Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So basically, the idea is an RP set in the future timeline that Aku threw Jack into after their first battle. You lot would be controlling characters who are similarly adept at combat to Jack or say, the Scotsman, and have all been wronged by Aku's villainous ways. Your goal as players would be to team together to hunt down either an artifact(or artifacts) that could help you defeat Aku, or(as a harder thing) track down the legendary samurai known as Jack, and ally with him to defeat Aku. I plan on primarily controlling the multitude of NPCs, enemies, and other colorful characters found in this version of Earth. I'm looking to keep this rather small, only about 3-5 other people, so I'll probably cut off applications once we get that amount of people, assuming all are approved by me.

CS Template:

[b]Appearance:[/b](Pictures accepted, but please provide at least a basic written if you do so)

[b]Carried Weapons:[/b]
[b]Worn Armor:[/b]
[b]Miscellaneous Items:[/b]

[b]Supernatural/Superhuman Abilities:[/b](If any)

[b]History:[/b](Must include a personal reason for wanting to destroy Aku)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

Done done done done

I'm in
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ooh ohh! Pick me, pick me!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Emon
Age: 28, equivalent
Sex: Male
Race: Imikandi - http://samuraijack.wikia.com/wiki/Imakandi


The Imakandi are a bipedal alien race whose body are covered by a tawny fur. Their heads boast more of a mane with longer hair of a slightly different color. For Emon, his main is more of a rust Red color, and his cat-like eyes show more green than blue. He stands tall for his race.

Carried Weapons: Electrified Serpent Spear - The spear has three usable modes; rigid like a standard spear with a cutting/piercing blade, rigid but with a forked tip that act as electrodes for shocking opponents, and lastly the serpant mode, from either of the other modes the serpent can be activated and the rigid pole will coil around and bind a target.
Worn Armor: none
Miscellaneous Items: food rations, misc momento mori from various trophies.

Supernatural/Superhuman Abilities: Limited teleport, heightened senses, speed and agility.

History: While some of the best hunters of his race are capable of interplanetary teleportation, Emon is not one of them. So when he heard of the invitation to hunt the legendary Jack he found passage on a ship. However, by the time that Emon got there, his compatriots had already found, captured, recaptured and released Jack. Aku, enraged by the Imakandi, attempted to capture Emon and put him in a labor camp. He was able to escape and quickly found himself hunted, and was soon befriending those in the revolution. As more time passed he heard also of how powerful Aku was and decided that with help, perhaps Aku was more than worthy Prey.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@rocketrobie2@Mr Rage I'm glad I could get a couple people interested in this. If either of you know anyone on here that might be interested in this, feel free to tag them/pm them about it so they know its here. Otherwise, I'd like to hold out for at least one more person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah, I'm good with that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I really don't like doing this, but I'm bumping this thread, cause we just need one more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

I sent a PM yeterday to someone who might be interested but he hasn't come online as of yet. I'll try asking around a little more if I have the time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@rocketrobie2Thanks, I really appreciate it
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@rocketrobie2@DepressedSovietsign me up, I'll get to working on a cs asap
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@pyromanHey, great to have you. I'll get started on an OOC now that we have enough people.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

WIP, tell me if this works so far, or if you want something different.

Name: Nicolas Stars
Aliases/Nicknames: "Nick" "Nick" "Nicky Stars"
Age: 27
Sex: Male

Appearance: Nick stands at five feet, ten inches, and has a rather standard build, if on the thin side. His brown hair and eyes make for a dull face, but his smile could kill a man if weaponized.

Carried Weapons:
Worn Armor:
Miscellaneous Items:

Supernatural/Superhuman Abilities:

History:A detective from the year 1932, Dick Nicky Stars was raised by a single father, as his mother vanished the night after his birth. His life was rather uneventful, but he followed in his father's steps in working with the law. His father always joked about how his mother ended up being the stronger of the two, which led to them working together in the years before Nick's birth.

Nick had always been of average strength, despite appearing skinnier than the average person. He could pack quite a punch, and could take a hit to match it. He was always sturdy, getting in fights and helping out the little guys.

In the years passing, Nick's father finally revealed the truth to him about his mother and her possible whereabouts. She was an Earth Spirit, connected to the very planet itself. It was her duty to protect the earth, which kept her from her son. She believed he should live a human life, and abandoned her family. With this knowledge, Nick tried to use the other half of his lineage, connecting to the earth to hear the world around him.

He was on the tail or cracking down on some cult when he arrived at the summoning location of Aku. The cult was much larger than he had anticipated, and worked for months on cracking down on every group attempting to bring fourth the demon. For having interrupted the ritual so many times, Aku, with what little power he had, disposed of Nick the best way that he knew how, by casting his forward in time to where he would no longer have to worry about him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grueslayer
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Grueslayer Sword of Great Antiquity

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Have room for me too?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@GrueslayerYeah, you're welcome to join in. I'm planning to have the OOC up this afternoon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by hellrazor

hellrazor Travis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Totally interested
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@hellrazorWell, that puts us at 5, so I'll get the OOC up, and you all can post CSs there.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@rocketrobie2@Mr Rage@pyroman@Grueslayer@hellrazorThe OOC is up! It's a little basic, but it gets the job done. Feel free to pop in and make a CS when you get the chance. Rage, your CS looks good enough for you to go ahead and throw it into the characters tab, and Pyroman, yours'll be fine once you finish it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Just letting you know, your link isn't working. Might want to edit and fix that, friend.
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