The original fandom series is the following:

My Charrie:


My charrie, mentioned above, is about to run out of burst points when she is "challenged" by someone who ends up befriending her (the way the initial two meet is open for discussion). Whether or not it's ultimately a trick is up to you, but for the first duel at least, they work out a solution where Zuiko keeps the Brain Burst program. Also, I would recommend that your character be sincere in helping Zuiko. If they deceived her overly much, that would certainly make for a shorter storyline. :/

She is not very skilled at the actual game, Brain Burst, itself (a 1vs1 fighting game) until she meets your character. That charrie can be either gender, your choice. Romance is an option, but since my charrie is only 16 and not 18 (by design heehee), keep it reasonably civil please.

To conclude, I just want to RP this fandom right now. I won't lose interest in it despite being in a tiny 1x1 in PM already, having one active Free thread, and one pending application for an Advanced RP. However, if this gets off the ground, this will officially round out my plate, so to speak (because, apparently, circular plates have four corners now >,>).


Your charrie(s) can be either gender, your choice. Romance is an option, but since my charrie is only 16 and not 18 (by design heehee), keep it reasonably mild please. I may be 18+, but that's no reason to go scarring anyone else.

Anywho, if someone (or a group of some ones are) is interested, I'll create a thread in either 1x1 or the casual forum. I'd prefer not to interact with more than one person on this (hence the romance tag). Forum RP is preferable over PM because I'm no scaredy-cat. I would also prefer to hash out most of the details right here in the interest check (or PM) so the IC section of the actual thread for once has an equal amount or more posts than the OOC.

I'll let you create your own CS, so long as it incorporates the general categories mine has.