The Story So Far

The country of Aerith was a peaceful one for the most part; business was fair, taxes were low, trade was least that's how it was until it became a part of the great Demon King Oberak's territory. Suddenly the peaceful small country became a terror to live in, under constant assault from lesser demons and monsters all under control of the cruel king.

The first attack took place in the humble town of Orrin. On a seemingly normal day, the ground split open and most everyone perished under the fire and assault of monsters. Four warriors, however managed to fight off the king's minions, and proved to be a thorn in Oberak's side. Feeling both impressed and irritated with the "heroes", he decided to curse them instead of killing them. For their impudence, if one one of them would die, the rest would perish as well, and they physically cannot be further than 200 feet from each other.

They are left with no choice but to find a way to stop the evil king's reign.

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