug, and rolled his eyes, as if Gordo was crazy. Continuing to work, Gordo thought on what was coming. Not wanting to be alone anymore, and not really have anyone else, Gordo had decided to do something most people would consider drastic. He kenw he wasn't much of a catch, and knew that only people who were interested in his money if they knew about it would go for him. Gordo wanted to bond with someone, to learn all there was to learn about them, to fall in love and get married. He had recently come to the conclusion that it didn't necessarily need to be in that order. He could do it backward.

If anyone knew what he was going to do, they would think he was even crazier then they already did, but was it so bad to want someone? to want to come home to someone, to tell them about his day, hear about theirs? he had been alone so long....Gordo sighed to himself, and went to clock out, hands in his pocket and backpack over his shoulder, his long strides eating the ground as he walked steadily to his apartment, stopping at a pet store, he stared at a small brown and white puppy, wondering if his bride...whoever she was, might like a puppy. He contemplated that, before continuing on. It was best to wait, he thought, until he met her. Although the puppy had been cute.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Maine Aarvack

Day One - Intro

The party had been loud, the alcohol flowed freely, the drugs were plentiful, and clothing was loose. At least that is how Maine Aarvack remembered the previous night when he awoke. Maine looked himself over quickly, trying to keep the himself from passing out again from the migraine that ensued. Maine saw he was lying, naked, in a giant bed with a rather attractive brunette laying next to him. Maine gave her a look over and felt a sort of man pride. He chuckled, then sat up and swung his feet over the bed. Maine scanned the room and found his clothes spread out over the room. How the hell did his clothes get litterally thrown across the room last night? Was he that eager?

Maine clothed himself and found his wallet, watch, and phone. Everything was as he left it the previous night. As he prepared to depart, the women in the bed began to stir. She sat up and blinked a few times, hiding her figure with the sheets.

"Hmmm..morning handsome. Where you going?"

Maine smiled."Well the suns out and Im burning daylight hun."

"But you said last night we were gonna get breakfast. You said I was the cutest girl you had ever seen."

Maine laughed, he couldnt help it. He winked at the women and spoke. "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but cute just dont cut it sugar."

With that, Maine dipped out. He wore a half buttoned up dress shirt with black dress pants and shoes, with a white sleeveless undershirt. Maine walked with his hands in his pockets, not worrying about what the day had in store. He had walked only a little bit away from the party house when his phone rang. Maine looked at the caller ID and sighed in despair.

"Hello mother - "

"Dont you hello mother me young man! Do you have any idea how much your father and I have been worrying about you? After we told you about the engagement you nearly bolted out the door and we didnt see you for the rest of the night!"

"Because mother, I am not going to get fuckin married. It is such utter crap you guys are trying to do this."

"You watch your mouth! You are getting married and that is the final say if you want your inheritance or access to anything financial wise from this family."

Maine grunted. He was being forced into an arranged marriage to be taught "Responcibility" or some crap. Maine had been told a while ago by his folks if he hadnt started cleaning up his act they would do something, but Maine didnt feel like he needed to be cleaned up. He was smart, talented, and over all amazing. He was nearly perfect, so what if he enjoyed partying when he wasnt working or going to school?

"Mother.......I cant get married. Marriage is........just wrong."

"Whatever you say dear, now I expect you to be home tonight and we are going to sit down as a family and we will talk about this."

Maines mother hung up and left Maine scowling.

@blackpanther@kyrisse@caits@light the dark@kaalee@kidd@neno 1445@ashevelendar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mika really hated the cold. More, she felt, than the average Minnesotan did. She hated the cold with a burning passion, and yet she couldn't even fathom leaving normally. It's only on days like today, when the cold bit through the many layers of clothing she donned to try and combat the cold on her way from her car to her office. She ran as quickly as she could to the front door of the office, unlocking it with shaking hands before depositing herself in front of the heater. She removed all her outer layers as she warmed up, making her way to her desk. The law firm she worked for wasn't big, and she doubled as the secretary sometimes on days like today when having the secretary in really wasn't necessary. Mika started her computer and looked over the files she had to finish today, in addition to a paper she had to finish for school. Luckily, she had the office to herself and she highly doubted anyone would be coming in today.
Mika was able to work in peace until about one o'clock when her grandmother called her.

"You're coming home tonight right? Sila is coming home tonight so you should be here for dinner." Mika looked at the date on her computer and realized that yes, Sila was in fact coming home tonight. Which Mika loved her cousin, she really did, but Sila had the perfect life, one Mina's grandmother was pushing her into.
"I'll try Noki, I promise." Mika said, before her grandmother continued to fill her in of all the gossip that Mika missed between yesterday when Noki called, and today. How her grandmother managed to amass enough to fill an hour, Mika will never know.
"Noki, I gotta go. I have some audio files I need to go through for this case." Mika managed to get off the phone with her grandmother and stand up, walking around the small office, stretching her legs. She normally loved visiting her family, and it's not that she didn't want to visit them but this pressure for finding a husband was killing her. Mika knew her grandmother was dying, and Mika knew all her grandmother wanted was to see Mika married. Which is what Mika thought about when she glanced at her email again. She had sent out several missives, some through craigslist and some through friends who said they knew someone who was in a similar situation. She didn't have any money to give but she figured there had to be people in the world who were similar to her. They didn't even have to live close to her, just be able to visit enough to placate her grandmother until they could get a 'divorce'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Run. Run. Run , now or die. Damnit!...these were Alexis's thoughts as she was running as fast as she could with her team-mates. There were shooting from allover. Boom and her CO fell on the ground, dead, a blood pool forming on the ground from the hole in his head.

" GET DOWN ! " yelled George, Alexis's best friend as he threw himself on her to cover her with his body from the bullet rain. It wasn't enough.

And then...she woke up, screaming. Alexis was sweating profoundly as she woke up and looked at the clock : 4:10 AM . She shook her head and gone to the bathroom to wash her face. She was having these nightmares for a few years now, every night. Seeing her friends die was not something she had to see only once, she had to relive it every night. The medics gave her pills to calm her but they didn't work, even the psychiatrist she visited told her these nightmares will probably continue until she lets go. Of course...she couldn't do that. How can someone let go of the deaths of her friends ? was the question Alexis always answered.
Usually Alexis wouldn't sleep at night because most of the times she couldn't but when she took pills to make her fall asleep, she always woke up screaming.
As Alexis was washing her face with ice-cold water she looked in the mirror and saw her knife scar. A reminder of everything the doctor wishes her to let go. She traced the scar with her finger and then yelled " Fuck you ! WHY ? WHY ?! " as she punched the mirror, smashing it and leaving a small trail of blood on her fist.
Alexis quickly cleaned the broken mirror's piece from the floor and washed the blood of her hand. She shook her head then and went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of Jack Daniels, drank it in one fast move of her wrist and then poured another one.

She quickly got dressed after she ate something from the fridge and went out to the one place that could make her calm. The shooting range. Even if it was 6 AM by now, a number of shooting enthusiasts already gathered and were practicing. She parked the car and went inside the shop. She nodded at the shooting range owner and he quickly produced a sniper rifle and a few bullets for Alexis.
Alexis was a regular here and the best sharpshooter the owner had the pleasure to sell to. Some people recognized her instantly and knew her bad attitude and would step out of her way. Today shouldn't have been different but a new guy was in the shop today. As Alexis moved towards the shooting range, the guy unaware of who she was, didn't step out of her way and Alexis bumped him in the shoulder not stopping.

" Hey ! Watch it ! " yelled the big guy.
He turned to his pals and asked :
" What's her problem ? " with a tone that said that she didn't have a problem yet, she'll soon have.
The others simply stated that she was the best sharpshooter they ever saw. The big guy grinned and yelled at Alexis :

" That right ? You are a big shot, here, eh ? I bet 100 $ that you cannot hit the 50 meters target with only eye open. "

Alexis turned and glared at him as he was talking. She approached him and said :

" Make that 500 $ and I'll hit the 100 meters target with my eyes closed. " with a tone that implied the she knew the guy would back down.

The guy laughed and said " You got it. If you can hit the thing with your eyes closed, I'll give you 500 $. "

Other people gathered around them as Alexis approached the firing location. She took a deep breath and nodded as the owner took out a hood and put it over her head so that she couldn't see anything.
Normally, that kind of shot would be impossible with her eyes closed but Alexis knew the shooting range. She came here almost everyday for the past 2 years. She knew every nook and cranny of it. She was pointed in the right direction by the owner and focused. Remembering almost every detail of the shooting range and then she squeezed the trigger and the bullet went wide.
The big guy laughed hard as soon as he saw that the bullet didn't hit it's intended mark but then the other people that gathered around them started to look at the 200 meter target in awe. She hit it. Not in the middle but close to it.
The big guy was left speechless. Alexis took off the hood and stared at the big guy with a hand towards him.

" Money. "

The big guy shook his head and yelled :
" You cheated ! It's impossible for you to hit the 200 meters target with your eyes close ! Cheater ! I ain't giving you shit. ".

Alexis shook her hand and kicked the big guy in the balls soon after he finished his little "cheater speech". The guy went down on his knees and then Alexis put her knee in his face. The guy went unconscious soon after. She bent down and took a 500$ bill from his wallet and then threw the wallet on the ground. No one said anything about it, not even the friends the big guy came with. They simply took their friend away and left the shooting range.
Everything returned to normal after the incident and she spent another 2 hours at the range. Impressing, each and every shooter at the range with her skill.

After some time, she went back to the city and lost herself in the streets of the city. She had to prepare for her mission but for now, she needed to clear her head and 'thus she went towards the only place that is big enough so that she's left alone and be outside her apartment. The park.

@Kyrisse@Caits@Neno 1445@dabombjk@Kidd@Kaalee@BlackPanther@Light the Dark

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Enter: Cori Woods
Her current relationship had grown serious enough that Cori had insisted he meet her parents. However, her father was stiff and her mother perceptive, and neither them approved. At first, they had dropped hints, suddenly quite vocal about their opinions on hair dye and tattoos. Cori would make a point to ignore it: a Woods was nothing if not graceful, even against criticism. But that grew difficult. The convenient opinions turned into blatant complaints about Dracko and the criticism's scope had grown to a point where the problem wasn't only who she chose to date, but also the classes she took at college. "Why are you taking so many criminal justice classes? What about arts? What about business?" The questions had always made Cori grow anxious, and she would dodge them. Ever since entering college, Cori had spent less and less time with her parents because of the stress.

Then, the floor fell out beneath her feet. "I'm too busy to have to worry about your future," her father had said. "So your mother and I are stepping in." And by "stepping in," he meant arranging a marriage. They couldn't step into her education, as Cori began taking advantage of the university's laws and policies giving her full control and privacy in her classes as an adult, but they could step in and protect their daughter from some thug. Cori argued and cried and complained and fought and whined, but her parents--who usually spoil her to the point where she has more material possessions than she knows what to do with--did not relent. "Change your major and we'll rethink it." And that emotional tornado had happened only last night.

That morning, she stirred beside the boyfriend in question and opened her red eyes to watch him, sadly. She still hadn't told him about what exactly her and her parents fought about, and she was a little anxious about doing so. Dracko was...passionate, and the last thing she needed was for him to confront her parents himself. Cori sighed, feeling heavy again as she watched him sleep. He was crazy handsome, and it made Cori self conscious to stand next to him: she was perfectly thin because she ate right and worked out, but she was scary pale and--without makeup--almost looked sick. But, he insisted she was beautiful, and it made her feel good. Cori sighed and left the bed naked and retrieved her overnight bag before disappearing into Dracko's bathroom.

When she finally emerged, the aroma of a fresh breakfast hung in the air of the apartment and she found the bed empty. She carefully stepped around his discarded underwear, a guitar with a missing string, a pair of handcuffs too fuzzy to be standard issue, an earring-- Oops, she realized as she felt her ears. She picked up the diamond to put it on before continuing out of the messy bedroom. "Smells delicious," she complimented as she entered the kitchen. Her eyes lingered on the line where his sweatpants and skin met as she stepped around him to pour herself coffee. It wasn't fair that men had muscles like that.

"I burnt the first batch of bacon," he grumbled, green eyes watching a pancake as he flipped it. He was a few years older than Cori, and a better cook. Cori wasn't a good cook.

She sipped the coffee and leaned back on the counter, watching him. She could sense he was still waking up, but her mind had been racing for an hour. Cori would have to tell him sooner than later, but she found herself at a loss for words. This wasn't a typical problem, and he was already acted so jealous around other guys. Plus, she couldn't quite believe it was happening either. She didn't even think to ask who the groom-not-to-be was--she didn't care. It wasn't going to happen. She sighed and stole a piece of bacon as she stepped by him again. "Is it almost ready? I gotta get to class," she said.

"Fuck class, you're smart enough already," he said teasingly as he glanced to her. He took a double take and his gaze lingered on the hem of her skirt, his voice low when he spoke again. "And... if you don't go to class, I have some fun in mind."

Cori rolled her eyes, but she could feel her cheeks warm. "I can't slack off. My parents are on my ass enough." she complained, looking down to sip her coffee. Now would be a good time to discuss the situation, but Dracko had other plans.

"Yeah, well, fuck them, too," he said, stepping closer to rest a hand at her waist and pulled her closer. She felt his warm breath at her neck, and her blush deepened as his lips brushed against her skin. She had to awkwardly hold her coffee aloft as his other hand ran up her thigh.

"You're gonna spill my coffee!" she whined as he pressed into her, but she bit her lip to keep from smiling. She didn't protest further and managed to reach the counter to set her coffee down. The sizzle on the pan was accompanied by giggles and gasps as the two embraced-- and then a whoosh. Cori screamed.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed and scrambled around the kitchen to find a towel to throw over the fire, hissing in pain as he struggled to put it out.

"Are you okay? Is it out?" Cori asked. She had stepped back and out of the kitchen, watching from under the door frame. He had successfully put out the fire, but it looked like he burned his batch of pancakes now. She watched and suddenly felt self conscious: her hair was a mess, her skirt crooked, and her red lipstick smeared. She cleared her throat and peered into a mirror as she fixed herself up.

He sighed, irritation lacing his grumbles. "What the fuck ever."

"Nice job, Chef Ramsey," she teased, approaching to reclaim her coffee. He shot her a glare, grabbed his bacon, and sat at the table in defeat to eat his breakfast without panacakes. "Also I do really need to go, so I'll see you." With that, she trotted out of the apartment. Usually, she would arrive at school in her sleek black Ashton Martin. However, Dracko lived close enough that she could walk by crossing the park. So she went, heels clicking against the pavement and sunglasses hiding her gaze from the sun.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Tachi lightly danced to pour some sugar on me. He was not even breaking a sweat as his body moved and eventually got a good part in the song. Water splashed on his and soaked him. Along with that in one swift movement his pants were gone the water trickling along his body and gently drawing the eye to that black thing he was wearing. He could have sworn one of the girls almost fainted. A smile took over his face and he danced some more until time was up.

Pants went back on tips were given duffel bag was grabbed from where he hid it outside. His shirt draped over his shoulder and his combat boots (went with the theme and made the outfit the least authentic possible.) were securely on his feet. He tossed the money in his wallet and put that back in the duffel where his earbuds were. He stuck those in his ears and shook his still wet hair. Playing his favorite playlist he started the trek home. One that involved going through the park.

Suddenly he stopped and lightly had a panic attack internally. He was supposed to see his parents. A glance at his watch. He was late and no way was he going there in the outfit he had on. Frantic duffel shuffle. He had packed spare clothes thank god. Inhale. If he was late he was late. He would have to stop somewhere to change and he still had to go through the park. Exhale and he continued his walk with less joy in the songs that currently graced his eardrums.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tabitha was staring at a couple of individuals, trying to instill them in her mind, their details, the shapes of their eyes, noses, mouth, ears, the way their hair moved in the wind, the way they moved, or leaned. She studied one guy for a full three minutes, watching as he walked through the park, appearing troubled, or at least certainly having dark thoughts, matching the outward appearance of dark hair and yet he seemed at ease, walking through the beautiful nature and even smiling kindly at people. She watched him for a time, trying to capture that smile, dropping her eyes back to the paper and quickly sketching it in, keeping it in the front of her mind, glancing up again tocatch another detail or two, taking a moment to search for the man again.

Satisied, she bowed her head, quickly sketching in the details, the slightly mussed appearance with his hair in the wind, the brooding attitude, so at odds witht he kind smile. She found a sort of peace in herself as she tried to bring to life the man on paper. Slowly she filled in the details with percise strikes, and satisfied, she leaned back, flicking the page to colour it in later. While Tabitha was more into abstract art, drawing people could be really therapeutic, and she was slowly starting to feel better. She scanned the people once more, eyes landing on a woman, white hair, extremely pale, and she could imagine that under those sun glasses, she had the pink red eyes of someone that was an albino. Tabitha watched her a moment, intrigued, before she bowed over her sketch pad, quickly sketching in the details, the wispy quality the woman's hair seemed to have in the slight breeze caused by her walking, the way the sunglasses sat on the woman's nose, the way the woman walked in her heels-and really, who could ever walk in hells? Tabitha found herself smiling, relaxing and letting the art flow over her.

Leaning back after a few moments, Tabitha studied the image of the woman she had just drawn, wishing she could see the woman's eyes, but nevertheless satisfied with it. Moving on, her gaze landed on a red-headed young woman who appeared...troubled? Niesha watched her as she entered the park, studying her for a moment, wondering what was up, before putting pencil to paper, and quickly drawing the details that had intrigued, spending a little bit of time trying to capture everything. By now Tabitha was feeling more normal, and she was capturing details that others might not see, pouring emotion into the drawings. She sighed happily, returning to the first drawing on the man, and quickly feeling in anything little she may have missed, before reaching for her colours, starting to put those details in.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, this....marriage thing. Maybe it wouldn't be confining. Maybe she could still be...free. And maybe whoever it was....would actually like her. Carefully trying to get the percise shade of the mans eyes, Tabitha sighed. Might as well wish for a bucket of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

- @caits -

Kieran's train of thought was interrupted when he noticed, by chance, a rather striking young female seemed to be eyeing most intensely. Kieran pretended not to notice, mainly because he had barely noticed in the first place, and he waited to see what she would do. Would she suddenly stride over to him and profess her love? Will she make some type of loud statement, admitting how hot he was right here in public? Who knows? When the young women looked away, Kieran took this as a chance to study the women in return. She seemed.....eccentric to say the least, with her rather oddly matched clothing and just her overall semblance entirely. Her shoulder length magenta hair seemed to almost flow in the ever slow breeze that passed through the park, allowing her facial features to be examined closely. She had rather pale skin, and odd colored eyes, but somehow her whole appearance just worked for her. It was if she was making a statement, in Kierans mind, that she was who she was and no one will be able to say other wise.

Kieran noted she was sketching something, and he admitted to himself he was quite curious for no other reason than because at this very moment the women intrigued him. But he wanted to see what else she would do. So he waited a little, seeing her passionately draw whatever she was drawing. From time to time she would lift her head, and before she could see he looked away. Kieran sighed, slightly embarressed for himself as he was acting like a kid. Why did he care if she saw him looking? Anyone would be blessed to have his attention. Not because he was great, but because his attention span was very short.

Kieran walked over to the young women, hands behind his head, smiling and with a relaxed demeanor. He carefully avoided stepping on a small frog, putting a little pep in his step. When he stood in front of the young women, she barely seemed to notice him at first. Kieran shrugged, not bothered. She was obviously very passionate. Kieran took a few steps around her so he could see what she was sketching. He leaned down, face next to hers, and was amazed to see a portrait of himself. He was astounded by the detail, and by the color. It was very well for the short amount of time she had to sketch him, and to sketch him of all people.

"Wow. Not half bad. With just this picture, I can see a thousand words."

@blackpanther@kyrisse@light the dark@kaalee@kidd@neno 1445@ashevelendar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Tabitha was involved in her sketching, she didn't sense or feel the man coming to her, standing beside her, as she reached for a colour, absorbed into her work. She liked it when that happened. She found it soothing. Humming to herself, she jumped when the man spoke, and hurriedly reached out to catch her pencils. Realising it was one of the people she had been watching and-oh god-he was the guy she was sketching right now, Tabitha blushed, glancing down at the drawing. She stared down at it, hoping that it was okay.

"Oh, um. Yeah. That's generally what I go for" She said softly, taking a deep breath to sooth her flustered thoughts, she looked back up to the man, managing to give him a smile, bright and cheerful. She looked back down to her drawing, "Thank you. I generally try to....capture what I see" She said softly, moving to add a bit more colour, and finish it off. "Drawing...makes me feel centered" she said, wondering why she was trying to explain herself to a perfect stranger.

And wondering if fate would really screw her over to have a cute guy seem interested in her when she was suppose to be getting married. She set the pencil she was using down in the case, looking at the drawing. That would just be too much like a punishment, although she had done nothing wrong. Tabitha beleived in marriage, what it stood for...but she also wanted love. She sighed, and holding the pad out so the man could see, since he already knew that she had been drawing him, she said "do you really think its good?" She asked, looking up at him and smiling, quite genuinly, before looking back to the drawing, satisfied with the results, liking the almost life like quality to it, now thaat she could see it against the real thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

- @caits -

Kieran looked over the sketch with interest, taking in every detail. He admired the way she was able to capture every color and shade, doing it in a way that didnt highlight that it was a sketch but rather it looked almost like a photograph. Kieran looked a little closer.

"Wow, not even a smudge out of line. Seriously. If this was traced I wouldnt be able to tell. You have a real talent."

Kieran took out his phone and with his camera on it, he took a picture. Then he turned around and took a selfie, the selfie containing himself, the women, and the photo. Kieran laugh slightly when he saw her face.

""Sorry hope you dont mind, I couldnt help but try to photograph the epicness here, with the creator of such epicness.

Kieran put the back of his right hand to his forehead and closed his eyes, preparing to tease.

"I was just so awestruck I had to immortalize such a feat with its creator."

Kieran laughed again, leaned in, and kissed the women on the cheek slightly. Then he took a step sideways and sat down.

"My name is Kieran. I will be honest, I really needed something inspirational like this happening. Im a writer, but lately I have been.......kind of on a writers block. Of sorts."

@blackpanther@kyrisse@light the dark@kaalee@kidd@neno 1445@ashevelendar
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Pleased at the fact he seemed interested in her drawing, Tabitha smiled. She really liked it when people appreciated her work, and she squirmed happily at his praise, just about bouncing where she sat. She was a little surprised when he whipped out his phone and snapped a couple of pictures, first of the drawing then...with her as well. She sat, a little perplexed, then smiled brightly. She set the drawing down, debating about offering it to him, but...she wanted to keep it for herself. She shook her head "No, i don't mind. I liked that very much" Her voice, often a little sing-song like became more so, as she watched him.

She giggled at his dramatics, "I'm Tabitha, but I like Tabi best" she said, but she didn't get it all out before he had leaned in, and kissed her cheek. She sat there, stunned, her sketch pad slipping through her fingers to lay flat on the ground. Feeling her cheeks warm, Tabitha squirmed, dropping her face so her hair fell over it, She wasn't use to people doing that sort of thing, and Tabitha had to take a moment to let her brain come to terms with what had happened.

he'd just kissed her cheek.

Her mind had to quickly scramble to figure out what he had just said, as she swallowed, trying not to hyperventilate, drawing in a deep breath, she traced a pattern on her skirt, looking up, just barely through the curtain of her hair. He was a writer. He was creative too. She found herself wanting to reach up, to try and tame the hair the wind was moving, but she resisted. She nodded, "yes, I know...that's why I came out there, to draw... to try and clear my mind...and get some inspiration" She babbled, picking up her sketch pad.

"Um" She drew in a deep breath, "it's probably not the same, but....sometimes it's just nice not doing anything because you have to, and just doing it because you want to...that's why I'm here"@dabombjk
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

- @caits -

Kieran looked up in to the clear sky, thankful for such beautiful weather they had. He listened to Tabi as he spoke and could not agree with her more. He believed in free will, having the ability to choose. Options. To take away options from someone is trying to make them into something less than. Free will may be chaotic, crazy, and at times painful but it is what makes a person.....well a person. Kieran felt the breeze on his face, enjoying the air that was neither hot nor cold but somehwere in the middle, and took a deep breath. His mind was clearing of the fog that was present since the morning began, and the gears in his mind began working at a faster pace.

Kieran looked at Tabitha and a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Let me tell you, that is the best thing to do. I know you cant live like that all the time, but it really is an amazing feeling to be able to let the mind wander and unleash the soul. I...generally get more free time than most so I get to live a sort of stress free life. As long as a deadline isnt near."

Kieran chuckled. He looked at Tabi and found it interesting how she would fiddle around, how she couldnt stay in place, and how it seemed like she couldnt help but almost bounce around in place. Kieran thought how she seemed slightly energetic. "So is this your profession, being an artist, or do you just like to sketch handsome strangers at random parks as a hobby?"

@blackpanther@kyrisse@light the dark@kaalee@kidd@neno 1445@ashevelendar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gordo returned to his apartment for a few moments, gathering what he needed for class, before he left once more, cutting through the park he wasn't looking where he was going, and just about run into a half naked, wet man. Stepping back, and pushing his glasses back up his nose, Gordo went to apologise "I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't looking where I was going" there was a lot on Gordo's mind, and he hadn't been paying attention. He sighed, stepping back.

He shifted his backpack, feeling like it would be rude to just leave without making sure the man was okay. it certainly seemed a little odd to be walking through the park half dressed and wet. Gordo knew there were strange people out there-hell he'd come across many of them just in his line of work, and at college. "Are you alright?" He asked after a moment, his thoughts turning once more to what he was about to do, as well as his classess. And just how he was going to keep it a secret that he had money from his wife-to-be. Perhaps he should just come clean. @BlackPanther
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Tachi was in his own world as he walked. Though he was soon completely taken out of it when a guy bumped into him. He turned while pulling out his headphones. Eyebrow raise and a small smile of humor. "I don't think I've been called sir...seriously at least...ever" A chuckle escaped him as the guy stepped back. He lightly tossed his sunglasses and the shirt draped on his shoulder into the duffel and studied Gordo.

The guy seemed awkward. Arms crossed. Water continued to lightly follow the lines of his upper body and then Gordo broke the silence once more. A snort nearly escaped him. "Hm. well for once I am not coated in glitter so Id say I'm more okay then usual" A grim spread on his face before he ran a hand through his still wet hair causing droplets to sprinkle. "Its fine. you bumped into me not hit me with a car or something." The look of amusement was clearly there especially in his eyes.

This definitely made the walk to his home and then parents house far more interesting. Part of him was curious as to what exactly the guy was up to. Then again, he was the strange one here. Maybe he should really start hanging out with more normal people.
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