@Dark Wind Apparently South Korea already has motion sensor turrets on their border with North Korea. I hope the world goes the Star Wars/Mass Effect route and not the Matrix Route :P
Imprisoning people for their words is ludicrous.
It's not your place, or my place to demand that a person change their beliefs for the sake of your or my comfort. That's tyranny, plain and simple. Don't like your doctor? Change to a different one.
Also is it too late to get everyone riled up about Columbus Day Vs Indigenous Peoples Day?
Also is it too late to get everyone riled up about Columbus Day Vs Indigenous Peoples Day?
Christopher Columbus - the one immigrant in all history whom the liberals think had no right to be in America.
Don't like the licence requirements in Cali? Practice somewhere else.
Also is it too late to get everyone riled up about Columbus Day Vs Indigenous Peoples Day?
Also, what video(s) are you talking about? Even if they exist, why does that lower his credibility?
@Penny It's all fun and games, until the most likely robot apocalypse is the one where you starve to death because robots took jobs away at exponentially growing rates.