Long ago in Ancient China, Three Kingdoms were at War.
There was the Shu Kingdom, ruled by the benevolent Liu Bei. The Shu nation was one founded in the hopes of spreading ideals such as virtue and benevolence. Liu Bei is the supposed heir to the Han throne. Joining the imperial draft to subjugate the Yellow Turbans, he meets Guan Yu and Zhang Fei and swears brotherhood to them. Empathetic with the common folk, he easily gains the people's trust and support. This particular trait makes him a feared adversary to his enemy Cao Cao.
Though he has earned the respect of many subjects, Liu Bei often doubts his own abilities as a ruler and warrior. He is prone to angst and doubt if there are too many deaths on either side of the field. He sometimes lacks emotional restraint as he will lose his temperament and sound judgment if his younger brothers are routed or endangered.
Then there was Wei, ruled by the ambitious Cao Cao. Cao Cao seeks a nation full of talented men. Cao Cao is seen as a cunning yet feared man. Relentless in his desire to end the land's chaos, he will use any means to achieve his plans, even if it makes him an enemy to the other kingdoms or to the Han Empire. However, he also has a fierce temper and will often scold his men's incompetence if the battle goes badly for him. Caring little about status or olden traditions, he judges men solely based on their achievements and skill. Belying his bad reputation, he treasures his retainers and will treat them with generosity
And finally, Wu, ruled by the Sun family made famous by Sun Tzu. The Wu kingdom seeks to keep the Sun family in power. The Patriarch of the family, Sun Jian, is known as the Tiger of Jiangdong. His sons, Sun Ce and Sun Quan are next in line to rule. Sun Ce has a more hot headed temperament, while his brother Sun Quan is known for being a patient, diligent and collected individual. They dearly treasure their lineage and fight to protect it and the clans territory.
Our story begins with the fall of the preceding Empire, the Han Dynasty. Fed of up with the declining Dynasty, the Yellow Turbans had risen and were quelled by the likes of Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Jian. Afterwards, the court had been taken over by Dong Zhou. A coalition has been started by Cao Cao in revolt against the tyrannical Dong Zhou, the battle of Hu Lao Gate has begun!