OK, I think it's been long enough since the last one. So let us retreat into ourselves and have another spat of killing and memes. Same rules apply.
If you don't know:
These Hunger Games use the Hunger Games simulator by Brant Steele. I am accepting a number (24, 32, 48) of tributes who can be anything from yourself, your friend, fictional characters, or non-fictional characters; posting also submits yourself. Tributes will be dumped into an arena whose only rule is Random Number Generation and in successive day-night cycles the tributes will be slowly (or quickly) murdered off until the last one is left standing.
To decorate, there are generated events.
I will screenshot and sew together each phase of the killings to post as installments here and do my best to provide commentary as we go.
Submissions aren't just limited to characters, but events as well. If you want to see someone do a particular something then feel free to post it. I will add this to event pool for the game to randomly pull and use. When submitting events keep in mind the simulator pays attention to stuff like this:
[player1] = The primary character
[player2-x] = additional recipient characters
[his/herX] = Gender of a character fitted into any slot that is value of X (X is single digit, X can not exceed 6).
If it's too long I may need to edit it, or straight up throw it out if I can not edit it for length and preserve its original 'spirit'
(Player1) retrieves a rusty hoe.
(Player1) receives chlamydia from an unknown sponsor.
(Player1) asks (Player2) for spiritual guidance. (Player2) obliges (him/her1).
(Player1) becomes the leader of a group that includes (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4).
(Player1) weaves a very very large hat out of palm fronds.
(Player1) makes a sexual advance on (Player2) but is rejected.
(Player1) talks to an invisible camera thinking (he/she1) is on a reality show.
(Player1) spends an hour fixing (his/her1) hair using a crystal clear river as a mirror.
(Player1) has a catch phrase now. (He/She1) uses it whenever (he/she1) can.
(Player1) prevents a forest fire.
(Player1) prays toward Mecca, having found Allah.
While everyone else was collecting berries, (Player1) studied the blade.
(Player1) carves memes into the trees.
(Player1) and (Player2) meet in the woods and make awkward small-talk.
(Player1) sneaks around, being careful not to make a sound.
(Player1) and (Player2) smokes oak leaves thinking it is marijuana and thinks they are high the rest of the day.
(Player1) catches a live squirrel and ties it to a stick to use as a weapon.
(Player1) finds a Minion costume and puts it on.
Christ appears to (Player1) in a dream and informs (him/her1) to carve a cross into (his/her1) forehead in order to win. (He/She1) does it when (he/she1) wakes up, whispering "Deus Vult" as the blood runs down (his/her1) face.
(Player1) and (Player2) skinny dip together in the lake.
(Player1) punches (Player2). (Player2) runs away.
(Player1) drinks (his/her1) own urine.
(Player1) masturbates furiously while watching what just happened above.
(Player1) receives a ridiculously oversized battle-axe.
(Player 1) attempts to yiff a furry, only to realize that it was an actual animal far too late.
(Player 1) writes a terrible smutty slash fanfic based on the actions above.
(Player 1) learns that Betty Crocker isn't a real person and has a breakdown.
(Player1) and (Player2) fight epically. (Player1) has the high ground, but (Player2) ignores this and is killed.
(Player1) is totally unprepared for wilderness survival and drowns in shallow water.
(Player1) tries to fight (Player2), but (Player2) has way better combat skills and easily dispatches (Player1).
(Player1) corners and disarms (Player2). (Player1) is so excited about (his/her1) impending victory that (he/she1) utters a one-liner that embarrasses both of them. Red-faced, (Player1) kills (Player2) quickly.
(Player1) runs from (Player2), but (Player2) is in much better shape and easily catches up to (Player1), killing (him/her1).
(Player1) dies of a disease that would have been prevented if (he/she1) had (his/her1) vaccinations up to date.
(Player1) skinny dips in a pool, but it turns out the pool is a fumarole and (he/she1) is boiled alive very quickly.
(Player1) catches the dancing plague and dances until (he/she1) dies from exhaustion.
(Player1) beheads (Player2) in one clean swoop of (his/her1) weapon.
(Player1) is struck in the skull by a meteor fragment, dying in what is basically just a freak accident.
(Player1) sticks (Player2)'s head in a pile of dung and holds it there until (he/she2) drowns in it.
(Player1), (Player2), (Player2), and (Player4) draws and quarters (Player5), killing (him/her5)
(Player1) has a fatal brain aneurysm.
(Player1) uses their weaponized autism on (Player2), killing them instantly.
(Player 1) attempts to pull a practical joke on (Player 2), no realizing that they actually pulled a killing joke on them.
(Player 1) accidentally gets a magic hammer stuck in their ass, leaving them to die a slow, painful death of internal blunt force trauma.
(Player1) is killed by the Gamemakers for political reasons pertaining to (his/her1) past activities.
(Player1) finds bear cubs and starts to play with them, and is mauled to death by the mother bear.
(Player1) sleeps in a patch of poison ivy. The ivy is just too poisoned, and (he/she1) dies.
(Player1) smashes (Player2)'s head in with the last item (he/she1) obtained.
(Player1) is retrieved back to hell by Satan.
1) AaronMK

2) Raddum

3) Mahz's God Status

4) SleepingSilence

5) Gumshoos

6) Skrillez

7) Buddha

8) VilageIdiotX

9) General Butt Naked

10) Jeb Bush

11) Broby

12) Amy Schumer

13) George Costanza

14) Turkish Gollum

15) God-Emperor Putin

16) Karl Marx

17) Engels

18) Hegel

19) Max Stirner

20) Wade Wilson

21) Arkaquiavel

22) GCS Was A Mistake

23) Monsieur Cheeks

24) A Waifu

25) Metal God Bender

26) Snake Eyes

27) BrokenPromise

28) Jennifer Lawrence

29) Rick And Morty [Season 3]

30) Blowup Sex Doll

31) Jews

32) VarionusNW

33) Cat Snake

34) Blue Eyes White Dragon

35) AnCom Glim Glam

36) Bruno Buccellati

37) POTUS Funny Valentine

38) Love

39) LittlePip

40) ClocktowerEchoes

41) Subcommandante Marcos

42) A Turnip

43) Dave Chapelle

44) Pharaoh Narmer

45) Trash Man

46) Abradolf Lincler

47) Stronk Chin the Blind Communist

48) Le Mao

If you don't know:
These Hunger Games use the Hunger Games simulator by Brant Steele. I am accepting a number (24, 32, 48) of tributes who can be anything from yourself, your friend, fictional characters, or non-fictional characters; posting also submits yourself. Tributes will be dumped into an arena whose only rule is Random Number Generation and in successive day-night cycles the tributes will be slowly (or quickly) murdered off until the last one is left standing.
To decorate, there are generated events.
I will screenshot and sew together each phase of the killings to post as installments here and do my best to provide commentary as we go.
Submissions aren't just limited to characters, but events as well. If you want to see someone do a particular something then feel free to post it. I will add this to event pool for the game to randomly pull and use. When submitting events keep in mind the simulator pays attention to stuff like this:
[player1] = The primary character
[player2-x] = additional recipient characters
[his/herX] = Gender of a character fitted into any slot that is value of X (X is single digit, X can not exceed 6).
If it's too long I may need to edit it, or straight up throw it out if I can not edit it for length and preserve its original 'spirit'
(Player1) retrieves a rusty hoe.
(Player1) receives chlamydia from an unknown sponsor.
(Player1) asks (Player2) for spiritual guidance. (Player2) obliges (him/her1).
(Player1) becomes the leader of a group that includes (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4).
(Player1) weaves a very very large hat out of palm fronds.
(Player1) makes a sexual advance on (Player2) but is rejected.
(Player1) talks to an invisible camera thinking (he/she1) is on a reality show.
(Player1) spends an hour fixing (his/her1) hair using a crystal clear river as a mirror.
(Player1) has a catch phrase now. (He/She1) uses it whenever (he/she1) can.
(Player1) prevents a forest fire.
(Player1) prays toward Mecca, having found Allah.
While everyone else was collecting berries, (Player1) studied the blade.
(Player1) carves memes into the trees.
(Player1) and (Player2) meet in the woods and make awkward small-talk.
(Player1) sneaks around, being careful not to make a sound.
(Player1) and (Player2) smokes oak leaves thinking it is marijuana and thinks they are high the rest of the day.
(Player1) catches a live squirrel and ties it to a stick to use as a weapon.
(Player1) finds a Minion costume and puts it on.
Christ appears to (Player1) in a dream and informs (him/her1) to carve a cross into (his/her1) forehead in order to win. (He/She1) does it when (he/she1) wakes up, whispering "Deus Vult" as the blood runs down (his/her1) face.
(Player1) and (Player2) skinny dip together in the lake.
(Player1) punches (Player2). (Player2) runs away.
(Player1) drinks (his/her1) own urine.
(Player1) masturbates furiously while watching what just happened above.
(Player1) receives a ridiculously oversized battle-axe.
(Player 1) attempts to yiff a furry, only to realize that it was an actual animal far too late.
(Player 1) writes a terrible smutty slash fanfic based on the actions above.
(Player 1) learns that Betty Crocker isn't a real person and has a breakdown.
(Player1) and (Player2) fight epically. (Player1) has the high ground, but (Player2) ignores this and is killed.
(Player1) is totally unprepared for wilderness survival and drowns in shallow water.
(Player1) tries to fight (Player2), but (Player2) has way better combat skills and easily dispatches (Player1).
(Player1) corners and disarms (Player2). (Player1) is so excited about (his/her1) impending victory that (he/she1) utters a one-liner that embarrasses both of them. Red-faced, (Player1) kills (Player2) quickly.
(Player1) runs from (Player2), but (Player2) is in much better shape and easily catches up to (Player1), killing (him/her1).
(Player1) dies of a disease that would have been prevented if (he/she1) had (his/her1) vaccinations up to date.
(Player1) skinny dips in a pool, but it turns out the pool is a fumarole and (he/she1) is boiled alive very quickly.
(Player1) catches the dancing plague and dances until (he/she1) dies from exhaustion.
(Player1) beheads (Player2) in one clean swoop of (his/her1) weapon.
(Player1) is struck in the skull by a meteor fragment, dying in what is basically just a freak accident.
(Player1) sticks (Player2)'s head in a pile of dung and holds it there until (he/she2) drowns in it.
(Player1), (Player2), (Player2), and (Player4) draws and quarters (Player5), killing (him/her5)
(Player1) has a fatal brain aneurysm.
(Player1) uses their weaponized autism on (Player2), killing them instantly.
(Player 1) attempts to pull a practical joke on (Player 2), no realizing that they actually pulled a killing joke on them.
(Player 1) accidentally gets a magic hammer stuck in their ass, leaving them to die a slow, painful death of internal blunt force trauma.
(Player1) is killed by the Gamemakers for political reasons pertaining to (his/her1) past activities.
(Player1) finds bear cubs and starts to play with them, and is mauled to death by the mother bear.
(Player1) sleeps in a patch of poison ivy. The ivy is just too poisoned, and (he/she1) dies.
(Player1) smashes (Player2)'s head in with the last item (he/she1) obtained.
(Player1) is retrieved back to hell by Satan.
1) AaronMK

2) Raddum

3) Mahz's God Status

4) SleepingSilence

5) Gumshoos

6) Skrillez

7) Buddha

8) VilageIdiotX

9) General Butt Naked

10) Jeb Bush

11) Broby

12) Amy Schumer

13) George Costanza

14) Turkish Gollum

15) God-Emperor Putin

16) Karl Marx

17) Engels

18) Hegel

19) Max Stirner

20) Wade Wilson

21) Arkaquiavel

22) GCS Was A Mistake

23) Monsieur Cheeks

24) A Waifu

25) Metal God Bender

26) Snake Eyes

27) BrokenPromise

28) Jennifer Lawrence

29) Rick And Morty [Season 3]
30) Blowup Sex Doll

31) Jews

32) VarionusNW

33) Cat Snake

34) Blue Eyes White Dragon

35) AnCom Glim Glam

36) Bruno Buccellati

37) POTUS Funny Valentine

38) Love

39) LittlePip

40) ClocktowerEchoes

41) Subcommandante Marcos

42) A Turnip

43) Dave Chapelle

44) Pharaoh Narmer

45) Trash Man

46) Abradolf Lincler

47) Stronk Chin the Blind Communist

48) Le Mao