"This looks like home for the next few centuries..." Col. Bluegrass.
The Limbo Galaxy was in chaos once more. The Silverhawks, lead by Quicksilver, had finally met defeat at the hands of Mon-Star and his mob. Commander Stargazer was slaughtered by Mon-Star himself. The rest of the 'Hawks were laid to waste and ripped apart by the rest of the Brimstar Mob. The only surviving Silverhawk was Colonel Bluegrass, who was being protected in the infirmary of Hawk Haven. His body, like the other 'Hawks, was partly organic but around 75% to 85% robotic. The Silverhawks were all volunteers who underwent a process of being augmented with technology to withstand the effects of hyper travel through space. The Colonel sent out a distress call, and within two years Earth had another batch of volunteers ready to go. It's time to clean up the galaxy.
Do space themed adventure RP's suit your taste? If I could compare this concept to anything it'd be equal parts Terminator and Star Trek with a dash of Space Ghost on the villains behalf. Should be plenty Sci-Fi for just about any kind of fan...
Silverhawks Wiki for additional info...
This RP will be loosely tied to the 80's cartoon it's based on. However, none of the other 'Hawks introduced later on in the series will be cannon in this game. The entire cast from the original series except for Bluegrass were all killed in action against the mob. You don't really have to be familiar with anything that came before beyond the basic concept. The cowboy, missing his robotic left hand, will be our mentor. The volunteers will need to fit specific archetypes to a degree, but nothing too major. I honestly just wanted something a little more sci-fi and less to do with superheroes despite a lot of similar bits here and there.
The year is around 2620, Hawk Haven is built on a large asteroid orbiting a ring shaped space colony called Bedlama that is similar to the ring design of Halo. There's maybe 15 planets in the Limbo Galaxy as well as several sub-planets and a handful of other Halo-like colonies. Penal Planet 10 and 11 are both also on opposite ends of the 'galaxy star limits'.

Pilot [for Bluegrass]: the Mirage has been destroyed, so whoever the new pilot is will need to find a new ship.
Field Leader [for Quicksilver]: the 'Hawks would-be-strategist and most well rounded abilities wise.
Brute [for Steelwill]: the muscle of the group.
Hotshot [for Copper Kid]: the showoff with an edge [speed, marksmanship, special weapon x2, etc just pick one].
Sibling [for Steelheart]: the older or younger sibling of one of the 'Hawks.
Concept Hawk 1: in the cartoon later 'Hawks were introduced with gimmicks. Tornado control, altering time, and magic were all abilities seen in these heroes. CH 1&2 can be similar characters.
Concept Hawk 2: in the cartoon later 'Hawks were introduced with gimmicks. Tornado control, altering time, and magic were all abilities seen in these heroes. CH 1&2 can be similar characters.
Character Sheet requirements:
If I can fill a few of the archetypes then I'll start an OOC and IC for this. Honestly the last several Hawks introduced in the cartoon were all gimmicky, so if we have more than two concept Hawks it's cool. At least one of the members of the team must be from an alien race of some kind. We'll take on some of the classic villains from the tv series as well as a couple originals tied to our characters.
So c'mon people, it's like equal parts Star Trek and Terminator. The RP itself will be a bit more serious than the cartoon campyness of the 80's, but things like space taxies and the satellite casino owned by the android Pokerface are still gonna be around.